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Recent Papers 03-26-2022

Through continued exploration, experimentation and evaluation of relevant materials , techniques and technologies, expand a personal vocabulary in the chosen specialist area to communicate ideas and realise work.







Introduction                                                                                                                                                                 4

Project Outline                                                                                                                                                             4

Course Structure                                                                                                                                                         4

The Programme                                                                                                                                                          4

Timetable                                                                                                                                                                     7

Key Dates                                                                                                                                                                    8

Units                                                                                                                                                                            9

Software Sessions                                                                                                                                                     9

Reading List                                                                                                                                                               9

Interesting Link                                                                                                                                                          10

How Your Work Will Be Assessed                                                                                                                          11

Module Advice                                                                                                                                                            13

Academic Integrity                                                                                                                                                     13



This module enables students to direct and develop their practice and their MA proposal in preparation for its final realisation for the  Major Study  module. Students  are required to  further enhance the  knowledge  and skills base appropriate to their practice and are challenged to see the relevance of their work from differing perspectives.

The module aims to encourage students to continue to explore and expand their working methods and concepts within the context of their specialism and articulate these methodologies to others


The Practice 2: Design (IAD) module is related to two other level 7 modules: Practice 1 and Major Study for the entire academic year and intend to complement each other.

The module aims to encourage students to continue to explore and expand their working methods and concepts within the context of their specialism and articulate these methodologies to others. They are encouraged to consider and develop their project/ theme in a public context and in response to external drivers  where appropriate. Students will continue to consider the various appropriate creative and professional communities that are working in similar fields and the aesthetic, commercial, social and cultural implications of their practice.

The module will focus on the four aspects below :

  • Continue to develop a project/ theme that demonstrates  advanced knowledge and creativity.
  • Locate their practice within a specific creative, cultural, ethical or commercial context.
  • Make a critical assessment of formative responses from audiences and external professionals.
  • Acquire the skills, creativity and understanding necessary to plan for the final phase of their study.


The module is typically delivered in two phases corresponding to two projects. Across the two phases a reflection on Major study project is request:

Project 1:

An interdisciplinary group project where students work with tutors and invited practitioners on a project looking at notions of genre, medium, group working and experience as narrative  and which aims to  allow students  to step outside the accepted boundaries of their usual practice .

Project 2:

A spatial  experience design project based on a ficti on. This is an interior design project by which students will learn how to use `story-telling` as a design  methodology  and how to  apply a multidisciplinary  approach  by looking at design from different perspective. 

  1. Through continued exploration, experimentation and evaluation of relevant materials , techniques and technologies, expand a personal vocabulary in the chosen specialist area to communicate ideas and realise work.

Preparation to Major Study Project

A document that forms the outline and guideline for the Major Study Project in Semester C will be elaborated.



Introduction Date: Wednesday 26th January 202

Due Date: Monday 14th February 2022

Assessment Weighting : 25% of Course Mark (Summative)

Summative Assess ment: : htt ps:/ / cat oolkit.herts g-feedback-and-assessment-a­ quick-guide/

Submission Locati on: CANVAS and Verbal Sub mission For mat : Various

Time: 16:00 deadline

Project 1 Schedule (All awards)

The Interdisciplinary Project is an intensive experience where you will work on an immersive experience segment designed for public exhibition with students from other discipli nes.



R oom

Session con tent

Wednesday 26th January



Online/ on campus


Introduction to Pr oject, Art and Memory , Working in groups

Friday 28th January


17 .30

Online/ on campus

The digital platform - beginner` s guide to setting up and customising Wordpressfor mobile.

Wednesday 2nd February



Online/ on campus

Creativity and Meaning. Moving through space (GG)

Group tutorials  on project concepts

Friday 4th February



Online/ on campus

Group tutorials on project implementation/technical specifications.

Wednesday 9th February



Online/ on campus

Group tutorials on work in progress.

Friday llh February



Online/ on campus

Group tutorials on projects/technical troubleshooting - projects should be nearly complete .

Monday 14th February


On Ca mpus

Assessment 1 (artefact)  deadline . All projects must be

complete and physically installed and on the project server.


Exhibition opening event - lecture and guided tour of the

project outcomes .



Assessment 1 (peer evaluations) deadline

Please Note :

Because of the nature of teaching and learning activities (group work), attendance at all scheduled teaching sessions for the IDP is required .


Introduction Date: Wednesday 16th February 2022

Due Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2022

Assessment Weighting: 75% of Course Mark (Summative)

Summative Assessment: htt ps:/ /­ quick-guide/

Submission Location: CANVAS For mat : Various

Time : 23 :59 deadline

Project 2 Outline

For this project you will develop the design of an interior spatial experience inspired by a fiction. You will choose to work on Office Design or Commercial/Hospitality Desi gn.

The design intent is to formulate a proposal focused on the user experience . The  concept of Embodied experience or Embodied Simulation must be investigated first, to orient the entire design strategy, from spatial planning to details.

While the spatial planning will depend on the programme you choose, the quality  of  the  space  will  be determined by reflection and studies on user engagement. You will design the way the user moves through the space, listens, sees, etc. in a few words, your design will focus on the aspects affecting the user behaviour.

`(...) Embodied simulation is also triggered during the experience of spatiality around our body and during the contemplation of objects. The functional architecture of embodied simulation seems to constitute  a basic characteristic of our brain, making possible our rich and diversified experiences of space, objects and other individuals, being at the basis of our capacity to empathize with (...)`

Gallese, V., 2017.



For this project the design methodology proposed is `Stor yte lling`, which is a very effective method in interior design. You will choose an  inspirational  fiction  that  could be from a well-known  book, movie, animation, painting, a music track , any form of art that tells a well-known story and apply the structure and themes of the narrative to your space. By telling a captivating story through 2D shap es, 3D forms , colours , li ght, material texture and control paths,  you will create a journey to enable  the  visitors to  have  a memorable  experience of the space.

Eg. In Alice in Wonderland there are continues passages of scale, the narrative is built upon the curiosity of the
main character and by a linear sequence of facts. The space Inspired by It may be an Interplay of spaces of different proportions Informed by different sensorial qualities. The user will move trigged by curiosity, intrigued by whats/he sees or imagines, etc. The rationality of the main character could Inspire a design oriented to linear views, symmetrical solutions, etc.

`Storytelling ` involves the application of a multidisciplinary ap proach . You will need to think  like a  graphic designer to brand your project and/or illustrators to select the scene or choose the viewpoint of your narrative and/or fashion or product designers to identify lifestyle inspiring the fiction you ch oose.



For this project a particular emphasis on presentation is required. You will propose a tagline for your project.

The outcomes will be

  • N.2 A2 posters : the first one will represent the `wow factor s` of the propo sal, the second one will full represent and describe the proposal.
  • A physical model exploring junctions between vertical and horizontal sur faces. The detail should portray the sensorial contents , visual , tactile , etc . of your proposal. The model should embrace the use of emerging technologies and materials .
  • A short statement that refers to the literature in the field of experience design that frames your proposal in the field you chose.
  • OPTIONAL: A VR* model of a room, which may be a part of the building, a corner, a special area etc.

* You will be introduced to the use of AR and VR as a means of communication and presentation to the clients . VR presentation is getting more popular in the interior design industry and many companies have already used the technology to sell their design to the clients .   It is an effective way to communicate the atmosphere of interior space .

Site location and program

The location can be an existing building. You must be able to have access to all the information useful for the elaboration the site analysis.

The development of a program based on the `narrative` you choose is required. Research and exploration should guide you through the development of a proposal in which the aesthetic and perceptive qualities of the space, such as design layout, materials,  light, textures, volumes, etc.  reflect the interpretation you  choose for  your fiction and influence the aspects of perception around which you aim to design the user experience.


Major Study Project outline/ Visual Manifesto

As outcome of your reflection on the different design methodologie s and themes explored during the two semesters and across all the  modules, you will elaborate  a document that  forms  the outline  and guideline  for the Major Study Project in Semester C.  This is an important document that shows the  design intent of your project. The document aims to clarify what is the  object of your Major Study  Project, the current aspects  or debate that can inform it, and the design methodology you will apply for the development of it.

The document (about 1000 words) will be supported by a Visual Manifesto .



Submission includes


  • N. 2 A2 posters
  • physical model
  • design statement
  • design jou rn al *
  • A VR model of a ro o m, which may be a part of the building, a corner, a special are a etc. (optional) 


  • St atement (about 1000 words)
  • Visual Manife st o






M onday





Pract ice 2 (IAD)

Softw ar e sessions

Fr i day 12:30






See Pro ject 1 Schedu le (All awards) (above)



31/0 1 / 2022



See Pro ject 1 Schedu le (All awar ds) (above)







See Project 1 Schedu le (All awar ds) (above)


111 ustrator





Project 1 is due on Monday 14/ 02/ 2022

Pro ject 2 launch (Zoom session on Wednesday

16 th Feb)

Task: se lect ing a story Select ing a site

lnDesi gn/

111 ustrator






Lec tu re 1: about st orytel ling design meth odology (Er i ca Liu)

Workshop: key words and images of the story/ Start ela boratin g the

Design brief


111 ustrator









Lectu re 2: Office design (Ri chard Douglas) TBC

Sit e analys is to be completed/ Design brief defined/

Start elabor at ing the

design strategy

lnDesi gn/

111 ustrator







Lec t ure 3: Programme, br anding, movement (Thomas Trail )

Work ing on concept (physica l models, video or ot her

explor ative medium)



111 ustrato r





CRIT for formative assessment.

At this stage project brief, site analysis, design concept to be completed

Cit. liter at ure revie wed


111 ustrator




21 / 03/ 20 22


Lect ure 4: Branding (Er ica Liu) (online content) Lecture 5: Quatt ordici (Anna Sta nto n) TBC

Detail fo cus : planning model making

Start pla nning for major

study project

lnDesi gn/

111 ust rat or

1 36               1 28/ 03/ 20 22                                                                                                                                     I












04/ 04/ 20 22





Tutor ial session (to be booked in)

05/04/ 2022

deadIi ne Video Essa y CE


08/04/ 2022

Dead line 4000

words D&R

38             I 11/04/2022        I VACATION



Lectu re 6: Embodiment: design, body, brain     Developed desi gn               VR t utorial (TBC) (Giuseppina Giuffr ida) TBC



18/ 04/ 20 22






Full tutorial session (focus on presentati on)





02 / 05/ 20 22

Monday Bank Holida y

Project 2 submission Tuesday 03/05/2021 (Digital submission)



I 4

09;0512022           Exam/ assessme nt week (marksheet to UH 13/ 05/ 2022 )


Monday 14th February 2022- Project 1 submission  (different times)

Tuesday 3rd May 2022- Project 2 and Major Study  Project outline submission (23 :59)


Lectures/seminaries/tutorials Wednesday 14:00-17:00 (Room AB145) Extra curriculum activities Thursday 10:00 - 17:00 (Room AB145)


Semester B includes training on digital modelling, rendering and graphics with advanced Autocad and Sketchup, Lumion, Adobe lnDesign, Illustrator and VR visualizati on. The School of Creative Arts provides access to computers and all relevant software required to undertake the module.

Software sessions Friday 12 :30 - 14:30 (Zoom)

Thursday joined sessions with LS BA (Hon) IAD Lab 1A117 Lindop Building


See reading list on Canvas

https://herts.instructu rses/93949/modules/items/1857450

 Fr ederick Ki esler, Endless Hou se, large model, 1959.


https://performing-a m-storyte IIing-to-spatial-practice/


Your work will be assessed against the following assessment criteria :

Learning Outcomes - Knowledge and Understanding: (Successful students will typically...)

  1. The processes, techniques and technologies involved at the forefront of current practice relevant to their specialism.
  2.  The research and enquiry methods needed to inform  and support their  practice  within  the  context of current issues and debates.
  3. The location of their practice within a wider cultural , ethical and commercial context.

Learning Outcomes - Skills and Att ributes : (Successful students will typically...)

  1. Through continued exploration, experimentation and evaluation of relevant materials , techniques and technologies, expand a personal vocabulary in the chosen specialist area to communicate ideas and realise work.
  2. Realise and present a body of original creative work that reflects personal aspirati ons, demonstrates initiative,  curiosity, personal responsibility  and an  advanced critical awareness of the  specifics of current best practice.
  3. Demonstrate advanced technical expertise and professionalism in production.
  4. Research, critically evaluate and make individual judgments on current best practice, issues and debates relevant to their chosen specialist area which inform and contextualise the development of their individual practice .
  5. Through effective organisation, manage time and resources eff iciently .
  6. Clearly define the body of work to be realised in the major study module.

Grades Descriptors and Reference Grades: (Undergraduate reference scale to assist coarse-grained marking of individual pieces of work)

Excellent/ Outstanding Work (Distinction equivalent) : 95 *, 85 Very Good Work (Distinction equivalent): 77, 72

Good Work (Commendation equivalent ): 68, 65, 62 Clear Pass (Pass equivalent ): 58, 55, 52

Marginal Fail (LO`s not evidenced) : 48 (F), 45 (F), 42 (F)

Clear Fail (LO` s not evidenced ): 38 (F), 35 (F), 32 (F), 28 (F) Little or Nothing of Merit (LO`s not evidenced ): 10 (F)


*Reference Grades above 90, should be awarded for work of truly exceptional quality and used very spari ngly.

Tutors will refer to SCHOOL-LEVEL GRADING CRITERIA when assessing your work and determining an appropriate mark to award . You can see the School-Level Postgraduate Grading Criteria here:

https:// .uk/tooIkit/schoo1-leveI-grading-criteria-pos tgraduate/

Engagement by the student in all aspects of Teaching and Learning and Assessment are essential to ensure successful completion  of the module, students with  an OVERALL  Module Grade below 20% will not be offered the opportunity for a referral and will be required to repeat the module if permitted.

Penalties for Late Su bmission :

  • For first-sitting  or deferred cour sework , for  each day (or working day for  hard copy submission  only) for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework submitted late (including deferred coursework, but with the exception of referred coursework), wiII have the numeric grade reduced by

10 grade points until or unless th e numeric grade reaches or is 40 .

  • Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline should be awarded a grade of zero unless an extension has been granted.

Referr als: For students who are referred due to failure on first-sitting  of one or more elements of assessment, only the assessment elements which have been failed and then passed at referral will be capped to 40. The module grade overall will not be capped .

Re-enrolment: Following  re-enrolment on any module, the grades awarded shall be those  actually  achieved in the assessment. Grades will  not be capped except where there are penalties for other  circumstances (such as late submission).



PG Design signals the start of the Masters program and the professional bodies who accredit the course calls for students at this level to display professionalism in the way they act and work. This expectation covers students attitudes to their own work, to that of their colleagues, to their teachers and the design profession itself. This professionalism is a base necessity for a university to allow a student to graduate, and for design practices to employ a graduate. A capacity to work on multiple simultaneous projects, to accommodate conflicting demands and with a minimum of `special consideration` for `adverse circumstances`, are all basic professional skills.


PG Design provides a mixture of lectures, tutorials and workshops to support students. Students also have access to the `design talk` series including talks by experts during the semester. Students should attend all of these. Design tutorials are an essential activity requiring all students` attention and participation. Following their respective tutors` lead, all students are required to engage in constructive discussion of both their own and their peers` projects. This is the reality of design practice and is essential to each student`s education, formulation of ideas and problem solving. Students arriving late to tutorials are in effect signaling disrespect to their tutor, their studio comrades and ultimately themsel ves. Late arrivals should not expect their own work to be the subject of group discussion until the end of tutorial time or at all, at the discretion of the tutor, if that time has elapsed.

The tutors who are engaged in the Masters program are a highly qualified, with a diverse range of skills, backgrounds, abilities and design philosophies. As such, they will challenge students in different ways, and emphasise  different things  in tutorials.  Students are encouraged to  work full-time  in the studio, where lockers and amenities are provided. Students who take `ownership` of a space and do not use it will forfeit the rights to those who do.


Academic integrity, honesty, and a respect for knowledge, truth and ethical practices are fundamental to the business of the University . These principles are at the core of all academic endeavours in teaching, learning and research. Dishonest practices contravene  academic  values, compromise  the integrity of research and devalue the quality of learning.

By submitting you are declaring that your submission is entirely your own work. If you have cited from other sources or in any way included material that was not produced by yourself, those  sources  must  be acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge where work is not your own may result in an allegation of academic misconduct.

For more information, see https :/ / catoolkit .herts. ac. uk/ toolkit/ av oiding-pl agiaris m/

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