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Assignment Briefs 10-25-2022

Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of key areas of business law.

Unit title & code

Law for Business Managers (LAW011-1)

Assignment number and title

Referral Assessment

Assessment type

Coursework - Problem

Weighting of assessment


Size or length of assessment

3,000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography)

Unit learning outcomes

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

  • Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of key areas of business law.

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

  • Utilise primary and secondary legal sources to demonstrate problem solving skills in a legal context.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

There are three parts to this assessment, and all are equally weighted constituting 100% of the overall unit grade.

You must answer all three parts of this assessment.


With reference to common law, assess the concept of acceptance in the law of contract.


From 2008 until 2016, David owned a car garage and carried on a car repair business as a sole trader. In 2017, he decided to expand into car sales. With this in mind, David incorporated the business as CarDeal Ltd., assigning the whole of his former business assets to the newly incorporated company. Payment was done by the allotment to David and his wife, as shareholders, of £7,500 fully paid shares in CarDeal Ltd. As he had done previously, David continued to insure the business assets in his own name. In 2019, the work premises of CarDeal Ltd were burgled and around £100,000 worth of car parts were stolen. Can David make a valid insurance claim? 


Mila, a director of a very successful company, bought two top of the range espresso machines for her workplace. The idea was to place them in the common area where all the employees could use them in order to make themselves coffee during breaks. However, after using the machines for only five days, one of the machines failed to boil water. Advise Mila in light of the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Note on academic integrity: in all assessments, you are expected to adhere strictly to the principles of academic integrity. All written assignments are submitted electronically and checked for originality through Turnitin. In addition, should any doubt arise as to whether the written work submitted for assessment is your own work, you will be called by the Unit Co-ordinator for the purpose of a viva voce examination on the assessment.

Please find below the library guide for referencing:

Please find below guidance on avoiding plagiarism:

In addition, please take care in the quality of the websites which you use in preparation for this assessment. For example websites such as Wikipedia and are not reliable sources and should not be used in your assessments. If in doubt please check with your unit tutor.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)


  • Identify the legal issues arising from factual scenarios/theoretical questions and apply the appropriate provisions and principles of business law to provide a correct legal assessment of those issues; and
  • Write in a clear, grammatically correct and structured manner, with reference to relevant legal sources.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The assessment is practice based and mimics issues which you may be required to deal with in practice and in capacity as a business manager. The assessment is broad based which means that it draws across a range of topics covered within the unit. You will be expected to work on your assessment for the duration of the unit applying your knowledge as the unit develops in content. There will be also be time allocated within the unit structure to discuss the assessment.

How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria below.

You can use this to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.


3rd Class – 40-49%

Lower 2nd – 50-59%

Upper 2nd – 60-69%

1st Class – 70%+



Identification of some legal issues arising from the scenario and of some of the relevant business law provisions and principles.

Identification of a few of the legal issues arising from the scenario and of the relevant business law provisions and principles.

Detailed identification of most of the legal issues arising from the scenario and of the relevant business law provisions and principles.

Accurate identification of all of the legal issues arising from the scenario and of the relevant business law provisions and principles.


Limited reference to the key authorities. No evidence of engagement with academic commentary.

Evidence of having read and understood some of the most relevant case-law. No evidence of meaningful engagement with academic commentary.

Evidence of having read and understood most of the leading cases, and some academic commentary where relevant.

Evidence of advanced understanding of the leading cases and a broad range of academic commentary. 


An application of business law to the facts to provide basic but overall correct advice on the legal issue(s) identified.

An application of all the relevant business law provisions and principles to the facts to provide correct and clear legal advice on the issues identified.

An application of the business law provisions and principles to the facts to provide correct, well-reasoned and clear legal advice.

Excellent analysis and fully reasoned application of the law to the facts, to produce legal advice of almost professional quality.


Basic but grammatically correct written presentation. Limitations may result from spelling and expression errors, poor structure and/or inadequate referencing.

Grammatically correct and clear written presentation. Logically structured. Limitations may result from spelling and expression errors. Adequate referencing, even if not consistently HARVARD-compliant.


Good written and presentational style, including appropriate referencing in accordance with HARVARD.

Excellent written and presentational style, including appropriate referencing in compliance with HARVARD.

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