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Assignment Briefs 11-16-2022

You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience.


MOD007966 Customer Service Management


Coursework (Management Report)

Assessment code:


Academic Year:




Module Title:

Customer Service Management

Module Code:



Level 5

Module Leader:




Word Limit:

3000 words

This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf

Assessed Learning Outcomes

1,2 and 3

Submission Deadline:

Please refer to the deadline on the VLE


  • This assignment must be completed individually.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Your work must indicate the number of words you have used.  Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
  • Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
  • Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
  • Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
  • You must number all pages.


  • In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – if your work is submitted on the same day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you submit your work up to two working days after the published submission deadline – it will be accepted and marked.  However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
  • Work cannot be submitted if the period of 2 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
  • Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please contact DoS@london.aru.ac.uk. A request must normally be received and agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline.  See rules       6.64-6.73:


  • ExceptionalCircumstances: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - DoS@london.aru.ac.uk. See rules 6.112 6.141:



The following Trip Advisor review has been received by ‘Terrace at The Dilly’.

GOOOO Reviewed 3 weeks ago


The worst in central London

Service was the worst I have experienced in any restaurant. I mode a booking for the Afternoon tea almost a month ahead. Called back twice to inform them that one of us is celebrating a birthday. On the day we arrived, they had no knowledge of it. We ordered some drinks but missed out 2 drinks. Juice served very worm with no ice. I asked for the birthday cake they said they con offer, it took so long. The guy who was serving us soid he will check, but he come back with changed clothes and finished his shift without saying anything. So I asked her other colleague to check again ( she knew nothing about the coke), and again she disappeared. Finally, the birthday cake arrived- no candle. Waiter literally threw it on the table. It’s cold cake and doesn’t need cooking, why it took so long? I expected a certain service from Dilly, being in central London and its prestigious building. Below standard restaurant. Don’t promise things, if you con’t deliver them.

Date of visit: April 2022

You have been hired as a Hospitality Consultant to assist this restaurant to review their customer service operational procedures based on the above customer service journey scenario. You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience. You will include a service blueprint diagram using the template given and give clear recommendations on how to ensure the restaurant can exceed their customer expectations.


The consultancy report will be written using a management report layout using secondary research throughout. It should include the following areas:

  • Executive Summary (not included in the wordcount)
  • Table of Contents (not included in the wordcount)
  • Introduction – overview of case study organisation, demographic profile, consumer trends and customer expectations - 500 words
  • Customer Journey mapping and the Service Blueprint – please use appropriate headings throughout this section. Give an overview of the theory for customer journey mapping and the service blueprint. Then examine the primary components of the service blueprint in detail and apply it to the set scenario - 2000 words
  • Service Blueprint diagram specific for  case study organisation  and scenario set – The template given needs to be completed to reflect the set scenario for the case study organisation showing both the primary elements and secondary components.

  • Conclusion and Recommendations – examine the consequences the service blueprint highlights for the customer journey by focusing on the secondary elements. Recommendations to look at practical ways to exceed the customer expectations - 500 words


  • List of References (not included in the wordcount)


Criteria being assessed


Overview of the case study organisation, customer demographics targeted, consumer trend being leveraged, the typical customer expectation


Overview of customer journey mapping and how it links to the theory of the service blueprint tool. In depth analysis of the primary components for the service blueprint using theory and applying each component to the set scenario. Service blueprint designed to reflect the scenario given showing both the primary components and secondary elements.


Analysis of the fail points in the scenario given through use of the secondary elements of the service blueprint showing the impact of this on the organisation. Clear recommendations on how the organisation can exceed the customer expectations based on what has been learnt from this scenario.


Ability to demonstrate research evidenced through the use of Harvard referencing, a clear List of References in the Harvard style and effective communication.


Core Reading List

Hudson, S. and Hudson, L., (2022). Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism. 3rd Ed. Oxfordshire: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.

Or, M (2016) Star Quality Experience: The Hotelier’s Guide to Creating Memorable

Guest Journeys. Great Britain, Rethink Press

You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience.

In addition to the above, five to six further academic sources from the reading list on the VLE or independent research is required

 ARU’s Generic Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards

Assessment criteria inform the assessment process by providing academic staff with a link between academic standards as set at the level of the award (these are defined in Section 2 of the Academic Regulations) and academic standards at module level. Assessment criteria are written in a language that is both generic and general, reflecting the Generic Learning Outcomes of ARU awards which, in turn, reflect the principal national reference point for academic standards, the Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree- Awarding Bodies (FHEQ) (QAA, 2014).

Assessment criteria are not to be confused with marking schemes. You have been hired as a Hospitality Consultant to assist this restaurant to review their customer service operational procedures based on the above customer service journey scenario. You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience.

Assessment criteria identify student achievement of generic learning outcomes in the broadest possible terms by correlating three key variables - level of learning, marking standards, and student achievement - in a taxonomy of statements about assessment. 

  • level is as identified in the FHEQ and ARU’s Academic Regulations, ranging from Level 3 (Access), through Levels 4-6 (Undergraduate) to Level 7 (Postgraduate). A separate table is provided for each of the five levels.
  • marking standards are identified by means of a percentage scale covering the mark of 0% (zero) and ten-mark bands: 1%-9%, 10%-19%, 20%-29%, 30%-39%, 40%-49%, 50%-59%, 60%-69%, 70%-79%, 80%-89% and 90%-100%. Marking standards are expressed as rows in the following tables.
  • student achievement consists of a hierarchy of descriptors which are used by markers to distinguish between grades of student achievement:

Band (%)

Principal Descriptor
















Little evidence




No evidence

A marking scheme is used at module level to inform the first marking and internal and external moderation of each item of assessment. Marking schemes identify the knowledge and skills which students must demonstrate to achieve the learning outcomes of the module and are used to calculate the total mark to be awarded for an individual item of assessment. ARU’s generic assessment criteria are intended to advise the writing of marking schemes, ensuring that they are broadly comparable across the institution.

A module marking scheme customises the ARU’s generic assessment criteria to fit a specific item of assessment for a module, identifying the basis on which marks are awarded. A marking scheme may range from the fairly general to the highly specific. In relatively open- ended assessments (e.g.: where students are asked to select one of a range of essay questions) a Module Leader would not necessarily expect to provide a detailed marking scheme specifying a ‘model answer’ to each specific essay question, but rather to provide a general marking scheme which identifies the characteristics of a good essay and can be applied to any of the essay questions set. The same would apply to many aspects of practice, performance or studio work. In contrast, less open-ended assessment tasks such as translation would require both a ‘model translation’ of the passage and a detailed marking scheme adapted to the specifics of the passage translated.

To facilitate consistency first markers constantly refer to the marking scheme when marking student work. They pass the marking scheme on to the internal moderator/second marker and eventually to the external examiner with student scripts. This enables all parties to understand the basis on which marks are awarded and lends a fundamental transparency to the assessment process. It should always be clear to the internal moderator and external examiner how marks have been determined

Level 5 reflects continuing development from Level 4. At this level students are not fully autonomous but are able to take responsibility for their own learning with some direction. Students are expected to locate an increasingly detailed theoretical knowledge of the discipline within a more general intellectual context, and to demonstrate this through forms of expression which go beyond the merely descriptive or imitative. Students are expected to demonstrate analytical competence in terms both of problem identification and resolution, and to develop their skill sets as required.



Mark Bands





Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s Generic Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)

Knowledge &


Intellectual (thinking), Practical,

Affective and Transferable Skills





















Achieves module outcome(s)

Exceptional information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originality and autonomy. With some additional effort, work may be considered for internal publication

Exceptional management of learning resources, with a higher degree of autonomy/ exploration that clearly exceeds the brief.

Exceptional structure/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Exceptional team/practical/professional skills. With some additional effort, work may be considered for internal publication






Outstanding information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality and autonomy

Outstanding management of learning resources, with a degree of autonomy/exploration that clearly exceeds the brief. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Outstanding team/practical/professional skills





Excellent knowledge base, exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originality and autonomy

Excellent management of learning resources, with a degree of autonomy/exploration that may exceed the brief. Structured/accurate expression. Excellent academic/ intellectual skills and team/practical/professional skills







Good knowledge base; explores and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality, detail and autonomy

Good management of learning with consistent self-direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression. Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/ professional skills







Sound knowledge base that begins to explore and analyse the theory and ethical issues of the discipline



Sound use of learning resources. Acceptable structure/accuracy in expression. Sound level of academic/intellectual skills, going beyond description at times. Sound team/practical/professional skills. Inconsistent self-direction








A marginal pass in module outcome(s)


Adequate knowledge base with some omissions and/or lack of theory of discipline and its ethical dimension

Adequate use of learning resources with little self-direction. Some input to teamwork. Some difficulties with academic/intellectual skills.

Largely imitative and descriptive. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression, but developing practical/professional skills






A marginal fail in module outcome(s).

Satisfies default qualifying mark


Limited knowledge base; limited understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience.


Limited use of learning resources, working towards self-direction. General difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Still mainly imitative and descriptive. Team/practical/ professional skills that are not yet secure






Fails to achieve module outcome(s) Qualifying mark not satisfied.

Little evidence of an information base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

Little evidence of use of learning resources. No self-direction, with little evidence of contribution to teamwork. Little evidence of academic/intellectual skills and significant difficulties with structure/expression. Very imitative and descriptive. Little evidence of practical/professional skills









Deficient information base. Deficient understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

Deficient use of learning resources. No attempt at self-direction with inadequate contribution to teamwork. Deficient academic/intellectual skills and major difficulty with structure/expression. Wholly imitative and descriptive. Deficient practical/professional skills





No evidence of any information base. No understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

No evidence of use of learning resources of understanding of self-direction with no evidence of contribution to teamwork. No evidence academic/ intellectual skills and incoherent structure/ expression. No evidence of practical/professional skills



Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes

MOD007966 Customer Service Management

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