Reflective analysis of your self – assessment exercises – Leadership and GET results evidenced in your online journal
There is little or no evidence that demonstrates undertaking of the GET test and one other self-assessment exercise, with at least 2 examples to evidence the analysis of your results
There is an attempt to show evidence that demonstrates undertaking of the GET test and one other self-assessment exercise with at least 2 examples to evidence the analysis of your results
Acceptable analysis of self-assessment exercise with some elements of reflection, thought mostly descriptive
Appropriate analysis demonstrated with some reflective insight and depth
Excellent analysis with good reflection and insight evidenced, using examples from experience
Evidence of research of the subject areas and linked to theory.
insufficient evidence of relevant topic research using sources listed in the reading list
The reflective piece shows some evidence of relevant topic research using sources listed in the reading list. There is somewhat little or no link to theory
There is evidence of some research conducted as shown in the choice of sources and some of the relevant examples. Whilst there is evidence of understanding of relevant, theories and ideas, it could have been better applied to the overall reflection
Good evidence of understanding of relevant, theories and ideas demonstrated. Good links to theory referenced
Thorough and Well-developed evidence of understanding of relevant, theories and ideas demonstrated in the submission, with good links and application to the theory referenced
Evidence of application of your research in Leadership and Entrepreneurship demonstrating how value is added to business
Insufficient evidence that demonstrates understanding of how certain traits and attributes add value to business, using at least one example
The reflection demonstrates some level of understanding of how certain traits and attributes add value to business using at least one example
Satisfactory level of evidence of application of your research with relevant links evidenced to demonstrate the value to businesses
Appropriate evidence shown of understanding and application of your research, a logical and well evidenced balanced, argument to demonstrate the value to business
Excellent and thorough evidence shown of understanding and application of your research. An excellently argued and balanced report which clearly demonstrates the value to business
Presentation of the report, credible sources and referencing
Little or no evidence of use of relevant references with poor structure, and referencing style, both in the text and the reference list
Limited use of relevant sources with some degree of adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list
Demonstrates some level of adherence to acceptable structure, the referencing conventions with satisfactory sources of references.
Good use of diverse sources with relevant references and appropriate referencing style
Clear demonstration of an excellent use of diverse, relevant, and recent sources with appropriate referencing style.