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Assignment Briefs 01-17-2023

Report on HR professionals and line managers, outlining how their organisation can meet its strategic goals

Formative assessment brief

The formative assessment for this module involves the submission of a “report outline” (1-2 pages), including the key ideas and arguments that you will use to write your IHRM report.

The submission deadline is Friday, November 4th, 2022 (by 6:00 pm) via TurnitIn. You can expect to receive feedback from your tutor by the end of week 7.

There will be many feedback opportunities for you throughout the term and you are expected to engage continuously in the preparation of your assignment. You will be required to work on the different sections of your IHRM report in weeks 3, 6, 8, and 9 to gain feedback from your tutor and peers. All seminar activities are designed to support your learning and understanding of the assessment brief.

Summative assessment brief

Write a report (3,000 words; 10% flexibility) aimed at HR professionals and line managers, outlining how their organisation can meet its strategic goals by using a specific type of international assignment and implementing a training and support programme for international assignees.

For this task you will have to a) identify an organisation that operates internationally or plans to internationalise and b) identify (or propose) a strategic goal that will support their internationalisation plans.

Your report should include the following 4 sections:

1) Introduction (600 words) – Your introduction should:

  1. Specify the aim of the report.
  2. Introduce the organisation and one of its strategic goals related to internationalisation, which would require and benefit from the use of international assignments. Specify the home and host countries involved.
  3. Identify the organisation’s approach to internationalisation and explain the role of IHRM in supporting the organisation’s strategic goals. Use the literature to back up your arguments.

2) International assignment (1000 words) – This section should:

  1. Provide an overview of the different types of international assignments.
  2. Propose and justify the type of international assignment that best supports the organisation’s strategic goal.
  1. Discuss the characteristics of the proposed type of international assignment and critically analyse its advantages and disadvantages for both the organisation and international assignees. Use the literature to back up your arguments.

3) Cultural differences analysis and international assignee profile (400 words) – This section should:

  1. Present a brief analysis of the key cultural differences between the home and host countries, using well-established cultural frameworks (e.g. Hofstede or the Global Project).
  2. Critically discuss the implications of the cultural differences for international assignees, identifying the key aspects that they will need to consider to complete the proposed international assignment successfully. Refer to the characteristics of the “ideal” candidate for international assignments. Adapt your analysis to the characteristics and requirements of the proposed type of international assignment. Use the literature to back up your arguments.

4) Training and support programme (1,000 words) – This section should:

  1. Propose how the organisation can support assignees throughout their international assignment. Adapt your analysis to the characteristics and requirements of the proposed type of international assignment. If applicable, refer to the international assignment cycle (e.g. pre- departure, on-assignment and repatriation in the case of long-term assignments or short-term assignments). Use the literature to back up your arguments.
  2. Be comprehensive, and consider all relevant aspects of an international assignment, including the career development, personal development, and family aspects.


All information and arguments in the report MUST be backed up by reliable, academic references. You MUST use the Harvard System for all your references. The Harvard system is very easy to use once you become familiar with it

Penalties for exceeding the word count on assessments

Students need to state the word count at the end of their assignment. 10% over the stated word count is permitted without penalty. If students go beyond this, then there is a penalty of 5 marks for every additional 10% beyond the word count with a maximum of a 15 mark penalty reduction.

Resit assessment

For the resit you will be expected to rework your initial assignment taking on-board the tutor feedback provided to you through Turnitin. In addition you will be expected to complete a reflective piece (up to 500 words) that clearly sets out the changes made to your initial assignment, why these changes have been made and a reflection on the broader lessons learnt from completing the resit. You can find detailed instructions for deferrals and resists on Moodle.

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking grid provided in this assessment brief. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments. The following criteria will be used to assess your assignment. Please read carefully.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction (20%)

  • The aim of the report is made clear.
  • Explains clearly the organisation and its international/global strategic goals.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional high level of research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

International assignment (30%)

  • Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the types of international assignments.
  • The proposed type of international assignment is clearly linked to the organisation’s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is exceptionally well justified.
  • Demonstrates an outstanding understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional high level of research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

Cultural differences and training and support programme (40%)

  • Critically discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects.
  • The analysis is exceptionally well linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments.
  • The design and quality of the training programme is outstanding, such that it can be directly implemented by organisations/HR professionals.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional high level of research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

Academic expectations and overall presentation (10%)

  • All required elements of the report (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a high standard.
  • The report is distinctively well-structured, written and presented. There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.
  • Arguments are all relevant, clearly stated and well-justified. There is evidence of careful proof- reading.
  • The report draws exclusively on academic resources and reliable practitioner-oriented resources, rather than web based sources.
  • In-text citations and list of references fully follow Harvard referencing guidelines.
  • The report meets the number of words required/ does not exceed the word limit.
  • Demonstrates an exceptional high level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Assignment submissions

The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone Write a report (3,000 words; 10% flexibility) aimed at HR professionals and line managers, outlining how their organisation can meet its strategic goals by using a specific type of international assignment and implementing a training and support programme for international assignees.

Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation?

The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website - Mitigating Circumstances Policy

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

  • Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback
  • Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair
  • Stop Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to you




Outstanding 100


Excellent (80-89) 85


Very Good (70-79) 75


Good (60-69) 65


Satisfactory (50-59) 55


Adequate (40-49) 45


Marginal Fail (30-39) 35


Fail (20-29) 25


Not done 0


Criterion 1 (20%): Introduction

The aim of the report is made clear. Explains clearly the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Demonstrates an exceptional high level of research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

The aim of the report is made clear. Explains clearly the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Extensive research work. Excellent presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

Includes a clear statement of the aim of the report. Contains a thoughtful explanation of the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates a very good understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Demonstrates a very good level of research work.

Very good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Includes a clear statement of the aim of the report. Contains a good explanation of the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates a good understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Demonstrates a good level of research work.

Good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Includes a reasonable statement of the aim of the report. Contains a satisfactory explanation of the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Demonstrates a satisfactory level of research work. Satisfactory presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

The aim of the report is not fully clear. Contains an limited explanation of the organisation and its international/global strategic goals. Demonstrates a limited understanding of IHRM, including organisational strategic drivers, approaches to internationalisation, and HR processes. Demonstrates limited research work. Basic presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Introduction lacks clear focus and does not state the aim of the report. Demonstrates some understanding of IHRM issues, but the introduction is wholly descriptive. Resources are irrelevant, muddled or inappropriate.

Does not demonstrate an understanding of IHRM topics or of the assignment tasks.

Introduction is muddled and does not state the aim of the report. No reliable resources used.

Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


Criterion 2 (30%):


International assignment

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the types of international assignments. The proposed type of international assignment is clearly linked to the organisation’s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is exceptionally well justified.

Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Demonstrates an exceptional high level of research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the types of international assignments. The proposed type of international assignment is clearly linked to the organisation’s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is very well justified. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Extensive research work. Excellent presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates a very good understanding of the range and type of international assignments. The proposed international assignment is clearly linked to the type of organisation`s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is thoughtfully justified. Demonstrates a very good understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Demonstrates a very good level of research work. Very good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates a good understanding of the range and type of international assignments. The proposed international assignment is linked to the type of organisation`s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is justified.

Demonstrates a good understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Demonstrates a good level of research work. Good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the range and type of international assignments. The proposed international assignment is reasonably linked to the type of organisation`s strategic goal identified in the introduction. Their link is justified but not convincingly. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Demonstrates a satisfactory level of research work.

Satisfactory presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the range and type of international assignments. Limited attempt to link the chosen international assignment to the type of organisation`s (international/global) strategy identified in the introduction. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the proposed international assignment, including its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for both organisations and employees. Demonstrates a limited research work. Basic presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Demonstrates some understanding of the range and type of international assignments, but the discussion is wholly descriptive. Lacks clear focus and does not analyse in detail one specific type of international assignment.

Analysis is poorly organised. Resources are irrelevant, muddled or inappropriate.

Does not demonstrate an understanding of the range and type of international assignments or of the assignment tasks Analysis is poorly organised.

Lacks clear focus. No real analysis and demonstration of understanding of one specific type of international assignment and the ability to critique and synthesise information. No reliable resources used.

Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


Criterion 3 (40%):


Cultural differences and training and support programme

Critically discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees. Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. The analysis is exceptionally well linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction. Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The design and quality of the training programme is outstanding, such that it can be directly implemented by organisations/HR professionals. Demonstrates

an exceptional high level of

Critically discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. The analysis is very well linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The design and quality of the training programme is excellent, such that it can be directly implemented by organisations/HR professionals. Extensive research work.

Excellent presentation of

material that is grounded in

Offers a thoughtful discussion of the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees.

Demonstrates a very good understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. The analysis is very well linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction. Demonstrates a very good understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The design and quality of the training programme is thoughtfully designed, such that it could be implemented by organisations/HR professionals after some changes.

Demonstrates a very good level

Discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees, although some parts are rather descriptive.

Demonstrates a good understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. The analysis is well linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction. Demonstrates a good understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The training programme is well designed but some arguments need some attention before it could be presented to organisations/HR professionals. Demonstrates a

good level of research work.

Discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees, although rather descriptively. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. The analysis is linked to the type of international assignment discussed in the introduction, albeit unconvincingly. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The training programme needs rethinking and rewriting before it could be presented to organisations/HR professionals. Demonstrates a satisfactory level of research

work. The material is not

Discusses the cultural differences between home and host countries and their implications for international assignees descriptively.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. Limited attempt to link the content of the training programme to the type of international assignment discussed in the previous section. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The training programme needs rethinking and rewriting before it could be presented to organisations/HR professionals. Demonstrates a basic level of research work. The

material is not grounded in

No clear attempt to explain the cultural differences between home and host countries. Very limited understanding of the factors involved in training and supporting international assignees, including the phases of an international assignment, career development, personal development, and family aspects. No clear attempt to link the content of the training programme to the type of international assignment discussed in the previous section. Demonstrates a very limited understanding of the characteristics of ideal candidates for international assignments. The discussion is wholly descriptive and poorly organised.

Does not demonstrate an understanding of cultural differences and training and supporting assignees. Analysis is poorly organised. Lacks clear focus. No real analysis and demonstration of ability to critique and synthesise information. No reliable resources used.

Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.



research work. Outstanding presentation of material that is grounded in current research and best practice.

current research and best practice.

of research work. Very good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

Good presentation of material that is mostly grounded in current research and best practice.

grounded in current research and best practice.

current research and best practice.





Criterion 4 (10%):


Academic expectations and overall presentation

All required elements of the report (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a high standard. The report is distinctively well-structured, written and presented. There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Arguments are all relevant, clearly stated and well- justified. There is evidence of careful proof-reading. The report draws exclusively on academic resources and reliable practitioner-oriented resources, rather than web based sources. In-text citations and list of references fully follow Harvard referencing guidelines. The report meets the number of words required/ does not exceed the word limit.

Demonstrates an exceptional high level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

All required elements of the report (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a high standard. The structure, writing and presentation are excellent. There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Arguments are all relevant, clearly stated and well-justified. There is evidence of careful proof-reading. The report draws exclusively on academic resources and reliable practitioner-oriented resources, rather than web based sources. In-text citations and list of references fully follow Harvard referencing guidelines. The report meets the number of words required/ does not exceed the word limit.

Demonstrates an excellent level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Good effort has been made to ensure that key elements of the report document (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a high standard. The document is well- structured, written and presented in a professional- looking document. There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Arguments are all relevant, clearly stated and well-justified. There is evidence of careful proof-reading. The report draws mostly on academic resources and reliable practitioner- oriented resources, rather than web based sources. In-text citations and list of references fully follow Harvard referencing guidelines. The report meets the number of words required/ does not exceed the word limit.

Demonstrates a very good level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Good effort has been made to ensure that key elements of the report document (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a high standard. The document is presented in a fairly professional manner. There are minor spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Arguments are mostly relevant, well-stated and well-justified. There is evidence of proof- reading. The report draws mostly on academic resources and reliable practitioner- oriented resources, rather than web based sources. Slight execution issues with Harvard referencing guidelines. The report meets the number of words required/ does not exceed the word limit.

Demonstrates a good level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Satisfactory effort has been made to ensure that key elements of the report document (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a reasonable standard. The document is presented in a fairly professional manner. There are minor spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Careful proof-reading needed.

Arguments are not always relevant, well-stated and well- justified.. The report draws on some relevant academic resources and reliable practitioner-oriented resources, but also on some web based sources.

Inconsistent or incorrect use of Harvard referencing. Word limit exceeded/not met in some sections. Demonstrates a limited level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Fair effort has been made to ensure that key elements of the report document (as identified in the assignment brief) are present and completed to a fair standard. The document is presented in a fairly professional manner. There are major spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Careful proof-reading needed.

Arguments are not always well- stated and well-justified. The report draws on some relevant academic resources and reliable practitioner-oriented resources, but also draws heavily on web based sources, class slides and other inappropriate resources. Lack of adherence to Harvard referencing. Word limit exceeded/not met in some sections. Demonstrates a very limited level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Key elements of the report are not provided and/or presented with errors evident. Overall presentation of the document is not to a professional standard. There are major spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Full rewriting needed. The report draws heavily on web based sources, class slides and other inappropriate resources rather than on relevant academic and reliable practitioner-oriented resources. Lack of adherence to Harvard referencing. Demonstrates a very limited level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Key elements of the report are not provided and/or presented with errors evident. Overall presentation of the document is not to a professional standard. There are major spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Full rewriting needed. The report draws exclusively on web based sources, class slides and other inappropriate resources rather than on relevant academic and reliable practitioner-oriented resources. Lack of adherence to Harvard referencing. Demonstrates a very limited level of engagement in module lectures and seminars.

Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.

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