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Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks



BSc Nursing Degree / Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship


Introduction to Nursing Practice

Module Code

SWRK108 35/60






Case Study

Word Count

3000 (+/-10%)

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding. After successful completion of this assessment you should be able to:

1) Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks

4) Outline role of the adult nurse in safeguarding the needs of vulnerable people and at-risk individuals

5) Describe contemporary adult legislation frameworks that protect vulnerable groups

6) Examine principles and philosophies influencing contemporary adult nursing practice

Skills, qualities and attributes. After successful completion of this assessment you should be able to:

1) Appraise role and responsibilities of nurse within interprofessional teams

3) Demonstrate awareness of own values and biases


Person-centred care can be described as ‘patient-centred care’ and ‘client-centred care’ in which the focus is ‘on the needs of the person rather than the needs of the service’ (Royal College of Nursing, 2016). The Health Foundation (2015, p.3) advise that person-centred care requires a collaborative approach in coordinating and tailoring care to individual needs, whilst providing “knowledge, skills and confidence [needed] to…make informed decisions about their own health and health care.” 

With reference to the statements above and Adult Nursing, you will be required to complete a 3000-word case study to demonstrate the knowledges, skills, qualities and behaviours toward achieving the module learning outcomes.


In order to pass this assessment you must achieve all the learning outcomes as applied to the Student Handbook - Grade Based Assessment.

If a student is referred / fails an assessment, in accordance with NTU Quality Handbook: Part E Section 16 Subsection 10 the Examination Board will decide if the student will have the right to be reassessed on one further occasion.

If, as a student you believe there are mitigating events that may affect the outcome of your assessment, you are advised to consider the requirements for Notification of Extenuating Circumstances and the submission process. See the deadline for NEC submission.

Guidance / Criteria

To ensure success in this assessment, you are advised to consider:

- the principles as applied to the concept of person-centred care

- selection of person-centred care principles as applied to nursing legal, ethical and professional governance

- evidence of safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults

- the roles and responsibilities of the multidisciplinary team in coordinating person-centred care

- considered application to Adult Nursing

Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks

- structured and logical work written in third person

- supporting the work with relevant and appropriate literature

- accurate use and format of Harvard refencing within the assessment and reference list

- the GBA criteria and the requirements to achieve the desired grade

- that your response maintains respect, dignity and confidentiality of internal

  and external individuals and organisations in accordance with the NMC


Royal College of Nursing. (2016). What person-centred care means. RCN. Available at:


The Health Foundation. (2015). Person-centred care Made Simple: What everyone should know about person-centred care. London: The Health Foundation


Assessment Criteria Level 4 – General Grading Descriptors




1st (Excellent)

Exceptional 1st

Exceptional knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; critical evaluation and analysis and of the research; evidence of breadth and depth of reading/research to inform development of work; excellent communication; performance in some, if not all, areas deemed beyond expectation of the level.

The ability to make decisions and carry out tasks/processes with autonomy; the ability to (re)interpret predefined rules/conventions in order to select and justify individual working practice; highly developed problem-solving skills to complete work with accuracy and fluency.

Broadly meets expectations set by the employment context.



Excellent knowledge of the subject as the student is typically able to go beyond what has been taught (particularly for a high 1st); evidence of breadth of reading/research to inform development of work; demonstrates strong communication skills.

Autonomy in the completion of practical tasks/processes; the ability to adapt in response to change or unexpected experiences; excellent clinical decision making; a clear and authoritative grasp of the task/process. Broadly meets expectations set by the employment context.

Upper 2nd (Very Good)



As below but very good work characterised by evidence of wider understanding of the subject as the student is typically able to relate facts/concepts together with some ability to apply to known/taught contexts; identification and selection of material to inform development of work; demonstrates good communication skills.

A confident approach to practical tasks; solid grasp of the related processes, tools, technology; creativity in the completion of the task; proficiency is demonstrated in an accurate and highly coordinated performance. Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks

A confident approach to practical tasks; solid grasp of the related processes, tools, technology; creativity in the completion of the task; proficiency is demonstrated in an accurate and highly coordinated performance.

Lower 2nd (Good)



A good breadth of knowledge and understanding of the taught content although balanced towards the descriptive rather than analytical; uses set material to inform development of work; addresses all aspects of the given brief; communication shows clarity but structure may lack coherence.

Competence in tasks/processes are completed with a degree of proficiency and confidence; effective judgements have been made when completing tasks/processes; process/workflow is broadly accurate and most aspects are completed with autonomy.

General adherence to rules/conventions set by the employment context.

3rd Sufficient



Knowledge and understanding is sufficient to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts but fails to make meaningful synthesis; relies on set material to inform development of work; generally addresses most of the requirements of the given brief; communication/presentation is generally competent but with some weaknesses.

An ability to reproduce learned aspects of practical tasks/processes and apply them in the same or similar scenarios; tasks/processes are attempted but follow a largely procedural and/or mechanistic formula.

Errors in workflow or completion of the task; general adherence to appropriate rules/conventions set by the employment context.

Fail (Insufficient)

Marginal Fail

Insufficient knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; some ability to evaluate given reading/research however work is more generally descriptive; naively follows or may ignore set material in development of work; given brief may be only tangentially addressed or may ignore key aspects of the brief; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation, structure may not be coherent.

Practical tasks are attempted; skill displayed in some areas; there are a significant number of errors; a lack of proficiency in most areas; guidance may be needed to reproduce aspects of the task and/or apply learned skills.

Tasks may be incomplete; failure to adhere to some of the rules/conventions set by the employment context.

Mid Fail/Low Fail

Highly insufficient or no evidence of knowledge or understanding of the subject; understanding of taught concepts is typically at the word level with facts being reproduced in a disjointed or decontextualised manner; ignores set material in development of work; fails to address most or all of the requirements of the brief; lacks basic communication skills.

A general level of incompetency in practical tasks; an evident lack of practice; set tasks are not completed; few or no skills relating to tasks are evident.

No adherence to rules/conventions set by the employment context.



Work is of no merit OR assent, work not submitted, penalty in some cases of academic irregularity

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