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Assignment Briefs 04-07-2024

Briefly Introduce your selected project. The project should be named, and a brief background should be provided to describe the chosen project and to justify its iconic nature.

Assessment Information/Brief 2023-24

To be used for all types of assessment and provided to students at the start of the module.

Information provided should be compatible with the detail contained in the approved module specification although may contain more information for clarity.

Module title

Process Management in Construction


55422/55615(Jan)/ 55618/55619



Assessment title

Process Management in Construction – Research oriented report

Weighting within module

This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.

Module Leader/Assessment set by


Submission deadline date and time

Students with a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) or Carer Support Plan should check their plan to see if an extension to this submission date has been agreed.

How to submit


Your report should be in Microsoft Word format. The Microsoft Word file MUST be submitted electronically through Turnitin®. The final version of the completed assignment must be submitted to the correct Assessment Submission folder when it is ready for marking. The Microsoft Word filename should have the following format: your student roll/ID number_PMiC (e.g., @979613422_PMiC.docx).

For submission advice and guidance (including help using Turnitin), please see your Assessment Support Module listed under your modules in Blackboard. This module contains the draft submission area for using Turnitin for text matching and originality report. Originality reports highlight where text matches against sources in Turnitin giving you a chance to make sure you have referenced your work appropriately and ensure that you are not using too many direct quotations.

As the University will mark assessments anonymously where this is possible, please use your student roll/ID number and not your name on your submission.

Assessment task details and instructions


Skyscrapers are generally considered a symbol of progress, innovation, and dominance. Working individually, you are required to select and investigate a recent ‘iconic’ skyscraper construction project that is currently in progress or completed in the last 4 years.

The project can be located in any part of the world. Considering your selected iconic project, you should write a 3000-word research-oriented report covering the following three tasks:


  1. Briefly Introduce your selected project. The project should be named, and a brief background should be provided to describe the chosen project and to justify its iconic nature. The location of the project, the start and completion dates, and other key project information should be clearly summarised in a table or figure.
  2. Assuming that your selected project is/was carried out by following the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 or CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management, investigate and use the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 edition or CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management frameworks to describe and map the main processes in the pre-construction phase (i.e., all the key processes preceding the construction phase) of the project selected in Task 1. The main processes in the pre-construction phase should be discussed and mapped/modelled in your report by creating three IDEF0 diagrams and one UML Activity diagrams, as described hereafter.

The IDEF0 diagrams should consist of a single IDEFO Context diagram (i.e., Level 0 diagram), a single IDEFO Level 1 diagram, and one IDEFO Level 2 diagram of any of the subprocesses included in your IDEF0 Level 1 diagram. You should then select a different subprocesses from your Level 1 IDEF0 diagram and graphically describe the flow of activities within this subprocess by using one UML Activity diagram.

Note that further clarifications and examples on the use of the above diagrams will be provided during the lectures and Coursework Consultation session. Attendance is therefore essential to correctly complete the assignment.

The RIBA Plan of Work (2020) or CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management frameworks must be used to identify, name, and map the main processes/subprocesses/activities and other relevant information that you will include in your own diagrams and in the discussion. The selected framework should be clearly named and cited in the report.

Each of the above diagrams should be discussed in the report by clearly describing the processes/subprocesses depicted in the diagram, in the context of the selected project life cycle framework (i.e., RIBA Plan of Work 2020 or CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management). The description of the illustrated processes and subprocesses is expected to be effectively supported by references to the selected project life cycle framework and to other relevant literature.  You should also make appropriate informed assumptions as necessary and state them accordingly.

  1. Methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, and Integrated Project Delivery can be used to facilitate improvement efforts in organisations. You should explore and critically discuss the application of two or three of these methodologies in the construction sector and evaluate their effectiveness in driving improvements within construction processes.

Also note the following:

(i) The report should focus on analysing theory and relevant publications. It should include a combination of synthesis of knowledge gained from relevant sources, your own diagrams in task 2 (not copied from other sources) and your own discussion based on facts and theory.

(ii) Students are required to acknowledge all sources from which they obtain information, by including in-text citations and references in the APA 7th (Harvard) Style of referencing (see guidance on blackboard). 

(iii) Discussion should be supported by relevant references. The main emphasis in referencing should be on publicly available and good quality secondary sources such as official reports, journal/conference articles, and books. Students can also cite relevant websites. Note that citing inaccurate sources or sources not discussed in the essay is likely to indicate poor academic practice/academic misconduct.


You are allowed to use generative AI software to help you generate some initial ideas for your report. However, you should not rely solely on the software and you should not copy the text verbatim. You should use your own words, discussion, and critical thinking to write your report. You should also cite the sources that you use to support your discussion.

GAI software might be used to identify initial ideas on all tasks, these should then be checked, further investigated, and discussed in your own words by reading and citing relevant good quality sources. Note that GAI software might generate incorrect or illogical information/data/references (i.e., AI hallucinations).

If you use a generative AI software, you should include the following in an appendix:

- the name and version of the AI software you used and how you used it.

- the exact text of the question(s)/prompt(s) you entered and relevant portions of the AI-generated response that you have used/considered in your report.

AI generated text should be kept to a minimum and should be appropriately referenced. The specific AI-generated content you use or take ideas from should also be appropriately cited in the main body of your report.


Students should submit an individual 3000-word Microsoft Word report. All submissions should have a cover/title page and should be clearly structured by using relevant numbered chapters and sections.

The cover/title page should include the following information: your programme (PMC/QS/ QSME), your study mode (FT/PT) the module name, the date, your roll/ID number, and the total number of words included in the main body of the report (i.e., word count).

A table of contents and a reference list should also be included in the report.

Report basic structure example:

- Report cover/title page with all requested information

- Table of contents

- Chapter 1 Introduction

- Chapter 2 Project Background: brief background to describe the chosen project and justification of its iconic nature

- Chapter 3 Process Analysis: description of the main processes in the pre-construction phase: including the requested IDEF0 and UML Activity diagrams, and relevant descriptions of the processes/activities included in the diagrams

- Chapter 4 Critical discussion of the requested improvement methodologies

- Chapter 5 Conclusion

- Reference List (APA 7th Harvard Style)

- Appendices (optional if you do not used generative AI software)

Informative numbered headings/subheadings should be used to clearly present your material.


The following checklist will help you to better organise your work.

  • Understand the assessment tasks and requirements – contact the tutors to clarify unclear aspects.
  • Review the relevant module material on Blackboard.
  • Research and review relevant literature to ensure you can proficiently analyse and discuss the requested topics in your own words.
  • Investigate the RIBA Plan of Work (2020) and CIOB Code of practice and use one of these frameworks to guide the creation of your diagrams and to inform your discussion in task 2.
  • Ensure that the report is well presented and focused on the requested topics/tasks.
  • To demonstrate your knowledge of relevant processes, ensure that the report includes all requested diagrams. Each diagram should be readable, clearly presented and proficiently discussed in your own words.
  • Check clarity of discussion and use of in-text citations to appropriately reference your sources and to support your discussion (in all tasks).
  • Use the APA 7th referencing style for in-text citations (in the main body of your report) and in the reference list at the end of the report.
  • Submit your report in the draft submission area of the Assessment Support module (in Blackboard), to produce the originality report and ensure that direct quotations are kept to a minimum. Remember that you should present your own discussion.
  • Adjust the length of the report to meet the word limit requirements and clearly specify the word count in the cover page of the report (e.g., Main body word count: 3034 words)

Note: It is your responsibility to submit the final version of the completed assignment in the correct Assessment Submission folder of the Process Management in Construction Blackboard module space. Works not submitted in the correct folder will not be marked.

Assessment Criteria


Assessment Criteria

You should look at the assessment criteria to find out what we are specifically looking at during the assessment. Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the following assessment marking criteria.

  1. Description of the project and its iconic nature


  1. Knowledge and analysis of processes and understanding of the requested modelling techniques


  1. Knowledge of construction improvement methodologies


  1. Presentation of the report and referencing style (Layout, structure, use of informative headings/subheadings, referencing style within text and reference list)


Please contact the module tutor If you need more information on the above assessment criteria.


At Postgraduate Level 7 the following marking scale shall be used:

Outstanding                                                                                       90% – 100%

Excellent                                                                                              80% – 89%

Very good                                                                                           70% – 79%

Good                                                                                                   60% – 69%

Satisfactory                                                                                        50% – 59%

Unsatisfactory                                                                                 40% – 49%

Inadequate                                                                                        30% – 39%

Poor                                                                                                      20% – 29%

Very poor                                                                                            10% – 19%

Extremely poor                                                                                 0% –   9%




90% – 100%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate outstanding clarity of focus, include what is important, and exclude irrelevant issues.

Outstanding understanding of the topics requested in each task with critical awareness of relevance of issues will be evident as well as exceptional expression of ideas and originality.

Outstanding ability to structure the report and to successfully allocate the available words to the specified tasks.

Outstanding levels of communication, contextualisation, and critical analysis of the discussed information as well as outstanding levels of independent secondary research, which reflect knowledge of current practices and relevant theory.  Discussion will be conveyed lucidly. Outstanding structure, compelling and persuasive argument will be evident. The report will be exceptionally presented and structured by using effective layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant figures and diagrams. 

Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated. Outstanding and effective use of good quality citations to support discussion and correct use of the required referencing style.


80% – 89%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate excellent clarity of focus, include what is important, and exclude irrelevant issues.

Excellent understanding of the topics requested in each task with critical awareness of relevance of issues will be evident as well as excellent expression of ideas and originality.

Excellent ability to structure the report and to successfully allocate the available words to the specified tasks.

Excellent levels of communication, contextualisation, and critical analysis of the discussed information as well as very high levels of independent secondary research, which reflect knowledge of current practices and theory.  Discussion will be conveyed lucidly. Excellent structure, compelling and persuasive argument will be evident. The report will be exceptionally presented and structured by using effective layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, and relevant figures and diagrams.    

Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated. Excellent and effective use of good quality citations to support discussion and correct use of the required referencing style.

Very good

70% – 79%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate very good clarity of focus and include most of what is important.

Very good understanding of the topics requested in each task will be evident. The level of critical analysis might need improvements.  Very good expression of ideas, potential for originality.

Very good ability to structure the report and to allocate the available words to the specified tasks. Very good levels of communication of the discussed information will be demonstrated, with possible minor limitations.  Discussion will be conveyed lucidly. Very good structure and generally persuasive argument will be evident. The report will be very well presented and structured by using very good layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, relevant tables/figures and diagrams. 

Very good independent secondary research will be expected. A range of relevant sources will be evaluated and synthesized. Very good and effective use of good quality citations to support discussion and correct use of the required referencing style, with possible minor limitations. Appropriate assumptions will be clearly stated.


60% – 69%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate clear scope and focus, with some minor omissions or unnecessary issues.

Good understanding of the topics requested in each task, with good awareness of relevance of issues. The level of critical analysis will need improvements.  Generally good expression of ideas, with some possible limitations.

Good ability to structure the report and to allocate the available words to the specified tasks.

Good levels of communication of the discussed information, with possible limitations.  Discussion will be generally clearly conveyed. Good structure and convincing argument will be evident. The report will be well presented and structured by using good layouts, relevant chapters and sections, informative titles/headings, some relevant tables/figures and diagrams.

Good independent secondary research will be expected, with possible deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. Good use of citations to support discussion and generally correct use of the required referencing style. Assumptions will be generally clearly stated.


50% – 59%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate evident and satisfactory scope, with some omissions and unnecessary issues.

Satisfactory understanding of the topics specified in each task, with some awareness of relevance of issues. The level of analysis will need improvements.  Generally adequate expression of ideas and satisfactory levels of communication, with possible limitations in terms of clarity of discussion.

Adequate ability to structure the report and to allocate the available words to the specified tasks might be evident. The report will be adequately presented and structured. Although, some deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, titles/headings, relevant tables/figures and diagrams might be evident.

Possible limited independent secondary research, with deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. The use of citations to support discussion and/or referencing style might need improvements. Some assumptions might be stated.


40% – 49%

Assignments in this mark range will not be appropriately scoped, with significant omissions and/or unnecessary issues.

Unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with little awareness of relevance of issues will be evident.  The level of analysis will need major improvements.  Lack of adequate expression of ideas and/or unsatisfactory levels of communication, with limitations in terms of clarity of discussion. Discussion will not show adequate awareness of relevance of issues. Vague discussion displaying lack of focus. Although some relevant elements might be discernible.

The report will show evidence that structure as well as clarity and precision of communication need to be strengthened.  Insufficient ability to allocate the available words to the specified tasks might be demonstrated. The presentation and structure of the report might need major improvements. Deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, titles/headings or relevant tables and figures might be demonstrated.

The report will demonstrate lack of satisfactory independent secondary research, with major deficiencies in choice and synthesis of secondary sources. The use of citations to support discussion and/or referencing style will need major improvements. Relevant assumptions might be missing or not clearly stated.


30% – 39%

Assignments in this mark range will be inadequately scoped and focused, with major omissions and unnecessary issues.

Relevant discussion will tend to be very brief with no adequate analysis. Inadequate knowledge and understanding of the discussed topics, lack of awareness of relevance of issues will be evident. 

Unsatisfactory levels of communication will be demonstrated, discussion will lack clarity. Discussion will be generally vague, displaying lack of focus. Although, some relevant elements might be discernible. The report will show evidence that structure as well as clarity and precision of communication need to be strengthened.

Lack of ability to allocate the available words to the specified tasks will be generally demonstrated. The presentation and structure of the report will need major improvements. Deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, titles/headings, relevant tables and figures might be demonstrated.

The report will show inadequate levels of secondary research, with major deficiencies in number, choice, and synthesis of secondary sources. Inadequate use of citations and/or referencing style will be evident as well as major omissions or unnecessary issues.


20%– 29%

Assignments in this mark range will demonstrate poor knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with no awareness of relevance of issues. 

Relevant discussion will be very brief with some significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion. Extremely limited and largely unsuccessful attempt at analysis. Poor levels of communication will be demonstrated, discussion will lack clarity. Discussion will be generally vague, displaying lack of focus.

The report will be poorly structured and will demonstrate lack of ability to cover all requested tasks. Major deficiencies in terms of layouts, relevant chapters and sections, titles/headings, relevant tables and figures will be evident.

The report will demonstrate poor/no research or inclusion of irrelevant/inappropriate sources. Poor use of citations and/or referencing style. Major omissions or unnecessary issues will be evident.

Very poor

10%– 19%

Assignments in this mark range will show significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion and analysis of relevant topics. Discussion will be irrelevant or extremely brief and vague with various contradictions/errors/omissions. Very poor knowledge and understanding of the discussed topics, with relevant elements omitted. 

The report will be very poorly structured and will demonstrate lack of ability to cover all specified tasks. Extremely limited communication skills will be demonstrated. Discussion will be difficult to understand and will demonstrate no meaningful use of any secondary source material. The report will be very poorly organized and presented.

Extremely poor  

0% –   9%

Assignments in this mark range will show no awareness of scope of topics or relevant issues. The report will show significant misunderstandings which prevent coherent discussion and analysis of the requested topics. Extremely poor knowledge and understanding of the requested topics, with major relevant elements omitted will be evident.

No ability to discuss all the specified tasks will be demonstrated. Lack of communication skills. Discussion will be extremely brief or difficult to understand and will demonstrate no meaningful use of any secondary source material. No attempt to present work in acceptable format.







Knowledge and Understanding





Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills


Assessed intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

ILO 1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of process thinking/ process modelling and analysis in the construction sector

ILO 2: Develop process maps to effectively analyse and describe construction projects.

ILO 3: Critically analyse construction processes in projects

ILO 5: Use alternative modelling/planning tools and techniques.

ILO 6: Analyse and model construction processes.

Employability Skills developed / demonstrated

Communication: YES

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: YES

Data Literacy: YES

Digital Literacy: YES

Industry Awareness: YES

Innovation and Creativity: YES

Proactive Leadership: NO

Reflection and Life-Long Learning: YES

Self-management and Organisation: YES

Team Working: NO

Word count/ duration (if applicable)


You should submit a 3000-word Microsoft Word report. Cover page, executive summary (optional), table of contents, tables, figures/diagrams, reference list, bibliography (optional) and appendices (optional if you do not use GAI tools) are not considered in the word count.

Proportion of the word count that should be allocated to each task

Introduction: approximately 100 words

Task 1: 400 words

Task 2: minimum 1400 – maximus 1500 words

Task 3: minimum 900 – maximus 1000 words

Conclusion: approximately 100 words

Note: Assessment length is set for guidance of effort and to control marking load. If you submit a report which exceeds the number of words stated above by more than 10% the exceeding words/content will not be considered for the purpose of grading and feedback. Content beyond this point will not contribute to the determination of the awarded mark and you may receive comments on your ability to appropriately summarise information, focus on relevant issues, etc.

Feedback arrangements


Marks and feedback will be available on Blackboard 15 working days after the submission deadline. You will receive an email as soon as the marks and feedback will be available on Blackboard.

Formative feedback

The module tutors will be available during the sessions and via email to clarify doubts related to the assignment and the module in general.

Formative feedback will be provided during the coursework consultation/discussion session and during tutorial/support sessions. During these sessions, students will have the opportunity to receive individual support and to receive formative feedback on the assessment. The lecturers will be available during these times to review one assignment draft per student. The deadline to show a draft of your work to the lecturer is two weeks before the submission deadline. Formative feedback will help students to develop and improve.

Note: Drafts submitted in the draft submission area of the Assessment Support module (in Blackboard) are not reviewed by the lecturer. This area should only be used to submit drafts to check the Turnitin Originality Report and Similarity Score of your report, to make sure you have referenced your work appropriately and to ensure that you are not using too many direct quotations.

Academic Integrity and Referencing


Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need:

Academic integrity & referencing


Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. 

Assessment Information and Support


Support for this Assessment

You can obtain support for this assessment by contacting the module lecturers in lectures/tutorials/support sessions or via email.

Dr Simona Barresi (s.barresi@salford.ac.uk) can be contacted via email regarding task 1 and 2.

Dr Handan Gundogan (H.Gundogan@salford.ac.uk) can be contacted via email regarding task 3.

A reply can be expected within 3 working days, if you do not receive a reply, please email again stating that the email is a second request for support.

To allow you the best opportunity to succeed in the assessment there will be opportunities for you to practice the use of the specific knowledge and skills being assessed by completing given exercises/activities. Attendance and active participation during these exercises/activities is therefore crucial. It is expected that you complete all given exercises.

You can find more information about understanding your assessment brief and assessment tips for success here.

Assessment Rules and Processes

You can find information about assessment rules and processes in Blackboard in the Assessment Support module.

Develop your Academic and Digital Skills

Find resources to help you develop your skills here.

Concerns about Studies or Progress

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Academic Progress Review Tutor/Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator (SPA).

askUS Services

The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS including Disability and Learner Support, Wellbeing and Counselling Services.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances (PMCs)

If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personal circumstances) may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here.  Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process. Click here for an appointment to speak to an adviser or email advicecentre-ussu@salford.ac.uk.

In Year Retrieval Scheme


Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.




 If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit on or before by 4pm, Friday 26th July 2024. For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances for absence/non submission, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. 

The reassessment tasks and requirements are the same as the original assignment tasks and requirements.

We know that having to undergo a reassessment can be challenging however support is available.  Have a look at all the sources of support outlined earlier in this brief and refer to the Personal Effectiveness resources.

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