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Assignment Briefs 01-17-2023

Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs

L6 Assignment Brief 1: BMGT3420, Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2022-23 

Assignment 1

Individual Written Report

Word Limit or equivalent (e.g., time)

2500 words



Learning Outcomes Assessed

1. Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs.

2. Identify and critically analyse systems for developing and managing innovation.

3. Critically examine the factors, which contribute to innovation as well as the key constraints.

6. Critically appraise the application of how these innovation strategies are developed by entrepreneurs.

Submission date

5th January 2023 @ 3pm

Feedback date

All assignment feedback will be issued on the 20th working day following the submission deadline. Feedback will be released on: 2nd February 2023.

Module Leader


Verified by



If anything about this assignment is not clear to you, please contact your module leader.


What do I need to do to make a success of this assignment?

Identify and research two types of innovation in relation to the 4Ps innovation space model. Compare and contrast each in terms of how innovation is developed and applied; analysing factors which both contribute and constrain them.

Your analysis must be supported with references to relevant course theories and frameworks.


How should I present my work?

Business report - please use the template below:


On the title page list the following

Module name and code

Student number

Submission date

Assignment Number/Title


Grading Matrix

Executive Summary

Table of Contents


Body (vary the sub-headings according to the content)


You should save your work with the title Module code-Ass01-Student Number.

References (use the University Harvard referencing system, support is available through the library www.worc.ac.uk/library/guides/study-skills/referencing)


How can I obtain guidance on my assignment?

A guidance sheet will be developed following tutorials to gather some constructive points to support your assignment 1 and this will be posted on Blackboard later in the module. An assessment briefing session will also take place during weeks 1, 10 and 11.

For formative feedback you can submit an assessment plan of your work in progress or 500 words to enable you to obtain guidance on the overall structure and direction of your report. You should submit this by no later than the 9th December @ 3pm  via email to your Tutor to enable you to review and address feedback provided to develop your work.

In addition to this feedback, there is also an opportunity to receive weekly in-class feedback, during seminars as well as individual tutorials in week 14 and the assessment 1 support session in week 16.


How and when do I hand my assignment in?

Your work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your name and student number. You should submit your work by the 3pm deadline on 5th January 2023. You should submit your work to Turnitin via Blackboard, which is available via MyDay. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in.

See the University’s guide to uploading and submitting assessment items via Blackboard: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student

If you have issues with Blackboard, Turnitin or PebblePad you will need to contact tel@worc.ac.uk


How will my assignment be marked?

Specific marking criteria for your assignment is provided in the Grading Matrix within this document.

You are strongly advised to check your completed work against the Grading Matrix to ensure have completed all areas required before you submit it.

You should also ensure you adhere to the word limit / word count stated in your assessment brief document, details of which can be found in the University’s Assessment Policy http://www.worc.ac.uk/aqu/documents/AssessmentPolicy.pdf


Grading Matrix for BMGT3420, Assessment 1

This matrix captures the assessment criteria for this part of the coursework.


Student Number/Name:


Academic Year and Semester:

2022-2023, S1

Learning Outcomes:

1.Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs.

2.Identify and critically analyse systems for developing and managing innovation.

3.Critically examine the factors, which contribute to innovation as well as the key constraints.

6. Critically appraise the application of how these innovation strategies are developed by entrepreneurs.


Module Code:


Assignment No/Weighting:


Module Title:

Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Assessment Title:

Written report


Assessment Criteria


Report (50%)


Examination of the management/ development of different types of innovation and contributory and constraining factors to innovation

Identification of the different types of innovation and innovation processes

Use of Harvard referencing and relevant academic sources and presentation


Significant ability to identify and select 2 original Ps and construct comparisons through excellent synthesis and critical interpretation of appropriate evidence.



Exceptional assessment of the chosen 2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them.


Authoritative grasp of disciplinary concepts.


Exceptional examination of innovation and the different types of innovation (4P’s) and beyond, e.g. (10Ps) and innovation processes, e.g. technology push, open innovation.



Goes well beyond what is taught in reading/researching to inform learning.


Structured and correct use of the report template. Correct Harvard referencing/citing is followed in all cases for all sources throughout. There are no unsupported assertions.


Accomplished communication style and expression of ideas with accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


There is evidence of thorough research, and the report has clearly been underpinned by relevant, credible and up-to-date literature throughout.




Logical demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 original Ps and construction of comparisons through synthesis and critical interpretation of appropriate evidence.


Very good assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them.

Ability to demonstrate well the disciplinary concepts.


Very good examination of innovation and the different types of innovation (4P’s) and beyond, e.g. (10Ps) and innovation processes, e.g. technology push, open innovation.

Evidence of insight in selection and use of material to go beyond what is taught.


The report template is correctly used. Correct Harvard referencing/citing is followed in most cases for all sources but there may be some minor errors in formatting. There may be a couple of unsupported assertions.


Very proficient communication of ideas with accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


There is evidence of very good research, and the report has mostly been underpinned by relevant, credible and up-to-date literature throughout.



Logical demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 Ps and  construction of comparisons through synthesis and interpretation of appropriate evidence with possible weaknesses in evidence.


Good assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them although further work is required.


Ability to demonstrate relevant disciplinary concepts.


Good examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes but some further consideration is required.


Good breadth of understanding of taught content and set reading/ references.


Report framework used and is generally clear and correct. Correct Harvard referencing/citing is followed in some cases for all sources but there may be some errors in formatting. There may be a few unsupported assertions.


Confident effective communication of ideas with accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


There is evidence of some research, and the report has somewhat been underpinned by relevant literature, but some sources may be outdated or from unreliable sources.


Logical demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 Ps and  some construction of comparisons with supporting evidence but with some gaps.


Adequate assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them, with some gaps in evidence.

Some relevant disciplinary concepts are provided but fairly descriptive.


Adequate examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes albeit descriptive.

Relies on adequate selection of set materials/standard readings and references.


Report format used with some errors. Adequate attention to formatting of references and citations and Harvard format may not always be correctly applied. There may be several unsupported assertions.


Communicates ideas effectively with mostly accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


The report has been underpinned by an adequate selection of high-quality and relevant literature but is mostly supported by unreliable web-based sources.


Inadequate and poor demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 Ps and  some construction of comparisons with numerous weaknesses/gaps.



Inadequate assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them with numerous gaps/weaknesses in evidence. Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs.

Somewhat relevant disciplinary concepts are provided but descriptive.



Inadequate examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes albeit very descriptive.



Relies on inadequate selection of set materials/standard readings and references.


Major errors in the report template. Inadequate attention to formatting of references and citations and Harvard format may not be correctly applied. There are numerous unsupported assertions. Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs.


Communication is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding, with errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


The report has been underpinned by an inadequate selection of high-quality and relevant literature but is mostly supported by unreliable web-based sources.


A weak and poorly constructed demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 Ps and some construction of comparisons which is largely unsubstantiated.

Poor assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them. There  are numerous gaps/weaknesses and any evidence is largely unsubstantiated.


Little evidence of ability to apply disciplinary conceptual understanding.


Poor examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes.


Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


No application of the report template. Poor attention to formatting of references and citations and Harvard format may not be correctly applied. Most assertions are unsupported.


Communication is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding, with errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


There is limited evidence of use of relevant and credible literature being used to underpin the report. The report somewhat relies on unreliable web-based sources and/or most assertions are unsupported.


A very poor demonstration of the identification and selection of 2 Ps and some construction of comparisons which is unsubstantiated.


A very poor assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them. Little explanation and unsubstantiated.  

Very limited disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.


Very poor examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes.

Very little evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references.


No application of the report template. Very poor attention to formatting of references and citations. Harvard format has not been correctly applied.


Very poor communication indicating incoherence, with many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


There is very little evidence of use of relevant and credible literature being used to underpin the report. The report solely relies on unreliable web-based sources and/or most assertions are unsupported.


H / NS

No argument/ explanation.


No assessment of the chosen

2Ps and how innovation, in these 2 examples, is developed and applied, analysing strategic factors which both contribute and constrain them.


No disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.


No examination of the different types of innovation (4P’s) and innovation processes.

No evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references.


No Harvard citing/referencing. There is no evidence of research.


Non-submission or seriously inadequate communication, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


The report template has not been used and is not in an accessible format.


Feedback on your assignment.

Please review this feedback and use it to develop your work in your next assignment in this and your other modules. If anything is unclear, please ask the marker. Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs.

Aspects done well and why:


Aspects for improvement for future assignments and why:


How successful completion of this assignment helps your employability and achievement of graduate attributes:

The successful completion of this assessment has equipped you with skills of research, problem solving and reflectivity to analyse business model frameworks and strategies around innovation and competitive advantage.

Grade awarded:



To be confirmed


To be confirmed


* This person is responsible for moderating a sample of student work for this module. Your work may, or may not, have been included in this sample.

□ I do not want my work to be used anonymously to help future students



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