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Assignment Briefs 11-18-2022

LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic heating system LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings

Higher Nationals

Unit 9: Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation

Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)

Higher National Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

Student Name /ID Number


Unit Number and Title

Unit 9: Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation

Academic Year


Unit Assessor


Assignment Title

Assignment 1: Pre-Design Information and Heating Loads

Issue Date


Submission Date


IV Name





The submission is in the form of a written report. The report should be written in a concise and formal business style. The font should be Arial 12 with double line spacing. The report should be well-structured, using headings, sub sections and paragraphs as appropriate. Any calculations may be hand written, in which case, they are to be submitted as a pdf document, or you may use word for your submission Any images, graphics or text that is derived from other sources must be correctly referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. A bibliography should be included and in a standard academic format. The recommended word limit 1500 – 2000 words but you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic heating system LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings. It is strongly recommended HN Global is utilised for academic reference and quality enhancement for your work.

The submission should be made via Turn-it-in by the deadline date, any unauthorised late submissions will be dealt with in accordance with College assessment procedures


Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic heating system LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings


Criteria Targeted (LO1)






D1 (LO1 & LO2)









Assessment Criteria Targeted












Assignment Brief and Guidance:


You are employed by a local Building Services Consultancy Company as a Junior Design Engineer for heating systems. Salford City Council is proposing the development of a two-storey office block which is to be located on a brownfield site at the rear of Media City. The office will be occupied by a private design consultancy for the construction industry in the North West. It is expected that the building design will utilise modern energy efficient systems and associated materials. You will be provided with drawings of the office buildings.

Details of Portfolio

Your Project Manager has requested that you provide a portfolio of information for the design of Heating Systems for the new building. The portfolio is to be presented to your Manager in the form of a report with accompanying calculations, sketches and summaries of the heating loads.

The report should firstly outline the issues and considerations for Heating in terms of the design stages and tasks that need to be undertaken to establish an optimum design solution.

The requirement for maintaining human comfort conditions as well as minimising running costs of the building is critical for the client. You will therefore need to focus on the following aspects of Pre-Design considerations to ensure reliable and cost-effective design solutions:

  • Building form and orientation to optimise the impact of solar gain
  • Building air tightness to reduce infiltration
  • Fabric insulation
  • Optimisation of glazing
  • Building thermal mass
  • Required functional performance
  • Occupancy
  • Usage details
  • Potential internal heating loads
  • Internal design conditions
  • Cost plan

During the design process, the following data is to be analysed and selected in accordance with current publications and guides and statutory requirements:

  • External design data
  • Internal design conditions for each area of the building

With reference to legislation and potential H&S considerations, the report is to include an evaluation of the design considerations and possible constraints for the two-storey building. Before any calculations are completed, an analysis of human comfort requirements is to be completed, with consideration of the variety of environmental conditions throughout the building. Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic heating system LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings

Your calculation of the building heating loads should incorporate the following aspects of design:

  • Analysis of current requirements for minimum U-Values, including infiltration rates
  • Calculation of actual U-values for composite walls
  • Calculation of fabric and ventilation heat losses
  • Total heating loads and heating plant capacity with comments on options to minimise heating loads

In conclusion, you are to provide an analysis of the Health & Safety and environmental legislation relevant to the design, installation and operation of the heating system for the building.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome




LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a nondomestic heating system

P1 Explain the design process stages and tasks that must be considered for the design of a nondomestic heating system


P2 Discuss the information that should be included in a design brief for a nondomestic heating system design


P3 Produce design data for a heating system

M1 Evaluate the design considerations and possible constraints for a given building type provided, with reference to legislation and possible Health & Safety Considerations


M2 Analyse human comfort requirements









D1 Analyse the Health & Safety and environmental legislation relevant to the design, installation and operation of a non- domestic heating system



LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings

P4 Calculate U-values for a given structure


P5 Calculate heat loss for spaces within a given building


P6 Calculate the total heating load for a given building


M3 Analyse the current requirements for minimum U-values in domestic and nondomestic

buildings, including infiltration rates




When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Student name:

Assessor name:

Issue date:


Submission date:


Submitted on:


  • BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

Unit: Unit 9: Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation

Assignment number and title: Assignment 1: Pre-Design Information and Heating Loads



Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID


Unit Title

Unit 9: Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation

Assignment Number




Submission Date


Date Received 1st submission


Re-submission Date


Date Received 2nd submission


Assessor Feedback:

*Please note that constructive and useful feedback should allow students to understand:

a) Strengths of performance

b) Limitations of performance

c) Any improvements needed in future assessments

Feedback should be against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria to help students understand how these inform the process of judging the overall grade.

Feedback should give full guidance to the students on how they have met the learning outcomes and assessmentcriteria.


Assessor Signature:


Resubmission Feedback:


Assessor Signature:


Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

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