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Assignment Briefs
Apply relevant legal requirements and ethical frameworks within acute care
HS2006 Acute Care Management
Programme Name:
BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Nursing – Adult, Child and Mental Health
Module Name:
Acute Care Management
Module Code:
Module Credits:
Year of Study:
Assessment Name:
Acute care Management Essay
Assessment Weighting:
Pass mark:
If you have questions about the assessment requirements please contact the module leader, Maria Lynch maria.lynch@city.ac.uk For questions about the practicalities around completing and submitting the assessment, please contact email. ug.prereghealth@city.ac.uk
You are required to achieve the minimum pass mark of 40% in this assessment.
Assessment Overview
This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to discuss a case study of a service user / patient who has the potential to deteriorate due to their presenting clinical condition. This will involve utilising a structured framework to assess and evaluate your patient’s clinical condition and explore the clinical findings using contemporary evidence.
You will demonstrate your ability to synthesise ideas, critically reflect upon and evaluate your own learning from having undertaken this module and to identify future personal and professional learning needs.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
Apply relevant legal requirements and ethical frameworks within acute care (F)
Act proactively in situations when there is a potential risk such as safeguarding or acute patient deterioration (F)
Critically apply knowledge of biology during nursing assessment and care planning (S)
Critically consider psychosocial needs during nursing assessment and care planning (S)
Critically apply knowledge of commonly encountered acute health conditions during nursing assessment and care planning (S)
Critically apply the principles underpinning partnership in nursing care in acute care (F)
Communicate effectively and provide others with accurate information that meets their needs before, during and after interventions in acute care (F)
Apply the skills required to develop and maintain appropriate relationships with others (F)
Apply knowledge of medication and interventions during nursing assessment (F)
Undertake a complete and accurate assessment of essential care requirements and apply information obtained to set agreed goals and plan care (F/S)
Recognise signs of deterioration and take prompt action, including escalation to others (S)
Undertake and interpret routine investigations and take prompt action when required, including escalating to others (S)
Work in partnership during care planning, ensuring shared decision making (F)
Recognise co-morbidities and the demands of meeting people’s nursing and social care needs in acute care (F)
Critically apply and act in line with risk management policies (S)
Co-ordinate and apply principles of safe discharge home or transfer between care settings (F)
Values and attitudes:
Discuss the importance of providing individualised end of life care in acute care (F)
Discuss the importance of negotiating and advocating on behalf of people to ensure equal access to care and support (F)
Assessment Details
Throughout the module, you will be expected to complete formative activities. This will be a plan on a page outlining the structure and bullet points of your essay. The aim of this formative plan on a page is to offer feedback on how you plan to address your essay.
You will develop a 2500-word care study, based on an acutely unwell or deteriorating individual (relevant to your field of practice) or an individual (relevant to your field of practice) who has the potential to deteriorate, that you have cared for in clinical practice. You must ensure that confidentiality and safe practice is maintained.
You are expected to briefly outline the current health status of the chosen individual and present a comprehensive nursing assessment of them, using an appropriate framework. You will then critically discuss the assessment findings in relation to relevant pathophysiological or psychosocial theory relevant to your field of practice.
Choose a suitable timeframe e.g. such as the first 6hrs of admission or first 4-6 hours caring for an acute or deteriorating patient . You are required to critically discuss nursing priorities in managing their care, with rationale. You will also be expected to include a discussion of factors that impacted on the care given and evaluate the effectiveness of the care provided.
Finally, you will identify your main learning points and how these might influence your future practice.
You will be expected to use relevant literature from a variety of sources to support your discussion throughout the essay e.g. evidence-based guidelines; nursing & pathophysiology texts; specialist nursing journals.
Examples of suitable individuals:
Adult - An adult who has experienced an acute cardiovascular event such as a stroke or myocardial infarction or an adult experiencing an acute endocrine episode such as hypo or hyperglycaemia or a post-operative patient
Child - A child or young person requiring emergency surgery, a child/young person who is experiencing acute respiratory difficulties, a child experiencing an acute endocrine episode such as hypo or hyperglycaemia
Mental health - a service user admitted with an acute psychotic episode or a service user being seen by the crisis response service following a suicide attempt
Assessment criteria
Assessment Criteria are descriptions of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete an assessment successfully and Grade-Related Criteria are descriptions of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment. Assessment Criteria and GradeRelated Criteria for module assessments will be made available to you prior to an assessment taking place. More information will be available from the module leader.
Marking Criteria (Rubric)
These are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete the assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them.
You may also wish to refer to the general grade-related criteria. These are descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment. Please see page 91 and 92 of your Programme Handbook .
Feedback will be provided using Turnitin.
Please submit your essay on Moodle. Your submission should generally be Arial Font, size 11 in the main body of the text. You should also use 1.5 line spacing. Please ensure your submission is in Word.
There is information about the submission on the HS2006 module page. Please view the following Turnitin submission video prior to submission. Click here
Marking and Moderation Process
The essay will be marked anonymously.
Before submission it should be checked by the Turnitin system to highlight similarity with other sources in its database – this is vast and includes submissions from students from around the world, papers, books, and internet resources. The marker will see areas of overlap highlighted on the submission that they mark and will check that there is no evidence of plagiarism or collusion. Please ensure you follow good academic practice – there are lots of resources online to help (you can start here: https://studenthub.city.ac.uk/help-and-support/improve-your-study-skills ).
Marking quality is assured through a sampling moderation process as described on page 95 of your programme Handbook
On your assignment, you can expect to find
1) a feedback summary with development points (feedforward)
2) in-text comments highlighting areas of strength and suggestions for improvement
3) a breakdown of the marks using the marking criteria (rubric). This will allow you to hone your academic skills as you progress.
We strongly encourage you to speak to the module team about the feedback you receive if you have any questions or require clarification.
Written individual feedback will be provided four working weeks after the submission (28 calendar days). You can see the mark and feedback release date on Moodle. Feedback is constructively focused on helping develop skills to perform (even) better in future assessments.
Late Submission: You can submit your work up to 24 hours after the assessment deadline, 10% of the maximum available marks will be deducted from your final mark. For example, if the assessment maximum mark is 100%, 10 marks will be deducted. (Refer to sanctions section of Programme Handbook for full details on hard copy and electronic copy deductions)
For electronic submission: if you do not submit your work in an appropriate format (see guidelines) YOU WILL RECEIVE A MARK OF 0%.
For electronic submission: If you do not submit your assignment in the submission drop box allocated for the module’s assessment YOU WILL RECEIVE A MARK OF 0%.
Exceeding the word limit will incur the following sanctions:
0-10% over word limit – no sanction
11-20% - minus 5 marks
21-40% - minus 10 marks
41-60% - minus 20 marks
Over 60% - to be resubmitted
Breach of confidentiality /Dangerous practice (You will automatically receive a grade of 0%)
Example Answer
Apply relevant legal requirements and ethical frameworks within acute care
Reflecting on my learning from this module has deepened my understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities within acute care settings. It has provided me with the knowledge to critically assess my role as a healthcare professional, ensuring that my practice aligns with both legal standards and ethical principles.
One of the key insights I have gained is the importance of complying with relevant legal requirements in acute care. For example, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 underpins the need for a safe working environment, not only for staff but also for patients. Additionally, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 has been fundamental in helping me understand the necessity of assessing a patient’s capacity to make informed decisions about their care. This act emphasizes that when a patient lacks capacity, decisions must be made in their best interests, a principle that has guided my approach to complex situations where consent may be unclear.
Equally important are the ethical frameworks that support decision-making in acute care. Beauchamp and Childress’s Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics —autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice—have been invaluable in shaping how I approach patient care. In practice, respecting patient autonomy while ensuring actions are beneficial (beneficence) and avoid harm (non-maleficence) requires a careful balance, particularly in high-pressure acute care environments. I have learned to apply these principles in my day-to-day work, ensuring that patient welfare is at the heart of all decisions, while also considering issues of fairness and justice in resource allocation and treatment accessibility.
This module has also encouraged me to critically reflect on how I respond to ethical dilemmas. Acute care often requires swift decision-making, but this must never come at the expense of ethical considerations. Reflective practice has become a key tool for me, enabling continuous improvement in how I handle difficult situations, such as end-of-life decisions or managing patients with reduced cognitive ability.
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