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Recent Papers 03-28-2022

1.1 Explain how different theories and approaches can be used to influence individual behaviour and motivation

Assessment Criteria

FM4.10 Understanding leadership and management in facilities management

Aim of the unit

This unit enables learners to understand the application of management and leadership theories and their impact on facilities management, individuals, teams and organisations. It helps them to link individual performance to the overall strategy of an organisation and the different approaches to management and models of team working. 1.1 Explain how different theories and approaches can be used to influence individual behaviour and motivation

(The assessment criteria form part of the unit and specify the standard that a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that the learning outcomes within the unit have been achieved.  The additional guidance, which is shown in brackets and italics alongside the assessment criteria, does not technically form part of the unit, in that it is not included in the reference version of the unit shown by the Register of Regulated Qualifications.  The additional guidance is provided to illustrate how the assessment criteria might be interpreted.  The IWFM will generally expect assessors to interpret the assessment criteria as described, or to an equivalent level of demand.) 


Understanding leadership and management in facilities management



Credit value:


Learning outcomes

A learner when awarded credit for this unit will:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of this learning outcome will require a learner to demonstrate that they can:

1. Understand how management style affects organisations and individuals




1.1 Explain how different theories and approaches can be used to influence individual behaviour and motivation (relating relevant theories (e.g. Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor) to example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies) 

1.2 Explain the techniques used to empower individuals in the workplace and how they can contribute to effective and positive responses from employees (supporting the explanation with examples (e.g. clear objectives, terms of reference, positive (“can do”) culture, “open door”, constructive feedback, training and development) rather than trying to provide an exhaustive list)

1.3 Explain the principles and practices of mentoring and coaching (making clear the distinction between the two)

 FM4.10 Understanding leadership and management in facilities management

2 Understand how to motivate, manage and lead staff

2.1 Describe theories of leadership and how they apply to the facilities management role (relating relevant theories (e.g. situational, behavioural, participative leadership) to example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies) 

2.2 Explain how to manage and improve the facilities management team and individual performance

(including the relevance of organisational strategy, task/function objectives, job descriptions,

team/individual target setting, personal development plans, performance measurement and appraisal)

2.3 Describe how to motivate and support people in facilities management to achieve their work and development objectives and provide recognition when they are successful (supporting the explanation with examples (e.g. team-building, reward, recognition, thanks and praise) rather than trying to provide an exhaustive list)

3. Understand how to provide leadership in your area of responsibility

3.1 Explain how to create a vision within own area (see below)

3.2 Explain how to communicate the vision to different target audiences (see below and including the suitability of different communication methods to different audiences and circumstances, supporting the explanation with examples (e.g. face to face, formal presentation, team briefing, intranet) rather than trying to develop an exhaustive list)  

3.3 Describe what needs to be communicated (see below) 

3.4 Evaluate the extent to which the objective can then be achieved (see below)

(Achievement of all of these criteria should be evidenced using example/s of project/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)

4. Understand different models of   team-working

4.1 Compare and contrast different models of team-working (using examples rather than trying to develop an exhaustive list ( e.g. Forming-Storming-Norming-


Performing (Tuckman), Action Centred (Adair), Team Roles Model (Belbin)) 

4.2 Use an appropriate model to evaluate and improve effectiveness of the team (relating one of the models described for the previous assessment criterion to an example from the  learner’s own experience and/or a case study)    

Unit expiry date

31st December 2020

Unit reference number


Professional Standards reference

Functional area:

Functional area component:

Leadership and Management

People Management


  • How to Lead: What You Actually Need to Do to Manage, Lead and Succeed by Jo Owen
  • How to Lead by Jo Owen
  • The Best of Adair on Leadership and Management by John Adair and Neil Thomas
  • A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs from Management by John P. Kotter
  • Leadership: Plain and Simple (Financial Times Series) by Steve Radcliffe
  • Effective Leadership: How to be a successful leaderby John Adair
  • How to Manage: The Art of Making Things Happen by Jo Owen
  • Leadership: Theory and Practice by Dr. Peter G. Northouse
  • Leadership and Management Development by Jeff Gold, Richard Thorpe, and Alan Mumford
  • Developing the Leader within You (Maxwell, John C.) by John C. Maxwell
  • FM4.10 Understanding leadership and management in facilities management
  • 1.1 Explain how different theories and approaches can be used to influence individual behaviour and motivation
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