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Assignment Briefs 05-29-2024

3.1 Describe the principles underpinning Education, Health and Care plans

EYSENCO – Assignment 7

You must use the following template to structure your assignment.

Unit 2 Learning Outcome 2

Unit 2 - Understand Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans

Assessment Criteria

3.1 Describe the principles underpinning Education, Health and Care plans

3.2 Analyse clear goal setting for effective Education, Health and Care plans

3.3 Explain record keeping for best practice in tracking progress for children in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and Local Authority requirements

Once complete you should then upload it to the eportfolio using the instructions in the participant handbook to guide you to the relevant assessment criteria.


You must list the books, articles, national and local policies and guidance, documents and websites you have used to support your reflective account. You can also refer to your learning from relevant modules and training sessions. This is not an academic reference list as you are not required to use a particular reference system. However, it is a list of sources that you have referred to in the text below or read to inform your account.

Books, articles, and documents you have used



Word count

There is no minimum or maximum word count for this written account. Most important is that you fully cover the relevant assessment criteria and the relevant assessment verb (e.g., explain, evaluate, describe, analyse etc.)


If you have not fully covered any of the assessment criteria related to this written account, you will be asked to provide additional evidence which will most likely mean you will need to add more words to the initial written account. If you are required to do a resubmission, please ensure that you that make any additions in bold, alternative colour or add a date to identify any amendments or actions in the document as the assessor would only need to re-assess the additions and not the whole piece again. 

You must use the following template to structure your assignment.

Write in full sentences not in note form or bullet points.

3.1 Describe the principles underpinning Education, Health and Care Plans.

Describe means write about the subject giving detailed information in a logical way.


Write in full sentences not in note form, lists or bullet points.

Please note this is not a description of an EHCP and the process.

You must refer to the underlying values (principles) of an EHCP, for example:

Holistic approach

Health including mental health, development and learning

A coordinated approach

Shared actions and desired outcomes

Avoids duplication

Child and family centered

Parent involvement is pivotal

Giving a voice to the child

Ensure you give a detailed description of what each principle looks like in practice.


3.2 Analyse clear goal setting for effective Education, health and Care plans.

Analyse means break the subject down into separate parts and examine each part. Show how the main ideas are related and why they are important. Reference to current research or theory may support the analysis.


Please write in full sentences and complete the table below.

You must analyse clear goal setting and how and why this supports an effective EHCP.

What is clear goal setting (consider long term aims/short term targets) and why each is important?


What does this process look like in practice?

Why do you do it this way?


Who else is involved in this process (consider partnership working and coordinated approaches)?

Why are they involved in this?


Explain the acronym SMART (each part in turn) and why this is an important part of clear goal setting.


How and why does clear goal setting support an effective EHCP?


How does this impact on improved outcomes for the child?


3.3 Explain record keeping for tracking progress for children with SEN in line with the EYFS and Local Authority requirements.

Explain means provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.


Write in full sentences not in note form, lists or bullet points.

You must refer to Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2024) and your Local Authority requirements for record keeping when tracking children’s progress. You may refer to: regular observations, record of interventions, developmental tracker, 2-year-old check, accurate and concise information, objectives, collaboration and support and regular visits and reviews.

What records will be kept to track progress over time and why?


How and why does this meet the requirements of the EYFS for record keeping to track progress (not GDPR)?


How and why does this meet the requirements of your local authority for record keeping to track progress (your local offer page will have this information)?


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