Assessment Brief
QAB020N501A Managing People and Careers
Academic year and term:
2021/22 week commencing 11th October 2021 Year 2 – Semster One
Module title:
Managing People and Careers
Module code:
Module Convener:
Brief introduction to module
The nature of organisations and thus the nature of the work that people do in organisations is continually evolving. The digital age – referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution – is transforming organisations and the nature of work. Whether we agree with how digitisation is transforming organisational life, it is clear that these technological changes will continue to have significant effects on the world of work and thus the careers that individuals pursue. We are living in an era where jobs that existed at the beginning of this century are being replaced with new jobs, some of which we are not yet fully aware of.
Against this broader context, this module will help you better understand the background to managing people as key resources in organisations and the approaches adopted to attract, select and retain the best people. By gaining knowledge of the processes organisations use to recruit the best ‘skilled’ people and retain them through the career structures and support mechanisms, you will be able to apply this to help you develop your own career management skills; particularly how to gain entry into a graduate level role within different types of organisations.
Throughout the module we will guide you through recruitment and selection approaches adopted when recruiting into graduate level roles, drawing on a combination of theories and case examples. The seminars, while very practical in nature, are designed to encourage you to think and reflect on the career offerings provided by organisations, your own career aspirations and the actions you will ned to focus on to secure graduate level employment. As with all learning – the energy you choose to put into the different learning activities that we will engage you in – the more you are likely to benefit. In the short term, this means being better prepared for the module assessment. In the longer term, helping you develop the knowledge and skills to plan and manage your career.
The aim on this module is to help you better understand the importance of managing people as key resources in organisations and the approaches adopted to attract, select and retain the best people. By gaining knowledge of the processes organisations use to recruit the best people and, just as importantly retain the best people through the career structures and support provided, you will be able to apply this knowledge to planning your own career development. Initially, we will be focusing on your first graduate level role, but it doesn’t stop there.
This module builds on the knowledge gained in Business Psychology (in Year 1).
Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work
On Successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Knowledge outcome – Develop understanding of how to effectively manage people’s careers, as well as your own employability and careers in organisations.
Intellectual /transferable skills outcome – You will be able to: (a) analyse your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to organisational graduate employment opportunities and becoming business ready; (b) apply mindfulness of yourself and others in order to operate effectively and sensitively within cross-cultural teams and (c) to present the findings of an investigation in a professional manner through a variety of media in an acceptable format.
How this module can enhance your Business Readiness:
- Learning to adapt positively to a changing world and applying your learning to understand the knowledge and skills required by organisations.
- Developing your confidence in diverse roles and in multi-cultural contexts.
- Reviewing your own potential, values and gaining confidence in expressing your views sensitively and effectively.
- Developing as ‘professionally ready’ through a range of skills.
Type of assessment:
100% Coursework, consisting of two components, submitted as one document. Word count: 2,500 words, excluding references and appendices.
Assessment deadline:
Summary of assessments on this module
Formative Assessment (500 words)
In week [6], you will be expected to submit through Turnitin a work-in-progress draft (500 words) of the report component of your summative assignment. Detailed guidance on what to include in this early draft of your report will be provided on Moodle and in class. You will receive individual feedback in class. Generic feedback, relevant to all students, will be provided during the seminars in the following week. If for whatever reason you do not submit a draft of your work on time, then you can make an appointment with your seminar tutor to get some formative feedback. There will be opportunities during the seminars in the second half of the semester for you to discuss and get feedback on the other component of your assessment.
Summative Assessment (2,500 words, excluding references and appendices)
The summative assessment for this module consists of two components, submitted as one document.
Part 1: Produce a report that compares, contrasts and evaluates approaches to recruiting and selecting graduates in two organisations (of your choice) – 1500 words.
Part 2: Reflective account that addresses the question ‘How Business Ready Are You Currently?’ – 1000 words.
You will be expected to evidence your reflective account with a number of key sources of evidence: a graduate level (appendix 1) CV that is professionally presented; your (appendix 2) completed Business Readiness Self-Report (started in the Seminar in Week 2), together with and supporting a reflective account of how you have developed two competencies identified as areas for development having completed the Business Readiness Self-Report.
Structuring your summative assessment
Part 1: Overview of the report component of your assignment (1500 words, excluding references)
Report task: Compare, contrast and evaluate approaches to recruiting and selecting graduates in two organisations (of the student’s choice).
Introduction: Brief overview of the two organisations chosen for your report and your rationale for choosing these two organisations. Make it clear whether either of the organisations are ones that you might want to apply to personally.
Findings about each organisation’s graduate recruitment and selection processes: detailed account of the recruitment and selection approaches adopted in each organisation, supported by evidence from a range of sources (e.g. Recruitment Websites and/or Directories, Organisation’s own websites, Glassdoor reviews, Recruitment Awards received from professional bodies, critical case studies in academic and/or professional journals).
Evaluation and conclusions: when evaluating your findings set out in the first part of your report, you will need to consider questions such as:
- How similar/or different are the approaches to graduate recruitment in your chosen organisations? From your wider reading of the academic literature how might you account for any similarities/differences?
- To what extent do the organisational practices align with the notion of ‘best practice’ in the academic literature?
- From your research, how user-friendly is the information provided by the two organisations to applicants? Does the information provided any indication of how inclusive each organisation’s recruitment and selection processes are?
- How much information do the organisations provide about future career development opportunities? Remember this is important for the attraction and retention of employees, particularly graduates.
- What final observations and impressions are you left with having researched different organisation’s approaches to recruiting and selecting graduates.
Part 2: Overview of the reflective component of your assignment (1000 words, excluding appendices)
Your reflective account will need to address the question ‘How Business Ready Are You Currently?’
You are expected to evidence this in two ways:
a) Reflective account of how you have developed at least two competencies identified as areas for development from completing the Business Readiness Self-Report. Evidence of applying the Kolb Learning Cycle (remember Business Psychology) will be expected in the way that you present your reflective accounts.
b) Including a graduate level CV as an Appendix to your overall assignment. This will need to be professionally presented indicating that you have obtained feedback on a draft of your CV from the Careers Service and they are happy to classify your CV as graduate level.
References: You will need to include appropriate academic and practitioner sources, using the Harvard Referencing System. If you need to refresh your memory on what this looks like, then consult the referencing section of the Library webpages. Please provide one reference list at the end of your assessment to cover both parts.
Appendices: one of these must be a copy of your CV.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Due to the nature of this assignment it will not be possible to mark it as anonymous.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Fabricated CVs will be treated as misconduct, please ensure your CV is NOT fabricated
How will we support you with your assessment?
- By including applied seminars, that build on the lecture content, to ensure that you develop the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in this assessment
- Formative feedback as described above (under Formative Assessment)
- Where possible and appropriate, we will provide you with worked examples of the required components of the summative assessment.
How will your work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the Marking Rubric provided at the end of the Assessment Brief and on Turnitin on Moodle. When you access your marked work it is important that you take time to read and reflect on the feedback so that you can use this to improve on future assignments. If you would like to discuss your feedback, then please contact your seminar tutor.
Assignment submissions
QA requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. Assessments must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They should be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and should not include any scanned in text or text boxes. Assignment submissions should be submitted by 2pm on the given hand-in date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone
Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work on time
The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website in the first instance Mitigating Circumstances Policy along with contacting the Head of Year 2. Develop understanding of how to effectively manage people’s careers, as well as your own employability and careers in organisations.
Marking and feedback process
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.
- Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
- Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
- Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback. A provisional mark will then be made available through Moodle.
- Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair and the standard of work is comparable with that obtained by the same year level at other Universities.
- Step Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the School Office and following the Examination Board you will be informed of where to find the mark ratified by the Examination Board, plus any details about resit assessments, should you be required to complete a resit.
QAB020N501A Managing People and Careers