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Assignment Briefs
Analyse the effective operation of a team environment.
FDPP1115 Working in a Team
Using your own work environment; analyse the team processes that occur. Your work should consider the following areas: communications, team-working and team development. The conclusion of your work should be in the form of a series of recommendations for improvement for each area.
Your assignment should be in the form of a written report.
Note well: Throughout your work you must relate appropriate theory and/or professional practice to the area on which you are commenting.
Learning outcomes
Analyse the effective operation of a team environment.
Investigate and compare differing communication methods.
Distinguish appropriate techniques for effective team coordination,
Evaluate the team structure and the development requirements within it.
Assessment criteria
Set within the context of your workplace:
Effective team working
Team development
Handing in
Electronic submission of assignments is mandatory. Please note that every assessment must be submitted clearly noting the student’s name and number. Work must be word-processed/typed.
You are required to keep a copy of work handed in.
Late submission of work
It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module . Full details of the regulations regarding late submission and applying for mitigation are available via the Student Handbook and website
Academic Misconduct Penalties
When a student is found guilty of academic misconduct (cheating), the penalties are severe.
The assignment will be awarded a fail grade, with zero credit.
Penalties may extend beyond the single assignment, and may affect the module grade, and even the classification of the final award.
The academic misconduct will be mentioned in any reference given by the university. This means that graduates will find it very difficult to enter careers that involve trust, including Accountancy, Law, Computer Systems Administration, and Computer Security.
If the course (or module) is recognised or accredited by a professional organisation, that recognition or accreditation may be withheld from the student.
The normal penalties for a first offence are as below. Penalties for later offences (of any nature) are escalated, and the ultimate penalty is exclusion from the university. The list of offences below is not exhaustive.
Penalty (all points apply)
Inadequate referencing, for example occasional omission of quote marks and/or citations
Collusion (working with another student or students, except for designated group work)
Failure to gain ethical approval for primary research (particularly surveys, questionnaires, interviews, user testing, etc.)
Failure of the assignment.
Reassessment required.
Reassessment assignment grade capped at a D-.
Direct quotation or close paraphrasing without quote marks, sources included in reference list
Taking a prohibited device into an exam, for example a calculator (unless permitted), a mobile phone, or a dictionary
Communicating with anyone other than an invigilator during an exam (for example another candidate; someone outside the exam room…)
Failure of the assignment.
Reassessment required.
Module grade capped at a D-.
Using another student’s work without proper acknowledgement
Modifying or inventing data that form part of the assignment
Failure of the module.
Module must be retaken, with attendance and fees.
Direct quotation or close paraphrasing without quote marks, sources NOT included in reference list
Stealing another student’s work and submitting it as if it were your own
Copying from another candidate during an exam or test In an exam, possession of unauthorised written material (e.g. crib notes), or electronic devices that could be used to access unauthorised material (e.g. smartphones)
Module grade capped at a D-.
Getting someone else to complete the assignment, paid or unpaid
Sending someone else to take an exam for you
Failure of the module.
Module must be retaken, with attendance and fees.
Module grade capped at a D-.
Final award classification downgraded.
Word Limits
Included in the word limit is:
Anything contained within the main body of your report, between the contents page and the reference list. All quotations, citations and the captions to pictures and diagrams. The contents of any tables within the main body. Analyse the effective operation of a team environment.
Not included in the word limit is:
The title page, contents page or reference list. Any computer programme code listings, content within diagrams, or any appendices.
The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit of 2500 words:
Up to 10% over: no penalty
10% to 20% over: one grade point penalty (e.g. B+ to B)
20% to 30% over: two grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to B-)
More than 30% over: three grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to C+)
FDPP1115 Working in a Team: Level 4 Grade Descriptor
Relationship to assessment criteria
Knowledge and understanding
Evidence of independent study and relevant academic sources
Application of conceptual understanding
Communication skills
Quality of argument
Relevant technical/creative/ transferable skills
A+ - A-
Exceptional response to all the assessment criteria for the task
Excellent knowledge and understanding of terminology, principles, theories, and concepts of discipline, showing independent
Goes well beyond what is taught in reading/researching and use of
academic sources and references to inform independent
insight and understanding
Evidence of strong conceptual understanding applied to analytical evaluation and interpretation of issues/problems/ data
Excellent communication/ presentation skills demonstrating clarity, and coherence that is well judged
Evidence of a sustained, logical and well substantiated argument, through good synthesis of materials and insightful
Excellent demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills in problem-solving
B+ - B-
Strong response to most of the assessment criteria for the task
Knowledge and understanding demonstrates thorough learning of terminology, theories, principles and concepts of discipline
Evidence of good judgement in selection and use of relevant academic sources/ references to go beyond what is taught
Evidence of thorough conceptual understanding applied to the evaluation and interpretation of issues/problems/
Very good communication/ presentation skills demonstrating clarity and coherence
Evidence of a logical, well substantiated argument, through good synthesis of materials and thoughtful
Very strong demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills in problem-solving
C+ - C-
Good response to most of the assessment criteria for the task
Knowledge and understanding demonstrates sound learning of terminology, theories, facts and concepts of discipline
Evidence of sound use of taught content and engagement with standard academic reading/references
Evidence of sound application of conceptual understanding and some evaluation to interpret issues/ problems/data
Good clear communication/ presentation perhaps with some minor weaknesses
Evidence of a logically constructed coherent argument, with supporting evidence but
possible minor weaknesses
Sound demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/
transferable skills in structured predictable contexts
D+ - D-
Adequate response to main
assessment criteria for the task
Knowledge and understanding sufficient to demonstrate learning of terminology, theories, facts and concepts of discipline
Relies on limited selection of taught content, set materials/standard readings and references
Evidence of some ability to apply conceptual understanding to issues/problems/ data but limited evidence of evaluation or interpretation
Competent communication/ presentation with some weaknesses
Evidence of a logically structured argument with supporting evidence, but with some weaknesses
Adequate demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills in structured predictable contexts
E - Fail
Some engagement and understanding, but overall does not quite
meet criteria for task
Some knowledge and understanding to demonstrate effective learning
Some evidence of study from taught content and/or relevant academic sources and references
Some ability to apply conceptual understanding to evaluate and interpret issues/ problems/data
Communication/pre sentation is weak and problematic in conveying understanding
Some evidence of a logically structured argument but with weak supporting evidence
Some evidence of relevant skills development or application
F - Fail
Weak response to main assessment criteria for the task
Weak or insufficient knowledge and understanding to demonstrate effective learning
Very limited evidence of study from taught content and/or relevant academic sources and references
Limited ability to apply conceptual understanding to evaluate and interpret issues/ problems/data
Communication of information is inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise problematic in conveying
Argument/ explanation is weak and poorly constructed, and/or unsubstantiate
Weak evidence of relevant skills development or application
G - Fail
Very poor response to main
assessment criteria for the task
Very poor knowledge and understanding to demonstrate effective learning
Very little evidence of study from taught content and/or relevant academic sources and references
Very weak conceptual understanding and little or no evidence of application,
evaluation or interpretation
Very poor communication indicating incoherence and/or seriously incomplete understanding
Very poor argument/ explanation, lacking in logic and/or unsubstantiate d
Seriously lacking in evidence of skills development or application
H - Fail
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
Seriously inadequate or insufficient response to the task
* The number of references for a 2500 word essay will depend on the number of points made, however, there should be approximately one reference per paragraph. You can use general textbooks to support general comments on theory, or to support definitions/terms, or to cover assessment techniques. You should use research articles (available through e-resources) to support specific aspects of theory. Be wary of other web sites (unless they are .ac or .edu, as these are generally university-based sites) unless you can verify the source. Analyse the effective operation of a team environment. Under no circumstances should you use user-generated web sites (such as wikipedia). There is guidance on Harvard referencing available on the student website.
Example Answer
Analyse the Effective Operation of a Team Environment
The effective operation of a team environment is critical to achieving organisational success, as it enhances collaboration, productivity, and innovation. For a team to function effectively, several factors must be in place.
Firstly, clear roles and responsibilities are essential. Each team member must understand their specific duties and how these contribute to the overall objectives. This clarity helps avoid confusion and ensures that tasks are completed efficiently. It also fosters accountability, as individuals know what is expected of them.
Secondly, open and transparent communication is fundamental. In a well-operating team, members feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This exchange of information allows for better decision-making and problem-solving, as a diversity of perspectives is considered. Tools such as regular meetings, digital platforms, and feedback sessions can support this flow of communication.
Another key factor is effective leadership . A strong leader not only guides the team toward its goals but also motivates and supports the members. They are responsible for setting a positive tone, resolving conflicts, and ensuring that everyone stays aligned with the team’s objectives. Leadership also involves recognising and celebrating successes, which can boost morale and maintain motivation.
Trust and mutual respect among team members are equally important. When individuals trust one another, they are more likely to collaborate, share resources, and offer help when needed. Trust also reduces the likelihood of conflicts and helps maintain a positive working atmosphere. Respect ensures that diverse opinions are valued, which is crucial for fostering innovation.
Additionally, adaptability is a trait that effective teams must possess. In a rapidly changing business environment, teams need to be flexible and willing to adjust their approaches to meet new challenges. This requires a mindset of continuous learning and improvement, allowing teams to remain agile and responsive.
Lastly, shared goals and a common vision are vital for unity. When team members are aligned towards the same objectives, they are more likely to work together cohesively. This shared purpose drives engagement and commitment, as everyone understands the significance of their contribution.
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