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Assignment Briefs
Describe and compare different types of microprocessor system applications, microprocessor architecture and principles of operation.
TOPIC TITLE: Programme Implementation TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT 2 (v1.1)
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Before you start please read the following instructions carefully.
This assignment forms part of the formal assessment for this module. If you fail to reach the required standard for the assignment then you will be allowed to resubmit but a resubmission will only be eligible for a Pass grade, not a Merit or Distinction.
You should therefore not submit the assignment until you are reasonably sure that you have completed it successfully. Seek your tutor`s advice if unsure.
Answer each of the questions as completely as you are able in the time you have available
Ensure that you indicate the number of the question you are answering.
Make a copy of your answers before submitting the assignment.
Complete all details on the front page of this TMA and return it with the completed assignment including supporting calculations where appropriate. Submission is via your Brightspace VLE account.
Your tutor’s feedback on the assignment will be uploaded there
Assessment Criteria
This assignment relates to the appreciation of the different types of microprocessor families and the evaluation of typical applications of microprocessor-based systems. The assignment forms Element 2 of the module’s assessment criteria that covers in part Learning Outcomes 2, 3 & 4 as indicated below.
Knowledge and Understanding
1. Describe and compare different types of microprocessor system applications, microprocessor architecture and principles of operation.
Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
2. Write well-structured programs to implement designs to meet a given specification using an appropriate computer language.
Practical and Professional Skills
4. Use a microprocessor development system to enter, assemble, run and test a program application.
Key Transferable Skills
5. Demonstrate numerical skills applied to the conversion of number bases.
Criteria in excess of the pass grade.
Criteria in excess of the merit grade.
All the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for pass.
The production of well- structured high-level language program with well annotated comments.
A functioning program that solves complex programming problems.
The assignment requires you to produce a program to simulate the control of the level of water in a sump. In attempting this assignment you may make any reasonable assumptions, but these must be clearly stated.
To complete the assignment you will need either
an Arduino Uno microcontroller and a development shield to mount LEDs, switches and possibly other components.
the Uno R3 simulator Tinkercad, Wokwi , or UnoArduSim .
When completed, your submission document (Word/PDF) should include:
a program specification
a description of your program [ideally, including flowchart/s]
the annotated source code
evidence of schematic diagrams used
video evidence demonstrating the operation ( delays may be shortened)
Having studied the object of the program, you should pause and carefully think out how you intend to solve the problem. Make rough notes and sketches of flow charts before getting `stuck into` code. Careful preparation will save much time later on!
Do not get carried away and write a lengthy program without first testing it in sections. Show how your code develops throughout, do not rely on code blocks generated by software such as Tinkercad as the code should be developed to demonstrate your understanding.
You should endeavour to produce a program that shows evidence that due regard has been given to its legibility, maintainability, modified and extendibility
The Scenario
FIGURE 1 shows part of a control system used to maintain the water level in a sump between the levels high and low. Two transducers (HIGH and LOW) are used to monitor the level. The water is pumped out by two pumps, P1 and P2.
The water level in the sump is to be controlled as follows:
If the level reaches high one pump will start to pump out.
If the level does not reach low within about 30 seconds, the second pump will come into action. If the level does reach low before 30 second pumping should stop.
If the level does not reach low within about 30 seconds of the second pump starting, an alarm is given. The alarm is sounded until the level reaches low. If the level does reach low before 30 seconds the pumping should stop.
The pumps will stop when low is detected.
To give even loading of the pumps they are to be used alternately, e.g. if on one pump cycle P1 starts first and P2 is the ‘back up’ then on the next cycle P2 will start first and P1 is the ‘back up’
The system is to be controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. The pumps can be mimicked by LEDs*. Switches can be used to represent the LOW and HIGH transducers. The program should inspect the input switches at regular intervals and take appropriate action.
*If you chose to use the UnoArduSim then you can use its motor simulators to model the two pumps. A further enhancement would be to use a potentiometer as a ‘level’ transducer so that, say, 10% travel is ‘low level’ and 90% ‘high level’.
It is obvious that before starting to design and code a computer program, the programmer should have all the relevant information required to solve the problem. This information should include:
what operation the program is expected to perform
details of input data that will be used
an indication of the expected output
any additional information such as mathematical formulae to be used, as well as any hints that would help in the solution.
All this information forms the PROGRAM SPECIFICATION.
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