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Assignment Briefs 10-21-2024

1.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in the planning and organising of health and safety practices in the workplace.

Health and Safety Management Practice

Unit Reference Number


Unit Title

Health and Safety Management Practice

Unit Level


Number of Credits


Total Qualification Time (TQT)

100 hours

Guided Learning Hours (GLH)

40 hours

Mandatory / Optional


Unit Grading Structure

Pass / Fail

Unit Aims

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills to translate organisational policy into an effective occupational health and safety management operation, including the planning, organising, controlling, reviewing and auditing of health and safety management performance and operations, the application of corporate social responsibility and ethical codes of conduct on management, and the critical factors in managing the occupational health and well-being of workers.

Learning Outcomes, Assessment Criteria and Indicative Content.

Learning Outcomes- The learner will:

Assessment Criteria- The learner can:

Indicative Content

1. Understand the process of planning and organising occupational health and safety practices in the workplace.

1.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in the planning and organising of health and safety practices in the workplace.

1.2 Explain the importance of the planning process to ensure changing policies, regulations and le.g.al requirements are met.

1.3 Assess the resources and skills required to plan health and safety practices in the workplace.

  • Governance of change to health and safety practice, policy, statutory and le.g.al requirements.
  • Planning: ensure continued le.g.al compliance, update procedures for dealing with emergency situations, control risks, react to changing demands, sustain positive health and safety attitudes and behaviours.
    • Plan. Do. Check. Act.
    • Communication systems, H&S management systems.
  • Policy review, monitoring and auditing practice.
  • Ensure relevant human resources, skills and experience.

2. Understand the process of leading and controlling health and safety practices in the workplace.

2.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in the leading and controlling of health and safety practices in the workplace.

2.2 Evaluate the use of goals and targets in health and safety management practices in the workplace.

2.3 Assess the resources and skills required to lead and control health and safety practices in the workplace.

  • Governance of health and safety practice. Maintenance of standards, systems, resources, skills. Importance of goals, targets, objectives. Assessment and regular review of resources and skills requirements.

3. Understand the process of reviewing the performance of health and safety practices in the workplace.

3.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in reviewing the performance of health and safety practices in the workplace.

3.2 Assess the resources and skills required to review health and safety practices in the workplace.

3.3 Explain and justify the use of results and outputs from a performance review.

3.4 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of proactive and reactive performance indicators.

  • Formal and informal performance reviews and review systems. Data used in a review process,

e.g. health and safety objectives, proactive performance indicators, reactive performance indicators, organisational procedures, change agents, standards, expectations. Review outputs,

e.g. actions plans, stakeholder communication plans, senior management reports, objectives.

4. Understand the process of monitoring and auditing health and safety practices in the workplace.

4.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in monitoring and auditing of health and safety practices in the workplace.

4.2 Explain a range of health and safety monitoring techniques.

4.3 Assess the resources and skills required to carry out health and safety audits.

4.4 Explain the importance and use of audit outputs.

  • Monitoring techniques, including collection of workplace health and sickness data, legislative and regulatory compliance checks, accidents, incidents and loss events.
  • Types of audits, internal, external, certification, regulation, workplace inspections, safety sampling, safety surveys, etc.
  • Comparison outputs against industry benchmarks/ standards and national/ international performance data.

5. Understand corporate social responsibilities and ethical codes of conduct and their impact on health and safety management.

5.1 Explain the importance of having a corporate social responsibility objective on health and safety management.

5.2 Outline how ethical codes of conduct are applied to health and safety management.





6. Understand the critical factors in the management of occupational health and well-being in the workplace.

6.1 Explain the key principles of occupational health.

6.2 Outline the features of vocational rehabilitation including the role of outside support agencies.

6.3 Articulate the key aspects of the management of occupational health including le.g.al considerations.

6.4 Explain the causes, effects, identification and control of common types of mental ill-health in the workplace.

6.5 Explain the causes, effects, identification and control of work-related violence or aggression.

  • The definition of occupational health (International Labour Organisation)
  • The meaning of well-being (Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC))
  • Occupational health hazards – chemical, physical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic.
  • The prevalence of work-related sickness and ill- health.
  • Relationship between occupational health and general/public health, including management of epidemics.
  • The bio-psychosocial model and how it relates to individual health
  • Fitness to work and fitness to work standards
  • Managing long-term and short-term sickness absence/incapacity for work
  • Benefits of vocational rehabilitation for the employee/employer, and barriers to effective rehabilitation
  • Risk assessments prior to return to work, liaison with other disciplines in assessing and managing fitness for work (existing health problems, fitness to work standards, discrimination)
  • Agencies that can support employers and employees.
  • The role, function and benefits of occupational health services
  • Managing occupational health (the structure of an occupational health service and the competency of practitioners (physician, nurse, adviser, technician)
  • Services offered (health promotion, e.g., advice on work-related health, lifestyle, health assessment, e.g., fitness for work, pre-placement/employment, discussions, absence data, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, etc)
  • Control measures to reduce and manage work- related stress (counselling and return to work policies)
  • UK HSE’s stress management standards and their role in assessing and managing work-related stress (demand, control, support, relationships, role, change).
  • The definition of work-related violence/aggression (Workplace Violence in Services Sectors and Measures to Combat This Phenomenon, ILO Code of Practice and section 1.3 of ILO (and others) International Framework Guidelines for Addressing Workplace Violence in the Health Sector)
  • The physical and psychological effects of violence and aggression
  • The risk factors of work-related violence (people working with the public, the caring/teaching professions, working with psychiatric clients or alcohol/drug, impaired people, working alone, home visiting, handling money/valuables, inspection and enforcement duties, retail, licensed and ille.g.al alcohol trade, cultural, ethnic and tribal issues).
  • Risk assessment of work-related violence/aggression (ie, use of staff surveys, incident reporting and risk assessment)
  • Control measures to reduce and manage work- related violence/aggression including using physical, organisational and behavioural controls:
  • cash free systems, the layout of public areas and the design of fixtures and fittings
  • the layout of public areas and design of fixtures and fittings
  • the use of cameras, protective screens, and security-coded doors
  • communication systems, passing on information on risks from individual clients (violent marker flags), recording of staff whereabouts and recognition when staff are overdue, the use of mobile communications equipment phones, radios, GPS
  • Staff training: recognition of situations where violence could result, interpersonal skills to defuse aggression, the use of language and body language, guidance to staff on dealing with an incident, support for staff post-incident including training in counselling for managers.


Task 1 of 3 - Management plan + Performance review + Audit report Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


Carry out an analysis of an organisation’s health and safety management practices.

The following must be included:

  • An organisation chart or structure detailing the organisations health and safety management structure including your own role where applicable.
  • A detailed explanation of the roles of the board and / or senior managements within the health and safety practices of the organisation, in terms of
    • Planning and organisation
    • Leading and Controlling
    • Reviewing and Performance
    • Monitoring and auditing
  • An explanation of the importance of the planning process to ensure policies and regulatory requirements are met and updated as required, within the organisation.
  • An assessment of the organisation’s resources and skills relation to the
  • Planning and organisation
  • Leading and Controlling
  • Reviewing and Performance
  • Monitoring and auditing of health and safety practices and recommend any improvements required.
  • An evaluation the use of goals and targets in health and safety management practices within the organisation.
  • An explanation and justification of the organisations use of results and performance review data and any outputs.
  • An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of proactive and reactive performance indicators in the organisation.
  • An explanation of the health and safety monitoring techniques used within the organisation and improves which could be made.

Delivery and Submission:

  • Management plan + Performance review + Audit report in Word format
  • Word count: 2000 words
  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text.


  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.

Task 2 of 3 - Essay - Assessment Criteria 5.1, 5.2 Instructions:

Explain the importance of corporate social responsibilities and ethical conduct within

Health and Safety Management and provide and outline of how your organisation applies ethical codes of conduct within health and safety management.

Delivery and Submission:

  • Essay in Word format
  • Word count: 1000 words
  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further


  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work

Task 3 of 3 - Report - Assessment Criteria 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5


Carry out a detailed review of an organisation’s management of occupational health and well-being.

The following must be included:

  • An explanation of the key principles of occupational health and well-being within the organisation.
  • A detailed outline of the key aspects of the management of occupational health and wellbeing, including any legal considerations are applied within the organisation.
  • An outline of the features of vocational rehabilitation and the role external support agencies play in this process.
  • An explanation of the causes, effects, and identification of controls for common types of mental ill-health within the organisation.
  • An explanation of the causes, effects, and identification of controls for work related violence and aggression.

Delivery and Submission:

  • Report in Word format
  • Word count: 1000 words
  • Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text.


  • You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
  • A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.

Indicative reading list

Asbury, S. and Ball, R. (eds) (2016) The practical guide to corporate social responsibility: do the right thing. London: New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Ferrett, E., & Hughes, P. (2016). International health and safety at work.

Hasle, P. (2011) ‘When health and safety interventions meet real-life challenges’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 9(1), pp. 3–16. doi: 10.1080/14774003.2011.11667753.

HSE (2013) Managing for health and safety.

Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E. (2016) International health and safety at work: for the NEBOSH international general certificate in occupational health and safety. Third edition. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge

Pinder, J. et al. (2016) ‘Occupational safety and health and smaller organisations: research challenges and opportunities’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 14(1), pp. 34– 49. doi: 10.1080/14773996.2016.1239357.

REESE, C. D. (2016). Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach.

Tolley (2019) Tolley’s Health & Safety At Work Handbook 2020. S.l.: LEXISNEXIS UK.

Walters, D. (2003) ‘Policy and Practice in Health and Safety: a new journal’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 1(1), pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1080/14774003.2003.11667627.

Walters, D. (2005) ‘The Challenge of Change for Strategies on Health and Safety at Work in the 21st Century’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 3(2), pp. 3–19. doi: 10.1080/14774003.2005.11667659.

Waterson, P. and Dingwall, R. (2016) ‘Health and safety in a changing world’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 14(1), pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1080/14773996.2016.1238065.

Web Resources

Planning for implementation (hse.gov.uk)

Example Answer

Analysis of Health and Safety Management Practices


Effective health and safety management is crucial for ensuring a safe working environment and protecting the wellbeing of employees. This report analyses the health and safety management practices of [Organisation Name] and details the structure, roles, and responsibilities of senior management in these practices.

Organisational Structure

Below is a simplified organisational chart illustrating the health and safety management structure at [Organisation Name]:

Board of Directors | Health and Safety Committee | Health and Safety Manager/Officer | Health and Safety Team/Advisors | Employees/Workforce

In this structure, the Board of Directors oversees the overall health and safety strategy, while the Health and Safety Manager/Officer implements policies and liaises with the Health and Safety Committee. The health and safety team provides support and advice, and employees are responsible for following safety procedures.

Role of the Board and Senior Management in Health and Safety Practices

Planning and Organisation

The board and senior management play a critical role in the planning and organisation of health and safety practices. Their responsibilities include:

  • Establishing Policies: The board is responsible for developing and approving the organisation`s health and safety policy. This policy outlines the organisation`s commitment to maintaining a safe workplace and the principles guiding health and safety practices.

  • Setting Objectives: Senior management sets specific health and safety objectives aligned with the organisation’s overall goals. These objectives provide direction for health and safety initiatives and are integral to the planning process.

  • Resource Allocation: The board ensures that sufficient resources, including financial support and personnel, are allocated to health and safety initiatives. This includes investments in training, equipment, and health and safety programs.

  • Risk Assessment: Senior management is involved in identifying potential hazards and assessing risks. They ensure that risk assessments are conducted regularly and that appropriate measures are implemented to mitigate identified risks.

Leading and Controlling

Leadership and control are vital aspects of health and safety management. Senior management`s roles include:

  • Leading by Example: The board and senior management must demonstrate a strong commitment to health and safety. Their active participation in health and safety initiatives fosters a culture of safety within the organisation.

  • Communication: Effective communication of health and safety policies and procedures is essential. Senior management must ensure that all employees are informed about their roles and responsibilities regarding health and safety.

  • Monitoring Compliance: Senior management is responsible for ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations and internal policies. This includes overseeing training programs and ensuring that employees adhere to safety protocols.

Reviewing and Performance

The review process is critical for evaluating the effectiveness of health and safety management practices. Senior management`s responsibilities in this area include:

  • Performance Evaluation: The board regularly reviews health and safety performance against established objectives.


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