Knowledge and Understanding (30%)
Extremely weak answer with little relevant material and poor understanding of digital marketing and digital analytics theories, concepts, issues and methodology.
Fundamental errors and misunderstandings are present. Material is largely irrelevant.
Some relevant material is present.
Understanding is poor with little evidence of reading/research on the topic. Fundamental errors and misunderstanding appear to be present. Much of the material is not relevant to the assignment.
An acceptable/adequate understanding demonstrated, but may be incomplete and with some errors. Limited use of material with limited reading/research on the topic.
Answer demonstrates a good understanding of relevant digital marketing and digital analytics
theories, concepts, issues and methodology. Some reading/research beyond that recommended is present. Some errors may be present and inclusion of irrelevant material. 5008MKT Digital Analytics
Answer demonstrating a very good understanding of the requirements of the assignment. Answer demonstrates very good understanding of digital marketing and digital analytics theories, concepts, issues and methodology. Answer is mostly accurate/appropriate, with few errors. Little, if any, irrelevant material is present. Reading beyond the recommended
minimum is present
Excellent Answer entirely relevant to the assignment.
Answer demonstrates excellent understanding of digital marketing and digital analytics theories, concepts, issues and methodology. There is evidence of wide- ranging reading and/or research.
Outstanding answer entirely relevant to the assignment. Answer demonstrates outstanding understanding of digital marketing and digital analytics theories, concepts, issues and methodology. There is
evidence of wide-ranging reading and/or research.
Analysis and Application (30%)
The piece demonstrates extremely weak application to the company/organisation, and inadequate analysis of the website strategy, and activities. Little thought seems to have gone into the analysis. Answer demonstrates inadequate application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece demonstrates poor application to the company/organisation, and inadequate analysis of the website strategy, and activities. Some thought seems to have gone into the analysis. Answer does not demonstrate adequate application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece demonstrates acceptable/adequate application to the company/organisation, and analysis of the website strategy, and activities. An adequate amount of thought has gone into the analysis. Answer demonstrates application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece demonstrates good application to the company/organisation, and analysis of the website strategy, and activities. A good deal of thought has gone into the analysis. Answer demonstrates good application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece demonstrates very good application to the company/organisation, and analysis of the website strategy, and activities. A good deal of thought has gone into the analysis. Answer demonstrates very good application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece clearly demonstrates excellent application to the company/organisation, and analysis of the website strategy, and activities. A great deal of thought has gone into the analysis. Answer demonstrates excellent application of digital marketing tools and theory.
The piece clearly demonstrates outstanding application to the company/organisation, and analysis of the website strategy, and activities. A great deal of thought has gone into the analysis.
Answer demonstrates outstanding application of digital marketing tools and theory.