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Assignment Briefs 11-21-2022

Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap. Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.


MOD003325 Academic and Professional Skills



Assessment code:


Academic Year:




Module Title:

Academic and Professional Skills

Module Code:




Module Leader:




Word Limit:

2000 words

This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.83 of the Academic Regulations

Assessed Learning Outcomes:

1,2,3 & 5

Submission Deadline:

Please refer to the deadline on the VLE


  • This assignment must be completed individually.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Your work must indicate the number of words you have used.  Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words.  When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
  • Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
  • Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
  • You must number all pages.
  • You must submit a Word doc (a .docx, .doc or .odt file), not a PDF.
  • In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – if your work is submitted on the same day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you submit your work up to two working days after the published submission deadline – it will be accepted and marked.  However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%


  • Work cannot be submitted if the period of 2 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
  • ExceptionalCircumstances: The deadline for submission of Exceptional Circumstances claims in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - See

6.112 – 6.141:


Choose only ONE of the words in italics. Choose the word most relevant to your degree.

You have been hired by a multinational Healthcare/Finance/Legal/Hospitality company to write a 2000-word report responding to the task in the box below.

Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap.

Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.


  • You must use the following source in your answer:

Apergis, N. and Lynch, N. (2022) ‘The impact of economic freedom on the gender pay gap: evidence from a survey of UK households’, Journal of Economic Studies (Bradford), 49(1), pp. 61–76. doi:10.1108/JES-09-2020-0444.

You must also use at least 5 other sources that you select yourself. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

  • You must not focus on just one country or workplace, but you may use specific countries or workplaces as examples.
  • Your report should include the following sections:

Cover Page (not included in the word count). Executive Summary (not included in the word count). Contents Page (not included in the word count).

Introduction (suggested: 300 words).

Findings (suggested: 1200 words, split into 4 300-word subsections. The first subsection should relate to your degree).

Conclusion (suggested: 150 words).

Recommendations (suggested: 350 words. Include 3 recommendations).

Reference List (not included in the word count).

Appendices (optional, not included in the word count).

Further guidance on what should be included in each section is provided in a separate document on the VLE, “Report Assignment Structure”.


Your grade is split into four categories: Task Fulfilment (40% of your grade), Structure, Use of Sources and Language (each worth 20% of your grade). Each category assesses different aspects of your work, as explained below:

Task Fulfilment (40%)

  • Relevance: Your report should stay on topic. It should not contain any information that does not help answer the report task.
  • Report section function: Each section of the report should fulfil its function by following report-writing conventions and doing what the reader expects. Your ideas should be in the appropriate report section (e.g. you should not make recommendations in the Findings).
  • Analysis: Your report should be analytical, not just descriptive. For example, you could consider the consequences and limitations of the ideas you include.
  • Order of ideas: Your ideas should be in a logical order, and the same idea should not be repeated multiple times (although you may refer to ideas you have previously discussed).
  • Paragraph structure: Your paragraphs should follow the structure discussed in your APS lectures. Each paragraph should have only one main idea, which should be made clear in its topic sentence. This idea should be well supported (e.g. with explanation or examples).
  • Cohesive devices: You should use cohesive devices (e.g. “therefore”, “however”) to show the links between your ideas. You should make logical choices about when to do this and which cohesive devices to use.
  • Choice and use of sources: You should use a large range of sources. Your sources should be complex, thorough, academic and reliable. It should be clear how your source evidence supports your ideas and links to the report task.
  • Use of paraphrase/summary: Your paraphrases and summaries should be frequent and easy to understand. You should use your own words. The meaning of the original source should remain clear. You may include direct quotations, but only when appropriate.
  • Use of Harvard referencing: You should reference all information from sources accurately. Your citations and reference list should follow the conventions of Harvard referencing, as explained here:
  • Range: Your vocabulary should be varied and relevant to the report topic. You should use a wide range of grammatical structures.
  • Accuracy: Your language use should be accurate and natural, with as few errors as possible. Your writing should be easy to understand and should not cause strain (confusion) for the reader. Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap. Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.
  • Academic style: Your writing should follow the conventions of academic style, as explained in your APS sessions. You should avoid personal language, idioms, emotional language, informal language, rhetorical questions and contractions. Your writing should be precise.

Structure (20%)

Use of Sources (20%)

Language (20%)



Task Fulfilment (40%)

Structure (20%)

Use of Sources (20%)

Language (20%)

Relevance • Report Section Function •


Order of Ideas • Paragraph Structure • Cohesive Devices

Choice and Use of Sources •

Paraphrase/Summary • Harvard


Range • Accuracy •

Academic Style




Exceptional TF: 36-40



  • Completely on topic and succinct without digression.
  • Report sections thoroughly fulfil their functions in an effective and clear way.
  • Analysis is very frequent, innovative and exceptionally


  • Order of ideas within sections is exceptionally logical.
  • Paragraphs show exceptional structure and have very clear main ideas.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is completely logical. They are used at all appropriate points.
  • An exceptional range of complex, reliable, academic sources have been used. They support points exceptionally well.
  • Use of paraphrase/summary shows exceptional ability to manipulate language. Quotes are only used if appropriate and necessary.
  • Flawless use of Harvard referencing.
  • Exceptional range of vocabulary and grammar which is formal and appropriate.
  • Language use is exceptionally accurate, with no errors.
  • Exceptional, completely consistent academic style.




Outstanding TF: 32-35



  • On topic and succinct without digression.
  • Report sections fulfil their functions very effectively.
  • Analysis is frequent and effective.
  • Order of ideas within sections is very logical.
  • Paragraphs show outstanding structure and have clear main ideas.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is very logical. They are used at almost all appropriate points.
  • Many complex, academic and reliable sources have been used. They support points outstandingly well.
  • Use of paraphrase/summary is outstanding and clear. Quotes are only used if appropriate.
  • Near flawless use of Harvard referencing (there may be very minor errors e.g. punctuation).
  • Outstanding range of vocabulary and grammar which is formal and appropriate.
  • Language use is outstandingly accurate, with a few very minor errors.
  • Outstanding, highly consistent academic style.



70 – 79%

Excellent TF: 28-31



  • Report stays on topic (there may be extremely minimal digression).
  • Report sections fulfil their functions.
  • Analysis is fairly frequent and usually effective.
  • Order of ideas within sections is logical.
  • Paragraphs tend to show excellent structure and are very likely to have clear main ideas.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is logical. They are used at most appropriate points.
  • Many academic and reliable sources have been used. They often support points in an excellent way.
  • Use of paraphrase/summary is excellent and usually clear. Quotes may be used, usually when appropriate.
  • Excellent use of Harvard referencing (there may be minor errors).
  • Excellent range of vocabulary and grammar which is generally formal and appropriate.
  • Language use is excellent, with errors causing no strain.
  • Excellent, consistent academic style.



60 – 69%



TF: 24-27


St/S/L: 12-


  • Report is mostly on topic with only minor digression.
  • Report sections usually fulfil their functions, with some minor issues.
  • There is a good attempt at analysis, which is sometimes effective.
  • Order of ideas within sections is mostly logical. Occasionally ideas may be repeated or their placement may cause confusion.
  • Paragraphs tend to show good structure. There may be some issues e.g. inappropriate sentence functions/multiple ideas in one paragraph.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is mostly logical. They are used at many appropriate points.
  • Some academic and reliable sources have been used. They support points in a good way, which may be inconsistent.
  • Use of paraphrase/summary and is good and generally clear. Quotes may be overused.
  • Good use of Harvard referencing (there may be some errors e.g. with secondary citations).
  • Good range of vocabulary and grammar (there may be occasional informal or inappropriate language).
  • Language use is good (but at points may cause minor strain).
  • Good academic style which is mostly consistent.




50 – 59%

Sound TF: 20-23



  • Report is often on topic, with some digression.
  • Most/all report sections at least partially fulfil their functions.
  • Report is often descriptive but there is a sound attempt at analysis (which may not always be successful). Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap. Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.
  • Order of ideas within sections is often logical. Sometimes ideas may be repeated or their placement may cause confusion.
  • Paragraphs tend to show sound structure. There may be frequent issues e.g. unclear main ideas/repetitive sentence functions.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is sometimes logical. They are used at some appropriate points.
  • Some sources may be non- academic and/or unreliable. There is a sound attempt to use sources to support points (some source evidence may be lacking/not be fully relevant).
  • Use of paraphrase/summary is sound and may be unclear. Quotes may be overused.
  • Sound use of Harvard referencing (there may be some errors e.g. with citation placement).
  • Sound range of vocabulary and grammar (there may be some informal/inappropriat e language).
  • Language use is sound (but at points may cause strain).
  • Sound academic style, which may be inconsistent.




Task Fulfilment (40%)

Structure (20%)

Use of Sources (20%)

Language (20%)



40 – 49%

Adequate TF: 16-19



  • Report is partly on topic with frequent digression.
  • Some report sections partially fulfil their functions.
  • Report is largely descriptive, with little to no attempt at analysis.
  • Order of ideas within sections is sometimes logical but may cause some confusion.
  • Paragraphs tend to show adequate organisation. There may be very frequent issues

e.g. very long/short paragraphs.

  • Choice of cohesive devices is often illogical. They may sometimes be used at appropriate points.
  • Sources are likely to be non- academic and/or unreliable. They support points in an adequate way (e.g. tend to be sparse/only tangentially relevant/vague).
  • Use of paraphrase/summary is frequently unclear. Quotes are likely to be overused.
  • Adequate use of Harvard referencing (there may be

frequent errors e.g. inaccurate citation format).

  • Adequate range of vocabulary and grammar (there may be frequent informal/inappropriat e language).
  • Language use is adequate and likely to cause strain.
  • Some sporadic attempts to use academic style.



30 – 39%

Limited TF: 12-15



  • Unsuccessful attempt to stay on topic, with very frequent digression.
  • There may be an attempt to make report sections fulfil their functions, but it is unsuccessful.
  • Report is descriptive, with no clear attempt at analysis.
  • Order of ideas within sections is rarely logical and often causes confusion.
  • Paragraph organisation is limited, with frequent issues which severely disrupt flow.
  • Choice of cohesive devices is usually illogical. They are usually used at inappropriate points.
  • Unsuitable sources, which support points in a limited way (e.g. very sparse/extremely vague/irrelevant).
  • Paraphrase, summary and/or quotes are used in a limited way (there may be major plagiarism).
  • Limited use of Harvard referencing, with frequent, significant errors (which could cause accusations of plagiarism).
  • Limited range of vocabulary and grammar (language is likely to be informal and inappropriate).
  • Language use is limited and causes significant strain.
  • Limited attempt to use academic style.


No or deficient or little information base


TF: 0-11




  • Little to no content is on topic.
  • There is little to no evidence that report sections fulfil their functions.
  • Little to no analysis is evident.
  • Little to no attempt to organise ideas within sections.
  • Little to no attempt to structure paragraphs.
  • Little to no use of cohesive devices.
  • Little to no attempt to use sources.
  • Little to no attempt to paraphrase, summarise or quote.
  • Little to no attempt to use Harvard referencing.
  • Extremely limited range of vocabulary and grammar, which is informal and inappropriate.
  • Language use causes severe strain.
  • Little to no attempt to use academic style.

Level 4 introduces students to HE. Students are expected to demonstrate relevant skills and competencies; to be articulate in expressing ideas orally; and to be coherent and structured in terms of written or other media. Forms of expression at this level may be descriptive or imitative, but students are expected to demonstrate an increasing understanding of the theoretical background of their study and the analytic competence to explore it, as well as its relationship, where appropriate, to particular skills. Students are expected to develop an awareness of strengths and weaknesses in their skill sets. Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap. Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.



Mark Bands




Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s Generic Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)

Knowledge & Understanding

Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills
















Achieves module outcome(s)

Exceptional information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originality.

Exceptional management of learning resources, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. Exceptional structure/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Exceptional practical/professional skills.





Outstanding information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality

Outstanding management of learning resources, complemented by assured self-direction/exploration. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Outstanding practical/professional skills




Excellent information base, exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originality.

Excellent management of learning resources, complemented by self-direction/exploration. Structured/ accurate expression. Excellent academic/intellectual and team/practical/ professional skills




Good information base; explores and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality

Good management of learning resources with some self- direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression.

Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/ professional skills





Sound information base that begins to explore and analyse the discipline and its ethical issues but is still mainly imitative

Sound use of learning resources and input to teamwork. Some lack of structure/accuracy in expression. Acceptable academic/intellectual skills and sound practical/ professional skills





A marginal pass in module outcome(s)

Adequate information base; omissions in understanding of major/ethical issues. Largely imitative

Adequate use of learning resources with no self-direction. Some input to teamwork. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression. Some difficulties with academic/intellectual skills and developing practical/ professional skills





A marginal fail in module outcome(s).

Satisfies default qualifying mark



Limited information base; limited understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension



Limited use of learning resources. No self-direction, little input to teamwork and difficulty with structure/accuracy in expression. Weak academic/intellectual skills.

Practical/professional skills are not yet secure













Fails to achieve module outcome(s).

Qualifying mark not satisfied


Little evidence of an information base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension.

Little evidence of use of learning resources. No self- direction, with little evidence of contribution to teamwork. Very weak academic/intellectual skills and significant difficulties with structure/expression. Little evidence of practical/professional skills





Deficient information base. Deficient understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension.

Deficient use of learning resources. No attempt at self- direction with inadequate contribution to teamwork.

Deficient academic/intellectual skills and major difficulty with structure/expression. Deficient practical/professional skills





No evidence of any information base. No understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension.

No evidence of use of learning resources nor understanding of self-direction; no evidence of contribution to teamwork. No evidence academic/ intellectual skills and incoherent structure/ expression. No evidence of practical/ professional skills



Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (e.g.: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes


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