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Assignment Briefs 11-22-2022

Critically analyse the literature, contextualising the rationale behind the work-based practice project proposal, demonstrating initiative and decision making.

The price quoted here is for the complete assessment which consist of two parts, project proposal & project plan each of them having required wordcount of 2500.

Assignment in the field of Adult Nursing – Postgraduate - Level 7 (Student Adult Nurse).

The module is Imagination and Innovation for Evidence Based Nursing Care


It comprises of two major parts:

Part one = Project proposal (2500 words)

Part two = Project plan (2500 words)


Part One: Project proposal

Relevant learning outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Critically analyse the literature, contextualising the rationale behind the work-based practice project proposal, demonstrating initiative and decision making.

2. Demonstrate how the underpinning module knowledge, skills and attitudes apply to their specific fields of nursing and to the essential needs of all service users.


Skills and attributes

1. Show mastery in systematically accessing and critiquing the relevant literature and evidence base related to the work-based practice project proposal.

2. Use principles and approaches of evidence-based nursing practice and initiative to design a workbased practice project proposal within their specialist field of nursing which is underpinned by appropriate evidence.

The first thing you will need to do is to identify a gap/issue in the care of the service users in your particular areas. This is where the innovation comes in.

• The gap/issue must be nursing related (not medical and then justified by saying ‘nurses are Involved’). This is a nursing Masters.

The gap/issue can be anything that will improve care – and this includes helping nurses with their workload/resilience/education. For instance, a previous project reported on the

possibility of ‘huddles’ in improving safety (though there has been an argument for resilience huddles as well – which seems to be a form of debrief).

• The ‘innovation’ of the gap can be something that is already implemented elsewhere (geographically or in another field of nursing) that you think would be useful in a particular area. For instance, students have previously used both Mental Health and Learning Disability nursing ideas and transferred them to the adult nursing field.

• Don’t make the project too big – it is better to think at unit/individual level, rather than county wide or bigger.

• Once you think you have an idea and have done a scoping review then please review the concept with your facilitator

• Once you have your gap, and a go ahead from a module staff member, you will need to show that the gap/issue exists and how you could improve care. In this case government reports, guidelines, best practice, and editorial/opinion pieces are acceptable.


Once you have your gap/issue you can then put together a collation of published literature that will help you both prove there is a gap/issue but also support your proposed ‘solution’.

As a master’s level student, it is expected that you will show critical analysis of the published literature. Students often ask how many pieces of published literature they should include, and I am afraid there is no definite answer to this. This is a choice you will need to make; the literature used must be comprehensive enough to support the proposed innovation whilst allowing sufficient depth of analysis within the word count. At the end you should have a discussion that shows that your particular innovation is valuable to the improvement of patient care.


Assignment structure

Introduction / Background (200 words)

Introduce the topic / problem of interest.

Succinctly describe the topic area to provide an explanation to those who may not be familiar with your topic. Provide some background and the rationale for choosing the topic, this may consist of relevant data or policy / guideline impacting patient care / your area of interest, i.e., why are you wanting to investigate it? Define any specialist terms using academic citations (definitely not dictionaries) to support these.

Research Question (100 words)

State how the research question was developed, were any question framing tools used and why, i.e., the rationale for their use.

Clearly state your research question.

Remember this should be presented as a question and not a statement.

Search Strategy (150 words)

This section should outline the importance of a systematic search strategy (i.e., a highly succinct description with rationales), the use of key words and Boolean operators, subject specialist databases and, inclusion and exclusion criteria in relation to your topic area.

An appendix (Appendix 1) with the relevant tables: Table 1: search terms; Table 2: subject specialist data bases; Table 3 and the inclusion and exclusion criteria should be referred to in this section. The articles from your searches will be ‘screened’, and the screening process succinctly described.

From the screening process (CASP) articles will be selected for review. These selected articles will be included in a literature inclusion table (Table 4, Appendix 2).


The literature review (1750 words)

Your critical review is expected to include a supported, general discussion (not descriptions) of the robustness of the methods, sampling / the sample size, the process for and type of data collected, the appropriateness of any statistical tests used, the quality of the outcomes, the reliability and validity of the outcome measures or, how convincing the results / findings are. You will not have to do so for every article that you include, try to be discerning, i.e., if you notice an issue then highlight it for discussion. There may not be a ‘gap’ in the evidence base, so you may wish to offer an informed comment on whether your research question has been ‘answered’. Having reviewed the articles you may wish to present the ‘themes’ that you notice within the current evidence base.


Conclusions (200 words

Comment on the generalisability / transferability and applicability of the reviewed evidence base to your area of interest, i.e., to what degree do your findings inform your area of interest / practice. Critically analyse the literature, contextualising the rationale behind the work-based practice project proposal, demonstrating initiative and decision making.

Recommendations (100 words)

Based on your conclusions, in this section you would introduce your project idea and its aim.

Word count (2500 words +/-10%)


APA (references should not be older than 10 years)

  • Please ensure there is a lot of references in the body work.
  • Attention: Please this piece of work needs to be produced with significant evidence of ability to think critically and analytically.
  • Remember this is a level 7 piece of work and as such you need to support your discussion with relevant literature references.
  • The assignment should be written in third person
  • Plagiarism report needed -/+3% 


Appendix 1 

  • Tables for: search terms, data bases, inclusion and exclusion criteria,

Appendix 2

  • Literature inclusion table

Appendix 1

Table 1. Search Terms (use single spacing)






or other variants

Key Words / Search Terms


(Boolean Operators / Truncation symbols applied)









































 Table 2. Subject Specialist Data Bases (use single spacing)

Sources of Evidence / Data Bases

Number of articles identified

Read the title and retrieve the appropriate ones for the next (stage) column

Number of articles retrieved

Read the Abstract, Intro and Conclusion and select the most relevant ones for the next (stage) column to apply the CASP / or other relevant screening tool. 

Number of articles selected for screening prior to selecting final articles for reviewing

(using CASP or other appropriate screening / critiquing tool)

Final number of articles selected to include for review

(these will be included in Table 4 below)





















Other sources





Policies/ Guidelines










Table 3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria (use single spacing) 

Date parameters













Appendix 2


Table 4. Literature Inclusion Table (use single spacing, you may use one page per article, size 10 font is acceptable)



Author(s) Article

(correctly referenced with link)

Paradigm/ Methodology/ Method/ Design


Sample /

Participant characteristics

Main Outcome(s) / Findings




















































Please remove the points below when preparing to submit the definitive version of your assignment, they are here for general guidance only.

Some further points to consider when reading the articles:

  • Organise the papers in quantitative and qualitative groups
  • Then organise each group chronologically (oldest to newest) BEFORE you begin to read and screen them
  • What did the literature tell you? (Are there any ideas / themes?)
  • What did the literature NOT tell you? (Are there any ‘gaps’)
  • What were the significance of the findings?
  • How do they apply to your question?
  • What are the implications for practice / your project idea?
  • Return to your research question and decide if your review of the literature / current evidence base articles offer an answer/ identifies a gap


Important little extras:

  • Please include your Student Id number on the title page
  • Remember to number the pages of your work (e.g., page 1 of ??)
  • Size 11 or 12 font in main text (1.5 spacing)
  • Proofread
  • Do not share your work and please do not plagiarise
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