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Identify, determine and justify a disciplinary-relevant project, including its aims, scopes and objectives.

BUS6059 Integrated Business Research Project

The price quoted is for the complete assessment of 8000 words (inlcuing powerpoint presentations)




Occurrence C / Option 3: Individual Business Advice Project Individual Business Advice Project presentation:

HAND IN DATE Due in week commencing 6 December 2021

In person or over MS TEAMS


Individual Business Advice Project reportt

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:

On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

1.  Identify, determine and justify a disciplinary-relevant project, including its aims, scopes and objectives.

2.  Self-manage research, including managing the supervisory process and reflecting critically on the work undertaken.

3.  Understand how to identify and synthesise the relevant conceptual and methodological techniques from the degree programme, using a range of sources and data, applying them to a particular topic, case or organisation.

4.  Show and review the results or the project, including drawing appropriate conclusions and recommendations, and assessing their impacts.

Number of attempts

Under the Standard University Assessment Regulations (UAR20) students have two opportunities to be assessed and to pass this module.  If a student has not achieved a pass in this module after the resit, no further opportunities are available and the student will be withdrawn from the course.


Please read the plagiarism guidelines on your module page.

Late Submissions

Please read the late submission regulations and penalties on your module page or on your Course page.

Assessment Brief: First Attempt/Resit Assessment Overview

This particular assessment will utilise two live brief provided from businesses or other organisations, through the School’s Business Advice Centre. The student will liaise with the client(s) to identify the aims, scope and objectives of the two projects.

In self-managing the projects, the groups will manage the internal work allocations, the supervisory process, and the client relationship, applying them to the topic or case the organisations identify. As part of this process, the student will undertake to present their findings to the clients in the form of a presentation (each worth 20% of the final mark). In addition to the two presentations, the portfolio will include a 6000-word reflective summary, identifying the individual student’s contribution.


To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 40%. Failure to achieve a pass after the second attempt will result in the student being withdrawn from the course.

Integrated Business Research Project through live projects provide professional learningexperience and an opportunity to gain real world practical experience and ability to develop important networks while completing the undergraduate programme. The Integrated Business

Research Project allows opportunities for the development of practical skills in contexts where professional criticism is both immediate and constructive. It also furnishes students with opportunities to observe and understand connections between the undergraduate programme and skills needed to perform effectively in a given profession and therefore assist in identifying knowledge and skills essential to doing well in a particular profession

Option 3: Individual Business Advice Project

The  individual  business  advice  project  is  also  an  academic  document  created  as a consequence of a student carrying out an integrated business research project. This 40 credit point module is assessed via a live project. This particular assessment will utilise live brief provided from businesses or other organisations, through the School’s Business Advice Centre. The student will liaise with the client(s) to identify the aims, scope and objectives of the project 

Student will meet with the client (via teams or in person) and refine the project.

Two tasks will assess all of the learning outcomes. The tasks comprise one project based on live client-brief spanning across the two semesters, will be outlined using the Business Advice Centre Project Template, which the student will be provided with. Thereafter the student will meet with the client (either in the Business Advice Centre or in the client’s place of business) and refine the project. The two tasks are as follows 

TASK 1: Individual Business Advice Project presentation - 20% [10 minutes]. Prepare a presentation, not exceeding 12 slides, which: (i) Describes the problem backgmbround; (ii) Identification of the problem; (iii) Defined problem Definition; (iv) Defining expected project outcome/deliverables; (v) project plan.

TASK 2: Individual Business Advice project report - 80% (8000 words).

See module guide for more information. BUS6059 Integrated Business Research Project

Option 4: Business Advice Portfolio Project

A business advice portfolio project is also an academic document created as a consequence of a student carrying out an integrated business research project.

This 40 credit point module is assessed via a portfolio of live projects. This particular assessment will utilise two live brief provided from businesses or other organisations, through the School’s Business Advice Centre. The student will liaise with the client(s) to identify the
aims, scope and objectives of the two projects. Two projects will be completed with one each in each semester.

Three tasks will assess all of the learning outcomes. The tasks comprise of two projects based on live client-briefs, will be outlined using the Business Advice Centre Project Template, which the student group will be provided with. Thereafter the student group will meet with the client (either in the Business Advice Centre or in the client’s place of business) and refine the project. The three tasks are as follows:

TASK 1: Business Advice Group Project #1 - 20% [10 minutes].

Prepare a group- presentation, not exceeding 12 slides, which: (i) identifies the aims, scope and objectives of the client brief; (ii) reviews relevant academic literature; (iii) uses appropriate investigatory methods; (iv) presents and discusses results; (v) makes recommendations to the client, whilst acknowledging the study’s limitations.

TASK 2: Business Advice Group Project #2 - 20% [10 minutes]. 

Prepare a group- report, not xceeding 12 slides, which: (i) identifies the aims, scope and objectives of the client brief; (ii) reviews relevant academic literature; (iii) uses appropriate investigatory methods; (iv) presents and discusses results; (v) makes recommendations to the client, whilst acknowledging the study’s limitations.

TASK 3: 60% [6000 words]

The student will prepare an individual report on the defined aim and objectives for the study. In doing so student will critically evaluate the literature, presents the justified choice of research methods/tools that suit the study, use data from   company   for   evaluation,   and   then   present   their   findings, recommendations and conclusion. The student will also reflect on how satisfactorily the needs of the client briefs were addressed. See module guide for more information.

Assessment Brief: First attempt

Required task(s)

To carry out an original piece of research under the guidance of your supervisor accounted for on in a final report document. You are entitled to up to 4 hours of up to 6 supervisory meetings along with written feedback on your work.

Initial topic idea or area

All students from Option C and Option D are required to submit an initial topic idea. This will enable the module leader to allocate you a suitable supervisor. This topic selection is for fall back Option 1.

Ethics request

An ethics request form signed both by you and your supervisor should be uploaded on Moodle before any data collection.

See module guide for more information.


All work should be referenced using the BCU Harvard format - there are handouts available
online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library if you are unsure of

Do not use popular websites like Wikipedia, Google or Yahoo - the former is not peer assessed and the work is not always reliable and the latter are search engines.

Use textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable). You

should however, make more reliance on journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than text books. If you are to use text books, these should be the latest so it is important to check whether you have the latest edition.

Assessment Brief: RESIT

Students who score less than 40% overall this module will be invited to resubmit their presentation and/or final report, dependent on the element of the assessment failed. The resubmission deadlines are:

Occurrence C / Option 3 presentation - During Week commencing 18 July 2022 Occurrence C / Option 3 coursework - 25 July 2021, 12 Noon

Occurrence D/ Option 4 presentation #1: During Week commencing 18 July 2022 Occurrence D/ Option 4 presentation #2: During Week commencing 18 July 2022 Occurrence D/ Option 4 coursework: 25 July 2022, 12 Noon

The resubmission requirements are identical to the submission requirements for the first submission stated above. Students need to revise and rework to improve on their work based on the feedback provided. If a student needs to carry out a new research project and submit a new ethics request this should be agreed with their supervisor.

Students are permitted up to two additional meetings with their supervisors or up to two additional pieces of written feedback on specific report chapters, requiring a total time commitment from their supervisors of no more than 90 minutes.



Marking criteria

Student Name:.................................................................................. Student Number:.....................................

BUS6059 - Integrated Business project - Occurrence C / Option 3 - Assessment and Feedback Strategy
Assessment will be 20% Presentation and 80% course work. All course work will be individually achieved.

Module Assessment Criteria - Presentation (20%)

Assessment Criterion

Level Descriptor BUS6059 Integrated Business Research Project


Fail (0-39%)

PASS (40-49%)

2.2 (50-59%)

2.1 (60-69%)

First (70-100%)

Criterion 1: Marks 30

Evaluation of the problem background and problem identification

Background of the problem defined but lacks problem definition and rationale for the study

Background of the problem defined Interesting topic defined but the problem definition is broad. Hypothesis if required has not been stated and there is inadequate awareness and understanding.

Clear research issue & appropriate background about the live project.

Clear research issue; good background about the live project and objectives are clear, feasible and appropriate with good rationale and where appropriate, the hypotheses has been clearly stated.

Excellent background about the live brief project, with issues defined, objectives and rationale and hypotheses where appropriate is given

Criterion 2:

Marks 30

Problem definition

Problem definition lacks clarity

Problem definition is clear

Clearly and succinctly identifies the purpose of the live project.

Clearly and succinctly identifies the purpose of the live project including describing the existing environment.

Excellently defined problem which is specific, measurable, assignable, relevant and time-based.

Criterion 3:

Mark 15

Expected project outcomes

Ill-defined outcomes. Unclear

Problem outcomes are unclear

Clear and succinctly defined problem outcomes

Clearly and succinctly defined expected project outcome and are partially measurable.

Excellently defined expected project outcomes and are fully measurable.


Project plan


Criterion 4:

Marks 15


Fails to present a project plan or presents something that is not realistic

Presents a realistic project plan providing details of time and resources

Presents a clear project plan covering scope, time and resources

Presents a project plan covering scope, time, resources and risks associated

Excellently defined project plan covering scope, time, resources, quality, and risks associated with the delivery of the project.

Criterion 5:

Marks 10

Clarity of Content and flow of Discussion, Presentation materials quality, etc


Inadequate range of structures and vocabulary. Vocabulary is used inaccurately or in a way that does not cope with the required tasks. Discourse is not developed in any meaningful way. No real interactive communication taking place.

Adequate range of structure and vocabulary used which may not be accurate but conveys the message. Opening is present but difficult to grasp, topics seem disjointed or rambling, with no clear direction, reasoning is faulty or unclear; the close fails to wrap up topic or make conclusions.

Adequate range of structure and vocabulary used which may not be accurate but conveys the message. Discourse is well developed and in a meaningful way. Opening is present and clear to understand, topics seems jointed, with clear direction, reasoning is adequate or clear; the close fails to wrap up topic or make conclusions

A good range of structure and vocabulary used which is good and conveys the message. Discourse is well developed and in  meaningful way. Opening is present and clear to understand, topics seems jointed, with clear direction, reasoning is adequate or clear; the close addresses and wraps up topic and at the same time presents conclusions and clear recommendations.

An excellent range of structure and vocabulary used which is accurate and conveys the clear message. Discourse is well developed and in a meaningful way. Opening is present and clear to understand, topics are jointed, with clear direction, reasoning is clear, succinct and excellent; the close addresses and wraps up topic and at the same time presents conclusions and clear and adaptable recommendations


Assessment Criterion

Level Descriptor

Fail (0-39%)

PASS (40-49%)

2.2 (50-59%)

2.1 (60-69%)

First (70-100%)

Criterion 1:

Marks - 15%

Formulate a research question(s)/ hypotheses or problem of strategic significance based on the live brief project with clearly defined objectives, identify appropriate methodology

Appropriate evaluation of the context of live brief projects.

Background of the live

brief given but

Objectives and

rationale unclear or

not stated. The author

appears to know little

about the subject area

relating to the project.

There is little or no

understanding of

methodological issues.

Interesting topic that

gives some

background about the

live brief project but

the research question

is very broad and the

objectives unclear or

too broad. Hypothesis

if required has not

been stated and there

is inadequate

awareness and

understanding of the

literature and of factual

or theoretical issues

relevant to the project.

There is limited

understanding of

methodological issues.

Clear research issue &

appropriate background

about the live brief.

Objectives clear but

some issues about

scope, fit with the

rationale, feasibility are

unclear. The

hypotheses where

appropriate may not be

clear. There will be fair

description of

appropriate field(s) of

literature. Some general

conclusions, weak

evaluation of concepts &

analytical framework.

There is some

understanding of

methodological issues.

Clear research issue;

good background about

the live brief and

objectives are clear,

feasible and

appropriate with good

rationale and where

appropriate, the

hypotheses has been

clearly stated. The

literature is cogently

evaluated with some

critique and useful

conclusions related to

analytical framework.

There is some detailed

understanding of

methodological issues.

Clear and specific about

research question, objectives

clear, feasible and

appropriate, very well justified

by very good & relevant

background information about

the live brief with hypotheses

stated where appropriate.

The literature is cogently

described and evaluated with

good critique and conclusions

identifying gaps and issues,

good analytical framework.

There is very detailed

understanding of

methodological issues.

Criterion 2:

Marks - 15%

Adopt a critical perspective in selecting and devising a research methodology appropriate to a chosen research

question(s)/problem or hypotheses.


Methodology unclear,


methodology is clear

Research Methodology

used is clear with some

Research Methodology

is clear and justified

Excellent understanding of

methodological issues &

BUS6059 Integrated Business Research Project
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