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Assignment Briefs
Define and critically analyse the legal framework including Codes of Practice that shape Best Interests Assessments and judgements within the context of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
1 . Best Interests Assessor Module - Assessment
The module has two assessment tasks weighted at 50% each. Students cannot be compensated and have to pass each element at 50% as the tasks are linked to different learning outcomes based on the statutory requirements / capabilities for the BIA role. Supervisory bodies who approve BIAs need to have confidence in the training to know that students are competent and meet all of the requirements.
Task 1
A 2500 word assignment to cover the learning outcomes below.
Define and critically analyse the legal framework including Codes of Practice that shape Best Interests Assessments and judgements within the context of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Critically analyse the ethical tensions and dilemmas raised in undertaking the Best Interests Assessor role in the context of human rights and adult safeguarding where appropriate drawing on relevant research.
Task 2
A 40 minute viva – 20 minutes presentation followed by questions. Students will complete a Form 3 based on a BIA assessment that they have shadowed. They will create a presentation based on the decisions and dilemmas involved in the case and Form 3. They will present the case to a panel comprising both academic staff and current experienced practitioner/ assessors. The completed, anonymised paperwork including a capacity assessment, BIA assessment, balance sheet and other relevant forms will be submitted beforehand
The presentation will meet the following learning outcomes:
3. Demonstrate skills necessary to obtain, evaluate and analyse complex evidence and differing views and to weigh them appropriately in decision making.
4. Competently complete all required documentation including appropriate clear and reasoned reports in accordance with legal requirements and good practice.
2. Assessment is based on the 6 Key Capabilities that BIA students need to demonstrate
The six areas are:
Key Capability 1: The ability to apply in practice, and maintain knowledge of, relevant legal and policy frameworks
Key Capability 2: The ability to work in a manner congruent with the presumption of capacity
Key Capability 3: The ability to take all practical steps to help someone to make a decision
Key Capability 4: The ability to balance a person’s right to autonomy and self-determination with their right to safety, and respond proportionately
Key Capability 5: The ability to make informed, independent best interest decisions within the context of a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) assessment
Key Capability 6: The ability to effectively assess risk in complex situations, and use analysis to make proportionate decisions
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Reading intention: Undecided
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Best Interests Assessor practice handbook
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Reading intention: Undecided
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Reading intention: Undecided
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Book -by Matthew Graham; Jacqueline Cowley; VLeBooks- 2015
Reading intention: Undecided
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Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice (2007 Final Edition): Code of Practice to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Webpage- 2007
Reading intention: Undecided
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Reading intention: Undecided
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A practical guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005: putting the principles of the Act into practice
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Reading intention: Undecided
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Define and critically analyse the legal framework including Codes of Practice that shape Best Interests Assessments and judgements within the context of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
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