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Assignment Briefs
The different procurement strategies that might be considered for the project where the control of programme and continued access to the blocks are a top priority
BSP7CAC Costing and Contracts
Module name
Costing and Contracts
Module code
Module start month and year
September 2022
Module pass mark
Assignment due time and date
10.00 a.m. (UK time), Wednesday 1 February 2023
Word count ( see section below for info)
Assignment weighting
Module learning outcomes assessed
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
(see module ‘Assessment tab’ for details)
Submission details
For this assignment, you are required to submit online:
a report as one PDF file or alternatively as one Word (or similar) file.
Please refer to the relevant ‘Assessment preparation’ week of the module for further guidance.
If you have any questions about this assessment, please contact your Module Team using the Assignment forum in the relevant ‘Assessment preparation’ week on the VLE.
You work for a housing association that is looking to undertake a substantial programme of planned maintenance works to five blocks of two- to three-bedroom apartments, of concrete frame and brick infill construction. The three-storey buildings will be refurbished using over-cladding and improved insulation to the walls. The windows, doors, kitchens and bathrooms are to be replaced. Each block comprises 12 apartments and is currently fully occupied.
The cost limit has been agreed and the project is to proceed with an overall completion date set for three years from now. There is not a detailed programme for the works but individual tenants will be decanted to alternative accommodation whilst work on their apartment is being carried out.
You have now been asked to submit a report to the management team advising on the cost and contract management of the project. In providing this advice, you should explain the processes involved and offer a reasoned justification of their relevance to this project.
Write a professional report that critically analyses:
the different procurement strategies that might be considered for the project where the control of programme and continued access to the blocks are a top priority. Recommend your preferred route, setting out the reasons for your choice using a selection matrix to illustrate your reasoning;
the post-contract cost control processes you will implement to ensure the project is completed within budget, based on your selected procurement method;
the potential conflict that could occur on this project between the housing association, the contractor and the tenants, and indicate how a suitable management strategy might ensure any concerns raised do not escalate into disputes.
Clearly state your assumptions and provide examples to support your explanation or discussion. Your procurement selection matrix and any back-up information or calculations should be included in an appendix to your report.
Reference list
You should include a reference list with a minimum of eight separate relevant and appropriate sources that you have written about and cited within your work.
A bibliography of uncited sources is not required.
Additional information
Further information to support you with this assignment is available within the study materials for this module on the UCEM VLE.
It is recommended that you engage with the Assignment briefing webinar and Assignment forum, as the module team may signpost relevant learning activities and also answer any questions you may have.
Marking guidance for this activity
This guidance is designed to help you to do as well as possible in your assessment by explaining how the person marking your work will be judging it
Your work will be assessed in relation to the requirements set out in the assessment criteria marking guide at the end of this document and the grading guidance section below.
It is recommended that you read both of these sections before starting your assessment to learn what will help you to achieve the highest marks. Before submitting your assessment you should review it to check you have produced what is required to achieve the highest marks.
When you receive your feedback from your tutor you should be able to see where you gained marks and, where relevant, recommendations about how to improve your performance going forward.
Grading guidance
This grading guidance section explains in more detail what a submission for this assessment should include in order to achieve a mark at the threshold, good and excellent standards.
You will have described the methods of procurement that can be used for this project scenario and supported your discussion with a procurement selection matrix. The methods of post-contract cost control will be discussed in order to ensure the project is completed within budget. Finally, you will have identified potential conflict areas that could arise and how a suitable management strategy could help avoid any concerns escalating into disputes.
You will have met the criteria for Threshold and provided a critical analysis of procurement approaches. A suitable procurement approach will have been identified following evaluation of the project scenario and procurement matrix. There will be further consideration of possible risks to the project budget and how these can be managed. Potential conflict that may arise and a suitable strategy to manage those conflicts will be analysed in relation to the project scenario. Examples will be provided to support your points and to relate to the project scenario.
You will have met the criteria for Good and further demonstrated insight and analysis about each of the different parts of the task considering the type of project. Reasoned and insightful assumptions will have been made about the project and client, and arguments developed around these.
Examples will be specific to the scenario provided in the assignment
Word count and overwriting
Exceeding 10% of the stated word count may limit the marks allocated for communication (see assessment criteria marking guide below).
The following table outlines the inclusions and exclusions in the word count of the most common features of assessed pieces of work. Not all these features may be relevant to your assignment; please refer to the assignment task for confirmation of which features are required.
Included in wordcount
Excluded from wordcount
Executive summary/abstract
Main body
Title page/front cover
Contents List
In text citations
Words in tables
List of references
Headings and titles, except for those explicitly excluded
The total number of words used must be stated on the first page of your assessment.
Avoiding academic misconduct (Academic integrity)
Academic misconduct is a serious offence. Types of misconduct include, but are not limited to: plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, or contracting a third party to write your assessment. It is important that your assessment shows academic integrity. You must ensure that you reference sources you have used and check the originality of your work before submission. Please see the ‘Assessment preparation’ week for more information on academic misconduct, including guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct, how to check your work, and how UCEM checks all submitted assessment for academic misconduct
Weight- ing %
Below threshold
Relevance to task
·The relevance of the information provided to the context of the task
·The way the needs of the intended audience have been addressed.
Irrelevant and addresses neither the task nor the needs of the intended audience.
Largely irrelevant and does not effectively address the task or the needs of the intended audience.
Partially relevant and attempts to address the task and the needs of the intended audience with significant irrelevance or omissions.
Sufficiently relevant to the task and the needs of the intended audience to meet the learning outcomes.
Consistently relevant to the task and focussed on the requirements of the intended audience.
Highly relevant to the task and precisely focussed on the requirements of the intended audience.
Completely relevant to the task and fully focussed on the requirements of the intended audience.
Structure and presentation
·Organisation and presentation of ideas
A lack of structure beyond a loosely connected list of points.
Largely unstructured and does not have a clear logical flow.
Inconsistent structure and logical flow.
Adequate Structure and logical flow.
Capable structure and logical flow.
Advanced structure and logical flow.
Proficient structure and logical flow.
the intended audience and/or industry protocols
·How structure and presentation enable communication.
Presentation format is
Communication is obstructed.
Presentation format is
Communication is hindered.
Presentation format is
Communication is only partially effective.
Presentation format is
Communication is sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
Presentation format is
Communication is sound.
Presentation format is
Communication is articulate.
Presentation format is
Communication is insightful.
·Selection of words, sentence construction, spelling and punctuation.
Use of grammar is deficient and meaning is obstructed.
Significant grammatical errors and meaning lacks clarity.
Several grammatical errors and meaning conveyed insufficiently clearly.
Notwithstanding some minor errors and oversights, grammar and clarity of meaning are sufficient to meet
the learning outcomes.
Grammar usage is capable and conveys meaning effectively.
Grammar usage is advanced and conveys meaning precisely.
Grammar usage is exceptional and conveys meaning eloquently.
Below threshold
Systematic knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of the field of study
Inadequate systematic knowledge and understanding of the field of study.
Limited systematic knowledge and understanding of the field of study.
Insufficient systematic knowledge and understanding of the field of study.
Sufficient systematic knowledge and understanding of the
field of study to meet the learning outcomes.
Good systematic knowledge and understanding of the
field of study to meet the learning outcomes.
Excellent systematic knowledge and understanding of the
field of study to meet the learning outcomes.
Outstanding systematic knowledge and understanding of the field
of study to meet the learning outcomes.
Critical awareness of
current problems and/or new insights at or informed by the forefront of the academic discipline
Inadequate level of
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, very little, if any, of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Unsatisfactory level of
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, little of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Basic level of critical
awareness of current problems and/or new insights, some of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Adequate level of
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Sound level of critical
awareness of current problems and/or new insights, most of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Comprehensive level of
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, nearly all of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Exceptional level of
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, all of which has been informed by the forefront of the academic discipline.
Below threshold
Application of UCEM Harvard referencing style
A minimal number of
sources have been referenced. The referencing system is applied incoherently.
Referencing is
unsatisfactory due to significant omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system.
Referencing is
insufficient due to several omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system.
Referencing is
sufficiently complete, accurate and consistent in the application of the referencing system to meet the learning
Referencing is
competent with mostly complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system.
Referencing is
comprehensive with complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system with minimal errors.
Referencing is
comprehensive and applied faultlessly.
Source Materials
·Selection of course materials
Minimal and incoherent selection of course
Ineffective selection of course materials with
significant omissions.
Inconsistent and inaccurate selection of
course materials.
Adequate selection of course materials.
Competent selection of course materials.
Sophisticated selection of course materials.
Innovative selection of course materials.
Independent research
is minimal and has not been informed by scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
Independent research
is incomplete and unsatisfactory. It has not been informed by any notable scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
Independent research
is basic and has partially been informed by appropriate scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
Independent research
is sufficient and has been at least partially informed by appropriate scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline, sufficient to meet the
learning outcomes.
Independent research
is competent and has been informed by a reasonable amount of appropriate scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
Independent research
is advanced and has been informed by a comprehensive range of authoritative scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
Independent research is
proficient and has been informed by the full range of authoritative scholarship at the forefront of the academic discipline.
·Use of industry practice and personal experience.
Industry practice and
personal experience omitted or irrelevant.
Limited and incomplete
reference to industry practice and personal
Simple reference to
industry practice and personal experience.
Satisfactory reference
to industry practice and personal experience.
Clear reference to
industry practice and personal experience.
Perceptive reference to
industry practice and personal experience.
Insightful reference to
industry practice and personal experience.
Originality in the application of knowledge
Originality in the application of knowledge is inadequate and incoherent. The assessed work is not informed or improved by the source materials.
Originality in the application of knowledge is ineffective and unsatisfactory. The assessed work is informed and improved in a limited manner by the source materials.
Originality in the application of knowledge is inconsistent and partial. The assessed work is informed and improved in a basic manner by the source materials.
Originality in the application of knowledge satisfactory and adequate. The assessed work is informed and improved in an adequate manner by the source materials, sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
Originality in the application of knowledge is competent and clear. The assessed work is informed and improved in a reasonable manner by the source materials.
Originality in the application of knowledge is perceptive and accurate. The assessed work is informed and improved in a comprehensive manner by the source materials.
Originality in the application of knowledge is innovative and insightful. The assessed work is informed and improved in an exceptional manner by the source materials.
Below threshold
Practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge
Minimal understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge.
Unsatisfactory understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to
create and interpret knowledge.
Insufficient understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to
create and interpret knowledge.
Sufficient understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to
create and interpret knowledge.
Effective understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to
create and interpret knowledge.
Sophisticated understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge.
Insightful understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge.
Critical analysis
·Analysis of source materials
Analysis of the source materials is superficial, deficient or minimal
Analysis of the source materials is shallow ineffective or
Analysis of the source materials is insubstantial,
inaccurate or inconsistent.
Analysis of the source materials is adequate and of sufficient depth
to meet the learning outcomes.
Analysis of the source materials is substantial clear and competent.
Analysis of the source materials is rigorous, accurate and
Analysis of the source materials is profound, proficient and very
to the demands of the task
Analysis is not applied
to the demands of the task.
Analysis is applied
unsatisfactorily to the demands of the task.
Analysis is partially
applied to the demands of the task.
Analysis is
satisfactorily applied to
the demands of the task.
Analysis is reasonably
applied to the demands of the task.
Analysis is perceptively
applied to the demands of the task.
Analysis is innovatively
applied to the demands of the task.
Development of arguments
·Use of analysis to develop and sustain arguments and justifications.
Arguments and justifications are incoherent and deficient. There is minimal evidence of an attempt to develop or sustain an argument.
Arguments and justifications are unsatisfactory and ineffective. The development of arguments is incomplete and not sustained.
Arguments and justifications are confused and inaccurate. The development of arguments is inconsistent and partially sustained with
significant omissions.
Arguments and justifications are satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. The development of arguments is basic and sustained adequately.
Arguments and justifications are clear and reasonable. The development of arguments is fair and sustained competently.
Arguments and justifications are advanced and sophisticated. The development of arguments is sophisticated and sustained
Arguments and justifications are ambitious and exceptional. The development of arguments is insightful and fully sustained.
Technical ability
(where appropriate)
Drawings are incorrect or omitted
Drawings are incomplete or with significant omissions
Drawings are inaccurate and only partially completed
Drawings are completed at a basic
level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
Drawings are completed at a competent level
Drawings are completed accurately
Drawings are completed to an exceptionally high standard
·Accuracy of calculations
Calculations are
incorrect or omitted
Calculations are
incomplete with significant omissions
Calculations are
inaccurate and only partially completed
Calculations are
completed at a basic
level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
Calculations are
completed at a competent level
Calculations are
completed accurately
Calculations are
completed to an
exceptionally high standard
and application of information.
Selection of information
is incorrect or minimal. Information is applied inadequately or incoherently to the task.
Selection of
information is incomplete with significant omissions. Information is applied ineffectively or unsatisfactorily to the task.
Selection of
information is inconsistent and partial. Information is applied inaccurately to the task.
Selection of
information is satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Information is applied adequately to the task.
Selection of
information is clear and reasonable.
Information is applied competently to the task.
Selection of information
is accurate and comprehensive Information is applied perceptively to the task.
Selection of information is
proficient and insightful Information is applied innovatively to the task.
Below threshold
Systematic and creative approaches to complex issues
Inadequate self-
direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Ineffective self-
direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Insufficient self-
direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Sufficient self-direction
and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level to meet the learning
Competent self-
direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Successful self-
direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Exceptional self-direction
and originality in tackling and solving problems and in implementing tasks at a professional level.
Critical evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline
Any evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is unsubstantiated and unstructured.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is unsatisfactory in its reasoning.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is simple in its reasoning.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is adequate in its reasoning.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is competent in its reasoning.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is sophisticated in its reasoning.
Evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline is ambitious and convincing in its reasoning.
Judgements in the absence of incomplete data
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are deficient.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are inaccurate.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are confused.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are satisfactory and sufficient to meet the
learning outcomes.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are clear and appropriate.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are perceptive.
Judgments in the absence of incomplete data and/or conclusions are insightful.
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