Knowledge and understanding 20%
Research / Evidence- based writing.
There is little or no evidence of reading of academic texts or the utilisation of key secondary sources There is little or no evidence of wider reading.
No sources used in the report.
There is limited evidence of reading of the academic texts or the utilisation of key secondary sources. Wider reading lacks relevance.
The sources chosen are not suitable for use in University/Higher Education.
1-2 sources used in the report
Evidence of reading largely restricted to one academic text and only partially integrated.
Some utilisation of recommended key secondary sources. Wider reading is relevant but limited and only partially integrated.
Several of the sources chosen are not suitable for use in University/Higher Education.
3-4 sources used in the report
Wider reading of several core texts and this has clearly enhanced the work. Utilisation of key secondary sources noted.
Wider reading is relevant and only partially integrated.
The majority of the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.
5 -6 sources utilised in the report
Wider reading shows a range of sources being used and applied, some of which are independently selected.
Reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.
Wider reading is relevant and integrated.
All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher
Application of wider independent reading is fully evident in the work.
Effective reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.
Wider reading is relevant and fully integrated.
All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.
Application of extensive independent reading is evident throughout the work.
Highly effective reference to key academic texts and the utilisation of key secondary sources noted.
Wider reading is relevant and fully integrated.
All the sources chosen are suitable for use in University/Higher Education.
Analysis and criticality 20%.
Analysis of Challenges
- Evidenced by attendance at the Challenges.
Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to develop lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to develop lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop lines of argument
to analyse the business aspects
involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates developed lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates well-developed lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument to analyse the business aspects involved in the challenges
Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines of argument and independent judgements made
In the analysis of the business aspects