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Assignment Briefs 02-27-2023

Critique global, national and local public health strategies and policies.


Assessment Brief: Powerpoint Presentation of a Health Needs Assessment

Oct (Autumn) Cohort

Module title:

Public Health Project Management

Module code:


Assignment title:

HNA Powerpoint Presentation

Assessment weighting:


Submission date:

12/05/2023 by 4pm

Feedback and Provisional Results by:



Learning Outcomes:



Resit date:


18/07/2023 by 4pm

Module Lead:


Feedback and Provisional Results by:


Submission guidance:


  1. This assignment must be submitted electronically via Turnitin by 4pm on the submission date of 12/05/23.  Presentations will occur across 15th  16th  17th 18th and 19th May 2023 (individual times TBC).
  2. You can resubmit your work as many times as you like up until the deadline; the latest upload to the submission deadline will be taken for marking (i.e. earlier uploads will be overwritten). Please upload with time to review your Originality Report which usually is received within 24 hours from upload however this can take longer at busy times!
  3. When submitting through Turnitin, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your registered e-mail address; please keep this for reference.
  4. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism (refer to the University’s assessment and feedback policy). In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
  5. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.
  6. When preparing this summative assessment, utilise your activity work from the four learning units with your formative feedback and refer to the module learning outcomes which this assessment strategy is designed to promote demonstration of meeting them all.
  7. Ensure that you have read the assignment guidance thoroughly and included all elements stated within.
  8. Work at Masters Level should include clear evidence of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of ideas generated from theory and practice. An ability to produce a presentation that is relevant, engaging and informative should be demonstrated. All work should be underpinned by robust evidence, from a range of wide reading, which is accurately referenced using the Harvard Referencing system.
  9. Please do not breach confidentiality, for example, by naming any individuals to be involved in the HNA process.

10. The PowerPoint slides should be produced with creativity and clarity (maximum 14–16 slides) and be referenced within the text and contain a formal reference list on the final slide.

11. Although the PowerPoint slides should be the focus of your presentation you may want to use very brief notes as aide-memoirs (presentation cards not exceeding 15cm x 10cms – maximum of 10 cards). These must only be notes as excellent eye contact with an audience is vitally important during presentations. Please note you are not allowed to utilise electronic devices to read your notes from.

Assessment and feedback:

You will be assessed on your ability to successfully demonstrate meeting all the module learning outcomes, details of these can be found at the end of this assignment guidance, in the assessment information tab on NILE and are also included on the marking rubric; please familiarise yourself with this document as this is what you will be assessed against.

Feedback on the academic/professional quality of the summative presentation will be provided no later than 4 weeks from the initial submission.

Assessment task:

This is a 40 minute HNA powerpoint presentation (30 minute presentation and 10 minutes for questions), using powerpoint slides with a supporting verbal commentary (maximum 14–16 slides).

The following guidelines for powerpoint presentation slides and supporting commentary need to be read in conjunction with ‘Linking Learning to Summative Assessment’ sections at the end of each Learning Unit within the module activities.

Assessment guidance:

PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Commentary:

The presentation should be structured to ensure that the format outlined below is fully addressed:

  1. A Title slide including your student ID with an introduction to provide an overview of the structure and contents of your presentation.
  2. From a generalised perspective explain the purpose of the HNA process, including a general overview of the aims and objectives of an HNA, advantages and challenges of completing a HNA in public health practice.
  3. Provide explicit and specific justification and rationale for choice of your specific target population. Use epidemiological, demographic, geographical and other relevant local statistical information to demonstrate how wider determinants of health affect your target population with evidence of analysis and evaluation of the information. Include critique and application of global, national and local public health strategies and policies.
  4. Present an identified Health Need for this target population through critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of all areas of the priority criterion grid to demonstrate a strong rationale for this health need. Critique global, national and local public health strategies and policies. 
  5. Provide a clear Aim to address the prioritised Health Need to be taken forward with identification of one clear proposed new small scale intervention to address this health need, improve the health of the target population and reduce inequalities. This must include a rationale supported by underpinning evidence, which highlights why this is an effective and acceptable intervention to be used to address the chosen health need. Identify potential members of the project team and primary and secondary stakeholder groups appropriate for your intervention with justification and rationale for their involvement, embedding the concept of building community capacity throughout.
  6. Provide a Practical Action Plan which is small scale in nature. It should include SMART Objectives and outline the practical steps underpinned by relevant theory, needed to be undertaken by the project team to implement the proposed new small scale public health intervention. Embed the concept of building community capacity within the action plan.
  7. Provide a risk assessment for the project that highlights any identified risks and the potential strategies the project team can use to overcome these, underpinned by relevant theory and embedding the concept of building community capacity.
  8. Provide a summary of Funding and Resources in £ Stirling required for your proposed intervention with critical exploration of how resource needs could be met, identifying potential funding organisations which could be approached, ensuring this is supported by clear rationales. Demonstrate recognition of any potential ethical implications of allocation of resources.
  9. An Evaluation strategy should be proffered which details how the proposed new small-scale intervention will be evaluated utilising a range of evaluation theory such as Process, Outcome and Impact evaluation and provide a rationale for choice of strategies and data collection tools to be used. Include evaluation of aim, objectives and the collaborative working of the project team and your own responsibilities within it. Embed the concept of building community capacity within the evaluation strategy
  10. Include a brief overall summary to conclude your presentation.
  11. Include an accurate reference list using Harvard system.

Good Luck!

Module Learning Outcomes

In relation to the specialised area of study, students will, with minimal / no guidance be able to:

Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application

a) Critique global, national and local public health strategies and policies.

b) Critically appraise demographic and epidemiological data and critically evaluate the impact on the health of populations.

c) Interpret evidence and theoretical principles from a wide range of sources to identify, plan and critically evaluate an intervention which aims to improve well being and reduce inequalities in health for a target population.

Employability & Changemaker Skills

d) Critically consider the ethical allocation of resources and how community capacity can be built into a proposed intervention.

e) Communicate complex information effectively using verbal, written and visual methods, in order to deliver information accurately and with clarity.

f) Critically review collaboration and networking as part of a complex project team, in order to identify and meet objectives and actively fulfil own responsibilities.

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