1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of theories, models and approaches that aim to address the diverse needs of service users within Health and Social Care
To be announced
Turnitin - VLE
Feedback will be available on the VLE. If you have any specific questions relating to the comments on the feedback sheet, please contact your Module Tutor and arrange a tutorial with them. Tutor details are provided in the ‘Contact Details’ section on Blackboard.
You must ensure that you familiarise yourself with the Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students which governs all Bishop Grosseteste University assessments:- Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students.
Your tutor will be available to answer any questions you have regarding the assignment and you should check their availability to access their support.
You can get support with your academic practice from Learning Development. This support includes online resources, workshops, drop-in sessions and one to one appointments. You can also get support for any technical aspects of your submission from Digital Learning. Please visit the CELT (Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching) course on Blackboard to find out more. Additional help is available from the CELT Centre.
Please also make use of support available from the Library, either through their Blackboard and LibGuides sites or by visiting the Cornerstone building.
To get the most from the support available, please access it at the earliest opportunity.
The University uses APA (American Psychological Association) 7th as its referencing standard as laid out in the Handbook for Written Coursework (APA7th). We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with this document which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13E5eppxk1iodiZGHHaqgyyoFloENq4Xl/view?usp=sharing.
Your attention is drawn to the University’s Code of Practice for Academic Misconduct covering plagiarism. Penalties for work found to be plagiarised can be severe and can include the withdrawal of the right to resubmit work and/or termination of studies. On submission of the assignment, you will be required to declare that the work is your own and that all sources have been properly acknowledged.
The University uses originality software to check student work. Occasionally, requests will be received from other institutions to see student work where the software has noted potential high levels of duplication. In these instances, the University reserves the right to share the work anonymously with the institution concerned.
General information on layout, referencing and presentation can be found in the Handbook for Written Coursework (APA7th). Please see: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13E5eppxk1iodiZGHHaqgyyoFloENq4Xl/view?usp=sharing
Unless your assignment is submitted by the deadline indicated above, penalties will be applied in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students. Please Note: if work is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, it will receive a mark of zero.
If you require any advice or support with making your submission please contact the Digital Learning Team at digitallearning@bishopg.ac.uk or by calling 01522 563866.
All requests for extensions must be submitted to Registry on the e-form available here https://sharepoint.bishopg.ac.uk/eforms/_layouts/15/FormServer.aspx?XsnLocation=https://sharepoint. bishopg.ac.uk/eforms/assignmentextend/Forms/template.xsn&SaveLocation=https%3A%2F%2Fsharepoi nt%2Ebishopg%2Eac%2Euk%2Feforms%2Fassignmentextend&ClientInstalled=false&DefaultItemOpen=0 &OpenIn=Browser at least 1 working day BEFORE the published deadline. Such requests must be submitted with corroborating evidence if appropriate.
Following the date of submission, requests may be made for the Board of Examiners to take extenuating circumstances for non-submission into account. All such requests must be made in accordance with the Code of Practice for Extenuating Circumstances and be submitted on the Extenuating Circumstance