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Assignment Briefs 02-10-2024

MG408 The Graduate Challenge

Module code and title:

MG408 The Graduate Challenge

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

CW2: Individual 1500-word reflective report

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:

3 weeks after submission deadline


Assignment task

To complete an individual 1500-word reflective report.

The module will be organised around three compulsory challenges to help develop your skills required for success at university. You must get actively involved in each challenge.

The report will summarise the business angle of each challenge and reflect on the personal skills developed and potential areas for continuous improvement.

The report must include coverage of the following:

The Challenges: An analysis of each challenge which focuses on the business angle e.g. branding, finance, operations supported by reference to key academic concepts covered on the module and other modules studied at university to support your analysis. For example PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, target markets, profit and loss etc. What knowledge did you learn about how businesses actually work?

The Challenges are as follows:

Apprentice Challenge Presentation Challenge T-shirt Challenge

The Skills: A reflection on the skills you have demonstrated during the challenges to include the following -

  • Communication Skills/ Emotional Intelligence
  • Teamwork
  • Time Management and meeting skills


The report is a reflective piece but still requires you to demonstrate an evidence based approach to the coverage and consequently there is a need to support the discussion of both the challenges and the skills with reference to core module materials covered in seminar sessions and with additional external research.

The research will represent not only materials covered on the Graduate Challenge module itself, but also from other level 4 modules, for example coverage of branding from Principles of Marketing, the inclusion of teamwork from Introduction to People Management and business analysis skills from Global Business Environment Financial Accounting.

As the report is a reflective piece you do not need to worry about formal style, you can write in terms of “I”, “my” etc.

The use of visuals in the appendix that are related to the tasks completed is highly advisable to add interest -for example t-shirt designs, key visuals from slide presentations and excel pricing worksheets.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 2 Work effectively in a team.

LO 3 Develop and appreciate the academic skills and techniques necessary to be a successful undergraduate student.

Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.


You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format.

For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website: https://www.bnu.ac.uk/current- students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct










0-34 (F) –


35-39 E –

Marginal fail

40-49 (D)

50-59 (C)

60-69 (B)

70-79 (A)

80-100 (A+)


Not successful

Below required




Very Good



Knowledge and understanding 20%

Research / Evidence- based writing.

There is little or no evidence of reading of academic texts or the utilisation of key secondary sources There is little or no evidence of wider reading.

No sources used in the report.

There is limited evidence of reading of the academic texts or the utilisation of key secondary sources. Wider reading lacks relevance.

The sources chosen are not suitable for use in University/Higher Education.



1-2 sources used in the report

Evidence of reading largely restricted to one academic text and only partially integrated.

Some utilisation of recommended key secondary sources. Wider reading is relevant but limited and only partially integrated.

Several of the sources chosen are not suitable for use in University/Higher Education.

3-4 sources used in the report

Wider reading of several core texts and this has clearly enhanced the work. Utilisation of key secondary sources noted.

Wider reading is relevant and only partially integrated.

The majority of the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.



5 -6 sources utilised in the report

Wider reading shows a range of sources being used and applied, some of which are independently selected.

Reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.

Wider reading is relevant and integrated.

All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher


Application of wider independent reading is fully evident in the work.

Effective reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.

Wider reading is relevant and fully integrated.

All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.

Application of extensive independent reading is evident throughout the work.

Highly effective reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.

Wider reading is relevant and fully integrated.

All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.







9-10 sources utilised in the report.

10+ sources utilised in the report.






7-8 sources utilised

in the report



Analysis and criticality 20%.


Analysis of Challenges

  • Evidenced by attendance at the Challenges.

Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to develop lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to develop lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop lines of argument

to analyse the business aspects

involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates developed lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates well-developed lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges

Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument and independent judgements made

In the analysis of the business aspects

For 3 challenges, then the maximum mark would be 20.

For 2 challenges, a maximum of 14 marks. For only one challenge, then a maximum of 7 marks.

  • Evidenced by coverage of the business aspects of the challenge for example SWOT and PESTEL

analysis, target markets and profit and loss.







involved in the challenges.

Analysis and criticality 20%.

Analysis of skills

A reflection on the skills demonstrated during the challenges


  • Evidenced by coverage of Communication Skills/


Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to develop lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skill demonstrated through the challenges.

No support for the analysis noted by reference to core module materials.eg

Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to develop lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.

No support for the analysis noted by reference to core module materials eg

Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.


Limited use of key models and concepts from the

Work demonstrates developed lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.

Some use of key models and concepts from the module materials to support the analysis noted.

Work demonstrates well-developed lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.

Good use of key models and concepts from the module materials to support the analysis noted

Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument to analyse and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.

Very good use of key models and concepts from the module materials to

Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument and independent judgements made

In the analysis and reflect on the skills demonstrated during the Challenges.

Excellent use of key models and concepts from the

Intelligence, Team work, Time Management and meeting skills and Business skills and competencies developed.

Tuckman, Belbin and Goleman

Tuckman, Belbin and Goleman .

module materials to support the analysis.



support the analysis noted

module materials to support the analysis noted

Transferable skills 10%

Evidenced by

  • The action plan of Personal development

No action plan included, or one nonspecific action point noted which is not SMART in approach and does not reflect the development needs identified by the self- reflection of skills.

Several unspecific action points noted which are not SMART in approach and do not reflect the development needs identified by the self-reflection of skills.

Several action points noted but only one or two are SMART in approach but are relevant to the development needs identified in the self- reflection of skills.

3 action points noted which are SMART in approach.

4 action points noted which are SMART in approach

5 action points noted which are SMART in approach

5+ action points noted which are SMART in approach

Transferable skills 30%

Evidenced by

  • Literacy Skills 10%


  • Use of Harvard Referencing 20%

No evidence of any attempt to edit into a cohesive document. Poor literacy skills.



No attempt at referencing

Weak editing in the final report. Major problems with literacy skills.



Major errors noted in the application of the rules of Harvard referencing missing or inaccurate

reference list.

Fair editing in the final report.

Consistent problems with literacy skills.


Parts of work adheres to rules of Harvard referencing missing or inaccurate reference list.

Good editing in the final report. Minor problems with literacy skills.


Mostly adheres to rules of Harvard referencing in text and in reference list.

Very good editing in the final report.

Minor problems with literacy skills.


Very good adherence to rules of Harvard referencing in text and in reference list.

Excellent editing in the final report. No problems with literacy skills in any section.


Excellent adherence to rules of Harvard referencing in text and in reference list.

Outstanding editing in the final report. No problems with literacy skills in any section.


Perfect or almost perfect adherence to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.



Only one citation formats utilised for example web only.

A limited diversity of citation formats utilised

A good diversity of citation formats utilised

A very good diversity of citation formats utilised

An excellent diversity of citation formats utilised

An outstanding diversity of citation formats utilised

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