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Assignment Briefs 10-22-2024

1.1 Explain the role and purpose of health and safety practitioners

Development of the Health and Safety Practitioner

Unit Reference Number


Unit Title

Development of the Health and Safety Practitioner

Unit Level


Number of Credits


Total Qualification Time (TQT)

80 hours

Guided Learning Hours (GLH)

25 hours

Mandatory / Optional


Unit Grading Structure

Pass / Fail

Unit Aims

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with a deep understanding of the roles and responsibilities of health and safety practitioners, the challenges and conflicts facing them, how they support safe working environments, and the skills required to meet these challenges. Learners will develop the skills to assess organisational competence and skills requirements, recommending training and/or recruitment strategies to meet these. Learners will also enhance their own personal and professional development with particular reference to utilizing a reflective learning approach.

Learning Outcomes, Assessment Criteria and Indicative Content

Learning Outcomes- The learner will:

Assessment Criteria- The learner can:

Indicative Content

1. Understand roles and responsibilities of health and safety practitioners.

1.1 Explain the role and purpose of health and safety practitioners.

1.2 Evaluate the potential challenges and conflicts that face health and safety practitioners in the workplace.

1.3 Describe responsibilities and obligations of health and safety practitioners in relation to promoting a safe working environment in an organisation.

1.4 Outline the role professional bodies play in supporting organisations to maintain an effective workforce of health and safety practitioners

  • Roles and responsibilities of health and safety practitioners, occupational competence requirements.
  • Common workplace challenges and conflicts facing practitioners.
  • Promoting positive HS culture, training others, membership of, and engagement with, professional bodies, communities of influence, communities of practice, organisation versus individual responsibilities.




2. Be able to assess organisational competence and skills requirements for health and safety practitioners.

2.1. Identify skills required to manage health and safety in the organisation.

2.2. Assess the application of different management and leadership styles to address a range of health and safety workplace situations.

2.3. Outline the range of communication skills required by a Health and safety professional.

2.4. Assess organisational skills and knowledge gaps.

2.5. Produce a health and safety training plan to meet the requirements of an organisation, legislation and industry best practice.

2.6. Outline how a health and safety training plan supports an organisation’s and moral obligations to health and safety best practices.

  • Assessment of skills in teams to manage different aspects of HS/different HS functions and to fulfil HS plans. Impact of a range of management and leadership styles on common HS situations. Use of various communication skills to negotiate and influence within the organisation. Identification of skills and knowledge gaps. Skills development planning and training needs analysis.

3. Be able to produce a personal and professional development plan in own area of responsibility as a health and safety practitioner.

3.1. Explain the importance of continuous professional development and a reflective learning approach.

3.2. Assess the value of group discussion and shared personal reflections to support professional development within an organisation.

3.3. Evaluate own strength and weaknesses in relation to an organisational role.

3.4. Set and prioritise goals to improve own performance as a health and safety practitioner.

3.5. Produce and maintain a personal and professional development plan.

3.6. Outline own application of professional ethics in relation to health and safety in an  organisation.

3.7. Outline own performance in relation to the values of equality, diversity and inclusivity

  • Principles of CPD. Assessing own strengths and weaknesses as HS practitioners. Reflective learning principles and practice. Techniques and methods to develop teams and groups. Development planning. Establishing, setting and prioritising development goals. Professional development plan. Performing in accordance with values of equality, diversity, inclusivity, professionalism and codes of conduct.


Task 1 of 3 - Report - Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4


You are required to write a report about the role of a health and safety professional within an organisation. You can use your own personal experience to formulate your answer.

Include in an executive summary or Introduction to the task to include;

  1. The name of the organisation
  2. The nature of the organisations operations
  3. An organisational structure or description of the organisations structure

The following must be included:

  • An explanation of the role and purpose of a health and safety professional.
  • An evaluation of the potential challenges and conflicts that a health and safety professional faces within an organisation.
  • A description of responsibilities and obligations of a health and safety professionals in relation to promoting safe working environment within an organisation.
  • Outline the role professional bodies play in supporting organisations to maintain an effective workforce of health and safety practitioners.

Delivery and Submission:

  • Report in Word format
  • Word count: 1000 words
  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text

Task 2 of 3 - Assessment Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Part A: Skills Audit


Assess the organisation’s competence and skill requirements in terms of health and safety professionals. You can use your own personal experience to formulate your answer.

The following must be included:

  • An identification of the skills required to manage health and safety within an organisation.
  • An assessment of the different types of management and leadership styles used to deliver health and safety requirements with an organisation.
  • An outline of the communication skills required by health and safety professional to deliver health and safety within an organisation.
  • An assessment of the organisation skill and knowledge gabs in terms of health and safety.

Part B: Training Plan Instructions:

Produce a training plan to meet the health and safety requirements of an organisation with reference to legal, moral, and industry best practice aims and expectations.

The following must be included:

  • A health and safety training plan for the organisation, to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and industry best practice.
  • An outline of how the health and safety training plan supports the organisation in meeting their moral and legal obligations to health and safety.

Delivery and Submission:

  • Skills Audit and Training Plan
  • Word count: 1500 - 2500 words
  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text.

Task 3 of 3 - Portfolio of Evidence Assessment Criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 Instructions

Produce a portfolio of evidence to include:

  • Up to date CV
  • Learners reflective account on their development journey
  • Development plan, to include goals, objectives, SWOT analysis and list CPD activities
  • Essay – based on their personal application of professional ethics and their performance in relation to the values of equality, diversity and inclusivity in relation to health and safety in an organisation.

Indicative reading list

Budworth, T. and Al Hashemi, W. S. G. (2015) Reflective learning: an essential tool for the self-development of health and safety practitioners.

First edition. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Crowley, S. (2014) Challenging professional learning. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Sample Answer - Don`t Copy

Explain the role and purpose of health and safety practitioners

You are required to write a report about the role of a health and safety professional within an organisation. You can use your own personal experience to formulate your answer.


Health and safety practitioners play a critical role in ensuring that workplaces are safe, compliant with legislation, and designed to minimize risks to employees, customers, and stakeholders. The health and safety professional is responsible for creating and maintaining a safe environment that protects individuals from potential hazards, ensuring legal compliance, and fostering a culture of health and well-being. This report will explore the role and purpose of health and safety practitioners within an organisation, using the fictional company "TechCare Solutions" as a case study.

The Role of Health and Safety Practitioners

Health and safety practitioners are tasked with a wide range of responsibilities, all of which centre around risk management and legal compliance. In a typical organisation such as TechCare Solutions, an IT services provider with multiple offices and remote employees, the health and safety professional ensures that the work environment, both in-office and remote, meets legal and regulatory standards for safety.

Key roles include:

1. Risk Assessment and Management

A primary responsibility is conducting regular risk assessments. The health and safety professional at TechCare Solutions identifies potential hazards related to equipment, office design, ergonomics, and fire safety. This involves conducting site inspections, reviewing employee feedback, and analysing data on workplace incidents to determine areas of improvement. These risk assessments are vital in preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of employees.

2. Developing Safety Policies and Procedures

Health and safety practitioners are responsible for drafting and implementing policies that promote workplace safety. At TechCare Solutions, this includes policies on ergonomics for employees who work long hours at desks, procedures for handling electrical equipment, and guidelines on remote working safety, including recommendations for setting up safe home workspaces.

3. Compliance with Legislation

One of the most critical aspects of the role is ensuring compliance with health and safety laws such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Practitioners must stay updated on changes to legislation and industry best practices. At TechCare Solutions, the health and safety practitioner ensures that the company complies with regulations on fire safety, electrical hazards, and employee health by conducting regular audits and ensuring that all equipment meets legal safety standards.

4. Training and Development

Another significant function of the health and safety professional is to provide training to employees on safe working practices. This includes training staff on how to use equipment safely, the importance of maintaining good posture to avoid musculoskeletal disorders, and fire evacuation procedures. TechCare Solutions provides online health and safety modules, supplemented by in-person training for office staff to ensure that all employees are aware of the risks and how to mitigate them.


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