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Assignment Briefs 09-10-2022

Reflective Journal - What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?

CIPD Level 5 5HR01 Reflective journal

About this journal

Welcome to your CIPD 5HR01 ‘Reflective journal’ – a dedicated space for you to stop, breathe, and reflect on all the progress you’re making and what you’ve learned in this unit.

To make your learning journey more impactful, it’s important to reflect each week on what you’ve learned, and how you can apply the concepts to your own life.

So, use the space provided in this journal template to make notes on:

  • What you learned from each week
  • Any new terminology you’ve come across
  • Anything else that you may want to write!

Most importantly, think of this journal as your own personal guide to your progress. To get the most out of it, make sure you use it consistently, diligently, and in a way that works for you!

When you finish your qualification, you’ll have reflective journals for each of your units. These can be used as an amazing takeaway/portfolio of evidence of what you’ve learned, something that can really serve you well in the future. What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?

CIPD Level 5 5HR01 Reflective journal

Using this journal

At the end of each week’s learning, you’ll be given an opportunity to stop and reflect on what you’ve learned. You’ll be given a few reflective questions to answer. Take some time to think about these and use the spaces in this document to jot down your thoughts.

You may find from time to time that you don’t have a lot to say – and that’s okay. As long as you take the time to reflect at the end of the unit: this time is for you to think about the key learnings from that week and how you can apply them going forward.

While we’ll encourage you to reflect at these key points during your course, feel free to add any other notes you have at any point. You don’t have to wait for us to tell you when to reflect. 


Week 1 reflection

We’ll mention on the campus when we think you should complete this.

You’ve had a comprehensive look at employee voice and its impact on engagement in the workplace.

Time to reflect

Thinking about your own organisation, reflect on these questions:

Use the space below to record your answers to these questions.

What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?


Are there any interventions in place to promote engagement?


How is your organisation complying with their duty to inform and consult?


Are there opportunities for employee voice to be heard?


How are employees involved in decision-making?


How do you think your organisation’s practices are supporting better working lives?


As a people practice professional, do you have any recommendations to improve on these issues?


Do you have any other observations/reflections from this week’s learning?

Week 2 reflection

CIPD Level 5 5HR01 Reflective journal

We’ll mention on the campus when we think you should complete this.

In week 2, you explored what trade unions of the 21st century could look like.

Time to reflect

Use the space below to record your answers to these questions. What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?

How do you see trade unions evolving?


Will new ways of working strengthen or weaken union recognition?


How do you think unions can contribute to employee engagement?


What role do unions play for gig economy (contract / temporary) workers?


How can unions ‘future-proof’ themselves?


Do you have any other observations/reflections from this week’s learning?

Week 3 reflection

We’ll mention on the campus when we think you should complete this.

As part of the People Team, it is up to you to keep up to date with emerging developments in employment law, and how these may affect your organisation.

Time to reflect

Use the space below to record your answers to these questions.

What policies does your organisation have in place for disciplinary, grievance and dismissal procedures? Are they relevant for the countries in which your organisation is based?



From your reading for this week, are your policies and procedures sufficiently in line with the relevant Acas Code of Practice (UK), or your own country’s guidelines?



What advice and guidance does HR currently give to managers in relation to performance management and moving to disciplinary/dismissal? How could you be improving managers’ understanding of the need to support employee performance and poor conduct before getting to disciplinary and dismissal stage?



Employment law is changing all the time. To ensure you are up to date, what plans will you make to ensure your Continuous Professional Development in this area is kept current and that you are able to advise the organisation accordingly?



Do you have any other observations/reflections from this week’s learning?


Week 4 reflection

We’ll mention on the campus when we think you should complete this.

You looked at the lawful procedure for managing grievance, performance, and disciplinary issues. You explored in more detail what skills can be used to guide the process and manage the aftermath.

CIPD Level 5 5HR01 Reflective journal

Time to reflect

Use the space below to record your answers to these questions.

Does your organisation have adequate grievance and disciplinary procedures in place? If not, what would you advise your employer to do?


As an HR professional, how would you ensure best practice is followed at your organisation?


Do you have any other observations/reflections from this week’s learning?

Week 5 reflection

We’ll mention on the campus when we think you should complete this.

The ongoing digitisation and automation of industry is known as thefourth industrial revolution. It has brought about a new world of work, affecting workers on a global level.

For most people, navigating change is not easy. It can cause significant distress, resulting in feelings of anxiety, fear, anger and confusion. It is vital that workers get the support they need. But their employers need support too – getting organisations to pull their people together is more important than ever.

However, in reality, this is a lot more challenging than it sounds.

When we think about this new world of work, specifically the impact of the gig economy, what do we think the future holds for employment relations? What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?

Time to reflect

Use the space below to record your answers to these questions.

Will new types of employee bodies emerge?


What do you think is missing in the context of employee representation?


How do you see the role of collective bargaining evolving? Will collective bargaining become more or less important in the gig economy?


What does the future of trade unions look like? How can unions keep up with the emerging trends and developments?


Do you have any other observations/reflections from this week’s learning?

Unit review

Now that you’ve worked through all the weeks in this unit, take some time to reflect.

Use the spaces below to record your answers to these questions.

What you learned

First of all, what are the key things you learned?


Note your key takeaways here:






Note any areas to explore here:






Stop. Breathe. Reflect.

“Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success.”

– Author and Psychotherapist, Richard Carlson 

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