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FM4.22: Managing Accessibility and Inclusion and its Impact on Facilities Management

FM4.22: Managing Accessibility and Inclusion and its Impact on Facilities Management

It is necessary for the designers and developers of the building that the infrastructure of the building must be accessible to everyone. For instance, there should be easiness for people who have some sort of disability or elderly illness, people who feel difficulty in breathing, and people in wheelchairs, part M of facility management in IWFM emphasizes the accessibility and inclusion of the building. The main aim of this unit is to provide facilities that are accessible and have an inclusive design for all individuals.

The unit FM4.22: Managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management has relayed some of the core points that include usage and accessibility of buildings. Moreover, accessibility contains all realistic necessities that should be added to the infrastructure to facilitate individuals. To add access that extends the building rather than the residence such as giving attention to the extensive areas of the building, for example, porch, garage, orangery, conservatory, over-structure extensions, sanitary convenience, etc.

On top of all, a building must have extensive facilities for the people, who are on stay or visit the building. For instance, the accessibility of wheelchairs and the signs on the floor will help disabled people in mobilization. Inclusion in building design refers to using access to buildings that every individual can use without compromising their dignity. It should be flexible to use, responsive as the people can give real comments on that, convenient so that people can use it without painstaking efforts, welcoming, realistic and accommodating for all. These all characteristics of inclusive design make it universal in design due to the fusion of,

  • Spontaneous and simple
  • Less physical effort
  • Space and size approach
  • Unbiased use
  • Patience for error
  • Noticeable information
  • Flexibility in usage

Identify the variety of perceptions of inclusion and disability

            About one billion population in the world is facing disability and the higher disability rate is found in developing countries of the world. Disabled people have to face a lot of circumstances such as unemployment, lack of education facilities, poverty, health issues, and unsafe working conditions. Initially, this unit emphasizes the different models of disability to define the variety of perceptions about disability and inclusion. According to the social model of disability, the reason for disability is according to the organization of society. Whereas, medical models of disability say that the differences and impairments of the people are the cause of their disability.

The second core emphasis of the chapter is on the organizational and attitudinal barriers, and the potential environment to access the facilities for disabled people. These accessible facilities include access to the needs of disabled people with sensory, historical treatment of disabled people, physical and cognitive injuries, and temporary and permanent impairments (e.g. children, pregnant women, elderly people, etc.). The inclusion and accessibility of buildings influence facility management through factors including information, space, service, space and using language for interaction with disabled people.

Recognise the inclusive design principles in environment building

The seven important principles of inclusive design are given in the unit; moreover, the characteristics of the environment of inclusive design are also discussed. In addition, the deep analyses of the considerations are longitudinal such as space, acoustic, reach, cognitive and visual. These spatial considerations of the environment are called Ergonomics. The facility management may function in inclusive design by utilizing the work on Ergonomics, for example, the use of lighting, acoustics and visual contrast. Another part of this unit is also covering the use of technology to facilitate individuals through inclusion designing. The usage of technology includes the enhancement of hearing systems, trembler alerts and readers to facilitate people from immediate services.

            The recognition of accessibility and outlet environment put a positive impact on the facility management of the built environment. The availability of these services would shed a positive impact on the facility management of the building. Moreover, already built environments of principles of inclusive design that have an impact on the services are the following:

  • Natural and simple
  • Less effort physically
  • Space and magnitude approach
  • Unbiased use
  • Tolerance for error
  • Visible information
  • Flexible in use

Identify the regulatory and legal structure of inclusion and access

This unit has a great purpose to work on the legal and regulatory structure of accessibility and inclusion. The area of questions covered by the lesson is the following;

  1. What type of legal framework is used in accessibility and inclusion?
  2. What is the legal and regulatory framework in business fields?
  3. What are the main components of the regulatory framework?
  4. What is the meaning of the legal and regulatory framework?

This lesson aims to make the students work on analysing legislation equality that assists older and disabled people through equal rights, for example, the legislation related to safety and health, fire safety and emergencies. To analyse the ways such as building and planning legislation and regulation for influencing inclusive design and facility management is another question of the unit. Another part of this chapter is based on the analysis of ways that influence inclusive design through good practice, guidance and good practice. Access management of British standards, legislation related to safety and health, industry guidance and fire safety and emergencies, CSR and BIM.

Recognise the access and inclusion management for environment building

This part of the unit is constructed on the following series of the query;

  • Describe the ways to guarantee that is met by facility meets the inclusion needs.
  • Characterization of the nature of barriers to facilitate risk assessment.
  • Identification of the ways that overcome barriers to services that included engagements of stakeholders and opportunities for change such as refurbishment, maintenance, and adjustments.
  • Explain the ways to analyse the flexibility of reasonable adjustments, for instance, analysis of flexibility including commission service and scope.
  • Describe the requirements of an evacuation emergency plan that include the steps of planning, documentation and requirements of evacuation.

The subject area of business and especially the field of IWFM is a field that needs in-depth efforts of the students while studying. The headings and the questions that are covering the entire unit are like the tip of the iceberg. The reason behind this statement is that these topics have been discussed in the unit pages thoroughly. Moreover, the assessments, quizzes, presentations, assignments and viva are the hidden part that only students can be seen. To get good marks, the person who has worked in the area of the field and has examined physically these problems can answer these questions by including his essence of experience in the answers after thoroughly studying.

How we are best at writing this assignment

The assignment making on any of the above questions in this unit can be explicitly knowledgeable and next-level if we make it through the services of an expert writer. We can provide the assignments in this area of field by sharing the ideas of best inclusion accessibility that aid the facility management. To make an appropriate assignment of rich and authentic information, our professional writers will research disabled people and their types of disabilities.

By knowing the types of disabilities, it would be easy for the writer to write accessibility plans that apply to the diverse impairments of people. However, which of the plans is worthy to add to your assignment is the crucial confusion that every student faces.  The writers who have a learning background in the field of BIFM can cater to all the courses. Our writer’s team use authentic resources such as Google scholar, JSTOR, inspec and other sources that are known for their genuine information articles. And then develop amazing ideas for answering the self-cognitions assignment areas.

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