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Assignment Briefs 01-18-2023

Critically apply knowledge of biopsychosocial approaches and human development to inform accurate person-centred nursing assessments for people with complex nursing and social care needs

You should use an appropriately formal academic style, avoiding contractions (e.g., don’t, won’t, etc.) and informal or spoken forms of language. Be sure not to identify any individual or organisation directly or by implication in your work (NMC, 2018). Equally, unless crucial to the argument and/or where the information is already in the public domain, refer to organisations only in the most general terms, eg, an NHS Trust .

This assignment tests the following learning outcomes for the module:

1. Critically apply knowledge of biopsychosocial approaches and human development to inform accurate person-centred nursing assessments for people with complex nursing and social care needs

2. To demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of procedures carried out by the nursing associate in order to deliver safe and effective care across the lifespan utilising effective communication strategies

3. To identify and utilise the best available evidence to support people with complex care needs in a range of care settings, involving people in their own care and promoting independence

4. To recognise signs of deterioration and take prompt action, including escalation to others, to prevent or reduce risk of harm to the person and others.

You will need to answer two scenario. The aim of the assignment is to test your knowledge as outlined in learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4. The two selected scenarios will be separately presented in an academic style format, with a clear introduction, body and conclusion and have an appropriate formal academic style. Do not include headings and sub-headings. The structure of each answer to the care delivery should include the following:

 • Introduction (Approximately, 100 words*). This will acknowledge which scenario you are addressing. Please do not just lift from the assignment brief/question, think of the fundamental care delivery as a whole. Briefly describe what the assignment will encapsulate. You may also consider: How would you address the patient, confidentiality and dignity? How would you seek consent? How would you maintain infection control?

• Main body (Approximately 700 words*). In this section, you should consider: The definition of the condition The pathophysiology of the condition A-E assessment applying to the patient, their observations… Medical interventions, including tests Pharmacology (medications, including side effects) Nursing care 

• Evaluation of the care delivery (Approximately, 100 words*). In this section, you should consider NEWS, SBAR and what you would do in case of improvement and/ or deterioration.

• Conclusion and possible recommendations (Approximately, 100 words*). Briefly describe what may need to be considered in terms of what is next for the individual and being cared for in the community.

 • References – These will be ‘in text’ references and must come from academic sources (Mayo Clinic, NHS website etc. are not classed as academic). You will not be permitted to bring a list to the exam. *Please use this suggested word count as a guide only.

Assignment Case scenarios

Scenario 1

. Mr Kulpinder Singh, a 55-year-old gentleman, has been admitted to your ward with a worsening of his COPD symptoms. On admission, he has a productive cough (thick green sputum) and complains of being short of breath and wheezy. He feels lethargic and tired.

 Ward baseline Observations:

 • Oxygen saturations: 80% on room air

• Respiratory rate: 30 breaths per minute

 • Heart rate: 125 beats per minute

 • Blood Pressure 100/ 60mmHg

 • Temp: 38.30C No medications have been prescribed as yet.

Scenario 2.

 Stefan Milovic is a 62-year-old married gentleman. He has over recent months complained of feeling unwell, with indigestion-like discomfort not relieved by antacids and shortness of breath. He has not been to see his doctor. One night whilst lying on his bed he started having unbearable chest pain, which was radiating to the left side of his neck and pain between his shoulder blades. An ambulance was called, and he was taken to the hospital. Following further examination in the Emergency Department (ED), it was confirmed that he had not had a Myocardial Infarction (MI). Further investigations and observations are required

ED Baseline Observations:

• Oxygen saturation: 95% on room air

 • Respiration rate: 22 breaths per minute

• Heart rate: 105 beats per minute

 • Blood pressure: 130/ 75mmHg

• Temperature: 37.5°C

How Your work will be assessed:

Your work will be assessed using London Generic Undergraduate Grade descriptor for Level 5. These will cover:

• Word count for 2 case scenarios’ is 2,000 words (1000 words per scenario)

• Text should be Arial font size 12

• Word count excludes references

 • Write in an appropriate formal academic style, avoiding contractions (e.g. won’t, can’t, don’t, etc). • No subheadings to be used

• Clearly identify which Scenario you are answering.

 Communication (10) In this section you will need to demonstrate an ability to communicate clearly. Grammar spelling, punctuation, syntax and referencing will be assessed under this section.

 Understanding (25) This section covers the definition of the condition, pathophysiology, A-E assessment of the patient, observations, medical interventions including tests, pharmacology (medications and side effects) and nursing care. Critically apply knowledge of biopsychosocial approaches and human development to inform accurate person-centred nursing assessments for people with complex nursing and social care needs

 Originality (20) This section will demonstrate your ability to provide evidence of independent thinking and development of own ideas.

Ability to develop an argument, solution, evaluation or explanation (10) In this section you will need to consider how you have demonstrated the ability to assemble, link ideas and evidence from a full range of relevant sources, evaluate the data to build a reasoned and articulated argument/conclusion. This will demonstrate insight and creative thought.

Use of literature and theories (15) This section will consider how you have demonstrated the ability to integrate biological sciences and nursing theories to provide in-depth understanding and rationale for the use of skills/ interventions required when caring for a patient.  

Use of methodologies (incl. relevant practices, tools literature etc) (20) This section will consider how you have demonstrated the ability to choose, incorporate and critique theory, guidelines and tools to promote safe practice and improve patient outcome. 

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