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Assignment Briefs
Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and social networks.
Title: Unit 22 Supporting Individuals through Significant Life Events
Part of the role of the healthcare worker is to recognise how to provide a supportive environment within which individuals can come to terms with change in their lives. In some roles, this includes a responsibility for supporting individuals in planning for, or coping with, the significant changes that will affect their future. Professional healthcare workers will be involved in the care for individuals at different life stages and who may be in their care for extended periods. The success of this relationship is based on professionalism and trust. This is particularly meaningful when supporting individuals and their families through significant events that occur in their lives.
In this unit, students will consider different types of life events and their impact on the individuals they provide care for. The unit develops students’ awareness and understanding of emotions associated with change, and in coming to terms with emotions such as loss, fear, anxiety, anger and confusion. Students will review organisational policies in place to support individuals through change.
The unit also explores how to be responsive to the complex behaviours that are related to coping with change, and the individual differences that can influence this process. Contacting external agencies, rearranging care provision and sharing information with new settings are topics covered in this unit. Students will learn about the role of the healthcare worker in providing continuity and consistency in care to minimise disruption.
Completion of this unit will support students in understanding the significance of life events and their impact upon periods of care and in developing the skills to deal with unplanned and distressing events that may be experienced by individuals they provide care for. Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and social networks. This supports progression to more senior roles in care or continuation in higher education in nursing or allied healthcare degrees.
By the end of this unit students will be able to
Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and social networks.
Review the roles of external agencies that provide support for individuals and their social networks going through significant life events.
Explain how organisational policies and procedures support individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events.
Reflect on how individuals who have experienced significant life events are supported in care service provision.
L O1 Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and their social networks
Life stages and individual needs in response to significant life events
Pre-natal and birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood
Needs of individual, learning ability, age, health conditions, addiction issues, age related health conditions
Life events
Loss/death of a significant other, e.g. carer, parent, partner, child Transitions
Employment, loss of employment, sudden increase or decrease in wealth or income
Health-related events, period of ill health leading to loss of ability, loss of function, sensory loss, loss of or changes in mental ability, e.g. loss of memory, recovery from a long period of ill health
Change in location, leaving home, change of care home, destruction of home, changed location and local environment
Other significant events e.g. birth of a child with or without health conditions, marriage
Re cognition that impact can be positive or negative, depending on the significant event and the individual experiencing the event
Physical impact on individual
Possible challenges: requirement for additional support/healthcare, changed physical or care needs or wants, listlessness and inactivity
Possible benefits: improved health behaviours
Emotional impact on the individual
Possible challenges: frequent changes in mood, feelings of confusion or isolation, fear, anxiety, stress, anger, low feelings of self-worth, loss of purpose, shame, loss of pride, depression or low mood
Possible benefits: improved feelings of self-worth, euphoria, positive mood, increased confidence
So cial and economic impact on the individual
Possible challenges: loss of independence, income or ability to provide, access to familiar social networks, dependence on familiar or unfamiliar others
Possible benefits: opportunities to create new relationships, seek new sources of income, achieve alternative economic goals
I ntellectual impact on the individual
Possible challenges: negative changes in self-perception, loss of stimulation or familiar activities or pastimes, changed understanding, inability or reluctance to make choices, disempowerment, inability to plan for future, feeling pressurised
Possible benefits: positive changes in perspective and self-perception, accepting new challenges, opportunities to access different experiences
I mpact on social networks
Impact on social networks includes family and friends, and can include work colleagues, leisure contacts
Possible challenges: changes in relationship dynamics, taking on role of informal carer versus parent/sibling/partner, additional responsibilities, which can lead to stress related ill health, feelings of guilt, stress, fear, destabilisation, embarrassment, helplessness, unsure what is expected of them but feel they need to help, wanting to stay in touch but often feel pushed away or unsure of how to help. Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and social networks.
Possible benefits: the opportunity to discover and develop new relationships, enrich or deepen existing ones
LO2 Review the roles of external agencies that provide support for individuals and their social networks going through significant life events
External agencies
Social and welfare services, e.g. voluntary organisations supporting mental health needs, behaviour support, advocacy, support groups, befriending, financial advisory services
Local authority services including social workers, housing support services, support workers, benefits and entitlements advisory services, children and family services
Health services, e.g. consultants, counsellors, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, dieticians, occupational health services, psychiatrists and psychologists
Barriers to partnership approaches to managing the impact of significant life events
Lack of knowledge, information or awareness of services available Poor communication
Lack of resources
Poor understanding of event Lack of co-ordination of services
For individual and family-repeated appointments, having to repeat information, travel difficulties getting to appointments
Financial difficulties Cultural awareness
Individual/family reluctant to engage No lead professional
Lack of integrated approaches and planning Poor care planning
Non person-centred approaches to support offered
Role of healthcare assistants
Effectively communicating between individual, family and other services Accurate and timely record keeping and supporting appropriate care and support plans
Supporting specialist care
Awareness and compassion of implications of change, loss, life event Supporting family and individual in making changes and accepting changed requirements
Supporting challenging of decisions made that the individual and family are unhappy about
Liaising between family and professionals in sharing information in line with confidentiality policies
Recognising and working within scope of role in providing support
LO3 Explain how organisational policies and procedures support individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
Aspects of policies and procedures that help to support individuals affected by significant life events
Confidentiality; Data protection; Safeguarding
Health and safety and risk management
Care planning and referral
Safe handling of medication
Aspects of legislative frameworks that provide support to individuals experiencing significant change or life events
Working within legislative requirements in supporting with financial implications:
Mental Capacity Act (2005)
Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) was Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Power of attorney, living wills and do not resuscitate orders
Care Act (2014), Provision of care services, personal budgets, self-funding care, allocation of support services
Health and Social Care Act (2012), integrated support services, health and social care joint assessments and planning, pooled resources.
Developing staff knowledge and skills to support individuals experiencing significant life events
Staff training
Safety and risk management Resourcing and equipment Record-keeping
Working as part of a team Effective communication
Counselling and having difficult conversations Advocacy
LO4 Reflect on how individuals who have experienced significant life events are supported in care service provision
Supporting individuals
Responding appropriately to particular experiences. Demonstrating empathy
Allowing individuals to move at their own pace
Enabling the space to adjust privacy and the opportunity to express emotion in a safe environment
Supporting family and social networks.
Encouraging the involvement of family and friends Encouraging social contact
Facilitating ongoing involvement in leisure/sports activities, providing opportunity to share concerns, express feelings
Maintaining, confidentiality, referring to support services, referring issues of concern
Service provision
Providing appropriate planning of services Empathetic person led approaches. Holistic assessment of need
Cultural awareness and sensitivity
Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory approaches. Accessing range of service provision
Review of support
Interagency review processes. Feedback from family and friends
Supported decision-making and involvement of individual in planning of services
Supervision and monitoring approaches Reflective practice
LO1 Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and their social networks
D1 Critically evaluate the impact of significant life events on individuals, their families, friends and wider social networks
P1 Discuss the impact of expected and unexpected significant life events on individuals at different ages and stages
P2 Discuss the impact of different significant life events on the individual’s family, friends and wider social networks
M1 Critically discuss the relationship between the impact on the individual, and the impact on their family, friends and wider social networks in relation to significant life events
LO2 Review the roles of external agencies that provide support for individuals and their social networks going through significant life events
LO2 and LO3
D2 Critically reflect on organizational approaches to promoting effective and co- ordinated support for supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
P3 Compare how different external voluntary and statutory agencies support individuals through significant life events
P4 Discuss the role of the healthcare or care assistant in providing support to individuals as a part of a wider team of support services
M2 Critically analyse barriers to partnership approaches for individual and family affected by significant life events
LO3 Explain how organisational policies and procedures support individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
P5 Analyse the relationship between organisational policies and the practical support available in health and care settings to different individuals experiencing significant life events
M3 Critically review the effectiveness of policies and procedures in own setting provide a framework for supporting individuals experiencing significant life events
LO4 Reflect on how individuals who have experienced significant life events are supported in care service provision
D3 Critically reflect on how effectively care services in own locality respond to individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
P6 Provide a period of appropriate support to an individual and their social network who have been affected by a significant life event
P7 Investigate referral processes available to support an individual and their social networks affected by significant life events
M4 Reflect upon the effectiveness of own role in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
INGLETON, C. and LARKIN, P. J. (Eds.) (2016) Palliative Care Nursing at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare). Wiley-Blackwell.
KIRMAYER, L.J. (Ed.), LEMELSON, R. (Co.) (2004) Understanding Trauma: Integrating Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives . Cambridge University Press.
Articles and Reports
BONANNO, G. A. (2004) Loss, trauma, and human resilience: Have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events? American Psychologist. 2004, 59:20–28.
www.england.nhs.uk NHS England
Supporting people with a learning disability and/or autism who have a mental health condition or display
behaviour that challenges (Report)
(General reference)
National Health Service
Social Care and support guide (Report)
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario
Supporting and strengthening families through expected and unexpected life events
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Working together to support disabled parents
This unit links to the following related units:
Unit 1: Law, Policy and Ethical Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 2: Demonstrating Professional Principles and Values in Health and Social Care Practice
Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care
Unit 17: Effective Reporting and Record-keeping in Health and Social Care Services Unit 6: Supporting Dementia Care
Unit 13: Supporting Individuals with Specific Needs
Unit 19: Reflective Approaches in Implementing Person-centred Practice
Unit 20: Care Planning Processes in Healthcare Practice
Unit 24: Health Psychology
Unit 26: Supporting Team and Partnership Working Across Health and Social Care Services
Unit Number and Title
22 Supporting Individuals through Significant Life Events
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Mathew Cox
Assignment Title
The impact of significant life events and approaches to providing appropriate care and support.
Issue Date
Week Commencing 19th September 2022
Submission Dates
Assessment 1: 20/10/2022 (week 5)
Assessment 2: 06/12/2022 (week 12)
IV Name & Date
Sarah Moraes 14/09/2022
Submission Format
The submission for this assessment consists of two different sets of evidence:
1. Activity 1: Academic Poster
Your academic poster will be based on two case studies, one from unexpected and one from expected life events, these can be chosen from case studies supplied by your tutor or written by yourself based on individual you have provided care and support to (anonymity and confidentiality maintained).
2. Activity 2: Self-reflective report and Learning log
A self-reflective report developed from your practice on placement (anonymity and confidentiality maintained). The report must contain the various types of support available from different agencies in meeting the needs of their social network affected by significant life events. Your self-reflective report should also contain two organisational polices you have implemented along with a learning log covering a period of 10 weeks to evidence the support you have provided in terms of your role in meeting the individuals needs and the needs of their social network affected by a significant life event. The recommended word limit is 2500 – 3000 words.
All work submitted should be referenced using Harvard referencing and the work should be logically structured.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and their social networks
Assignment Brief and Guidance
You are working as a healthcare assistant. Your manager has suggested you develop your practice skills and knowledge by working alongside the intensive support team in the setting. You will be working alongside the team coordinating the care of individuals and their families who are experiencing or have experienced significant life events.
Activity 1: Academic Poster
Produce and present an academic poster based on two case studies. Your academic poster will be based on two case studies of individuals who have experienced, or are experiencing, significant life events. Each case study must represent different stages of the life course and be a different life event (unexpected and expected life events).
Your academic poster will include the following:
An introduction section where you will define significant life events.
A short discussion of the two cases and the significant life event (unexpected and expected) affecting each case at different ages and stages.
A discussion and critical evaluation on the impact each significant life event may have on the individual, their family, friends and wider social network.
A critical discussion on the relationship between the impact on the individual, and the impact on their families, friends and wider social networks.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO2 Review the roles of external agencies that provide support for individuals and their social networks going through significant life events.
LO3 Explain how organisational policies and procedures support individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events.
LO4 Reflect on how individuals who have experienced significant life events are supported in care service provision.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Activity 2: Self-reflective report and learning log
In your role as a worker in healthcare you will produce a self-reflective report and learning log evidencing how you have supported individuals and their social networks who have been affected by significant life events.
Define and compare different external voluntary and statutory agencies that provide support for individuals going through significant life events and r eview the referral process used to support an individual and their social networks.
Critically reflect on how effectively care services in your own locality respond to individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events.
Provide a discussion on the role of a healthcare worker or care assistant may have when working as part of a wider team and reflect upon the effectiveness of your own role in supporting individuals and their social networks (for example: privacy, empathy, confidentiality, promoting well-being and independence, social contact ).
Critically analyse the barriers to partnership approaches for the individual and family affected by the significant life event and critically reflect on the approaches taken by the team in your own setting to promoting effective and coordinated support.
Analyse 2 annotated policy documents of your choice based upon aspects of your organisational policies and the practical support to individuals affected by significant life events (for example: Safeguarding, Person Centred Care, and health and safety risk management); and critically review the effectiveness policies and procedures have in your own setting that provide support to individuals experiencing a significant life change or event.
The learning log needs to cover a period of ten weeks to demonstrate how you have appropriately supported an individual and their social network.
2 annotated policy documents
All work submitted should be referenced using Harvard referencing and the work should be logically structured.
PROPOSED OUTLINE OF PROGRAMME (May be subject to change)
WEEK 1 – Introduction to significant life events and their impact on the individual involved.
WEEK 2 – Significant life events and their impact on the wider social network, including families and health professionals
WEEK 3- The role of statutory agencies and voluntary sector in providing support.
WEEK 4 – Barriers to effective service provision and team working when providing support.
WEEK 5 – Underpinning legislative frameworks and agreed ways of working through organisational policies and procedures. Assignment 1 submission
WEEK 6 – Reading Week/Independent study
WEEK 7 – Supporting individuals who experience significant life events and the skills required.
WEEK 8 – The importance of reflective practice when providing support to individuals effected by significant life events.
WEEK 9 – Investigating the referral processes for service users impacted by significant life events.
WEEK 10 – Roles and responsibilities of staff providing support.
WEEK 11 – Recap session and assignment workshop.
WEEK 12 – Assignment 2 Submission.
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