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Assignment Briefs
You should critically justify the feasibility and strategic pre-planning research for the chosen real or potential event.
Assignment 1: Planning and Delivering an International Meeting.
Individual Presentation (50%)
Individual presentation -15 Minutes, (50%)
Submission Date w/c 06/03/2023
The presentation will require the student to undertake the role of an event planner for an MICE industry event within the hospitality sector.
The assessed 10 minute presentation should cover the same event and key components outlined in the report.
You should critically justify the feasibility and strategic pre-planning research for the chosen real or potential event.
The feasibility should include –
Situational analysis and research-
Market factors (target market, demand, supply, competition)
Operational factors (venue availability, skills required, resources)
Financial factors (costs and predicted revenues, funding sources)
Followed by 5 mins Q&A.
The presentation will be delivered to lecturers via an online platform, with the written supporting report submitted via the Turnitin link on the same date.
You must use credible sources for your research from online sources, text books, media and industry journals to support your presentation.
You will be assessed on your ability to synthesise knowledge, to develop an understanding of the practical considerations of delivering your chosen event and the financial impact. You will be expected to show an understanding of the stages of event planning.
Research-informed Literature
Your work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused on the task(s) set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed a wide range of sources, which may be academic, governmental and industrial; these sources may include academic journal articles, textbooks, current news articles, organisational documents, and websites. You should consider the credibility of your sources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require careful consideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use should be current and up-to-date, mostly published within the last five years or so, though seminal/important works in the field may be older. You must provide evidence of your research/own reading throughout your work, using in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list that is alphabetical at the end of your work. Please use the UWTSD Harvard referencing system.
Specific to this assignment:
You should show a wide level of reading from a variety of sources- a minimum of 20 – to include credible industry sources, academic journals and academic based websites. You must reference academic sources for theory.
Knowledge and Understanding of Subject
Your work must demonstrate the growing extent of your knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the subject area. Knowledge relates to the facts, information, and skills you have acquired through your learning. You demonstrate your understanding by interpreting the meaning of the facts and information (knowledge). This means that you need to select and include in your work the concepts, techniques, models, theories, etc. appropriate to the task(s) set. You should be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc. meaningfully to show your understanding. Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding; ideally each should be complete and detailed, with comprehensive coverage.
Specific to this assignment:
Clear knowledge of event planning functions, and contingency should be demonstrated.
Your work must contain evidence of logical, analytical thinking, evaluation, and synthesis. For example, to examine and break information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compare and contrast information. This means not just describing What! But also justifying: Why? How? When? Who? Where? At all times, you must provide justification for your arguments and judgements. Evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of others within the subject area is crucial to you providing a reasoned and informed debate within your work. Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to make sound judgements and convincing arguments using data and concepts. Sound, valid conclusions are necessary and must be derived from the content of your work. There should be no new information presented within your conclusion. Where relevant, alternative solutions and recommendations may be proposed.
Specific to this assignment:
This assessment is based on the ability to analyse the planning information for the chosen hospitality event. Each aspect of event planning should therefore be justified with detail, establishing why and how certain activities have been planned for.
Practical application and deployment
You should be able to demonstrate how the subject-related concepts and ideas relate to real world situations or a particular context. How do they work in practice? You will deploy models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in that context, to assess current situations, perhaps to formulate plans or solutions to solve problems, some of which may be innovative and creative. This is likely to involve, for instance, the use of real-world examples and cases, the application of a model within an organisation and/or benchmarking one organisation against others based on stated criteria. You should show awareness of the limitations of concepts and theories when applied in particular contexts.
Specific to this assignment:
Practical skills will be evidenced in the event planning presentation You should deploy relevant examples of event planning using wider reading to illustrate the points you make.
Skills for professional practice
Your work must provide evidence of the attributes expected in professional practice. This includes demonstrating your individual initiative and/or collaborative working. You must communicate effectively in a suitable format, which may be written and/or oral, for example, essay, management report, presentation. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and organisation.
Specific to this assignment:
The accurate presentation of the event planning components is crucial. This is a skill the student should have developed when producing the report. Use the same attention to detail, using clear structure and language within the presentation to communicate the event planning effectively.
Essential Resources:
You should demonstrate wider reading and research as well as the use resources provided in the module handbook, lecture notes, tutorial material and on Moodle
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