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Assignment Briefs
Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Tesla using relevant models.
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BPP School of Business and Technology
MSc Management
Global Strategy and Sustainability
Coursework Assessment Brief
Submission mode: Turnitin online access
1. General Assessment Guidance
Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework and Presentation slides submission which accounts for 100% of the marks.
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For coursework, the submission word limit is 3000 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3000 words but not more.
Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission . You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
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You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet . Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked .
2. Assessment Brief
This module is assessed through one graded element worth 100%. You must achieve at least 50% to pass this module.
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to undertake an overall strategy review of Tesla and provide a business report to the CEO on further growth opportunities using the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to provide a short PowerPoint presentation to the CEO of Tesla on key points of interest and relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development.
De Wit, B (2020), Strategy, An International Perspective; 7th edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, Andover, Hampshire
PART A- Business Report (3000 words) – 70 MARKS
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to undertake an overall strategy review of Tesla and provide a business report to the CEO on further growth opportunities using the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.
Task 1 -The External and Internal Environment (15 Marks)
Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Tesla using relevant models.
Discuss in more detail what you consider to be the 3 most critical factors emerging from your analysis.
Determine Tesla’s current sources of competitive advantage and critically evaluate how they maintain and build on this competitive advantage.
Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment (15 Marks)
Using relevant models for analysing how organisations enter into foreign markets, critically evaluate the motives for Tesla expanding internationally and explain how this impacts their overall company strategy.
Provide justified recommendations for the different strategies Tesla can use to compete in the global environment.
Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 3 – Corporate Strategy (15 Marks)
Evaluate and critically analyse the use of horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing or strategic alliances.
Provide recommendations as to how Tesla can increase their profitability.
Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose – Ethics and CSR (15 Marks)
Using relevant theoretical models analyse and evaluate Tesla’s CSR strategy.
Identify and critically discuss the main ethical issues which Tesla currently faces and provide recommendations as to how they can address these.
Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Presentation and Structure (10 Marks)
Assessment Self-Evaluation (N/A)
You should self-evaluate each single task of your report by using the rubric provided in the marking guide and attach it to your report. The template for this can be found in the marking guide section
Word count: 3000 words
Your report structure should include the following sections: Cover page (University cover sheet)
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations (if appropriate)
Task 1– The External and Internal Environment Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment Task 3 – Corporate Strategy
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose – Ethics and CSR Concluding remarks
Assessment Self-Evaluation Appendix (if appropriate)
Word count – only applies to the main body (shown in bold); i.e., cover page, table of content, list of abbreviations, references, assessment self-evaluation and appendix are not part of the 3000-word count.
Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics and Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)
Assessment Task
Module Topics
Module LOs
Task 1 – The External & Internal Environment
External Analysis – Opportunities and Threats
Internal Analysis – Distinctive competencies, profitability and competitive advantage
LO1: Critically analyse the internal and external business environment as sources of competitive advantage to facilitate a global strategy.
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment
Strategy in the Global Environment – profit growth through global expansion
LO3: Evaluate the implications of global strategy to management practice within a business environment.
Task 3 – Corporate Strategy
Corporate Strategy – diversification, integration and outsourcing
LO2: Critically evaluate both strategic direction and strategic options in complex business environments.
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose - Ethics and CSR
Strategic Purpose – Ethics and CSR
LO4: Assess and apply suitable frameworks and ideas to formulate and control sustainability for organisations in a global context.
Presentation and Structure
Assessment Self-Evaluation
Your PowerPoint presentation should contain the following: -
Title of presentation
Student SRN No Date
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PEOPLE aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to Tesla.
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PROFIT aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to Tesla.
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PLANET aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to Tesla.
Key points of interest for the CEO of Tesla regarding future sustainable development
Relevant recommendations
Overall presentation and structure
Presentation must be included as an appendix to the main report (at the end of the Word document). To insert Microsoft PowerPoint Slides into Microsoft Word, please follow these instructions for each slide of your presentation:
1. Copy the slide in PowerPoint
The first step is to start in PowerPoint and select a slide thumbnail on the left side. Click on the slide thumbnail and then press Ctrl+C on keyword to copy it to my clipboard (or right click with your mouse and Copy).
2. Paste the slide into Word
Next step is to click in Word document where you want to paste the selected PPT slide. Go ahead and just press Ctrl+V on keyboard (or right click on your mouse and Paste) to paste the selected slide to Word.
Remember to repeat these steps for each slide of your presentation.
If you have any further questions about this coursework assignment, please contact the module leader or the tutor.
Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics and Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)
Assessment Task
Module Topics
Module LOs
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to provide a short PowerPoint presentation to the CEO of Tesla on key points of interest and relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development.
Strategic Purpose – Sustainability and corporate performance
LO4: Assess and apply suitable frameworks and ideas to formulate and control sustainability for organisations in a global context.
3. PART A – Business Report - Marking Guide (Student Version)
Distinction (70-100%)
Merit (60-69%)
Pass (50-59%)
Fail (0-49%)
Task 1: Potential answers could include:
External analysis:
Application of appropriate models to analyse the external influences on the Automobile Industry.
Application of appropriate models perform an analysis of the structure and attractiveness of the Automobile Industry by identifying the key forces acting on the industry, including industry competitive conditions and Tesla’s main competitors.
Internal analysis:
Application of appropriate models to analyse the internal capabilities/resources on Tesla.
Tesla’s competitive advantages. Evaluation:
Key opportunities and threats faced by Tesla. Tesla’s strengths as well as its key weakness. Answer should be logically linked to external and internal environment analysis.
This task can have a number of different answers, but you must be able to justify your answers and support your statements with relevant academic references.
The External and Internal Environment (15 marks)
Excellent/outstanding critical discussion (using relevant models) of key factors emerging from analysis of the external and internal environment in the case study company.
Excellent/outstanding criticial assessment of the sources of competitive advantage that the case study possess and how they build and maintain this competitive advantage.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is
applying them to the case study.
Good critical discussion (using relevant models) of key factors emerging from analysis of the external and internal environment in the case study company.
Good assessment of the sources of competitive advantage that the case study company possess and how they build and maintain this competitive advantage.
Satisfactory discussion of key factors (using relevant models) emerging from analysis of the external and internal environment in the case study company.
Satisfactory assessment of the sources of competitive advantage that the case study company possess and how they build and maintain this competitive advantage.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is
applying them to the case study.
Limited, weak, or inadequate discussion.
No use of the concepts presented in the module.
No application of the module concepts to the case study.
Discussion is supported by strong evidence from the academic literature and by the comparison with at least one other similar real company.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study.
Discussion is supported by solid evidence from the academic literature.
Discussion is supported by basic evidence from the academic literature.
Task 2: Potential answers could include:
Application of appropriate models to analyse the reasons and strategic benefits for Tesla to expanding internationally.
Internationalisation strategy options available for Tesla and recommendations of which one(s) best suit its global expansion.
Entry models that best suit Tesla’s global expansion strategy. Provide justified recommendations.
This task can have a number of different answers, but you must be able to justify your answers and support your statements with relevant academic references.
Strategy in the Global Environment (15 marks)
Excellent/outstanding critical discussion and justification (using relevant models) for the case study company entering foreign markets. Recommendations for different strategies which the case study company can use to compete in the global environment.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study. Discussion is supported by strong evidence from academic literature and by the comparison with at least one other similar real company.
Good critical discussion and justification (using relevant models) for the case study company entering foreign markets. Recommendations for different strategies which the case study company can use to compete in the global environment.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study.
Discussion is supported by solid evidence from academic literature.
Satisfactory discussion and justification (using relevant models) for the case study company entering foreign markets. Recommendations for different strategies which the case study company can use to compete in the global environment.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study. Discussion is supported by some basic evidence from academic literature.
Limited, weak, or inadequate discussion and justification. No use of the concepts presented in the module.
No application of the module concepts to the case study.
Task 3: Potential answers could include:
Tesla’s supply chain analysis and key forward and backward components of Tesla’s supply chain.
Tesla’s options for vertical and horizontal integration. Recommendations of which one(s) can improve the firm’s competitive strategy, including options for outsourcing and strategic alliances. Provide justified recommendations.
This task can have a number of different answers, but you must be able to justify your answers and support your statements with relevant academic references.
Corporate Strategy (15 marks)
Excellent/outstanding critical discussion which evaluates and analyses the use of horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing or strategic alliances. Excellent/outstanding recommendations as to how the case study company can diversify and increase their profitability should be included.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them highly effectively to the case study.
Discussion is supported by strong evidence from academic literature and by the comparison with at least one other similar real company.
Good critical discussion which evaluates and analyses the use of horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing or strategic alliances. Good recommendations as to how the case study company can diversify and increase their profitability should be included.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them effectively to the case study.
Discussion is supported by solid evidence from academic literature.
Satisfactory discussion which evaluates and analyses the use of horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing or strategic alliances. Satisfactory recommendations as to how the case study company can diversify and increase their profitability should be included. Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them in a basic manner to the case study.
Discussion is supported by some basic evidence from academic literature.
Limited, weak, or inadequate discussion.
No use of the concepts presented in the module.
No application of the module concepts to the case study.
Task 4: Potential answers could include:
Application of appropriate models to analyse Tesla CSR initiatives and the main ethical issues the firm currently faces.
Justified recommendations as to how Tesla can address these issues and therefore reduce their impact on stakeholders.
This task can have a number of different answers, but you must be able to justify your answers and support your statements with relevant academic references.
Strategic Purpose - Ethics and CSR (15 marks)
Excellent/outstanding critical discussion of the ethics and corporate social responsibility in relation to the case study company. Excellent/outstanding recommendations should be provided on CSR development for the company case study.
Excellent/outstanding critical discussion (using relevant models) of main ethical issues which the company case study currently faces and recommendations as to how they can address these.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study. Discussion is supported by strong evidence from academic literature and the comparison with at least one other similar real company.
Good critical discussion of the ethics and corporate social responsibility in relation to the case study company. Good recommendations should be provided on CSR development for the company case study.
Excellent critical discussion (using relevant models) of main ethical issues which the company case study currently faces and recommendations as to how they can address these.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study.
Discussion is supported by solid evidence from academic literature.
Satisfactory discussion of the ethics and corporate social responsibility in relation to the case study company. Satisfactory recommendations should be provided on CSR development for the company case study.
Satisfactory discussion (using relevant models) of main ethical issues which the company case study currently faces and recommendations as to how they can address these.
Student is using the concepts presented in the module and is applying them to the case study. Discussion is supported by some basic evidence from academic literature.
Limited, weak, or inadequate discussion.
No use of the concepts presented in the module.
No application of the module concepts to the case study.
Potential answers could include:
Clear structure and layout which is in-line with the assessment brief.
Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style throughout report and appendices.
This task can have a number of different answers, but you must be able to justify your answers and support your statements with relevant academic references.
Presentation and Referencing (10 marks)
For a distinction the report will demonstrate a consistent approach to headings, tables and graphs.
Sources will be correctly cited and there will be a complete set of references in the correct format and in alphabetical order. There is evidence of extensive independent reading and research. Formatting and presentation is professional throughout. Excellent use of language and expression.
Referencing has few if any errors. The report is reasonably well-presented but could be improved by greater attention to detail. There is evidence of wider reading and research.
Very good use of language and expression
There are a limited number of references, but the correct format is used, albeit with some errors. There may be some errors in formatting and presentation, but the report is reasonably professional in appearance. Adequate use of language and expression.
Overall poor presentation. References are inappropriate, irrelevant and/or incorrectly formatted. Poor use of language and expression.
4. PART B – PowerPoint Presentation - Marking Guide (Student Version)
Assignment task
Self- Evaluation
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PEOPLE aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study. (6 marks)
Excellent/outstanding identification, analysis and evaluation of the PEOPLE aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Good identification, analysis and evaluation of the PEOPLE aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Satisfactory identification, analysis and evaluation of the PEOPLE aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Limited, weak, or inadequate analysis and evaluation of the PEOPLE aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PROFIT aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study. (6 marks)
Excellent/outstanding identification, analysis and evaluation of the PROFIT aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Good identification, analysis and evaluation of the PROFIT aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Satisfactory identification, analysis and evaluation of the PROFIT aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Limited, weak, or inadequate analysis and evaluation of the PROFIT aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Identify, analyse and evaluate the PLANET aspect of the three main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study. (6 marks)
Excellent/outstanding identification, analysis and evaluation of the PLANET aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Good identification, analysis and evaluation of the PLANET aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Satisfactory identification, analysis and evaluation of the PLANET aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Limited, weak, or inadequate identification, analysis and evaluation of the PLANET aspect of the main pillars of sustainability in relation to the company case study.
Key points of interest for the CEO of the company case study regarding future sustainable development (4 marks)
Excellent/outstanding key points emerging from identification, analysis and evaluation of all 3 pillars of sustainability i.e., PEOPLE, PROFIT AND PLANET in relation to the company case
Good key points emerging from identification, analysis and evaluation of all 3 pillars of sustainability i.e., PEOPLE, PROFIT AND PLANET in relation to the company case study.
Satisfactory key points emerging from identification, analysis and evaluation of all 3 pillars of sustainability i.e., PEOPLE, PROFIT AND PLANET in relation to the company case study.
Limited, weak, or inadequate key points emerging from identification, analysis and evaluation of all 3 pillars of sustainability i.e., PEOPLE, PROFIT AND PLANET in relation to the company case study.
Relevant recommendations (4 marks)
Very well-presented and relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development for the company case study
Well-presented and relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development for the company case study
Adequately presented and relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development for the company case study
Limited, weak, or inadequate relevant recommendations to the CEO regarding future sustainable development for the company case study
Overall Referencing and Presentation (4 marks)
For a distinction the slide presentation will demonstrate a consistent approach to headings, tables and graphs. A great attention to detail will be evident.
Sources will be correctly cited. Formatting and presentation is professional throughout. Excellent use of language and expression.
For a merit, the slide presentation is reasonably well- presented but could be improved by greater attention to detail. Sources will be correctly cited. Very good use of language and expression.
For a pass, there may be some errors in formatting and presentation, but the slide presentation is reasonably professional in appearance.
Sources will be correctly cited with some minor errors.
Adequate use of language and expression.
Overall poor slide presentation. References are inappropriate and incorrectly cited. Poor use of language and expression.
Sample Answer - Plagiarised, Do Not Copy
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to undertake an overall strategy review of Tesla and provide a business report to the CEO on further growth opportunities using the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.
Task 1 -The External and Internal Environment (15 Marks)
Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Tesla using relevant models.
Tesla, a pioneer in electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy solutions, operates in a highly dynamic and competitive environment. To recommend growth strategies, a thorough analysis of its external and internal environment is essential. This review employs the PESTLE framework for external factors and the SWOT analysis for internal factors to critically evaluate Tesla`s current positioning and future opportunities.
External Environment: PESTLE Analysis
1. Political Factors Tesla operates in multiple countries with varying regulatory frameworks. The increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability has led to governments offering incentives for electric vehicle (EV) production and usage. However, political instability in certain regions, coupled with changing regulations around trade policies and tariffs, can create challenges for Tesla. For instance, the US-China trade tensions have the potential to affect Tesla’s supply chain, particularly due to its reliance on parts manufactured in China.
2. Economic Factors Tesla faces significant opportunities and risks arising from economic conditions. The global shift toward sustainability and green energy is increasing demand for EVs. However, high interest rates and inflation in many markets could affect consumer purchasing power, making it harder to justify premium-priced EVs. Furthermore, fluctuations in raw material prices, particularly for lithium and cobalt, which are essential for batteries, can influence production costs.
3. Social Factors There is a growing consumer awareness of environmental issues, making EVs more appealing. Tesla has effectively capitalised on this trend by promoting its sustainability-driven image. However, while there is strong demand in markets like Europe and North America, EV adoption in emerging economies remains slow due to affordability concerns and limited charging infrastructure. Tesla needs to address these social challenges if it aims to grow its global market share.
4. Technological Factors Technological innovation is Tesla’s key strength, giving it a competitive advantage in the EV industry. Tesla`s leadership in battery technology and autonomous driving systems positions it well against competitors. However, this space is rapidly evolving, with rivals like Ford, General Motors, and Volkswagen making significant advancements. Continuous investment in research and development (R&D) is vital for Tesla to maintain its technological edge and differentiate itself.
5. Legal Factors Tesla operates under stringent legal regulations relating to safety, emissions, and intellectual property (IP). It must adhere to the legal standards for autonomous vehicles, which are still evolving. Additionally, Tesla faces lawsuits regarding product quality, working conditions, and misleading advertising, which could hurt its reputation and financial performance.
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