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Assignment Briefs
Describe the nursing process as a framework that nurses use to meet peoples fundamental care needs.
Fundamentals Aspects of Care
Assignment Guidance
The assignment will assess the module learning outcomes. These are:
Describe the nursing process as a framework that nurses use to meet peoples fundamental care needs.
Begin to collect evidence from authoritative sources which provide the evidence base and rationale for the delivery of fundamental care
Identify principles and concepts that underpin effective communication and relationship management skills for nursing practice
Explain common approaches that nurses may use to assess fundamental care needs and monitor peoples` health status
The Module Learning outcomes
The assessment is a summative written assignment of 2000 words +/- 10%
The assignment represents 100% of the marks for this module. Pass mark is 40%
The written assignment title is :
In your field of practice, How can effective communication promote excellent fundamental nursing care?
*if on a dual field programme please choose one field of your choice?
Submission date : see assessment calendar
Level of assignment : HE Level 4
The assignment: Where to start?
1) Look at the key words in the assignment question is:
In your field of practice, How can effective communication promote excellent fundamental nursing care?
2) Plan the Essay
Intro ( max 150 -200 words)
Explain concisely what points you will cover in you essay.
Main body (approx 1700 words)
Discussion on the key elements linking one discussion to the next. Support any key statements with the evidence from the literature you have read.
You can use headings and this may help with your structure. This is just a suggestion give or take 50 words.
What is professional communication, how can it be applied to your chosen field of nursing and why is this important. ( 500 words)
Good to define communication and its application to nursing.
To help define communication you can look at actual communication models like Herons Model, Egans model of SOLER and Stickey’s model of SURETY. There is also the use of MESSAGE. You are more than welcome to discuss others as there are quite a few.
Instead of describing these models, you can gain more marks if compare and contrast any of these models and explore the pros and any cons of their use. Its good if you can give an example of how you would apply these in a nursing context. Describe the nursing process as a framework that nurses use to meet peoples fundamental care needs.
To help you do this , please consider writing why is it important to nursing – Think about how we communicate patients, service users, families and carers and lets not forget how we communicate to each other as professionals.How can effective communication promote excellent fundamental nursing care
A good example that you can refer to is ‘Hello my name is’ of professional communication. Can you think or find any other examples.
What models, tools or processes do nurses use to promote good communication. (600 words)
We have shared various nursing models with you:
Adult Nursing: The Nursing Process, Roper, Logan and Tierney daily activities model and Orem’s self care model
Children’s Nursing: Casey’s Family Centred care
Mental Health Nursing: the Tidal Model by Barker
A key component that links all excellent nursing is good assessment techniques and communication is key to a good assessment. This links in well with the nursing models. You might want to refer to the importance of engagement and this is the start of creating good person centred care.
There are various tools and processes that you can discuss which all relate to communication. Over the module we look at various tools that promote communication and getting to know our patients/service users, like ‘This is me’, Recovery Star, Wellness Recovery plans (in your seminars), timelines and many more that we cover. We will also look at themes such as spirituality and the importance of music to showcase the power of communication.
A key model to promote the inclusion of family and carers and effective communication between all involved in care is the ‘Triangle of care’. This is an important inclusion for you.
You can gain more marks if compare and contrast any of these models and explore the pros and any cons of there use.
Explore ways to adapt communication that meet the patients/family’s needs. (600 words)
This is where you can gain some good marks for critical thinking. Here you think about how you might need adapt your communication style in nursing situations.
You might want to consider the following:
Nursing those with a cultural difference
Nursing those with neurodiversity
Nursing those with learning disabilities
Nursing those with physical disability.
Nursing those with conditions that make communication hard, e.g dementia, depression or Covid
Nursing those experiencing grief
Fell free if you might to use your own example.
Conclusion ( approx. 200 words)
Summarise what you have found and key point you want the reader to take away with you, and if you have achieved your aim
The Sway on Blackboard will also help guide you to how to write your assignment.
You should use a standard essay format; tables and figures may be included but must be correctly labelled (tables labelled at the top, figures labelled at the bottom). How can effective communication promote excellent fundamental nursing care
Please add the wordcount at the end of your assignment or on the front page
Please use at least 1.5 line space
Please use font 12
Please use a font that is easy to read
A front sheet is available on the Blackboard Site under the Assignment tab. If you do not use a front sheet please ensure your student ID and the title of the assignment is on your document
Word count allowed for this assignment is 2000 words +/- 10%. If you exceed this only the words within this allowance will be marked as per faculty word count policy
includes all words from title to the end of the conclusion. The reference list and appendices are NOT included in the wordcount.
Please follow the standard Faculty Guidelines on the presentation of assignments and Faculty Referencing Guidelines. Describe the nursing process as a framework that nurses use to meet peoples fundamental care needs.
Hints and Tips:
Try to put at least three references per paragraph. They don’t all have to different references, so you can use the same reference but in different paragraphs. However, try not to use the same author as the only reference in a entire paragraph.
Remember paragraphs are more than 3 sentences. Otherwise they are just statements. You get very few marks for statements. Ideally you will have three to four paragraphs to a page.
Avoid very long paragraphs. It is hard for the reader to pick out what you are trying to say.
Try to get someone else to proof read your work.
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