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Assignment Briefs 02-26-2023

A.C. 1.1 - Analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in inter-organisational strategies


The amount and volume of work for each Unit at this level should be broadly comparable to a word count of 4000- 4500 words.

Learner name:


CMI membership No:




Centre name:

Next level Impact


CMI L8 Strategic Direction and Leadership

Coach / Assessor





CMI Markers Result: Passed / Referred

CMI Lead Moderator’s Result: Passed / Referred



This unit is about understanding the balance between strategic leadership and strategic management responsibilities; and being able to appreciate the impact of internal culture and external influences on leadership demands, and how the application of differing leadership styles and leadership strategies will affect the achievement of organisational direction.  




LO1 Be able to identify personal skills to achieve strategic leadership ambitions

LO2 Be able to manage personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic leadership ambitions

LO3 Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic leadership development plan

LO4 Be able to assess the impact of strategic leadership development on the success of inter-organisational strategy





In answering this criterion Learners should take cognisance of the STEEPV factors impacting an organisation’s business units particularly if this involves multinational and international links. Learners should look beyond the more obvious technological and political for example and review the softer issues for example the values and beliefs, in other words, their world view (Weltanschuung).


A full answer could also comment on the alignment of the needs, goals and aspirations of the people involved and their respective organisational entities. Some comments on autonomy and the effectiveness of policy and strategy cascade from Group HQ to organisational entities would add to the answer.


In making an evaluation, you could view skills in terms of behavioural competences and know-hows needed to address strategic/critical business activities such as mergers and acquisitions; organisational redesign; selection of partners and suppliers.


Reference could be made to some of the specific domain knowledge and expertise required for the job role in order to achieve strategic leadership ambitions. Learner evaluation could further make reference to writers such as Gareth Morgan (McGill) and future/21st Century management competences that include dealing with ambiguity; working collaboratively, remote management, holism, environmental scanning and identifying fracture lines.


A more developed response might further comment on the strengths, weaknesses and relevance of the Anglo American management model and associated tools and techniques in Asia Pacific, EMEA and BIC markets.


Here the assessment could build upon the response to assessment criteria 1.1 and 1.2 and take your assessment to look at not just existing but also the required and future skills that will better enable mangers to achieve the identified strategic leadership across the E2E Supplier Customer Chain and those issues that have been previously identified.



A.C. 1.1 -  Analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in inter-organisational strategies










Clear and suitably detailed analysis focusing on GlaxoSmithKline and including well-chosen references to support the points that you make.

A.C. 1.2 - Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the identified strategic leadership ambition





Concise and appropriately detailed evaluation of the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitions.


Clear answer supported by appropriate references.

A.C. 1.3 - Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the identified strategic leadership ambitions





You provide an appropriate assessment of the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve identified strategic ambitions.





In discussing the opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development, the Learner could refer to the overall corporate governance structure; policy and strategy cascade and the communications channels in place. In other words, the context and environment in which opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development can occur. Some comments on the constraints (theory of Constraints) and barriers in place would add to the answer.


Here the Learner are required to construct a Personal Development Plan (PDP) to achieve strategic leadership development. At this level Learners should be looking beyond the here and now and current competencies and skills. LO1 Be able to identify personal skills to achieve strategic leadership ambitions This could include behaviours, underpinning knowledge needed to fulfil a job role within their area of responsibility in context of their organisation and developing skills these might include those less obvious skills for example language skills or emotional intelligence.


Learners might also set out the current and future requirement for requisite behaviours and know how’s along with the associated dates by when these would be achieved and that this period of time indicate, short medium and longer term objectives. Some might find it useful to undertake psychometric testing of some sort to support their personal development and provide some base line assessment.


In devising an implementation process for the development plan answers would refer to an appropriate implementation strategy; CSFs, Constraints and Assumptions and include resource implications and possible plans to gain those resources that might be financial but could also include others and time provision.



A.C. 2.1 - Discuss the opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development


















You discuss opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development in a clear and suitably detailed manner.

A.C. 2.2 - Construct a personal development plan to achieve strategic leadership development


















This is a high level and somewhat limited personal development plan that lacks detail at present.


Sufficient detail needs to be included in the plan so that you can you can successful answer ACs such as 3.1 and 3.2.  please note that your plan should include some of the activities that you have already completed so that you can successfully answer AC3.2


Add what you have written in blue font, considering some of the additional information that you have added in AC points 2.1 and 2.3 make sure that you have identified specific activities, resources, courses, etc. together with time scales for completion.


A.C. 2.3 - Devise an implementation process for the development plan





















You have devised a practical implementation process for your development plan.






When making the assessment, Learners could start by making reference to strategic planning process adopted by the organisation. For example, a deliberate or emergent strategy of the resource base views of the firm (RBV).


This section can only be completed when some of the activities in the plan have taken place and will possibly be in line with the review dates set out in the original plan. For this criterion you will note that the objectives in the initial plan need to be measurable if they are to be measured and built upon as part of the review process.


The plan also needs to consider the changes in the organisation or sector and may need to be reviewed in the light of these. For example Learners might need to revise the plan in the light of the maturity of the organisation. For example, a start-up; a mature or declining organisation as each type will require different leadership styles and domain knowledge. Learners might also need to adjust to any changes made in organisational style and culture and note that there may be cultural differences in business units and different locations.


Again Learners will need to evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions. A full answer could set this out in the form of a gap analysis indicating the gap between current and future objectives and progress achieved towards meeting strategic leadership ambitions. The answer could also indicate any constraints, assumptions, critical decisions and critical success factors (CSFs) and measures (KPIs) associated with the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions.


In reviewing and updating the leadership development plan, Learners could review the relevance of the current leadership development plan in context of the emerging STEEPV factors impacting at a national or international level or based on a change in personal goals or opportunities.



A.C. 3.1 - Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against strategic needs





















This links to AC 2.2 and can only be completed once you have demonstrated that you have completed some of the activities in your plan.


When updating your answer please do so in blue font for ease of reference.



A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions





















This links to AC 2.2 and can only be completed once you have demonstrated that you have completed some of the activities in your plan.



When updating your answer please do so in blue font for ease of reference.



A.C. 3.3 - Review and update the leadership development plan



















This needs to be an update to the plan in AC-2.2 make sure that you specifically go to emerging STEEPV factors when updating your plan.


Please use blue font when updating your answer For he’s a preference.





In evaluating the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources, a full answer could draw upon some of the ideas of Stafford Beer (Viable Systems Model) and Ross Ashby (Law of Requisite Variety). In particular, the design of variety amplification and attenuation mechanisms in the context of the environment and markets in which an organisation operates.


Examples of impact could be the Learner’s role or the impact of other’s that have been developed as managers in the organisation’s developments in customer services, brand management and liquidity.


When formulating proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource Learners could base the proposals on a variety of approaches to management. This might also include:


● A detailed functional proposal based on a detailed knowledge of the resource requirements

● An outcome based requirement based on the specification of the performance targets


A scenario based requirement where development of the strategic leadership resource is aligned to one or more business scenarios, for example, takeover, mergers, developing strategic partnerships and suppliers noting inter-organisational strategy


Here Learners are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might choose one specific organisation to give this section some structure then draw upon reading of other examples both national and international. Responses could build upon the ideas from assessment criterion 3.2 and explain in more detail the constraints, assumptions, critical decisions and critical success factors (CSFs) and measures (KPIs) associated with achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might further note the organisational context and cultural norms that might have an effect on the advancement of professional leadership.

A.C. 4.1 - Evaluate the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources





















Insufficient evaluation of the extent in which organizational strategic needs are met from current resources.


Please add to your answer using blue font and be mindful of the good practice guide.



A.C. 4.2 - Formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource




















You appear to have misunderstood what is being asked in this question.


You need to formulate a proposal to develop the strategic leadership resource in your organization.


Please use blue font when updating your answer.

A.C. 4.3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations



In this question you are required to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement in professional practice across your organization.


Please revisit your answer and use blue font when making any changes for ease of reference. LO1 Be able to identify personal skills to achieve strategic leadership ambitions

In evaluating the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources, a full answer could draw upon some of the ideas of Stafford Beer (Viable Systems Model) and Ross Ashby (Law of Requisite Variety). In particular, the design of variety amplification and attenuation mechanisms in the context of the environment and markets in which an organisation operates.


Examples of impact could be the Learner’s role or the impact of other’s that have been developed as managers in the organisation’s developments in customer services, brand management and liquidity.


When formulating proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource Learners could base the proposals on a variety of approaches to management. This might also include:


● A detailed functional proposal based on a detailed knowledge of the resource requirements

● An outcome based requirement based on the specification of the performance targets


A scenario based requirement where development of the strategic leadership resource is aligned to one or more business scenarios, for example, takeover, mergers, developing strategic partnerships and suppliers noting inter-organisational strategy


Here Learners are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might choose one specific organisation to give this section some structure then draw upon reading of other examples both national and international. Responses could build upon the ideas from assessment criterion 3.2 and explain in more detail the constraints, assumptions, critical decisions and critical success factors (CSFs) and measures (KPIs) associated with achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might further note the organisational context and cultural norms that might have an effect on the advancement of professional leadership. Analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in inter-organisational strategies



A.C. 4.1 - Evaluate the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources





















Insufficient evaluation of the extent in which organizational strategic needs are met from current resources.


Please add to your answer using blue font and be mindful of the good practice guide.



A.C. 4.2 - Formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource




















You appear to have misunderstood what is being asked in this question.


You need to formulate a proposal to develop the strategic leadership resource in your organization.


Please use blue font when updating your answer.



A.C. 4.3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations





In this question you are required to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement in professional practice across your organization.


Please revisit your answer and use blue font when making any changes for ease of reference.


The amount and volume of work for each Unit at this level should be broadly comparable to a word count of 4000- 4500 words.


Learner name:


CMI membership No:




Centre name:

Next level Impact


CMI L8 Strategic Direction and Leadership

Coach / Assessor





CMI Markers Result: Passed / Referred

CMI Lead Moderator’s Result: Passed / Referred



This unit is about understanding the balance between strategic leadership and strategic management responsibilities; and being able to appreciate the impact of internal culture and external influences on leadership demands, and how the application of differing leadership styles and leadership strategies will affect the achievement of organisational direction.  




LO1 Be able to identify personal skills to achieve strategic leadership ambitions

LO2 Be able to manage personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic leadership ambitions

LO3 Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic leadership development plan

LO4 Be able to assess the impact of strategic leadership development on the success of inter-organisational strategy












In answering this criterion Learners should take cognisance of the STEEPV factors impacting an organisation’s business units particularly if this involves multinational and international links. Learners should look beyond the more obvious technological and political for example and review the softer issues for example the values and beliefs, in other words, their world view (Weltanschuung).


A full answer could also comment on the alignment of the needs, goals and aspirations of the people involved and their respective organisational entities. Some comments on autonomy and the effectiveness of policy and strategy cascade from Group HQ to organisational entities would add to the answer.


In making an evaluation, you could view skills in terms of behavioural competences and know-hows needed to address strategic/critical business activities such as mergers and acquisitions; organisational redesign; selection of partners and suppliers.


Reference could be made to some of the specific domain knowledge and expertise required for the job role in order to achieve strategic leadership ambitions. Learner evaluation could further make reference to writers such as Gareth Morgan (McGill) and future/21st Century management competences that include dealing with ambiguity; working collaboratively, remote management, holism, environmental scanning and identifying fracture lines.


A more developed response might further comment on the strengths, weaknesses and relevance of the Anglo American management model and associated tools and techniques in Asia Pacific, EMEA and BIC markets.


Here the assessment could build upon the response to assessment criteria 1.1 and 1.2 and take your assessment to look at not just existing but also the required and future skills that will better enable mangers to achieve the identified strategic leadership across the E2E Supplier Customer Chain and those issues that have been previously identified.



A.C. 1.1 -  Analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in inter-organisational strategies






















Clear and suitably detailed analysis focusing on GlaxoSmithKline and including well-chosen references to support the points that you make.

A.C. 1.2 - Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the identified strategic leadership ambitions




















Concise and appropriately detailed evaluation of the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitions.


Clear answer supported by appropriate references.


A.C. 1.3 - Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the identified strategic leadership ambitions






















You provide an appropriate assessment of the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve identified strategic ambitions.















In discussing the opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development, the Learner could refer to the overall corporate governance structure; policy and strategy cascade and the communications channels in place. In other words, the context and environment in which opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development can occur. Some comments on the constraints (theory of Constraints) and barriers in place would add to the answer.


Here the Learner are required to construct a Personal Development Plan (PDP) to achieve strategic leadership development. At this level Learners should be looking beyond the here and now and current competencies and skills. This could include behaviours, underpinning knowledge needed to fulfil a job role within their area of responsibility in context of their organisation and developing skills these might include those less obvious skills for example language skills or emotional intelligence.


Learners might also set out the current and future requirement for requisite behaviours and know how’s along with the associated dates by when these would be achieved and that this period of time indicate, short medium and longer term objectives. Some might find it useful to undertake psychometric testing of some sort to support their personal development and provide some base line assessment.


In devising an implementation process for the development plan answers would refer to an appropriate implementation strategy; CSFs, Constraints and Assumptions and include resource implications and possible plans to gain those resources that might be financial but could also include others and time provision.



A.C. 2.1 - Discuss the opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development


















You discuss opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development in a clear and suitably detailed manner.

A.C. 2.2 - Construct a personal development plan to achieve strategic leadership development


















This is a high level and somewhat limited personal development plan that lacks detail at present.


Sufficient detail needs to be included in the plan so that you can you can successful answer ACs such as 3.1 and 3.2.  please note that your plan should include some of the activities that you have already completed so that you can successfully answer AC3.2


Add what you have written in blue font, considering some of the additional information that you have added in AC points 2.1 and 2.3 make sure that you have identified specific activities, resources, courses, etc. together with time scales for completion.


A.C. 2.3 - Devise an implementation process for the development plan





















You have devised a practical implementation process for your development plan.
















When making the assessment, Learners could start by making reference to strategic planning process adopted by the organisation. For example, a deliberate or emergent strategy of the resource base views of the firm (RBV).


This section can only be completed when some of the activities in the plan have taken place and will possibly be in line with the review dates set out in the original plan. For this criterion you will note that the objectives in the initial plan need to be measurable if they are to be measured and built upon as part of the review process.


The plan also needs to consider the changes in the organisation or sector and may need to be reviewed in the light of these. For example Learners might need to revise the plan in the light of the maturity of the organisation. For example, a start-up; a mature or declining organisation as each type will require different leadership styles and domain knowledge. Learners might also need to adjust to any changes made in organisational style and culture and note that there may be cultural differences in business units and different locations.


Again Learners will need to evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions. A full answer could set this out in the form of a gap analysis indicating the gap between current and future objectives and progress achieved towards meeting strategic leadership ambitions. The answer could also indicate any constraints, assumptions, critical decisions and critical success factors (CSFs) and measures (KPIs) associated with the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions.


In reviewing and updating the leadership development plan, Learners could review the relevance of the current leadership development plan in context of the emerging STEEPV factors impacting at a national or international level or based on a change in personal goals or opportunities.



A.C. 3.1 - Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against strategic needs





















This links to AC 2.2 and can only be completed once you have demonstrated that you have completed some of the activities in your plan.


When updating your answer please do so in blue font for ease of reference.



A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions





















This links to AC 2.2 and can only be completed once you have demonstrated that you have completed some of the activities in your plan.



When updating your answer please do so in blue font for ease of reference.



A.C. 3.3 - Review and update the leadership development plan



















This needs to be an update to the plan in AC-2.2 make sure that you specifically go to emerging STEEPV factors when updating your plan.


Please use blue font when updating your answer For he’s a preference.
















In evaluating the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources, a full answer could draw upon some of the ideas of Stafford Beer (Viable Systems Model) and Ross Ashby (Law of Requisite Variety). In particular, the design of variety amplification and attenuation mechanisms in the context of the environment and markets in which an organisation operates.


Examples of impact could be the Learner’s role or the impact of other’s that have been developed as managers in the organisation’s developments in customer services, brand management and liquidity.


When formulating proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource Learners could base the proposals on a variety of approaches to management. This might also include:


● A detailed functional proposal based on a detailed knowledge of the resource requirements

● An outcome based requirement based on the specification of the performance targets


A scenario based requirement where development of the strategic leadership resource is aligned to one or more business scenarios, for example, takeover, mergers, developing strategic partnerships and suppliers noting inter-organisational strategy


Here Learners are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might choose one specific organisation to give this section some structure then draw upon reading of other examples both national and international. Responses could build upon the ideas from assessment criterion 3.2 and explain in more detail the constraints, assumptions, critical decisions and critical success factors (CSFs) and measures (KPIs) associated with achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations. Learners might further note the organisational context and cultural norms that might have an effect on the advancement of professional leadership.



A.C. 4.1 - Evaluate the extent to which the strategic needs of organisations involved in inter-organisational strategy are met from current resources





















Insufficient evaluation of the extent in which organizational strategic needs are met from current resources.


Please add to your answer using blue font and be mindful of the good practice guide.



A.C. 4.2 - Formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource




















You appear to have misunderstood what is being asked in this question.


You need to formulate a proposal to develop the strategic leadership resource in your organization.


Please use blue font when updating your answer.



A.C. 4.3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practice across organisations





In this question you are required to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement in professional practice across your organization.


Please revisit your answer and use blue font when making any changes for ease of reference.

















What an excellent stark to your workbook Mark!


Only a few years it was to revisit where you appeared if misunderstood the question.


Refer to the good practice guide for each answer and my comments and feedback in the marksheet.


Keep up the good work – you’re on a roll! 😊





If Resubmissions are required, please ensure amendments are submitted in a different colour font or type to differentiate from the original/previous submission.



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