What key stakeholders were involved in the policy process (developing, implementing and operating). Why they were involved. What influence did they have and why did they have the influence that they did. Think about the power/influence and importance/interest i.e. do a stakeholder mapping
o If you cannot find information on stakeholders, then discuss the stakeholders that are likely to have been involved, why they would have been involved, what their likely influence could have been and why (your reasons should be explained in detail). [LO1)]
- Does the policy address health equity and inequalities issues. How does it do this. Why it does it do so in the way that it does. If no, then why does it not address equity and/or inequalities and what are the public health implications of this. [LO1, LO2, LO3]
- How is the policy being implemented and put into operation. [LO1]
o OPTIONAL: Identify or develop a logic model of the policy and how policy objectives relate to, for example, policy actions, outputs, impacts and outcomes [LO2]
What do any existing evaluations tell us about the effectiveness of the policy: process, outputs/impacts and outcomes. [LO3]
o Was the policy evaluated i.e. is there an evaluation report, if so, what were its key findings and what were the reasons for the successes or failures of the policy.
o Is there any policy analysis research looking at the overall policy, if so what were the criticisms of the policy analysis research e.g. criticisms of the policy and how it could be improved from academics and researchers.
o Is there any epidemiological research evidence on the interventions inside the policy, if so, what were the overall findings of this intervention research e.g. systematic or other literature reviews, on randomised controlled trials or before and after cross-sectional studies, on the effectiveness of the interventions included in the policy.
If there is no evaluation information, what kinds of evaluation could be undertaken to evaluate the impact of the policy and what process, outputs, impacts and outcomes could be monitored [LO3] LO1. Judge how theories and models of policy development, implementation and evaluation can explain and inform the policy process.