Research question and theory
The student formulated an excellent clear, focused, feasible research question and provides a strong rationale for the proposed research.
An appropriate theory has been chosen. Work demonstrates high level of understanding of the link between theory and the research project.
The student formulated a clear, focused, feasible research question and provides some rationale for the proposed research.
An appropriate theory has been chosen. Work demonstrates some good understanding of the link between theory and the research project.
The student identified a research question and provides some rationale for the proposed research but the question is descriptive, too broad or needs to be refined. An appropriate theory has been chosen. Work demonstrates some understanding of the link between the theory and the project.
The student identified a research question but the question is poorly constructed, difficult to understand or not suitable for an undergraduate research project.
Chosen theory not appropriate and/or work demonstrates limited understanding of the link between the theory and the project.
There is some engagement with the task. There is weak understanding of the learning outcomes and the task. The research question and rationale for the proposed research not clearly stated and addressed
A very limited engagement with the task. The understanding of the task is poor. The research question and rationale for the proposed research is vague. Learning outcomes not met
The student chose an appropriate research method among the four methods allowed, demonstrates excellent understanding of what the method entails, and clearly explains the search strategy, methods of analysis and the ethics.
The student chose an appropriate research method among the four methods allowed and clearly explains the search strategy but there is not enough discussion of the methods of analysis and/or the ethics.
The student chose an appropriate research method among the four methods allowed and provides some explanation of the chosen method. However, there is little discussion of, or inaccurate information on, one of the following: search strategy, the methods of analysis and/or the ethics.
One of the four methods allowed is chosen but work demonstrates little understanding of what the method entails. There is a lack of discussion of, or inaccurate information on, two or more of the following: the search strategy, methods of analysis and/or the ethics.
A weak understanding of research method, data analysis and ethics. The link to research aims, objectives and question is unclear. Sufficiently demonstrated
A very poor understanding of research method, data analysis and ethics. The link to research aims, objectives and question is poor. The work shows a lack of understanding of the learning outcomes.
Findings and discussion-
Total 30%
The student identified key themes that clearly answer the question and presented them in a logical manner using research evidence.
There is in-depth discussion of the implications of the findings in relation to theory, policy, practice and/or wider literature. The work contains clear evidence of critical analysis.
The work presents key themes using appropriate research evidence. There is some good understanding of the research topic.
Critical analysis has been clearly attempted but evidence of critical analysis is not always visible in writing.
The student made a clear effort to link the key findings to theory, policy, practice and/or wider literature.
The work presents key themes using appropriate research evidence but the discussion of the findings is largely descriptive and/or the findings are not logically presented.
There is some discussion of the implications of the findings in relation to theory, policy, practice and/or wider literature.
Themes are not identified or themes are not directly related to the research question. Some basic understanding of the topic demonstrated.
The work is descriptive and there is little sign of critical analysis. There is little attempt to link the findings to theory, policy and/or wider literature.
There is weak engagement with findings, theories, models and perspectives and application of theory to proposed research.
A very poor understanding of theories, models and perspectives. No link between theory and proposed research – no findings or discussion of findings presented.
Written expression and structure
The work is both highly literate and articulate; the student communicates her/his ideas effectively. Sentences are clear, accurate and expressive. There are very few grammatical or spelling errors.
The work is largely written in clear and effective English, however there may be poor choices of words and phrasing and some uncorrected errors.
The student’s writing is generally comprehensible. There are some grammatical and spelling errors and poor choice of words and phrasing.
Expression is often unclear and meanings may not be satisfactorily communicated. There are regular errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation that should have been addressed by this stage.
The written expression does not communicate clear ideas. . There are regular errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation. The structure is weak.
Expression is generally poor, with regular errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Poorly structured
Referencing and the use of literature-
20 or more relevant academic sources are used and the sources are referenced according to the Harvard style both in the reference list and the text of the work.
20 or more relevant academic sources are used. The student made a good attempt to reference the sources according to the Harvard style but there are occasional referencing mistakes.
17 or more relevant academic sources and other credible sources are used (in total, over 20 sources are used). There are some referencing mistakes, but the sources are referenced according to the Harvard style both in the reference list and the text of the work.
15 or more relevant academic sources are used. There are a number of referencing mistakes, although a clear attempt has been made to reference the sources according to the Harvard style.
Poor understanding of the Harvard system. There are numerous referencing and citation errors.
The referencing and citation is very inadequate for this level. Lack of understanding and engagement with academic sources.