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Assignment Briefs 02-18-2023

LO1 Evaluate a business idea and prepare a business strategy and competitive analysis for your business


Module code and title:

Business Plan and Analysis

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

Written Report - Business Plan 2000 words

Presentation slides 500 words

Assessment weighting:

Written report 80%

Presentation slides 20%

Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:

Three weeks from the date of final submission


Assignment task

The Summative Assessment will be on a Micro business idea and converting this into a viable business plan. The rationale for this assignment is the securing of funding for the business micro business idea from a potential investor. You will need to make recommendations on how to achieve funding, and do so based on demonstrating understanding, analysis and evaluation of the key elements involved in the business plan.


This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:


Evaluate a business idea and prepare a business strategy and competitive analysis for your business


Analyse and prepare a financial strategy for your plan taking into account the business risks you may encounter.


Critically review your business plan in the role of a potential investor.


Propose recommendations that would strengthen your business plan to achieve the future outcomes.


Task requirements

Description of the task – what you are being asked to do:

Business Plan: You are required to make a pitch to a potential investor to secure funding for your micro business idea. The scenarios below will align with Learning Outcomes 1, 2,3 & 4 maximum of 2500 words overall:

Your main task is to develop a business plan (word document) in preparation to secure funding from an investor. Your business plan will be based on your micro business idea, offering products or services in existing or potential new markets. Your business plan will consist of a company overview, competitive and market analysis, business and marketing strategy, operating plan, and financial analysis, (1700 words). (LO1 & 2)

Along with completing your business plan, you will prepare a ten-minute presentation (five PowerPoint slides max) to pitch your idea in front of a potential investor. You will try to secure funding for your micro business idea. The investor will critically analyse your micro business idea, looking at the actual business idea, business strategy, competitor analysis, key projected financials and how much investment is required and for what purpose. After your completed presentation, your five PowerPoint slides will then be attached in your business plan, within the Appendix section, (500 words). (LO3)

3 After your presentation pitch, you will receive feedback from the investor regarding your business idea and how to improve your business plan. Based on the feedback, you will be required, within your business plan, to make recommendations that set out how you will improve your business idea in order to secure funding. (300 words). (LO4)


You must demonstrate evidence of wider research, real world application and reading of core textbooks, learning materials on Moodle and academic scholarly work through Harvard referencing.

The word count excludes the cover page, table of contents, financials, references, and appendix

Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the Harvard style; you can access guidance on this here: https://libguides.uos.ac.uk/academic/referencing/Harvard

How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s grading descriptors.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 5

Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with you during class time).

  • Please ensure that your business plan has been saved in an appropriate file format Microsoft Word only. Presentation slides on PowerPoint but must be attached in your appendix at the end of your business plan. Some financial accounts can be done on Excel but must be attached in your word document. DO NOT upload your assignment in pages format. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
  • You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
  • Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment


Core reading list



  1. Andrew L. Friedman and Samantha Miles (2006). Stakeholders : Theory and Practice. [online] EBSCOhost.              Oxford:              OUP              Oxford.              Available              at: https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=17716991-f071-4906-9247- 15123d8e6423%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=201128&db=e020 mww
  2. Carlson, E. and Koch, J. (2018) Building a Successful Social Venture: A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


    1. Colwell, K. (2019) Starting a business quickstart guide: the simplified beginner’s guide to launching a successful small business, turning your vision into reality, and achieving your entrepreneurial dream. Albany: ClydeBank Media LLC.


  1. 4.   Eklund, J.C. and Minor, M. J. (2021) ‘Keep your eye on the ball or on the field? Exploring the performance implications of executive strategic attention’, Academy of Management Journal, 64(6), pp. 1685–1713.
  2. 5.    Estes, J. (2009) Smart Green: How to Implement Sustainable Business Practices in Any Industry - and Make Money. Hoboken: Wiley.


  1. 6.   Griffin, M.P. (2015) how to write a business plan: a step-by-step guide to creating a plan that gets results. 5th edn. New York: American Management Association. Evaluate a business idea and prepare a business strategy and competitive analysis for your business


  1. 7.   Hove, N.V. and Regeer, H. (2021) ‘Integrated business planning: a new narrative for an old process’, Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, 63, pp. 46–52.
  2. 8.   Jablonski, A. (2017) Business models : strategies, impacts and challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


  1. 9.   Matthews, B. (2018) Five P’s to a wow business: an easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement, practical guide to business success. Shippensburg: Sound Wisdom.


  1. 10.    McKeever, M.P. (2018) How to write a business plan. 14th edn. Berkeley: NOLO.https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1840225&site=eds-live
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