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Assignment Briefs 09-20-2024

LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area make to the business unit

HM606 – Hospitality Operations and Revenue Management

 Module code and title:

HM606 – Hospitality Operations and Revenue Management 

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

CW1: Individual Report (3000 words)

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:



Assignment task

For this assessment you are required to critically investigate a range of aspects related to revenue management for an international hotel group of your choice. You will act as a revenue analyst and will produce a report to be presented at the next shareholder meeting. In order to complete this report, you will have to access the organisation’s public financial statements for the last 2 years. In your report, you should comment on aspects related to the current business environment, including shareholder and customer expectations; codes of conduct, legislation, and good practice; pricing and revenue strategy; technological advancements and strategic decisions aimed to maximise revenue, room occupancy and room capacity. Your report should provide substantiated recommendations on strategies that could be developed for maximising revenue, occupancy and capacity and ultimately increasing profitability.

Indicative Structure:

  1. Introduction (250 words)

Provide an introduction to the organisation (including market share, market penetration, number of brands that they operate etc.). Include a brief overview of the current business environment, as well as shareholder and customer expectations

  1. Aim and objectives (150 words)

State the aim and objectives of your report.

  1. Main body (2000 words)

Provide a critical analysis of the organisation’s approach to revenue management, commenting on aspects related to: the current business environment, including shareholder and customer expectations; theoretical frameworks, codes of conduct, legislation, and good practice; pricing and revenue strategy, including Key Performance Indicators associated with room occupancy, profitability and revenue; technological advancements and strategic decisions aimed to maximise revenue, including contemporary challenges in implementation. You should break down this chapter into sections and sub-sections, as suitable for your analysis.

  1. Conclusion (200 words)

A critical conclusion, identifying key issues emerging from your analysis.


  1. Recommendations (400 words)

Based on the key issues identified in your report, you should provide recommendations on strategies that could be developed for maximising revenue, occupancy and capacity and ultimately increasing financial profitability.


Your report should be of 3000 words (+/- 10%) and should include:

- A cover page

- Abstract/Executive Summary (300 words – not included in the word count)

- Table of Contents

- Headings and subheadings as per the indicative structure provided above

- Appendices (not included in the word count). All tables, diagrams, pictures etc. should be presented as appendices.

Assessment Criteria:

Your report will be assessed based on:

  • Depth of understanding of financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area makes to the business – both from theoretical and real-world perspectives
  • Critical understanding and application of pricing strategies and principles to real-world contexts, including benefits and challenges in real-world implementation
  • Depth and breadth of critical evaluation of relevant methods used to optimise profitability, as applied to a fixed capacity inventory, recognising dynamic growth in technological developments.
  • Understanding of relevant theory, concepts, industry codes of conduct, legislation and best practice – with applicability to real-world circumstances.
  • Identification of customer needs and expectations, as well as development of relevant strategies to meet these expectations.
  • Overall structure, coherence, and quality of writing.


This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area make to the business unit

LO2 Demonstrate and apply principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluate the potential benefits to effective practice to profitability

LO3 State and evaluate methods used to optimise profitability, as applied to a fixed capacity inventory, recognising dynamic growth in related technological developments

LO4 Explain how industry codes of conduct, legislation and best practice directly affect accommodation procedures

LO5 Identify the expectations of customers from diverse markets and explain how providers of accommodation meet their needs through effective use of quality management processes and design


Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.

Referencing Style:

  • Please ensure that your work is referenced according to the [Harvard referencing System] style, as defined in Cite Them Right Online (https://www.citethemrightonline.com/).

Convention for Presentation:

  • Your report should be well-structured, with clear headings for each section.
  • The report should be formatted in Arial or Times New Roman Font 12 and in double-line spacing and justified margins.
  • Ensure that your analysis and evaluations are supported by relevant examples and references.
  • The total word count for the report is 3000 words (+/-10%) (excluding executive summary/abstract, reference list and appendices).
  • Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to the designated submission platform by the specified deadline.


  • Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to Blackboard in the Submit Your Work section by the specified deadline.



You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format.

For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook.


Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website: https://www.bnu.ac.uk/current-students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct




0-29 (F) –


Not successful

30-39 E –

Marginal fail

Below required standard

40-49 (D)



50-59 (C)



60-69 (B)


Very Good

70-79 (A)



80-100 (A+)



Introduction, aim and objectives (10)

Absent or significantly lacks clarity in setting the context and purpose of the report.    

Vague or limited introduction that partially outlines the purpose of the report. Vague or not relevant aim and/or objectives.               

Introductory content present but lacks strong engagement with the topic. Aim and objectives are outlined but could be more developed.

Introduces the report`s purpose and context with moderate clarity. Well-developed aim and objectives.

Provides a clear introduction that highlights the importance of the subject matter and engages the reader effectively. Aim and objectives are very well developed and contextualised.

Presents a compelling introduction, demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject`s significance and capturing the reader`s attention. Excellent contextualisation of aim and objectives.

Exceptional introduction, effectively outlining the report`s purpose, context, and captivating the reader from the outset. Aim and objectives are critically developed and contextualised.

Explanation of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business (LO1) (10%)

This should include evidence of understanding the concept of room revenue and identification of revenue producing areas from both theoretical and real-world perspectives.





Demonstrates a lack of, or poor comprehension of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business. Fails to identify influential elements concisely and convincingly.

Provides an attempt at explaining the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business is made. The discussion is ineffective and lacks depth and/or relevance.

Showcases a basic explanation of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business is provided. There is some evidence of evaluation of financial contribution, but the depth of analysis is limited, with some descriptive elements.

Displays a good explanation, that succeeds in identifying the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business. There is evidence of an analytic approach to discussion.

Exhibits a highly competent explanation of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business. A very good analysis, with meaningful practical application.

An excellent explanation of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business is put forward. Arguments are highly convincing and informed by both practice and literature.

An exceptional explanation of the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business. Unique, critical evaluation, with exceptional industry insights.

Critical evaluation of pricing principles, as applied to the room’s product (LO2) (15%)

This should include evidence of critical evaluation of real-world practice with regards to pricing principle and how it could contribute to increased profitability

Demonstrates inadequate understanding of pricing principles. Provides inaccurate and irrelevant analysis of contribution to profitability, with no critical evaluation.

Showcases basic understanding of pricing principles, with insufficient evidence of real-world practice. Provides superficial and/or incomplete analysis of contribution to profitability, with no critical evaluation, and several inaccuracies.


Displays basic understanding of pricing principles, with satisfactory evidence of real-world practice. Provides a basic analysis of contribution to profitability, with an attempt to evaluation, outlining the benefits and potential challenges of effective profitability practices.


A good demonstration of the application of principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluation of the potential benefits

of effective practices to profitability is provided. This section effectively shows the application of principles of pricing and benefits of effective practices to profitability

A very capable and highly effective demonstration and application of principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluation of the potential benefits

of effective practices to profitability is provided which is very well informed and strongly competent.

An excellent demonstration and application of the principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluation of the potential benefits

of effective practices to profitability is presented which widely succeeds in evidencing command of the subject area and extensive research.

An outstanding demonstration and application of principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluation of the potential benefits of effective practices to profitability is put forward which is exceptionally competent and robust in depth and content.

Evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and adopting technological advancements aimed to promote profit maximisation (15%) (LO3)

This should include evidence of analysis and evaluation of management practices and dynamic growth strategies aimed to promote profit maximisation – as well as the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.

Demonstrates inadequate understanding of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Fails to acknowledge the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.

Displays basic understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Limited acknowledgement of the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.

Shows acceptable understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Some recognition of the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.


Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Presents a balanced analysis of real-world management approaches, with adequate critical evaluation.

Provides a balanced and fairly critical evaluation of the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.


Exhibits a good understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Provides insightful analysis of real-world management approaches demonstrating a very good, critical evaluation.

Provides a comprehensive and critical evaluation, evaluation of the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.


Displays very good understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Offers comprehensive analysis of real-world management approaches, showcasing advanced critical evaluation.

Provides sophisticated, highly critical evaluation of the impact, contribution, benefits and potential challenges of implementing technological advancements.


Demonstrates excellent understanding and evaluation of dynamic growth strategies and management practices aimed to generate profit maximisation.

Presents highly sophisticated analysis of real-world management approaches, demonstrating exceptional critical evaluation.

Presents a highly insightful analysis, that is thoroughly informed by latest research.

Explain and evaluate how industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice directly affects accommodation procedures (LO4) (10%)

This should include evidence of a critical evaluation of industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice, and their impact on accommodation procedures

Fails to identify viable and relevant codes of practice, legislation and best practice. Provides inaccurate or irrelevant evaluation, with no evidence of criticality.




Provides some partially relevant insights into relevant codes of practice, legislation and best practice but the data provided is either insufficient or inadequate. Presents a superficial explanation, that lacks depth and insight. LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area make to the business unit


Demonstrates the ability to extract and discuss relevant codes of practice, regulations and examples of best practice.

Provides reasonable analysis, with some evidence of evaluation that may require a more critical approach.

Provides evidence of a meaningful discussion related to relevant codes of practice, regulations and examples of best practice.

Provides a good evaluation, considering opportunities and barriers in implementation of industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice.

Showcases a very good discussion related to relevant codes of practice, regulations and examples of best practice, with relevant examples.

Provides a very good, insightful evaluation, considering opportunities and barriers in implementation of industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice.

Displays excellent understanding and critical analysis of

relevant codes of practice, regulations and examples of best practice, with relevant examples.

Provides an excellent evaluation, considering opportunities and barriers in implementation of industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice.

Demonstrates exceptional understanding of relevant codes of practice, regulations and examples of best practice, with relevant examples.

Exhibits an exceptionally insightful evaluation, considering opportunities and barriers in implementation of industry codes of conduct, legislation, and best practice.

Identify the expectations of customers from diverse markets and explain how providers of accommodation meet their needs through effective use of quality management processes and design (LO5) (10%)

This should include evidence of thorough analysis of customer expectations based on relevant market research – and the way in which quality management processes could effectively meet and exceed these expectations

Fails to identify viable and relevant market insights into customer expectations. Provides inaccurate or irrelevant application of theory, with no evidence of criticality.




Provides some partially relevant insights into customer expectations, but the data provided is either insufficient or inadequate. Presents a superficial application of theory, that lacks depth and insight, and/or contains several inaccuracies.


Demonstrates the ability to extract relevant data emerging from market research in relation to customer expectations.

Provides reasonable analysis with some evidence of theory application, that may require a more critical approach.

Provides evidence of a meaningful discussion related to data emerging from market research in relation to customer expectations.

Provides a good analysis and theory application – with evidence of some criticality, and some industry examples.

Showcases a very good discussion related to data emerging from market research in relation to customer expectations. Provides a very good, insightful analysis, considering both theoretical and practice approaches, with well-informed industry examples.

Displays excellent understanding and critical analysis of

data emerging from market research in relation to customer expectations. Provides an excellent evaluation, considering theoretical and practical approaches to quality management – with exceptionally well researched examples.

Demonstrates exceptional understanding and analysis of data emerging from market research in relation to customer expectations Exhibits an exceptionally insightful evaluation, considering theoretical and practical approaches to quality management. Discussion is supported by latest research and highly insightful industry practice.

Conclusions and Recommendations (10%)

Delivers an incomplete or unsatisfactory summary of key points, lacking coherence and structure.

Fails to provide meaningful recommendations for improvement.

Displays poor organisation and limited linkage of ideas in the conclusion.




Provides a basic summary of key points with limited coherence.

Offers general recommendations for improvement, lacking specificity.

Demonstrates some coherence in the conclusion, with room for improvement in organisation.


Delivers an adequate summary of key points with reasonable coherence and clarity.

Presents relevant recommendations for improvement, indicating understanding of key issues.

Exhibits coherent and organised conclusion, with potential for enhanced organisation.


Provides a satisfactory summary of key points with clear coherence and clarity.

Offers specific recommendations for improvement, demonstrating sound understanding.

Presents a well-structured conclusion, indicating thoughtful organisation of ideas.


Presents a very good summary of key points with strong coherence and clarity.

Offers detailed recommendations for improvement, indicating a high level of understanding.

Exhibits a highly organised conclusion, effectively summarising and concluding the plan.


Delivers an excellent summary of key points with exceptional coherence and clarity.

Provides comprehensive recommendations for improvement, showcasing exceptional understanding.

Presents an expertly organised conclusion, effectively summarising and concluding the plan.


Delivers an outstanding summary of key points with exceptional coherence and clarity.

Provides highly insightful recommendations for improvement, showcasing profound understanding.

Presents an exceptionally well-structured conclusion, powerfully summarising and concluding the plan.

Structure and Presentation (10%)                                                                                              

Extremely poor organisation and presentation, making it difficult to follow the portfolio`s flow. Numerous errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Organisational issues and poor presentation affect the portfolio`s coherence. Multiple grammar, spelling, and formatting errors present.

Adequate structure and presentation, though improvements could enhance clarity. Some errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Clear and coherent structure with effective presentation, aiding the reader`s understanding. Minimal errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Well-structured and professionally presented portfolio, facilitating a smooth reading experience. Few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Highly polished structure and presentation, contributing to a professional and engaging portfolio. Virtually no errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.               

Flawless structure and presentation, enhancing the overall impact of the portfolio and demonstrating meticulous attention to detail.

References and Citations (10%)

Missing or inadequate referencing and citations.                                                                                

Limited or inconsistent referencing and citations, indicating gaps in research and support.

Adequate referencing and citations, though improvements are needed for accuracy and consistency.

Competent use of referencing and citations, providing proper support for the portfolio`s content.

Skilful integration of references and citations, enhancing the portfolio`s credibility and depth.

Exemplary use of references and citations, showcasing extensive research and seamless integration of sources.

Impeccable referencing and citations, highlighting a thorough research foundation and masterful integration of external sources.

HM606 – Hospitality Operations and Revenue Management

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