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Assignment Briefs
Unit: 5 Leadership and Management for Service Industries
Unit: 5 Leadership and Management for Service Industries
Pearson Set Theme:
Artificial Intelligence
Module Booklet
Research-based Report and Oral Individual
PowerPoint Presentation
Assignment Brief
Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Hospitality Management (Pearson)
Unit Number & Title
Unit: 5 Leadership and Management for Service Industries
Pearson Set Theme
Artificial Intelligence
The potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers in the service industry (Public Limited Organisation from the Service Industry or London`s Community Kitchen)
Assignment Title
Impact of AI on leaders and managers in the Service Industry
Unit Code
Internal Verifier
First Assignment: Research-based Report (1500 – 2000 words)
Second Assignment– PowerPoint oral presentation (750 – 1000 words)
Weighting 100%
Important Dates
Term Start
10 December 2024
Issue Date
11th December 2024
Formative Submission
25th January 2025
Summative Submission
22nd February2025
Submission Details
Please submit it on Moodle by 5 pm on the day of the deadline.
Summative Feedback Date
8th March 2025
Resubmission Date
29th March 2025
Assignment Brief 1
Research-based Report
The submission is in the form of a Research based Report. It must be word-processed, written work with clear indication of the unit number and title, the relevant task being addressed, your name and registration number. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subheadings as appropriate. These may be included in the main body or in the appendices, but you must provide a written explanation of them in the main body. Any sources you draw information from should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1500 to 2000 words excluding appendices.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Review classical management theories and leadership styles.
LO2 Explore the factors that influence different management styles and structures in a service industry context.
Transferable Skills and Competencies Developed
Creativity, innovation, and enterprise when seeking solutions to business needs. Analytical thinking in making Business Decisions.
Enhancing collaborative skills and research competency.
Facilitating research competence through collecting, evaluating, and integrating information sources.
Developing writing and presentation proficiencies essential for professional communication in a business context.
Ability to operate according to organizational values.
Background Scenario
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly recognised as a transformative tool within the service industry, offering opportunities to enhance operational efficiency, reduce production costs, and achieve organisational goals. Its integration is anticipated to bring significant changes to recruitment practices, workforce requirements, and human resource management.
AI can automate repetitive tasks, such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and performing background checks, which helps human resource professionals save valuable time and resources. Additionally, AI has applications in optimising workforce scheduling and management by forecasting demand and aligning staffing levels accordingly, resulting in a more efficient allocation of resources. By leveraging advanced data analysis, AI can provide actionable insights to design programs aimed at improving employee retention and job satisfaction.
The successful implementation of AI necessitates strategic planning and collaboration among key stakeholders. Leadership plays a critical role in attracting and nurturing the appropriate talent, fostering partnerships with other organisations, and addressing ethical considerations related to AI usage.
By integrating AI into leadership decision-making processes, businesses within the service sector can enhance the accuracy of decisions, minimize errors, and optimize operations. This strategic use of AI can lead to better outcomes, improved employee engagement, and increased profitability for organisations navigating the evolving landscape of the service industry.
Assignment Activity and Guidance
Conduct a review of the literature on leadership and management that is relevant to your selected organisation, addressing the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers in the service industry and include the following:
Give an analysis of classical management theories and an evaluation of different styles and structures of leadership and management that are relevant to your selected organisation and the way that the organisation deals with the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers affecting the whole hospitality sector.
Critically analyse how the internal and external factors that influence different styles of management and leadership within the culture and structure of your selected organisation help deal with the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers affecting the hospitality sector.
Identify what strengths and weaknesses in the organisation`s management style and structure affect its ability to cope with potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers in the service industry
Evaluate how the theories and styles of leadership and management you are researching apply in practice to potential risks and benefits of AI for the organisation you have selected.
Assignment Brief 2
Individual PPT Oral Presentation with Speakers Notes
The submission is in the form of a 5-10 minutes PowerPoint individual PowerPoint presentation with some additional time (approximately 5 minutes) allocated for questions. The presentation slides and speaker notes should be submitted as one document. You are required to make effective use of power-point headings, bullet points and subsections as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a list of references at the end using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1500 words including speaker notes, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO3 Assess current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector.
LO4 Demonstrate management and leadership skills in a service industry context
Transferable Skills and Competencies Developed
Communication and listening, including the ability to produce clear, structuredbusiness communications in a variety of media.
The ability to work collaboratively.
Digital skills using different software applications to visually present information and data concisely.
Creative thinking for presenting information.
The ability to undertake critical analysis and evaluation to support decision making. Research skills for evidence-based decision making.
Ability to be open, approachable, and authentic, and able to build trust with others.
Ability to seek the views of others and value diversity.
Vocational Scenario
After submission of your research-based report, the HR manager has requested that you deliver a PowerPoint presentation to the senior management team of your organization in your role as the HR Executive. In this presentation, you will need to provide well-informed recommendations on how the organization can effectively upskill its management and leadership team. These recommendations should focus on preparing them to address and adapt to the challenges posed by the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers in the service industry more effectively.
Assignment Activity and Guidance
The presentation and speaker notes (1500 words ) should address the following areas,
Evaluate what relevant `hard` and `soft` management and leadership skills the organisation currently has and what improvements it may require in order to meet the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers.
Compare how your selected organisation has managed to cope with changes that have occurred due to the potential risks and benefits of AI, with another similar organisation in the hospitality service industry. Identify the similarities and differences between the ways the two organisations responded to challenges.
Analyse how their respective management and leadership skills and styles adapted to challenges related to potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers.
Provide critical evaluation of how the organisation has already developed management and leadership skills to cope with changes due to potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers, and what further skills it needs to develop.
Reference Guidance
All work must be supported with research and referenced correctly using the Harvard referencing system. You will also need to provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to issues of plagiarism if not applied correctly.
Please submit your assignment on Moodle by 5pm deadline day
Important Information:
Academic Misconduct Policy
Academic misconduct applies in any situation where a student is attempting to gain credit by unfair or improper means and covers cheating, attempts to cheat, plagiarism and collusion. For more information on misconduct and the penalties you may face, please refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy which is issued and explained at induction and is also available on the College VLE (Moodle).
Appeals Policy
You have the right to appeal against assessment decisions if you feel that the grade and feedback you have received is incorrect or unfair. You may appeal to the College and you may appeal to the Pearson awarding body if you are still not satisfied. For more information, please refer to the College’s Academic Appeals Policy explained at induction and also available on the College VLE (Moodle).
Complaints Policy
You have the right to complain if you feel that you have been unfairly or badly treated by anyone at the College including students and staff. You may appeal to the College and you may appeal to the Pearson awarding body if you are still not satisfied. For more information, please refer to the College’s Complaints Policy explained at induction and also available on the College VLE (Moodle).
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
If you are unable to submit your work by the deadline, you should submit a request for extenuating circumstances before the deadline passes. You may only request extenuating circumstances if you have genuine reasons for not being able to submit you work by deadline such as illness. In these cases, you may be granted an extension to the deadline with no penalties. For more information, see the College’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy on the College VLE (Moodle).
Resubmission and Retake Policy
If you fail to submit your assignment by the deadline without extenuating circumstance or if you submit but fail, you will be able to submit it on the resubmission deadline. However, all resubmissions are capped at a Pass. If you fail the resubmission, you will have to retake the unit. This will mean attending the course again which will take more time and can incur costs that you would need to pay for. For more information, see the College’s Resubmission and Retake Policy on the College VLE (Moodle).
Return of Assessed Work
The College aims to return your work to you with feedback within three to four weeks after submission depending upon the date of the Assessment Board Meeting. For more information, see the College’s Return of Assessed Work Policy on the College VLE (Moodle).
Other Policies
You may also refer to the College’s Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy and the HND Student Handbook for more information on all of the policies and procedures listed above.
Additional Guidelines
For higher grades you are required to consider developing your answers further based on the given learning outcomes and assessment criteria given at the end of the assessment brief.
Across the report you are required to provide various examples to enhance the credibility, currency and depth of the answer. You are also required to support your report and presentation with academic and professional source material as well as statistics when relevant.
Headings and subheadings should be included for all written work submitted.
You should be aware of the LCKA guidance and regulations concerning plagiarism (see policies on our website for full details). The Harvard referencing system should be used, and the Wikipedia website must not be referenced in your work. Aim to keep your Turnitin similarity score below 20%.
You have the right to appeal against assessment decisions. Please see the Head of Academics if you wish to do this.
You are required to complete and submit a cover page with your assignment. You must download the cover page template in Word format from Moodle. The cover page will ask you to sign a declaration verifying that the submitted assignment is your own work and that you did it without any help apart from acceptable support from your Tutor(s).
Please see Moodle for links to:
Recommended reading list
Viva Procedure
Cover sheet templates
Assignment templates
Links to other units
Slides and class documents
Guide on commanding verbs
Useful resources for the impacts of Equality and Diversity in Business
Type of
Resources Titles
Five generative AI initiatives leaders should pursue now
The impact of artificial intelligence on leadership
https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2023/03/14/the -impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-leadership-how-toleverage-ai-to-improve-decision-making/?sh=3faebb8c33d9
The Art of AI Maturity in Travel
AI and its impact on Leaders and Leadership
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050 922003106
AI in Hospitality: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Hotel Industry
https://hoteltechreport.com/ news/ai-in-hospitality
Additional useful resources
Assignment design for Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals https://hnglobal.highernationals.com/sites/default/files/attachments/btec-hncd-pearsonset-report-20192020.pdf
Training Video for the RQF BTEC Higher Nationals Pearson-set Assignments:
Online Resources
Leadership Factsheet
www.cipd . c o . uk
Online Resources
Institute of Leadership and
www.i - l - m . c o m
Leadership Management
www.lmi - w o rld . c o m
MULLINS, L. (2016) Management and Organisational Behaviour. 11th ed. Harlow: Pearson.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Review classical management theories and leadership styles
D1 Evaluate a specific organisation’s current management and leadership styles making links to theorists and providing evidence of organisational practice
P1 Assess different classical M1 Analyse management and management theories and apply leadership styles in a specific these in a service industry service sector organisation in context. relation to organisational structure and culture
P2 Explain the role of the leader and different leadership styles in a service sector industry context.
P3 Review the management and leadership styles in a specific service sector organisation.
LO2 Explore the factors that influence different management styles and structures in a service industry context
D2 Critically analyse how specific management styles have been influenced and changed by internal and external factors in a selected service industry organisation
P4 Investigate the internal and external factors that influence management styles and structures in a selected service industry organisation.
M2 Analyse the internal and external factors that influence management styles and structures in a selected service industry organisation identifying strengths and weaknesses
LO3 Assess current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector
LO3 & LO4
D3 Critically evaluate how, in response to change, management and leadership skills in the service sector have developed
P5 Asses current management and leadership ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills providing evidence from specific service sector examples
P6 Discuss future management and leadership skills required by the service sector and how these can be achieved
M3 Evaluate current and future management and leadership skills that are crucial for the service sector.
LO4 Demonstrate management and leadership skills in a service industry context.
P7 Compare and contrast different service industry organisations change management systems and leadership in implementing change
M4 Analyse how change management affects management and leadership skills and styles
Everything You Must Know About Unit: 5 Leadership and Management for Service Industries
Unit 5: Leadership and Management for Service Industries focuses on exploring the essential concepts of leadership and management within the context of service-based industries such as hospitality, tourism, retail, and customer service. This unit emphasises the importance of understanding how leadership and management roles differ and how they contribute to the overall success of an organisation. It also encourages students to critically evaluate the effectiveness of various leadership styles and management approaches in achieving high-quality service delivery and customer satisfaction.
The assignment for this unit typically requires students to delve into both theoretical and practical aspects of leadership and management. Students are expected to analyse and apply leadership theories, such as transformational, transactional, and situational leadership, to real-world scenarios within service industries. Additionally, the assignment challenges students to examine the critical functions of management, including planning, organising, leading, and controlling, and how these functions ensure the smooth operation of service organisations.
One of the central themes of the assignment is the role of leadership in motivating teams and fostering a culture of excellence in service delivery. Students are encouraged to assess how different leadership styles influence employee engagement, productivity, and the overall customer experience. Moreover, the assignment often explores the relationship between effective management and organisational performance, highlighting the importance of strategic decision-making and resource management.
Another crucial aspect of the assignment is identifying opportunities for improvement in leadership and management practices. This involves evaluating current practices, addressing challenges faced by service industry leaders, and recommending strategies to enhance team performance and customer satisfaction. By engaging with case studies and real-world examples, students gain valuable insights into the practical application of leadership and management concepts.
Overall, the Unit 5 assignment provides a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic roles of leaders and managers in service industries. It equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to drive organisational success through effective leadership, strategic management, and a commitment to exceptional service delivery.
Example Answer on Impact of AI on leaders and managers in the Service Industry
Give an analysis of classical management theories and an evaluation of different styles and structures of leadership and management that are relevant to your selected organisation and the way that the organisation deals with the potential risks and benefits of AI for leaders and managers affecting the whole hospitality sector.
Classical management theories, including Taylor`s Scientific Management, Fayol`s Administrative Theory, and Weber`s Bureaucratic Management, have long informed organisational practices in the hospitality sector. However, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) demands a re-evaluation of these principles to align with contemporary challenges and opportunities.
Classical Management Theories and AI:
Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor): Taylor’s focus on efficiency and task optimization resonates with AI’s potential to streamline repetitive tasks. For instance, AI can automate processes such as staff scheduling and resume screening, closely aligning with Taylor`s emphasis on reducing inefficiencies.
Administrative Theory (Henri Fayol): Fayol`s principles, such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, are highly relevant in strategic AI implementation. AI tools can enhance planning and decision-making by providing real-time data insights, enabling leaders to respond more effectively to market demands.
Bureaucratic Management (Max Weber): While Weber emphasized structured hierarchies and standardized procedures, AI presents opportunities to reduce bureaucratic rigidity. By automating routine administrative tasks, organisations can adopt more agile and flexible structures.
Leadership Styles in the Context of AI:
Transformational Leadership: This style is particularly suited to managing AI integration, as it involves inspiring and motivating teams through change. Leaders must communicate the benefits of AI while addressing concerns about job displacement and ethical implications.
Transactional Leadership: While effective in enforcing AI-driven performance metrics and compliance, this style may lack the adaptability required for fostering innovation.
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