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Assignment Briefs 06-08-2024

LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and culture in supporting sustainable business performance.

Higher Nationals Assignment Brief

Qualification Title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 46: Developing Individuals, Team and Organizations

Unit Code: Type: Level:

Credit Value:


Core 5


Academic Year


Unit Author


Assignment Title

Individual and Team Management in the Organizations

Issue Date


Formative Feedback


Submission Date


Submission Instruction

You must submit both assignments on Turnitin

Learner Declaration:

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature:                                       Date:

Submission format

The submission format is in the form of a case study report.

The report should be written in a concise style. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and sub- sections as appropriate. All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system (or an alternative system).

You will need to provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system (or an alternative system). Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to issues of plagiarism if not applied correctly.

The recommended word limit is 3,500–4,000 words, although you will not be penalized for going under or exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and culture in supporting sustainable business performance.

LO2 Evaluate the ways in which performance management can support high-performance culture and commitment

LO3 Review the factors to be considered when planning training and development activities in an organization

LO4 Design a personal and professional development career plan for a named job role, based on reflection and evaluation.

Transferable skills and competencies developed

  • Effective written communication.
  • The ability to analyze and evaluate a range of business data and sources of information.
  • Using research for evidence-based decision making.
  • Digital literacy.
  • Interpretation of information that allows for evaluation of theory to practice.

Vocational scenario

“Strategic resourcing is a key part of strategic human resource management i.e., matching human resources to the strategic and operational requirements of the organization and ensuring the full utilization of those resources. It is concerned with not only obtaining and keeping the number and quality of staff required but also with selecting ... people who ‘fit’ the culture and strategic requirements of the organization.” (Armstrong, 2012. P.204) According to Garnsey and Heffernan (2005) many new businesses that experience rapid growth can experience unexpected problems, two of the most common are operational inefficiency due to poorly trained staff and employees being overworked and getting ready to leave.

Josita Farm is a company that grows and distributes fresh food products directly to customers via an online ordering platform based in Enfield, UK. The company started in 2019 and began as a family-run business staffed by four family members plus two farmhands, using one delivery van. As the Covid pandemic struck in 2020, the business experienced unexpected rapid growth, with orders tripling almost overnight. Whilst the firm had the product to meet the demand of customers, investment was needed in equipment and, more importantly, the number of staff needed to increase immediately if productivity was to remain effective. To address this, the owner placed an online advert for farmhands requiring CVs to be emailed to the business. Candidates that Josita Farm was interested in participating in a 20-minute online video interview to determine their skills and suitability. Successful candidates began work once they could prove that they were free of the Covid virus. Upon starting the role, each new staff member was given a farm tour and worked with existing staff members for a day before being given individual responsibilities. – This whole process took two weeks to complete. Shortly after recruitment, selection and onboarding were completed, the operational productivity for the firm decreased, orders were late or incomplete, and customer complaints were received for the first time since opening. Staff are now working longer hours than contracted, and many want to leave the company once they have secured alternative employment.

Josita Farm has decided to employ your specialist HR firm to help identify the issues and rectify them, with the hope of retaining employees and effective productivity returning.

Part – 1 (LO1,LO2 and LO3)

"To review how high-performance working (HPW) supports increased employee engagement, commitment, and competitive advantage, you must synthesize knowledge and facts. You will analyse the advantages of implementing HPW and explain why you, as HR Specialist, should do so to ensure effective, sustained business performance by retaining the employees.

You will evaluate various performance management strategies, their contribution to high-performance culture, and the variables to be considered organizational examples to strengthen our arguments. You  will  critically evaluate the effectiveness of different performance management approaches and how they support high-performance (HP) culture and commitment.

Consider and evaluate factors  implementing training and development to maintain a competitive advantage. Critically evaluate the factors  to take into account when preparing for training and support, backed by  concrete examples from Josita Forum.

Produce information and data to form the right conclusions about how HPW supports increased employee engagement, loyalty, and competitive advantage.

Part – 2 (LO4)

You should determine and produce a thorough and comprehensive personal and professional plan incorporating the CPD cycle based on the skills and behaviour required for the HR role.This plan should be designed on insightful reflection and critical evaluation of the personal skills audits you have carried out for this purpose.

Design detailed professional and personal plan and in a way that makes sense  based on thoughtful analysis and a critical assessment of the audits that were performed.


Submission format



Submission is in the form of a Report and human resource strategy document.

Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system (or an alternative system). You must provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system (or an alternative system). Inaccurate referencing use may lead to plagiarism issues if not applied correctly.

The recommended word limit for the report is 3500–4,000 words, although you will not be penalized for going under exceeding the total word limit.



Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:




LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working(HPW) and culture in supporting sustainable business  performance

LO1, LO2 and LO3

D1 Synthesise knowledge and information to make appropriate judgements on how HPW supports Improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive advantage.

P1 Review how HPW contributes to employee engagement and improved sustainable business performance for a specific organization.

M1 Analyse the benefits of applying HPW, with justifications for a specific organization to support Successful sustainable business performance.

LO2 Evaluate the ways in which performance management can support high-performance culture and commitment

P2 Evaluate differently approaches to performance management and how they support high-performance culture and commitment, giving Specific examples.

M2 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to performance management and how they support high-performance culture and commitment.

LO3 Review the factors to be considered when planning training and development activities in an organization


P3 Evaluate the factors to be considered when implementing training and development to maintain a competitive advantage.

M3 Critically evaluate the factors to be considered when planning training and development, supported by specific organizational examples.

LO4 Design a personal and professional development career plan for a named job role based on reflection and evaluation.


P4 Determine appropriate personal and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required for a specific job role.

P5 Produce a personal and professional development plan for a specific job role informed by reflective practice and evaluation.

M4 Design a detailed personal and professional development plan incorporating the CPD cycle.

D3 Create a detailed and coherent personal and professional plan, based on insightful reflection and critical evaluation of audits conducted.

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