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Critically review literature to establish extant positions to frame and guide business research.

Level 7 Business Project

Module Leader:

Key Details and Requirements

Submission deadline:

Module learning outcomes:

  1. Critically review literature to establish extant positions to frame and guide business research.
  2. Critically assess a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs used in business and management research.
  3. Choose the appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data that is relevant to the business project
  4. Evaluate the validity and reliability of research instruments
  5. Produce a proposal demonstrating an understanding of the implications of learning outcomes 1-3 in a business research project and produce a written research-based report that culminates in conclusions and recommendations that adequately address a research problem or show how a market opportunity will be explored.

Assessment details: Written Report, 100% (10,000 words)

Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS.

Submission Method: Turnitin - Your work will be put through Turnitin. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism and the use of AI software.

You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, more than once. ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only. You can only upload one file. For example if your work contains a word document and power point slides/Excel spreadsheet you will need to copy your slides/spreadsheet into the word document.

ULBS Assessment Office Contact Details

The ULBS Assessment Office are here to help should you have any non-academic questions related to your assessments. You can contact them at AssessmentOffice@law.ac.uk

Note: Keep in mind that self-plagiarism (when you reuse your own specific wording and ideas from work that you have previously submitted without referencing yourself) is also a form of plagiarism and is not allowed

For the main summative assignment, students may draw on the formative submissions and select one of the following: Consulting project report, Business research white paper and Business plan as their project outcomes.

Each outcome option is elaborated.

Consulting Project Report

The task is to conduct a study on an identified problem/issue in a specific organisation or industry/sector and proffer solutions through the study findings. The problem/issue to be considered in this variant may cut across industry dynamics (in the case of a sector) and function (in the case of an organisation).

The Consulting Project Report should comprise the following:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Methodology
  • Analysis & Findings
  • Conclusions & Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendices

Business Research White Paper

The task is to research and write up a self-selected topic where they will explore and address a contemporary issue(s) in-depth and propose recommendations for stakeholders (particularly highlighting implications for policy and practice). Albeit the research subject will be self-selected, the selection is expected to be across only business-related subjects.

The Business Research White Paper should comprise the following:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Methodology
  • Analysis & Findings
  • Conclusions & Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendices

Business Plan

The task is to create a business plan for a new business as a solution to an identified market gap/ business opportunity. It will entail presenting the overall business context and developing a business plan guided by the findings from thorough analysis of carefully searched and collected data on the chosen industry/sector’s environment.

The Business Plan should comprise the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Relevant literature review
  • Business strategy analysis
  • Company overview
  • Capability analysis
  • Industry/sector analysis
  • Macro environment analysis
  • Marketing and Operation strategy
  • Marketing Plan
  • Operations model
  • Organisational structure
  • Financial plan
  • Revenue model
  • Financial highlights (5 years)
  • Funding strategy
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

Please refer to the marking criteria (below) for a breakdown of how the tasks will be marked

Assessment Criteria - Consulting project report















Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with          limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very                                good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well-organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution   of problems Excellently presented.


Provides a concise overview of the study (abstract), set out clearly and logically with justification. Also, presents a full research agenda to include general research aim(s), research question(s) and research objective(s).









Critical Review of Literature

A review of relevant, up-to-date academic and practitioner articles and reports is done to show what will be researched; a broad knowledge and awareness of key issues in the literature are demonstrated. An evaluation is carried out rather than a description of the literature. Gaps are identified in the literature, and conclusions are drawn to underpin the questions: what will be studied in this research and why?










Methodology/Research Design


Clearly states and justifies how the research will be done; the approaches taken to the research strategy, the method(s) of data collection and ethical consideration. Relevant and pertinent questions are posed in the research instrument, and appropriate methods and techniques are used to analyse and present findings. This section must address the question: how will the research be conducted?










Analysis and Findings

The analysis is robust and credible leading to clear findings. The findings presented are clear, consistent with the study, and address the identified organisational/industry problem. The presentation goes beyond a mere description of findings but an effective discussion that examines the relationship between the findings and the current situation/problem to inform the project conclusion and recommendation.










Level 7 Business Project
















Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with          limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very                                good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well-organised manner. Critically review literature to establish extant positions to frame and guide business research.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

Conclusion(s)/ Recommendation(s)

Strong conclusions are drawn based on the findings. This component engages with the opening research agenda and the extent to which research aims, objectives and questions have been addressed. The contributions and implications of the research for practice are discussed and relevant recommendations are made. Also, the limitations with suggestions for further research are presented.










Technical Guidelines: All technical guidelines (presentation and referencing) are followed.

Presentation: The layout and presentation are consistent with the assignment brief. Clear signposting for the reader throughout the document. Table of contents, list of figures and tables clearly laid out, the figures and tables properly titled, and the sources adequately referenced. The research report is written without grammatical and spelling mistakes.


References: The Harvard Referencing System is applied correctly, and full in-text citations are used comprehensively, with a list of references.













Assessment Criteria - Business Research White Paper
















Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with          limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution   of problems

Excellently presented.


Provides a concise overview of the study (abstract), set out clearly and logically with justification. Also, presents a full research agenda to include general research aim(s), research question(s) and research objective(s).









Critical Review of Literature

A review of relevant, up-to-date academic peer-reviewed articles and practitioner reports is done to show what will be researched; a broad knowledge and awareness of key issues in the literature are demonstrated. A critical evaluation is carried out rather than a description of the literature. The context of the topic or problem is established, new lines of inquiry are uncovered, gaps are identified in the literature, and important variables relevant to the topic are discovered. Conclusions are drawn to underpin the question: what will be studied in this research and why?












Methodology/Research Design

Clearly states and justifies how the research will be done; the approaches taken to the research strategy, the method(s) of data collection and ethical consideration. Relevant and pertinent questions are posed in the research instrument, and appropriate methods and techniques are used to analyse and present findings. This section must address the question: how will the research be conducted?










Analysis and Findings






















Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

The findings are clear and consistent with the study. The findings are discussed clearly and concur, refute, or contribute to existing knowledge; the analysis is robust and credible and goes beyond a mere description of findings. This section must address the question: what was found when the research was conducted?






Conclusion(s)/ Recommendation(s)


Strong conclusions are drawn based on the findings. This chapter engages with the opening research agenda and the extent to which research aims, objectives and questions have been addressed. The contributions and implications of the research for practice, policy and research are discussed as applicable and relevant recommendations are made. Also, the limitations with suggestions for further research are presented.











Technical Guidelines: All technical guidelines (presentation and referencing) are followed.

Presentation: The layout and presentation are consistent with the assignment brief. Clear signposting for the reader throughout the document. Table of contents, list of figures and tables clearly laid out, the figures and tables properly titled, and the sources adequately referenced. The research report is written without grammatical and spelling mistakes.

References: The Harvard Referencing System is applied correctly, and full in-text citations are used comprehensively, with a list of references.













Assessment Criteria - Business Plan













Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with          limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.


Provides a concise overview of the business plan (abstract) and sets out the justification for the choice of the venture to be created clearly and logically. The justification is presented through comprehensive background information and the relevant literature review that situates the business plan as a viable answer to identified market need.










Business strategy analysis

(Company overview and capability analysis)

A description of the business venture, highlighting its mission and vision. Also, its product/services with effective communication of the features and benefits as the answer to an identified market problem/gap/need.

Provides a convincing analysis of the organisation’s capabilities to establish its source of competitive advantage/unique selling proposition USP and how it will be maintained.











Business strategy analysis (Industry/sector analysis)

Provides a convincing analysis of the external microenvironment using appropriate analysis tools to present an understanding of the competitive






















Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues.

Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with          limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

landscape in the chosen industry/sector, market positioning opportunities, and the market segments

This section provides identified opportunities that underpin the motivation to start the business venture and the adopted strategy.






Business strategy analysis (Macro environment analysis)

Provides a convincing analysis of the external macroenvironment using appropriate analysis tools to present an understanding of the drivers of change (generically and regionally), their implications, and the ensuing issue to consider in the creation of the venture. This section provides identified opportunities that underpin the motivation to start the business venture and the adopted strategy.








Marketing and Operation strategy

The effective documentation of the operation strategy of the venture from three key perspectives is presented. The marketing plan, business operations model and organisational structure. The marketing and operation strategies presented, support the overarching business strategy and they are realistic and feasible.










Financial Plan

The financial sustainability of the venture is properly assessed, clearly substantiated, and adequately presented. The financial plan presents a clear revenue model, five years financial highlights, and consideration of the funding strategy and choice.











A succinct synthesis of the results of the various analysis in the business plan is presented. It demonstrates how the new venture addresses the
























Mark Weight


(0 - 49%)


(50 – 59%)



Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues. Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues.

Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues,              with limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks. Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

identified market gap/need. This section highlights the key strengths of the plan and acknowledges its limitations.






Technical Guidelines: All technical guidelines (presentation and referencing,) are followed.

Presentation: The business plan is well formulated with a convincing overview of the venture. The layout and presentation are consistent with the assignment brief and present all analytical content for all the sections.

Clear signposting for the reader throughout the document. Table of contents, list of figures and tables clearly laid out, the figures and tables properly titled, and the sources adequately referenced. The research report is written without grammatical and spelling mistakes.

References: The Harvard Referencing System is applied correctly, and full in-text citations are used comprehensively, with a list of references.












Useful Information for Level 7 Business Project

For a Level 7 Business Project, you typically need to demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in business management, including strategic analysis, research, and implementation of solutions. Here`s how you might approach writing about it:

1. Introduction

  • Project Overview: Briefly describe the project, including the business issue or opportunity you are addressing.
  • Objectives: Outline the key objectives of the project. What are you aiming to achieve? This could involve solving a specific problem, optimizing processes, or exploring new business opportunities.
  • Significance: Explain why this project is important. What impact will it have on the business or industry?

2. Literature Review

  • Theoretical Framework: Discuss relevant theories and models that underpin your project. This could include strategic management, marketing, finance, or operations theories.
  • Previous Research: Summarize existing research related to your project. Highlight gaps that your project aims to fill.
  • Industry Analysis: Provide an analysis of the industry or market your project focuses on, using tools like PESTLE or Porter’s Five Forces.

3. Methodology

  • Research Design: Describe the research methods you used. This could include qualitative or quantitative approaches, case studies, surveys, or interviews.
  • Data Collection: Explain how you gathered data. What sources did you use? Were there any ethical considerations?
  • Data Analysis: Discuss how you analyzed the data. This might involve statistical analysis, thematic analysis, or other relevant techniques.

4. Findings and Analysis

  • Presentation of Findings: Present the results of your research. Use charts, graphs, and tables where appropriate.
  • Critical Analysis: Analyze the findings in the context of your objectives. Discuss any patterns, trends, or anomalies you discovered.
  • Discussion: Relate your findings back to the literature review. How do your results compare with existing research? What new insights have you uncovered?

5. Recommendations

  • Strategic Recommendations: Based on your findings, propose actionable recommendations. These should be practical, realistic, and aligned with the business objectives.
  • Implementation Plan: Outline a plan for implementing your recommendations. Consider the resources, timelines, and potential challenges involved.
  • Impact Assessment: Predict the potential impact of your recommendations on the business. Include both positive and negative outcomes.

6. Conclusion

  • Summary: Summarize the key points of your project, including the problem, methodology, findings, and recommendations.
  • Limitations: Acknowledge any limitations in your research, such as data constraints or methodological challenges.
  • Future Research: Suggest areas for future research that could build on your project.

7. References

  • Citations: Ensure all sources are properly cited in the text and included in a reference list following the appropriate academic style (e.g., APA, Harvard).

8. Appendices

  • Supplementary Material: Include any additional material that supports your project, such as raw data, interview transcripts, or detailed analysis.

Tips for Success:

  • Clarity and Precision: Be clear and concise in your writing, avoiding unnecessary jargon.
  • Critical Thinking: Demonstrate critical thinking by challenging assumptions and exploring different perspectives.
  • Professional Presentation: Ensure your project is professionally presented, with consistent formatting, headings, and referencing.
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