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Assignment Briefs 11-07-2024

Develop a set of SIX screening criteria to evaluate 8 countries. Criteria should be specific conditions ideally present in the chosen country

MG628 International Marketing Management

Module code and title:

MG628 International Marketing Management

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

PR1 (Group Presentation)

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:

3 Weeks


Assignment task

This assignment is a group presentation with a maximum presentation time of 15 minutes, plus an additional 5 minutes for questions. Groups may consist of 3 or 4 students, who may select their own groups and finalise them by week 2. A ‘Group Mate Agreement’ (available on Blackboard) must be completed, monitored, and attached to your presentation.

All group members must participate in the preparation and presentation, being familiar with the full content and ready to answer questions. All presentations will be recorded for moderation purpose.

Background and Scenario for the Assignment

This assignment focuses on Loaf Furniture Company and its brand Coco Bed, which aims to build on its international market expansion strategy by expanding further into European markets (both DTC and retail). For this assessment, the potential countries for expansion are:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Denmark
  4. Germany
  5. France
  6. The Netherlands
  7. Sweden
  8. Switzerland
  9. Spain
  10. Portugal


Loaf seeks to determine which of these countries would be most suitable for further expansion. As International Marketing Consultants to Loaf, you are tasked with completing the following:

The Assignment Task

Stage One: Identify Screening Criteria

Develop a set of SIX screening criteria to evaluate 8 countries. Criteria should be specific conditions ideally present in the chosen country. A maximum of 6 criteria should be used without further breakdown.

Stage Two: Collect Data and Create Criteria Table(s)

Collect relevant secondary data to assess how the chosen countries perform against the criteria. Use measurable and quantifiable data as much as possible, with authoritative evidence. Create a table(s) summarising each criterion and the data/facts obtained to assess each, with sources referenced by author and year. Aim to fit the table(s) on a maximum of TWO slides. Use highlighting, a scoring system, or other methods to clearly identify which four countries come out best from the initial eight.

Stage Three: Conduct Further Research and Argue for the Top Two Countries

It is insufficient to base market selection decisions solely on quantitative information, and often, stages 1 and 2 will reveal that the top countries achieve similar scores or perform variably across different criteria. Therefore, at this stage, your task is not just to evaluate the quantitative data but to incorporate additional insights from Passport and other sources. This will assist Loaf’s leadership team in gaining a deeper understanding of the data, highlighting where the best potential lies and justifying why your top two countries are ultimately the best choices for expansion.

If you are registered with the Disability and Inclusion Services or have a disability, please contact your module leader to discuss how your reasonable adjustments will be applied to this assignment.


This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Assess, analyse and conceptually apply the key concepts of international marketing, including the critical evaluation and the application of key tools, models and theories.

LO 3 Devise and critically evaluate market selection options using background research and audit, applying a range of management skills and tools

Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the required referencing style, any presentational requirements and the process for submitting your work.


You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work. For further information and guidance, please see your programme handbook.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately). For further information and guidance, please see the University website:

Please also see the University’s guidance for students on the appropriate use of generative AI as part of assessed work:










0-34 (F) –


35-39 E –

Marginal fail

40-49 (D)


50-59 (C)


60-69 (B)


70-79 (A)


80-100 (A+)



Not successful

Below required standard



Very Good



Knowledge and understanding 25%

This should include evidence of:

  • Depth of knowledge and understanding of market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s);
  • Engagement with subject specific theories, concepts, and analytical frameworks underpinning the market selection
  • Background investigation, analysis, research, enquiry and/or study

The presentation demonstrates a limited and/or substantially inaccurate or no understanding of key aspects of the subject, with few if any examples of coherent and detailed knowledge, which is unlikely to be at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The presentation demonstrates insufficient understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, little of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The presentation demonstrates a basic yet systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, at least some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

This presentation demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The presentation demonstrates a sophisticated and critical systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including coherent and detailed knowledge, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

This presentation demonstrates a highly accomplished systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject beyond what has been taught, including coherent and detailed knowledge, most of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

This presentation demonstrates an exceptional systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including coherent and detailed knowledge well beyond what has been taught, all of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

Analysis and criticality 30%

This should include evidence of:

  • Logic and argument
  • Use and range of independently selected sources (on the case organisation’s market selection, options, context, criteria and the appropriate final choice)
  • Analysis and synthesis
  • Analytical reflection
  • Organisation and communication of ideas and evidence
  • Creativity


This group presentation demonstrates a limited or no ability to work with relevant techniques of analysis and enquiry accurately;

Conceptual understanding evident is limited thus the work does not:

• devise and sustain arguments and/or solve problems

• describe and comment upon aspects of current research and scholarship, with little or no appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

• use relevant and appropriate sources resulting in few if any scholarly reviews.


This group presentation demonstrates an insufficient ability to use established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The conceptual understanding evident enables the work to partially demonstrate:

• use of ideas and techniques to devise and sustain arguments and solve problems

• the ability to describe and comment upon aspects of current  research and scholarship, albeit with only a developing appreciation of the uncertainty ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

There is a limited range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.

This group presentation demonstrates a sufficient ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

A basic yet sufficient conceptual understanding is evident that enables the work to demonstrate:

• use of ideas and techniques to devise and sustain arguments and solve problems,

• the ability to describe and comment upon aspects of current research and scholarship, with a sufficient appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

• use a sufficient range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.

This group presentation demonstrates a sound ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

A sound conceptual understanding is evident that enables the work to demonstrate:

• use of ideas and

Techniques to devise and sustain arguments and solve problems,

• the ability to describe and comment upon aspects of current research and scholarship, with a sound appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

• use of a sound range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.

This group presentation demonstrates a sophisticated ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline.

A sophisticated conceptual understanding is evident that enables the work to demonstrate:

• use of ideas and techniques to devise and sustain arguments and solve problems,

• the ability to describe, synthesise and critique aspects of current research and scholarship, with a sophisticated appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge

• use of a sophisticated range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.

This group presentation demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

A highly accomplished conceptual understanding is evident that enables the work to demonstrate:

• use of ideas and techniques to devise and sustain arguments and solve problems,

• the ability to describe, synthesise and critique all relevant aspects of current research and scholarship, with a nuanced appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

• use of a highly accomplished range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.


This group presentation demonstrates an exceptional ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

A superior conceptual understanding is evident that enables the work to demonstrate:

• use of ideas and techniques to devise and sustain arguments and/or solve problems,

• the ability to describe, synthesise and critique all relevant aspects of current research and scholarship, with a highly nuanced appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits of knowledge;

• use of a superior range of independently selected relevant and appropriate scholarly sources.


Application and

Practice 30%

This should include evidence of:

  • Development and/or application of criteria in identifying the best-fit option as per the case organisational context.
  • Accuracy, coordination, and proficiency in completion of processes
  • Technical skills
  • Presentation of research findings and use of data.


Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to select and apply appropriate models and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

• practical processes attempted but inaccurate;

• use of an appropriate range of technical skills is not demonstrated in most including key areas

• presentation of research and findings is not clear or effective



Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to select and apply appropriate methods and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

•  practical processes attempted but inaccurate

• use of an appropriate range of technical, skills is not demonstrated in some key areas

• presentation of research and findings is often not clear or effective.


Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to select and apply appropriate methods and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

•  complete practical processes attempted with a degree of independence in sometimes complex and unpredictable situations

• use an appropriate range of technical, skills

• present research and findings, in several formats, and gather, process and interpretdata efficiently.


Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a consistent and informed manner appropriate methods and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

• complete practical processes accurately and independently in sometimes complex and unpredictable situations

•  consistently use an appropriate range of technical skills

• consistently present research and findings effectively and appropriately.


Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a capable and effective manner appropriate methods and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

• complete practical processes autonomously and with accuracy and coordination in sometimes complex and unpredictable situations;

• consistently use an appropriate range of highly developed relevant technical skills

• consistently present thorough research and findings perceptively and appropriately.


Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a highly accomplished manner

appropriate methods and techniques (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge, and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

• complete practical processes autonomously and with a high degree of accuracy, coordination, and proficiency in sometimes complex and unpredictable situations

• consistently use a full range of highly developed technical skills

• consistently present thorough research and findings perceptively, convincingly, and appropriately.


Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a highly accomplished and innovative manner

appropriate methods and (market selection options/process, development of criteria, research and selection of market(s)) to develop and apply knowledge and understanding in the context of the chosen case organisation, and in turn:

•  complete practical processes autonomously and with a high degree of accuracy, coordination, and proficiency in often complex and unpredictable situations

•  consistently use a full range of exceptional technical skills

• consistently present thorough research and findings perceptively authoritatively, and appropriately.

Transferable skills


This should include evidence of:

  • Written (PowerPoint), verbal and electronic communication
  • Personal (Group) motivation, organisation, and time-management


Work demonstrates limited or no ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision. - act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs


Work demonstrates insufficient ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or o supervision. - act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs


Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills -an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

- act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs


Work demonstrates a consistent and confident ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.- act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs

Work demonstrates a Highly proficient ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision. -act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs

Work demonstrates a Highly accomplished ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs

Work demonstrates a exceptional ability to:

-communicate Information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant communication skills

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-act with Initiative in decision-making to take full responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs reflect on

Example Answer - MG628 International Marketing Management

Assess, analyse and conceptually apply the key concepts of international marketing, including the critical evaluation and the application of key tools, models and theories.

Develop a set of SIX screening criteria to evaluate 8 countries. Criteria should be specific conditions ideally present in the chosen country

To assess the potential for further expansion of Loaf Furniture Company`s brand Coco Bed into European markets, a well-defined set of screening criteria is necessary. The following six criteria will provide a framework for evaluating the suitability of the selected countries:

1. Market Size and Growth Potential

This criterion evaluates the current and projected demand for furniture, specifically beds, within each country. Key indicators include population size, household growth rates, and overall consumer spending in the home furnishings sector. A larger and growing market indicates greater opportunities for sales and brand penetration.

2. Economic Stability and Consumer Confidence

Assessing the economic environment is critical for understanding the potential for consumer purchasing power. This includes GDP growth rates, unemployment levels, inflation rates, and consumer confidence indices. Countries with stable economies and high consumer confidence are likely to be more receptive to new furniture brands.

3. Competitive Landscape and Market Saturation

This criterion examines the existing competition in the furniture market, focusing on both direct competitors and alternative options available to consumers. Key factors include the number of established brands, market share distribution, and pricing strategies. A less saturated market may offer better opportunities for differentiation and successful market entry.

4. Regulatory Environment and Trade Policies

Understanding the legal and regulatory frameworks in potential markets is essential for assessing barriers to entry. This includes import tariffs, compliance with safety and environmental regulations, and overall ease of doing business. A more favourable regulatory environment facilitates smoother market entry and operational success.

5. Cultural Fit and Consumer Preferences

Evaluating cultural attitudes toward home furnishings and consumer preferences in design, quality, and price is crucial. This criterion assesses how well Coco Bed`s brand values and product offerings align with local tastes and lifestyle trends. A strong cultural fit can enhance brand acceptance and loyalty.

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