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Recent Papers 03-29-2022

Be able to synthesize and critically examine a range of contemporary issues in management from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives

Assessment Brief

BUS020X628A Contemporary Issues in Management

Academic year and term:

2021/22– Spring Semester

Module title:

Contemporary Issues in Management

Module code:


Module Convener:


Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting

On the completion of this module you will:

  1. Knowledge outcome – be able to synthesize and critically examine a range of contemporary issues in management from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives
  2. Intellectual/transferable skills outcome – be able to apply evidence-based research and demonstrate criticality (independent thinking) to a wide range of issues in Management and make recommendations for organisations and Continuing Professional Development.

Type of assessment:     

Summative Assessment – An individual management report (3,500 words) (100%)

Assessment deadline:

Summative Assessment: see Moodle  

Assignment Scenario

You have made it through to the final graduate selection event for a large organisation from ONE of the following industries or relevant subsectors:

  • Hospitality including Travel & Tourism
  • Manufacturing including Automotive
  • Professional services eg Accounting, Law
  • Government
  • Banking and Finance including Insurance
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Technology eg Software, Hardware
  • Construction and Infrastructure eg Buildings, Roads, Rail
  • Energy eg Oil and Gas, Electricity, Renewable
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods eg Fashion, Beauty

For your interview you are required to prepare a report on your views of contemporary issues related to management within the industry. This employer is looking for evidence of knowledge of relevant issues in their industry and their management implications. In addition, your response needs to consider what this means to you and your own career`

Horizon Scanning Tracker - Sources List

Thought leadership organisations 








Bain & Company



Boston Consulting Group

AT Kearney

Arthur D Little


Grant Thornton

Oliver Wyman

Willis Towers Watson

DXC Technology

Korn Ferry

FTI Consulting

Financial Times
The Economist

Instructions for Summative Assessment

Your assessment for this module takes the form of a 3,500 words management report.

You are required to prepare a management report that applies horizon scanning techniques (trends, data analysis, sources and critical thinking) to examine an industry of your choice. You will need to identify the relevant contemporary issues that affect that industry. Use the following subheadings for your report.

Section 1 – Introduction (10%)

  • Describe the industry and what is happening within it. For example, is the industry expanding or contracting, what are its biggest challenges, are there any new entrants etc.
  • Draw on sources from your Horizon Scanning Tracker.

Section 2 - Technology enablers and innovations (25%)

  • Identify which enabling technologies and innovations are making more impact on your industry. Why is this happening?
  • Draw on thought leadership articles/ reports from companies like IBM, Deloitte, McKinsey and ensure they are included your Horizon Scanning Tracker as appendix.

Section 3 - Analyse the industry through three lenses discussed in class (40%)

  • Future of consumption
  • Future of enterprise
  • Future of work
  • In each section, draw on the research discussed in the module. Use concrete examples of relevant companies to explore how companies are reacting to issues.
  • You must include your Horizon Scanning Tracker in your appendix to evidence sources. You should include an evaluation of those sources.

Section 4 - Your views (10%)

  • What are your views about how changes within the industry will impact you and your career? Would you want to work in the industry? If so, why or why not?
  • Given what you know, what is the contribution you could make to your chosen industry?

Presentation and referencing (15%) - Writing of this paper requires significant amounts of citations and referencing and so you must demonstrate this skill throughout the paper.

Overall, the focus of the report is an examination, in depth, of the relationships between issues within the industry and what companies and their management teams are doing about them.  Be specific by providing examples. Use a wide range of professional thought leadership sources. Provide a view about how it affects you and what you can contribute to an organisation in that industry given your knowledge.

You are advised to allocate your efforts according to the weighting of each section as listed above. For more details see the grading criteria grid (rubric).


You MUST use the Harvard System.  The Harvard system is very easy to use once you become familiar with it. To check your Harvard referencing technique go to referencing guides, which can be accessed here:

Assignment submissions

A digital version of all assignment submissions is required.  These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site.  They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes.  They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date.  For further general details on assignment preparation please contact the ACE team or consult their dedicated Moodle page. Describe the industry and what is happening within it. For example, is the industry expanding or contracting, what are its biggest challenges, are there any new entrants etc.

Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation

The University Mitigating Circumstances form can be found on the module page.

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

  • Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback
  • Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair
  • Stop Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Academic Office and made available to you





Very Good








Marginal Fail


Very limited


Missing/ Not Done


Excellent exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge & understanding, thorough & appropriate research. Impressive choice and range of content referenced.

Very good exploration of the topic with high levels of knowledge & understanding demonstrated. Very good quality and range of sources used to evidence understanding.

Good level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated.

Covers most relevant points & issues.

Few errors / omissions in content.

Good range of sources used.

Satisfactory grasp of the industry presented.

Knowledge & understanding is demonstrated.  Minor errors / omissions in content. Decent range of sources.

Incomplete level of knowledge of the industry. Addresses part of the task. Some errors / omissions in content. May benefit from further research.

Basic level of knowledge of topic evident. 

Errors / omissions are evident.

Limited/ dated range of sources.


Limited content / knowledge. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question.

Limited/ dated range of sources


Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


Tech enablers and innovations 25%


Excellent and relevant choice of tech enablers and innovations identified. Excellent explanations for the choice with clear rationale. 

Relevant choice of tech enablers and innovations are discussed. Some relevant rationale of choice is given

Good list of tech enablers and innovations with some descriptions. Rationale is attempted.

Tech enablers and innovations are discussed with some link to the industry.

Less relevant tech enablers and innovations raised. Some tenuous links are made. Lacks specificity.

Too few/ irrelevant/ poorly discussed. Evidence is missing.

Limited content / knowledge. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question.

Limited/ dated range of sources

Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


Analysis though three lenses 40%


Excellent level of discussion, analysis and critical evaluation.

Highly developed and focused work with concrete examples as evidence.

Very good level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation clearly developing points in the appropriate way with thorough consideration of all possibilities.

Evidence of appropriate reading.  Covers all relevant issues touching on all areas of future of consumption, enterprise and work.


Good level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation a few ideas/points could benefit from further development &/or evaluation/comparison.

Satisfactory level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation but more ideas/points could be addressed /developed further

Basic evidence of analysis/ critical evaluation but some points superficially made so need further development.

Relevant issues poorly identified, little use of tools and techniques

Very poor analysis. Little or no use of tools and techniques

Wholly incorrect or not attempted.



Your views10%


Excellent reflection on industry and career with a clear articulation of your contribution to the industry based on your knowledge.


Very good

Reflection on industry and career is appropriate and well considered.


Good level of reflection tied to analysis of paper.

Few errors / omissions.

Satisfactory reflection. Less well developed.

Minor errors / omissions.

Limited insight. Limited views developed. 


Displays some weak views.

Work needs to show better links

Little evidence of reflection or understanding of personal implications.

Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


Presentation andreferencing15%


Excellent presentation throughout

Excellent spelling and grammar.


Excellent use of referencing throughout the paper in the correct Harvard format.

Very good presentation throughout

High standard of spelling & grammar


Very good referencing throughout the assignment

Good presentation throughout

Good standard of spelling & grammar


More referencing could have been added. Minor errors in the referencing of others

Satisfactory presentation throughout

Few errors in spelling & grammar


Lacks references. Few errors in the referencing of others

Adequate presentation & formatting throughout

Few spelling & grammatical errors


Referencing is minimal. Style is inconsistent.

Inadequate presentation & formatting throughout.

Number of spelling and grammatical inaccuracies.


Failure to cite all references in the main text. Incomplete reference list

Poor presentation & formatting in most areas

Many spelling & grammatical errors

Poor structure

Inconsistent use of referencing in the main text

Incorrect reference list

Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted.


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