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Assignment Briefs 12-23-2024

AC 1.1 Explain the importance of innovation for own organisation

Leading Innovation and Change

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Learning Outcome 1: Understand the need for innovation and change management within an organisation

Assessment Criteria (AC)

Sufficiency Descriptors [Typical standard that, if replicated across the whole submission, would produce a referral, borderline pass or good pass result]

AC 1.1

Explain the importance of innovation for own organisation



Good Pass

The importance of innovation for own organisation is not explained, or is incorrect or inappropriate, or is explained in generic terms with no reference, or with insufficient reference, to own organisation

‘Innovation’ is merely defined or described with no explanation as to the reasons why innovation is important for own organisation

A limited but sufficient and correct account of a narrow range of the practices associated with innovation are provided that explain the importance of innovation for own organisation

A full and correct account of a wide range of the practices associated with innovation are provided that explain the importance of innovation for own organisation

Assessor feedback on AC




AC 1.2

Explain the importance of managing change within own organisation



Good Pass

The importance of managing change for own organisation is not explained, or is incorrect or inappropriate, or is explained in generic terms with no reference, or with insufficient reference, to own organisation

‘Managing change’ is merely defined or described with no explanation as to the reasons why managing change is important for own organisation

A limited but sufficient and correct account of a narrow range of the practices associated with managing change are provided that explain the importance of managing change for own organisation

A full and correct account of a wide range of the practices associated with managing change are provided that explain the importance of managing change for own organisation

Assessor feedback on AC



Learning Outcome 2: Be able to propose innovative solutions to improve organisational performance

Assessment Criteria (AC)

Sufficiency Descriptors [Typical standard that, if replicated across the whole submission, would produce a referral, borderline pass or good pass result]

AC 2.1

Assess an opportunity for innovation and improvement in own organisation



Good Pass

No opportunity for innovation and improvement in own organisation is assessed, or an opportunity for innovation and improvement is merely stated or described with no evidence that criteria have been used to make an assessment


An opportunity for innovation and improvement in own organisation is assessed and a judgement made using appropriate criteria, although the evidence base is limited

An opportunity for innovation and improvement in own organisation is comprehensively assessed and a judgement made using a wide range of appropriate criteria

Assessor feedback on AC




AC 2.2

Justify the improvement identified, in the context of organisational objectives



Good Pass

The improvement identified is not justified in the context of organisational objectives to present a rationale for undertaking the improvement, or the limited organisational objectives provided do not justify the improvement identified

The improvement identified is justified in the context of a number of key organisational objectives to present a limited but sufficient rationale for undertaking the improvement

The improvement identified is justified in the context of a number of key strategic and operational organisational objectives to present a comprehensive, quantified, rationale for undertaking the improvement

Assessor feedback on AC




AC 2.3

Use a range of techniques to generate innovative options to deliver the improvement identified



Good Pass

No options are generated, or options are merely listed or presented with no evidence of how the options have been generated, or the techniques have been used inappropriately, or it is not clear how the options will deliver an improvement or a new or better product, process or service

Limited but sufficient evidence is provided that a narrow range of appropriate techniques have been correctly used to generate innovative options that will deliver an improvement or a new or better product, process or service

Evidence is provided that a wide range of appropriate techniques have been correctly used to generate innovative options that will deliver an improvement or a new or better product, process or service

Assessor feedback on AC




AC 2.4

Evaluate options for generating the proposed improvement to determine feasibility and viability



Good Pass

Options are not evaluated to determine feasibility and viability in order to reach a conclusion or to make recommendations, or the options are inappropriate, or the evaluations are not sufficiently detailed to reach a conclusion or to make recommendations

Limited but sufficient appropriate options are evaluated to determine feasibility and viability in order to reach a conclusion or to make recommendations, although the options are not always sufficiently detailed and/or the ranking of options is not explicit

Detailed and quantified appropriate options are evaluated and ranked using transparent and relevant criteria to determine feasibility and viability in order to reach a conclusion or to make recommendations

Assessor feedback on AC





Learning Outcome 3: Be able to lead and manage change within an organisation

Assessment Criteria (AC)

Sufficiency Descriptors [Typical standard that, if replicated across the whole submission, would produce a referral, borderline pass or good pass result]

AC 3.1

Create a change management plan that is designed to meet stakeholders’ expectations



Good Pass

No stakeholder mapping is undertaken and provided in order to identify and profile key stakeholders or to identify stakeholder expectations

No change management plan for the innovation and improvement is created, or a change management plan is created that: is not based on a provided stakeholder mapping does not take account of stakeholders’ expectations does not identify how stakeholders should be managed lacks the detail required for implementation.

Limited but sufficient stakeholder mapping identifies and profiles key stakeholders and identifies stakeholder expectations

A limited but sufficient change management plan for the innovation and improvement is created that is based on the stakeholder mapping and stakeholders’ expectations and includes actions needed to be taken and timescales, although further work is needed for full implementation

The change management plan identifies how the different stakeholders should be managed and who is responsible for managing the stakeholders, although key concerns, risks and mitigating factors are not fully addressed, and additional detail is required for full implementation

Comprehensive stakeholder mapping identifies and profiles key stakeholders and identifies stakeholder expectations

A comprehensive and SMART change management plan for the innovation and improvement is created that is based on the stakeholder mapping and stakeholders’ expectations

A comprehensive change management plan details key concerns, risks and mitigating factors, identifies how the different stakeholders should be managed and who is responsible for managing the stakeholders, and provides the level of detail required for full implementation.

Assessor feedback on AC




AC 3.2

Implement the change management plan, monitoring progress against agreed targets



Good Pass

There is no evidence provided that the change management plan has been, or is being, implemented

Monitoring progress against agreed targets has not been addressed in the change management plan, is incorrect, or is inappropriate or insufficient for implementation

There is limited but sufficient evidence provided that the change management plan has been, or is being, implemented

Monitoring progress against agreed targets has been addressed in the change management plan, although additional detail is required for full monitoring

Comprehensive evidence is provided that the change management plan has been, or is being, implemented

Monitoring progress against agreed targets has fully been addressed in the change management plan and has the level of detail required for full monitoring  

Assessor feedback on AC



Assessor Decision

Overall Outcome


Overall Comments



Signature of assessor




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