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Assignment Briefs 10-18-2024

1.1. Explain roles and responsibilities within the organisation in relation to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse

RCC 5.8 Lead a service that can support children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse

Unit reference


Unit level


Credit value


Guided Learning (hours)


Unit aim

This unit provides the knowledge and skills required to lead a service that can support children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

Learner name:

Centre no:



Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

Evidence record

e.g. page number & method

Assessor judgement achieved

Initial and date

1. Understand roles and responsibilities when supporting children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

1.1. Explain roles and responsibilities within the organisation in relation to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.



1.2. Explain the roles and responsibilities of other agencies in the local networks with regard to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.



2. Be able to prepare team members to respond to disclosure or detection of harm and abuse.

2.1. Ensure team members understand policies and procedures relating to disclosure and detection of harm or abuse.



2.2. Ensure team members know how to recognise, record and share information relevant to investigations into harm or abuse.



Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

Evidence record

e.g. page number & method

Assessor judgement achieved

Initial and date

3. Understand how to provide a service that addresses both the safety and the wellbeing of children and young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

3.1. Research sources of information and guidance about best practice in supporting a child or young person who has experienced harm or abuse.



3.2. Explain types of restriction that might be imposed on the involvement of key people with a child or young person following harm or abuse.



3.3. Analyse areas of support that may be needed when working with a child or young person following harm or abuse.



3.4. Analyse characteristics of a child or young person’s behaviour that might give cause for concern and action following harm or abuse.



4. Be able to support team members to work with challenges relating to harm or abuse.

4.1. Use reflective supervision with team members to address their personal feelings raised by harm and abuse issues.



4.2. Challenge unhelpful attitudes in relation to harm and abuse.



4.3. Recommend sources of additional emotional support for team members.



For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.

Additional information about the unit:

Relationship to occupational standards


Additional unit assessment requirements

Units need to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care & Development Assessment Principles.

Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:

Guidance for developing unit assessment arrangements – provided with the unit

Learning outcomes 2 and 4 must be assessed in a real work environment.

Unit assessment guidance – provided by the sector

Harm or abuse may be:

  • physical
  • emotional
  • sexual
  • financial
  • bullying
  • self-harm
  • neglect
  • exploitation by gangs or groups.

Key people are those who are important to the child or young person and who can make a difference to his or her well-being. Key people include family, friends, carers and others with whom the individual has an important relationship.


Areas of support may include supporting the child or young person to:

  • deal with distress, fear and anxieties caused by the harm or abuse
  • understand the implications of harm and abuse they have experienced
  • develop positive coping strategies following harm or abuse
  • understand why boundaries may need to be set for contact between themselves and key people.

Unhelpful attitudes, e.g.:

  • denial that harm and abuse may occur
  • blaming the victims of harm and abuse
  • becoming desensitised to issues of harm and abuse
  • not listening to and hearing children and young people
  • being inconsistent or untrustworthy
  • not placing the child or young person’s needs first
  • failing to report suspicions at an early stage
  • failing to share information
  • failing to work in partnership with key agencies
  • being overprotective.

Example Answer

1. Understand roles and responsibilities when supporting children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

1.1 Explain roles and responsibilities within the organisation in relation to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

In any organisation working with children and young people, it is essential to establish clear roles and responsibilities. The primary responsibility lies with the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), who oversees all safeguarding practices and ensures compliance with relevant legislation. Team members must be trained to identify signs of harm or abuse, report concerns promptly, and support affected individuals. Additionally, managers are responsible for creating an environment that prioritises safety and encourages open communication about safeguarding issues.

1.2 Explain the roles and responsibilities of other agencies in the local networks with regard to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse.

Other agencies play a critical role in safeguarding children and young people. Local authorities are responsible for child protection investigations and intervention when necessary. The police have a duty to investigate criminal allegations and ensure the safety of the child or young person. Health services provide medical care and psychological support, while educational institutions are responsible for creating safe learning environments and reporting any concerns to safeguarding leads. Collaboration among these agencies ensures a holistic approach to safeguarding and support.

2. Be able to prepare team members to respond to disclosure or detection of harm and abuse.

2.1 Ensure team members understand policies and procedures relating to disclosure and detection of harm or abuse.

It is vital that all team members are familiar with the organisation`s policies and procedures regarding disclosure and detection of harm or abuse. This includes training sessions that outline reporting protocols, confidentiality standards, and the importance of timely reporting. Regular updates and refresher courses should be provided to ensure that team members remain vigilant and informed.


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