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Assignment Briefs 10-18-2024

1.1. Summarise theoretical approaches to group living for children and young people in residential childcare.

RCC 5.7: Lead and manage group living in residential childcare

Unit reference


Unit level


Credit value


Guided Learning (hours)


Unit aim

This unit provides the knowledge and skills required to lead and manage group living in residential childcare.

Learner name:

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Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

Evidence record

e.g. page number & method

Assessor judgement achieved

Initial and date

1. Understand current theoretical frameworks for group living for children and young people.

1.1. Summarise theoretical approaches to group living for children and young people in residential childcare.



1.2. Summarise theories about how the physical environment can support well-being in a group setting.



2. Understand the current legal, policy and rights frameworks for children and young people in group living.

2.1. Explain the legislative, policy and rights frameworks that underpin group living for children and young people.



2.2. Analyse the impact of legislation, policy and regulation on group living for children and young people.



3. Be able to support positive outcomes in a group living environment.

3.1. Analyse how group living can support positive outcomes for children and young people.



3.2. Explain how ethos and culture in a group living environment influence the well-being of children and young people.



Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

Evidence record

e.g. page number & method

Assessor judgement achieved

Initial and date


3.3. Support team members to understand group dynamics within the group living environment.



3.4. Use different approaches to resolve conflicts and tensions in group living.



3.5. Work with others to support children or young people to maintain and develop relationships within and beyond the group living environment.



3.6. Work with children or young people and others to ensure the physical environment supports positive outcomes.



4. Be able to lead the planning, implementation and review of group living activities for children and young people.

4.1. Support team members to plan and implement group living activities that meet the needs, preferences and aspirations of children or young people.



4.2. Implement systems to ensure children or young people are central to decisions about their daily group living activities.



4.3. Support team members to understand how daily living activities can be used to develop attachment and positive relationships.



4.4. Work with children or young people and others to review group living activities.



Learning outcomes

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

Evidence record

e.g. page number & method

Assessor judgement achieved

Initial and date

5. Be able to manage work schedules and patterns to maintain a positive environment for group living.

5.1 Evaluate the effects of work schedules and patterns on a group living environment.



5.2. Review the effectiveness of own management of work schedules and patterns in maintaining a positive group living environment.



5.3. Recommend changes to work schedules and patterns as a result of evaluation.



For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.

Additional information about the unit:

Relationship to occupational standards


Additional unit assessment requirements

Units need to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care & Development Assessment Principles.

Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:

Guidance for developing unit assessment arrangements – provided with the unit

Learning outcomes 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in a real work environment.

Unit assessment guidance – provided by the sector

Others may include:

  • family members
  • team members
  • advocates
  • other professionals.

Sample Answers - Plagiarised

1.1 Summarise theoretical approaches to group living for children and young people in residential childcare.

Group living for children and young people in residential childcare is informed by several theoretical frameworks, including:

  • Attachment Theory: This approach emphasises the importance of secure attachments in childhood development. In group settings, staff must foster strong emotional bonds between caregivers and children to promote emotional well-being and resilience.

  • Systems Theory: This theory posits that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from their environment. In a residential setting, the interactions between children, staff, and the physical environment are crucial for the overall functioning of the group.

  • Ecological Systems Theory: Proposed by Bronfenbrenner, this theory highlights the multiple layers of influence on a child`s development, from family to broader societal contexts. In a group living environment, understanding these interactions can aid in creating supportive and nurturing spaces for children.

1.2 Summarise theories about how the physical environment can support well-being in a group setting.

The physical environment plays a vital role in the well-being of children in residential childcare. Key theories include:

  • Environmental Psychology: This theory examines how physical spaces can influence behaviour and emotional states. Factors such as colour, lighting, and layout can promote a sense of safety and belonging, which is crucial for children`s well-being.

  • Biophilic Design: This approach advocates for incorporating natural elements into living spaces. Access to nature, natural light, and outdoor areas can significantly enhance children`s mood and promote positive social interactions.

Learning Outcome 2: Understand the current legal, policy and rights frameworks for children and young people in group living.

2.1 Explain the legislative, policy and rights frameworks that underpin group living for children and young people.

The legal and policy frameworks guiding group living for children include:

  • The Children Act 1989 and 2004: These acts establish the legal framework for the care and welfare of children, focusing on the importance of safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children in residential settings.

  • The Children and Families Act 2014: This legislation highlights the need for children`s voices to be heard, ensuring that their needs and preferences are considered in decisions affecting their lives.

  • Every Child Matters (ECM): This government initiative promotes holistic approaches to children’s welfare, advocating for their safety, health, enjoyment, achievement, and economic well-being.

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