80-100% Exceptional
70-79% Excellent
60-69%Very good
50-59% Good
30-below Fail
Background Research Introduction of the issues and clear terms of reference Aims objectives . Evidence of background reading 25%
Researched from a very wide range of exceptional reference material. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are clearly stated. An exceptionally sound background knowledge of foundation principles of contract shown with deep understanding of client issues.
Researched from a wide range of excellent reference material. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are clearly stated. Excellent background knowledge of foundation principles of contract shown with deep understanding of the client issues under discussion
Evidence of a wide range of reading. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are clearly stated. Very good background knowledge of foundation principles of contract shown with reasonable depth of understanding of the client issues.
Good range of reference material used. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are clearly stated but are limited and could be further developed. Evidence of the required contract knowledge and understanding but the treatment may be a little too general or restricted in nature.
Some useful reading demonstrated but limited referencing. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are stated but are very limited. Some useful knowledge and understanding of foundation principles of shown, but the work tends to ramble and is unfocused. Knowledge not specifically applied to the task.
Very limited use made of the available reference material. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are vague and unclear. Limited evidence of the required knowledge with limited understanding of the problem being addressed.
No apparent reference material used. The terms of reference and aims and objectives are not stated. Very limited evidence of the required knowledge with very limited understanding of the problem being addressed.
Analysis and synthesis of the task :Critical discussion of validity of contract, depth of analysis balanced arguments and development and expression of own ideas. 20%
The essay shows exceptionally effective and sophisticated application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. Ideas are presented clearly and in a logical and coherent manner. The essay succeeds in developing a reasoned and convincing argument in relation to the issues identified.
The essay shows excellent and sophisticated application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. Ideas are presented clearly and in a logical and coherent manner. The essay succeeds in developing a reasoned and convincing argument in relation to the issues identified
The essay shows very good and sophisticated application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. Ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner, and a reasoned argument is developed in relation to the task but with some weaknesses.
The essay shows good application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. There is some attempt to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, however you needed to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the issues identified .
The essay shows some application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills, which may be only partially effective. There is some attempt to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the task but this is only partially successful.
The essay shows little application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. There is little attempt to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the task.
The essay shows no application of appropriate contractual analytical and evaluative skills. There is no attempt to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the task.
Discussion of key findings and application of legal principles to the given scenario 25%
The essay shows exceptionally effective application of appropriate legal principles and framework . Legal principles appropriately applied to the scenario and reasoned convincing argument made in support of advice provided
The essay shows effective application of appropriate legal principles and framework . Legal principles appropriately applied to the scenario n and reasoned convincing argument made in support of advice provided
The essay shows very good application of appropriate legal principles and framework. Legal principles appropriately applied to the scenario n and reasoned convincing argument made in support of advice provided
The essay shows good application of appropriate legal principles and framework . Legal principles appropriately applied to the scenario n and reasoned convincing argument made in support of advice provided
The essay reasonable but restricted application of appropriate legal principles and framework . Legal principles could benefit from appropriate application to the scenario
The essay shows very limited application of appropriate legal principles and framework . There is limited advice to the client on their legal remedies
The essay fails to show clear understanding of the legal principles and how they apply to the stated scenario
Conclusions and recommendation: Summary of key points without introduction of new materials . 15%
Carefully built-up to without the introduction of any new material. An exceptionally effective conclusion is clearly stated; recommendations relevant to the task and consistent with the evidence presented in the discussion.
Carefully built-up to without the introduction of any new material. An effective conclusion is stated; recommendations relevant to the task and consistent with the evidence presented in the discussion.
Carefully built-up to without the introduction of any new material. A conclusion is attempted that is relevant to the task and recommendations reasonably consistent with the evidence presented in the discussion.
Carefully built-up to without the introduction of any new material. A conclusion is attempted that is relevant to the task but may not be entirely consistent with the evidence presented in the discussion
No new material introduced. Some attempt is made to provide a conclusion that is relevant to the task but this is not be entirely consistent with the evidence presented in the essay.
Possibly, includes new material. Little attempt is made to provide a conclusion that is relevant to the task.
Possibly, includes new material. No attempt is made to provide a conclusion that is relevant to the task.
Structure and presentation : Content clear logically developed and well-Structured. Referenced according to prescribed academic format 15%
Exceptionally easy to follow with material structured very logically. Communicates the key requirements exceptionally clearly. Referenced using appropriate academic convention
Excellent structure, very easy to follow. Communicates the key requirements extremely clearly. Referenced using appropriate academic convention
Very good structure, very easy to follow. Communicates the key requirements demonstrating very good clarity of thought. Referenced using appropriate academic convention
Good structure, quite easy to follow. Communicates the key requirements demonstrating good clarity of thought. Referenced using appropriate academic convention
Satisfactory structure, quite easy to follow. Communicates the key requirements with a satisfactory level of clarity. Limited referencing using appropriate academic convention.
Poorly structured and not very easy to follow. Does not communicate the key requirements. Little referencing using an appropriate academic convention.
Very poorly structured and difficult to follow. Does not communicate the key requirements. No referencing using an appropriate academic convention.