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Assignment Briefs
1.1 Define person-centred values
Unit Reference Number
Unit Title
Person-centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Settings
Unit Level
Number of Credits
Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
Total Qualification Time
Mandatory / Optional
Unit Grading Structure
Pass / Fail
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding required to implement and promote person-centred approaches. A person-centred approach is where the person is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person first. The unit explores how the focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability.
Learning Outcomes – the learner will:
Assessment Criteria – the learner can:
1. Understand person-centred approaches utilised in health and social care.
1.1 Define person-centred values
1.2 Explain how person-centred values underpin health and social care practice.
1.3 Explain how care plans are central when applying person-centred values.
1.4 Describe factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals.
2. Understand ways of working in a person-centred way.
2.1 Describe ways to understand individual preferences, wishes and needs.
2.2 Explain ways to put person-centred values into practice.
2.3 Review practice in response to an individual’s changing needs or preferences.
3. Understand the importance of establishing consent when providing support.
3.1 Explain when an individual might be required to give consent.
3.2 Describe factors that influence the capability of an individual to give consent.
3.3 Establish consent for an activity or action.
3.4 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established.
4. Understand the importance of promoting active participation.
4.1 Explain the principle of active participation
4.2 Describe ways of ensuring active participation to meet individual’s needs.
4.3 Explain how to support an individual to agree how active participation will be implemented.
You will summarise your findings in a portfolio of evidence to include a guidance document and a briefing report.
The portfolio of evidence you produce should contain the proof that you have attained, and can apply, the knowledge, skills and behaviours defined in the required standard.
You are employed at Ryemoor, a health and social care setting.
New employees are not familiar with some aspects of the care needs of individuals so need to be advised about person-centered approaches to ensure needs are fully met.
Task 1 of 2 – Guidance Document (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
You are required to research information and prepare guidance to inform new staff, putting this together for use in induction and training.
The information and guidance should:
Define person-centred values
Explain how person-centred values underpin health and social care practice.
Explain how care plans are central when applying person-centred values.
Describe factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals.
Describe ways to understand individual preferences, wishes and needs.
Explain ways to put person-centred values into practice.
Review practice in response to an individual’s changing needs or preferences.
Explain the principle of active participation
Describe ways of ensuring active participation to meet individual’s needs.
Explain how to support an individual to agree how active participation will be implemented.
1x Guidance document – 1500 words excluding diagrams, references and appendices.
Delivery and Submission:
Task 2 of 2 - Briefing Report (ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) Instructions:
There has been a recent issue at the setting, whereby personal care had been carried out without gaining the individual’s permission.
You have been asked to prepare a briefing report to be given to all staff.
1.1 Define person-centred values
In the briefing report you must:
Explain when an individual might be required to give consent.
Describe factors that influence the capability of an individual to give consent.
Establish consent for an activity or action.
Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established.
1x Briefing Report - 1000 words excluding diagrams, references, and appendices.
You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.
Guidance Document– 1500 words
Delivery and Submission:
Evidence to be submitted:
Briefing Report – 1000 words
Example Answer to 1.1 Define person-centred values
Person-centred values form the ethical foundation underpinning the delivery of health and social care services in the UK, emphasising respect for individual autonomy, preferences, and dignity. These values are integral to ensuring that care provision is not only effective but also respectful and empowering for service users. Here’s a detailed explanation of each key aspect of person-centred values in a British context:
Respect for Autonomy : This principle recognises and upholds an individual`s right to make decisions about their own care and treatment. It involves healthcare professionals providing clear information, involving the individual in discussions about their care options, and respecting their choices even if they differ from medical recommendations.
Individuality : Each person is recognised as a unique individual with their own history, preferences, and needs. Person-centred care acknowledges and respects these differences, tailoring support and interventions to meet the specific requirements and circumstances of each individual.
Empowerment : Person-centred care seeks to empower individuals by actively involving them in decisions about their care, treatment, and daily living. This empowerment includes providing information, encouragement, and opportunities for individuals to develop skills and confidence in managing their own health and well-being.
Respect for Dignity : Dignity is central to person-centred care, ensuring that all interactions and interventions maintain the individual’s sense of self-worth and respect. This involves treating individuals with compassion, sensitivity, and privacy, and avoiding actions that could undermine their dignity.
Non-Discrimination : Care providers are committed to delivering services that are free from discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping based on factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. Every individual should receive fair and equal treatment based on their needs and preferences.
Partnership : Person-centred care values collaborative relationships between service users, their families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. This partnership involves listening to and respecting the perspectives of individuals and their support networks, ensuring that care plans reflect the wishes and priorities of the person receiving care.
Holistic Approach : Care is provided with consideration of the whole person, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of well-being. This holistic approach ensures that care plans address all aspects of an individual`s life to promote overall health and quality of life.
Promotion of Rights : Person-centred care advocates for and protects the human and legal rights of individuals. This includes supporting individuals to understand and exercise their rights, ensuring access to advocacy services, and addressing any barriers that may prevent them from enjoying their rights fully.
By adhering to these person-centred values, healthcare and social care professionals in the UK can create environments that foster trust, respect, and collaboration, ultimately enhancing the quality of life and care outcomes for service users
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