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Assignment Briefs 12-09-2024

Write an academic essay that discusses how the determinants of health may lead to inequalities in health and healthcare

For: ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Health and Social Care

ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit 3 Health and ill-health Assignment

Assignment scenario

You are studying a health-related degree at university and have been asked to write an academic essay for a university journal and prepare an academic poster for a faculty open day. Your essay and poster must identify, interpret and reference valid sources of health data and research. Note that your use and interpretation of valid sources of data and research will be synoptically assessed across both assignment tasks.

Task 1

Write an academic essay that discusses how the determinants of health may lead to inequalities in health and healthcare. You will need to explain concepts and models of health, ill-health and disability, and the determinants of health and issues of inequality in a country of your choice. You must support your discussion with appropriate research sources and data and reference these appropriately. Your essay must:

  • Analyse a range of theoretical models and definitions of health, ill-health and disability
  • Explore the determinants of health including social, cultural, political, economic, commercial and environmental determinants
  • Assess a range of inequalities in health and access to healthcare in chosen national context
  • Analyse sociological factors influencing health and social care in chosen national context including social, economic and environmental factors

To support your work on the above, you will need to:

  • Analyse valid and reliable sources of health data and research
  • Interpret published health data and research and reach a valid conclusion

Extension activities

To achieve a Merit, your essay must also:

  • Evaluate social and medical models of health and disability, their impact on the individual and also for funding and organisational bodies

To achieve a Distinction, your essay must also:

  • Assess responses to inequalities in health and access to healthcare in a chosen national context, identifying the most important and how well they impact on healthcare provision and the individual

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

LO1 AC1.1, 1.2, 1M1 LO2 AC2.1, 2.2, 2D1 LO4 AC4.1, 4.2

Task 2

Prepare an academic poster about public health and health promotion exploring the concepts of public health worldwide and in your chosen national context. You should also focus on two current major healthcare issues assessing how health promotion and other initiatives might help to address these. You should use valid sources of data and research and reference these appropriately. Your academic poster must:

  • Analyse the concept of public health and health promotion in your chosen national context
  • Assess how two current major healthcare issues in national and/or worldwide context are being addressed and how effective this is

To support your work on the above, you will need to: 

  • Analyse valid and reliable sources of health data and research     Interpret published health data and research

Extension activities

To achieve a Merit, your poster must also:

  • Evaluate the response to one current national or worldwide public health issue To achieve a Distinction, your poster must also:
  • Assess the benefits and issues relating to large scale vaccination programmes

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

LO3 AC3.1, 3.2, 3M1, 3D1 LO4 AC4.1, 4.2

Example Answer - Plagiarised

Write an academic essay that discusses how the determinants of health may lead to inequalities in health and healthcare.

Analyse a range of theoretical models and definitions of health, ill-health and disability


Health is a complex and multidimensional concept, encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being, and is influenced by a multitude of factors. While health is often seen as a universal right, the reality is that various determinants lead to significant health inequalities across different population groups. These inequalities manifest not only in health outcomes but also in access to healthcare. This essay explores the determinants of health and how they contribute to inequalities in health and healthcare access, with a focus on the United Kingdom (UK). It will analyse theoretical models and definitions of health, ill-health, and disability, as well as examine the social, cultural, political, economic, commercial, and environmental factors that contribute to health disparities. Finally, the essay will assess how sociological factors influence health and social care in the UK.

Theoretical Models and Definitions of Health, Ill-Health, and Disability

To understand health inequalities, it is crucial to first examine the models and definitions of health, ill-health, and disability. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948). This holistic view contrasts with the biomedical model, which focuses on the absence of disease and is more narrowly concerned with the physical aspects of health. The social model of disability, which is often contrasted with the medical model, posits that disability is not an inherent trait of the individual but rather the result of societal barriers, such as inadequate accessibility or discriminatory attitudes (Oliver, 1996).

In contrast, the biopsychosocial model, developed by Engel (1977), integrates the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of health. This model is particularly useful for understanding the complex interaction of factors that lead to health inequalities. It recognises that health and illness are not solely biological conditions but are also shaped by psychological and social factors, such as socioeconomic status and access to healthcare.

The definition of health and disability influences how inequalities are understood. A narrow, medical model tends to overlook the broader social determinants of health, while a more expansive model, like the biopsychosocial approach, acknowledges the complex interplay of factors that contribute to health disparities.

Determinants of Health

The determinants of health are the range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence individual and population health outcomes. These can be broadly categorised into social, cultural, political, economic, commercial, and environmental determinants.

  1. Social Determinants: Social factors such as education, employment, housing, and social support networks significantly impact health outcomes. For example, individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to experience poor health, as they often face barriers to accessing healthcare and live in environments that promote unhealthy lifestyles. Social inequalities, such as those related to gender, ethnicity, and disability, further exacerbate these health disparities (Marmot, 2010).

  2. Cultural Determinants: Cultural factors, including beliefs, values, and practices, can influence health behaviours and attitudes towards healthcare. For example, certain cultural beliefs may lead to underutilisation of healthcare services or reluctance to seek medical treatment, particularly for mental health issues, which are often stigmatised in some communities (Schnittker, 2005).


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