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Assignment Briefs 11-23-2024

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.

XGBSHN5102 Nutrition Biochemistry

  XGBSHN5102 Nutrition Biochemistry – Report

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it.

Short introduction to the task:

This information relates to the 2000-word assignment.

Within the 2000-word assignment, there are two tasks which relate explicitly to the module learning outcomes, and these are weighted equally so, please ensure that your word count for each part is evenly distributed (i.e. 1000 words for each).

Task 1 1000 words

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.

Task 2 1000 words

With reference to relevant authoritative guidelines and scientific literature appraise the possible role of both diet and exercise for the management of hypertension.

Key terms:

Biochemical = the chemical processes and substances which occur within living organisms

Physiological = the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.

Key Resources:

Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE

Heart statistics - Heart and Circulatory Diseases in the UK | BHF

DASH Eating Plan | NHLBI, NIH

What is the DASH diet? | BBC Good Food

DASH Diet - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet (diabetes.co.uk)

Barasi, M. E. (2007). Nutrition at a glance. Oxford: Blackwell.

Blake, J. S., Munoz, K. D. and Volpe, S. (2016) Nutrition: from science to you. 3rd ed. London. Pearson Education.

Dept. of Health. (2012) Manual of Nutrition 12th ed. London. TSO.

Geissler, C. and Powers, H. (Eds.) (2017). Human Nutrition, 13th ed. Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Hardman, A. E. and Stensel, D. J. (2009). Physical Activity and Health: the Evidence Explained. London. Routledge.

Lanham-New, S. A., Macdonald, I.A., and Roche, H. M., (2011) Nutrition and metabolism, 2nd ed., Chichester. Nutrition Society/Wiley-Blackwell.

Lean, M.E.J., Combet, E., and Barasi M.E. (2017). Barasi’s human nutrition: a health perspective.  (3rd ed.) BocaRaton. CRC press.

Mann, J.A. and Truswell, A. S. (2017). Essentials of Human Nutrition (5th ed). Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Sehar, I. Klammer, N. Ekmekcioglu, C. (2019) The Effect of Electrolytes on Blood Pressure: A Brief Summary of Meta-Analyses Nutrients. 11:6. p.1362.

Sizer, F. and Whitney, E. (2017). Nutrition Concepts and Controversies (13h ed).  Australia. Cengage Learning.

Volpe, S.L, Sabelawski, S.B. and Mohr, C.R. (2007). Fitness Nutrition for Special Dietary Needs. Champaign (IL). Human Kinetics.

Williams, M.H., Anderson, D.E. and Rawson E.S. (2013). Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. New York. McGraw-Hill.

Web resources

Sports Discus (Accessible thought LRC website)

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez (PubMed; Comprehensive collection of journals).

www.ingentaconnect.com  (Comprehensive collection of abstracts and journals).

American College of Sports Medicine www.acsm.org



In your introduction, please introduce the area that you are discussing in your essay

  1. Hypertension is… (one sentence)
  2. Why is it a public health issue – ‘too many people live with it, too many people die from it’
  3. Statistics that you find connected with this/these issue(s)

Task 1 0-1000 words

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.

As a minimum you should ensure that you address the following -

  1. Key definitions and symptoms associated with the condition

What are normal blood pressure values, diastolic/systolic and how we determine normal/high/low values (refer to evidence)

  1. Symptoms (category) – ‘silent killer’
  2. Explain the causes of the condition by referring to relevant biochemical and physiological mechanisms. Please include the impact of sodium, potassium and calcium
  3. Characterise the incidence and prevalence of the condition, consider any connections with this that are apparent.

Which groups have higher rates – gender, ethnicity, disability, location (between cities, countries) (stats)

Why are these groups at higher risk?

4. Have any campaigns been started or indeed had any impact?

Identify whether they focus on a specific group (national campaign and specific)

In what way has the campaign succeeded (look at the host website)

  1. What guidelines are available? How have the guidelines impacted society and why have these outcomes occurred? Refer to NICE guidelines – a standout summary point for each of the 4 sections.
  2. Discussion of any changes in the authoritative guidelines that have been used to define hypertension (and the influence of such changes on incidence data) and what studies have been performed to update and improve guidelines?

Task 2 1000 words

With reference to relevant authoritative guidelines and scientific literature appraise the possible role of both diet and exercise for the management of hypertension.

As a minimum you should outline…

  • The effects that modified dietary intake and increased exercise adherence may have on the management of symptoms

What are the guidelines for diet changes for someone with high blood pressure

How will this help – biochemical, physiological changes will there be and how will it improve symptoms?

What are the guidelines for exercise changes for someone with high blood pressure?

  • Identify societal issues which may impact on individuals across demographics following diet and exercise patterns that reduce hypertension


Location – facilities, transport to leisure centres, availability

Age – elderly (reluctance), younger adults – embrace change

Support of family –

Employment – Time and money

Gender – norms

Ethnicity – cultural norms – diet for example

Link the societal issues back to the diet and exercise guidelines

To improve your mark, a solid piece of work should demonstrate a secure understanding of…

  • The acute and chronic effects that modified dietary intake and increased exercise adherence may have on the management of symptoms
  • Critique of key studies that have focused on the effects of manipulating dietary intake and exercise in hypertensive individuals

Practical recommendations to individuals who have such conditions

To conclude consider practical recommendations that can be given to individuals who have such conditions.

Rubric used to mark:




Exceptional 1st

100, 95

Outstanding 1st





68, 65, 62


58, 55, 52


48, 45, 42


38, 35, 32

Abject Fail

25, 20, 10, 0

Knowledge and Understanding

Polished grasp of subject. Astute and authoritative approach to complexity.

Comprehensive and confident grasp with strong sense of subject complexity.

Thorough understanding evident and well applied to specific assessment task.

Secure, general understanding and reasonable application to assessment task.

Sound knowledge relevant to the assessment task.

Limited knowledge shows basic understanding. Some awareness of the context of the assessment task.

Faulty understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or mostly absent content.

No understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or absent content.

Structure and Argument


Effective and integrated over-arching argument or structure, clear, insightful synthesis. Highly creative understanding of topic.

Effective overall argument with clear and insightful connections between claims. Creative understanding of topic. 

Clear and logical focus and direction with valuable connections made between claims.  Good level of creativity. 

Well-focused on the question with some clear connections made between claims and some overall direction.  Some creativity. 

Addresses the topic with some direction and makes some connections between claims or different parts of artefact/assignment.

Argument is weak and difficult to detect. Connections made between statements limited

Lack of argument. Faulty connection between statements.

No argument. Many faulty connections between statements.

Analysis and Conclusions


Original and searching analysis, critical appraisal of task and judicious conclusions.

Searching analysis with pertinent conclusions drawn.

Insightful analysis throughout with appropriate conclusions drawn.

Strong analysis of salient illustrative examples. Some general conclusions drawn.

Some conclusions drawn based on some reasonable comparisons and examples.

Basic analysis. Remains descriptive, little evaluation or comparison. Few clear conclusions.

Insufficient  evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical insufficient.

No evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical or absent.

Sources & Evidence


Extensive and evaluative use of evidential support for argument.

Extensive use of evidence with some evaluation.


Clear support of argument with well selected evidence.


Draws on relevant independent sources and evidence to support claims.

Makes simple use of evidence from recommended sources.

Relies on superficial statements with little supporting evidence.

Lack of evidence or relevant sources.

No evidence or relevant sources.

Adherence to Referencing Conventions, Technical Skills

Flawless referencing or technical skills.

Flawless referencing or technical skills.

Excellent referencing or technical skills.

Consistent and accurate referencing or technical skills.

Largely consistent accurate referencing or technical skills.

Limited referencing/ adherence to convention or technical skills.

Inadequate referencing or technical skills.

Inadequate or no referencing or technical skills.

Written/Visual/ Oral

Style & Clarity


Professional and sophisticated with exceptional clarity and coherence. Excellent, controlled, confident delivery, pace, and audience engagement.

Professional and fluent with great clarity and coherence. Confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.

Fluent and accurate with great clarity and coherence. Mostly confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.

Clear and coherent. Good delivery, pace and audience engagement

Some lapses of clarity. Some expression is ineffective. Satisfactory delivery, pace and audience engagement

Adequate, but awkward expression throughout with little clarity. Poor delivery, pace and audience engagement

Inadequate and unclear presentation. Impaired communication. Error-strewn.

Grossly inadequate and unclear presentation. Severely impaired communication.


Rubrics used to mark


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Exceptional comprehension of the implications of the question and critical understanding of the theoretical and methodological issues for this level
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and exceptionally sophisticated usage.


  • A critical, analytical and sophisticated argument that is logically structured and well-supported
  • Evidence of independent thought and ability to ‘see beyond the question’
  • Evidence of reading widely beyond the prescribed reading list and creative use of evidence to enhance the overall argument; demonstrates the ability to synthesise appropriate principles by reference, where appropriate, to primary sources and knowledge at the forefront of the discipline


  • Extremely well presented: no grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style; exemplary referencing and bibliographic formatting.

72, 75, 78%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage


  • A coherent argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence
  • Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically
  • Use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list


  • High quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style.

62, 65, 68%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • very good knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues
  • Very good technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage


  • Very good argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence
  • Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically
  • Very good use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list


  • Very good quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style

52, 55, 58%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Good comprehension of the subject, though there may be some errors and/or gaps, and some awareness of underlying theoretical/methodological issues with little understanding of how they relate to the question
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: limited, perhaps attempted, but not always successful usage


  • Capacity for argument is limited with a tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence; structure may not be evident
  • Tendency to be descriptive rather than critical, but some attempt at analysis
  • Some attempt to go beyond or criticise the ‘essential reading’ for the unit; displaying limited capacity to discern between relevant and non-relevant material


  • Adequately presented: writing style conveys meaning but is sometimes awkward; some significant grammatical and spelling errors; inconsistent referencing but generally accurate bibliography.

42, 45, 48%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Limited and/or basic knowledge and understanding with significant errors and omissions and generally ignorant or confused awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: little and/or inaccurate usage


  • Largely misses the point of the question, asserts rather than argues a case; underdeveloped or chaotic structure; evidence mentioned but used inappropriately or incorrectly
  • Very little attempt at analysis or synthesis, tending towards excessive description.
  • Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a narrow range of sources


  • Satisfactorily presented: but not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors; limited attempt at providing references (e.g. only referencing direct quotations) and containing bibliographic omissions.

32, 35, 38%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Shows very limited understanding and knowledge of the subject and/or misses the point of the question
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or misunderstood


  • Incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly.
  • Unsatisfactory analytical skills
  • Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources.


  • Unsatisfactory presentation e.g. not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.

0, 10, 20, 25%

Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future

This grade is subject to moderation

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Shows little or no knowledge and understanding of the subject, no awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues and/or fails to address the question
  • Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or fundamentally misunderstood


  • Unsuccessful or no attempt to construct an argument and an incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly
  • Very poor analytical skills
  • Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources


  • Very poor quality of presentation and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.


Video link that explains the task:

Please click on the TV or scan the QR code with your device:

Example Answer

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.

The Biochemical and Physiological Underpinnings of Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a medical condition defined by consistently elevated pressure in the arterial walls due to increased cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, or both. This silent yet pervasive condition poses a significant public health challenge as it often goes undiagnosed until severe complications arise, such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, or stroke. It is described as a “silent killer” because individuals may remain asymptomatic for years, increasing the risk of life-threatening outcomes. As the World Health Organization (WHO) notes, over 1.28 billion adults globally live with hypertension, but only a fraction are diagnosed, treated, or controlled effectively. The high morbidity and mortality associated with hypertension make it one of the foremost contributors to global disease burden.

Defining Hypertension and its Symptoms

Hypertension is clinically diagnosed when blood pressure readings consistently exceed the threshold values of 140 mmHg systolic and/or 90 mmHg diastolic, as established by guidelines such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Blood pressure is classified into categories:

  • Normal blood pressure: Systolic <120 mmHg and Diastolic <80 mmHg
  • Elevated blood pressure: Systolic 120–129 mmHg and Diastolic <80 mmHg
  • Hypertension Stage 1: Systolic 130–139 mmHg or Diastolic 80–89 mmHg
  • Hypertension Stage 2: Systolic ≥140 mmHg or Diastolic ≥90 mmHg

Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer, with values representing the force exerted during cardiac contraction (systolic pressure) and relaxation (diastolic pressure). Persistent hypertension increases the workload on the heart and damages blood vessel walls, predisposing individuals to complications such as atherosclerosis.

Despite being largely asymptomatic, symptoms associated with advanced hypertension may include headaches, shortness of breath, and dizziness. However, these signs often appear only when significant end-organ damage has occurred.

Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms Underpinning Hypertension

Hypertension results from complex interactions between genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and biochemical pathways that regulate vascular tone and fluid balance. Key mechanisms include:

  1. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS):
    The RAAS plays a critical role in blood pressure regulation by controlling vascular resistance and sodium retention. Angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, raises blood pressure by narrowing blood vessels, while aldosterone promotes sodium and water retention, increasing blood volume. Overactivation of the RAAS is a hallmark of primary hypertension.

  2. Sodium and Potassium Balance:
    Excess dietary sodium intake increases blood volume and pressure by impairing the kidneys’ ability to excrete sodium, leading to fluid retention.


  XGBSHN5102 Nutrition Biochemistry – Report

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it.

Short introduction to the task:


This information relates to the 2000-word assignment.

DEADLINE: 14th June 2024


Within the 2000-word assignment, there are two tasks which relate explicitly to the module learning outcomes, and these are weighted equally so, please ensure that your word count for each part is evenly distributed (i.e. 1000 words for each).


Task 1 1000 words

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.


Task 2 1000 words

With reference to relevant authoritative guidelines and scientific literature appraise the possible role of both diet and exercise for the management of hypertension.


Key terms:


Biochemical = the chemical processes and substances which occur within living organisms


Physiological = the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.



Key Resources:



Hypertension in adults: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE

Heart statistics - Heart and Circulatory Diseases in the UK | BHF

DASH Eating Plan | NHLBI, NIH

What is the DASH diet? | BBC Good Food

DASH Diet - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet (diabetes.co.uk)


Barasi, M. E. (2007). Nutrition at a glance. Oxford: Blackwell.


Blake, J. S., Munoz, K. D. and Volpe, S. (2016) Nutrition: from science to you. 3rd ed. London. Pearson Education.


Dept. of Health. (2012) Manual of Nutrition 12th ed. London. TSO.


Geissler, C. and Powers, H. (Eds.) (2017). Human Nutrition, 13th ed. Oxford. Oxford University Press.


Hardman, A. E. and Stensel, D. J. (2009). Physical Activity and Health: the Evidence Explained. London. Routledge.


Lanham-New, S. A., Macdonald, I.A., and Roche, H. M., (2011) Nutrition and metabolism, 2nd ed., Chichester. Nutrition Society/Wiley-Blackwell.


Lean, M.E.J., Combet, E., and Barasi M.E. (2017). Barasi’s human nutrition: a health perspective.  (3rd ed.) BocaRaton. CRC press.


Mann, J.A. and Truswell, A. S. (2017). Essentials of Human Nutrition (5th ed). Oxford. Oxford University Press.


Sehar, I. Klammer, N. Ekmekcioglu, C. (2019) The Effect of Electrolytes on Blood Pressure: A Brief Summary of Meta-Analyses Nutrients. 11:6. p.1362.


Sizer, F. and Whitney, E. (2017). Nutrition Concepts and Controversies (13h ed).  Australia. Cengage Learning.


Volpe, S.L, Sabelawski, S.B. and Mohr, C.R. (2007). Fitness Nutrition for Special Dietary Needs. Champaign (IL). Human Kinetics.


Williams, M.H., Anderson, D.E. and Rawson E.S. (2013). Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. New York. McGraw-Hill.


Web resources

Sports Discus (Accessible thought LRC website)


www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez (PubMed; Comprehensive collection of journals).


www.ingentaconnect.com  (Comprehensive collection of abstracts and journals).


American College of Sports Medicine www.acsm.org








In your introduction, please introduce the area that you are discussing in your essay

1.      Hypertension is… (one sentence)

2.      Why is it a public health issue – ‘too many people live with it, too many people die from it’

3.      Statistics that you find connected with this/these issue(s)


Task 1 0-1000 words

Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.


As a minimum you should ensure that you address the following -

1.      Key definitions and symptoms associated with the condition

What are normal blood pressure values, diastolic/systolic and how we determine normal/high/low values (refer to evidence)

2.      Symptoms (category) – ‘silent killer’

3.      Explain the causes of the condition by referring to relevant biochemical and physiological mechanisms. Please include the impact of sodium, potassium and calcium

4.      Characterise the incidence and prevalence of the condition, consider any connections with this that are apparent.

Which groups have higher rates – gender, ethnicity, disability, location (between cities, countries) (stats)

Why are these groups at higher risk?

5.      Have any campaigns been started or indeed had any impact?

Identify whether they focus on a specific group (national campaign and specific)

In what way has the campaign succeeded (look at the host website)

6.      What guidelines are available? How have the guidelines impacted society and why have these outcomes occurred? Refer to NICE guidelines – a standout summary point for each of the 4 sections.

7.      Discussion of any changes in the authoritative guidelines that have been used to define hypertension (and the influence of such changes on incidence data) and what studies have been performed to update and improve guidelines?


Task 2 1000 words

With reference to relevant authoritative guidelines and scientific literature appraise the possible role of both diet and exercise for the management of hypertension.


As a minimum you should outline…


ü    The effects that modified dietary intake and increased exercise adherence may have on the management of symptoms


What are the guidelines for diet changes for someone with high blood pressure

How will this help – biochemical, physiological changes will there be and how will it improve symptoms?

What are the guidelines for exercise changes for someone with high blood pressure?


ü    Identify societal issues which may impact on individuals across demographics following diet and exercise patterns that reduce hypertension


Location – facilities, transport to leisure centres, availability

Age – elderly (reluctance), younger adults – embrace change

Support of family –

Employment – Time and money

Gender – norms

Ethnicity – cultural norms – diet for example

Link the societal issues back to the diet and exercise guidelines


To improve your mark, a solid piece of work should demonstrate a secure understanding of…

ü    The acute and chronic effects that modified dietary intake and increased exercise adherence may have on the management of symptoms

ü    Critique of key studies that have focused on the effects of manipulating dietary intake and exercise in hypertensive individuals

Practical recommendations to individuals who have such conditions


To conclude consider practical recommendations that can be given to individuals who have such conditions.




Rubric used to mark:





Exceptional 1st

100, 95

Outstanding 1st





68, 65, 62


58, 55, 52


48, 45, 42


38, 35, 32

Abject Fail

25, 20, 10, 0

Knowledge and Understanding

Polished grasp of subject. Astute and authoritative approach to complexity.

Comprehensive and confident grasp with strong sense of subject complexity.

Thorough understanding evident and well applied to specific assessment task.

Secure, general understanding and reasonable application to assessment task.

Sound knowledge relevant to the assessment task.

Limited knowledge shows basic understanding. Some awareness of the context of the assessment task.

Faulty understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or mostly absent content.

No understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or absent content.

Structure and Argument


Effective and integrated over-arching argument or structure, clear, insightful synthesis. Highly creative understanding of topic.

Effective overall argument with clear and insightful connections between claims. Creative understanding of topic. 

Clear and logical focus and direction with valuable connections made between claims.  Good level of creativity. 

Well-focused on the question with some clear connections made between claims and some overall direction.  Some creativity. 

Addresses the topic with some direction and makes some connections between claims or different parts of artefact/assignment.

Argument is weak and difficult to detect. Connections made between statements limited

Lack of argument. Faulty connection between statements.

No argument. Many faulty connections between statements.

Analysis and Conclusions


Original and searching analysis, critical appraisal of task and judicious conclusions.

Searching analysis with pertinent conclusions drawn.

Insightful analysis throughout with appropriate conclusions drawn.

Strong analysis of salient illustrative examples. Some general conclusions drawn.

Some conclusions drawn based on some reasonable comparisons and examples.

Basic analysis. Remains descriptive, little evaluation or comparison. Few clear conclusions.

Insufficient  evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical insufficient.

No evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical or absent.

Sources & Evidence


Extensive and evaluative use of evidential support for argument.

Extensive use of evidence with some evaluation.


Clear support of argument with well selected evidence.


Draws on relevant independent sources and evidence to support claims.

Makes simple use of evidence from recommended sources.

Relies on superficial statements with little supporting evidence.

Lack of evidence or relevant sources.

No evidence or relevant sources.

Adherence to Referencing Conventions, Technical Skills

Flawless referencing or technical skills.

Flawless referencing or technical skills.

Excellent referencing or technical skills.

Consistent and accurate referencing or technical skills.

Largely consistent accurate referencing or technical skills.

Limited referencing/ adherence to convention or technical skills.

Inadequate referencing or technical skills.

Inadequate or no referencing or technical skills.

Written/Visual/ Oral

Style & Clarity


Professional and sophisticated with exceptional clarity and coherence. Excellent, controlled, confident delivery, pace, and audience engagement.

Professional and fluent with great clarity and coherence. Confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.

Fluent and accurate with great clarity and coherence. Mostly confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.

Clear and coherent. Good delivery, pace and audience engagement

Some lapses of clarity. Some expression is ineffective. Satisfactory delivery, pace and audience engagement

Adequate, but awkward expression throughout with little clarity. Poor delivery, pace and audience engagement

Inadequate and unclear presentation. Impaired communication. Error-strewn.

Grossly inadequate and unclear presentation. Severely impaired communication.



Rubrics used to mark





Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation


Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Exceptional comprehension of the implications of the question and critical understanding of the theoretical and methodological issues for this level

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and exceptionally sophisticated usage.



ü  A critical, analytical and sophisticated argument that is logically structured and well-supported

ü  Evidence of independent thought and ability to ‘see beyond the question’

ü  Evidence of reading widely beyond the prescribed reading list and creative use of evidence to enhance the overall argument; demonstrates the ability to synthesise appropriate principles by reference, where appropriate, to primary sources and knowledge at the forefront of the discipline



ü  Extremely well presented: no grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style; exemplary referencing and bibliographic formatting.


72, 75, 78%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation


Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Excellent knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage



ü  A coherent argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence

ü  Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically

ü  Use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list



ü  High quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style.


62, 65, 68%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation


Knowledge and Understanding

ü  very good knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues

ü  Very good technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage



ü  Very good argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence

ü  Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically

ü  Very good use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list



ü  Very good quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style.





52, 55, 58%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation



Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Good comprehension of the subject, though there may be some errors and/or gaps, and some awareness of underlying theoretical/methodological issues with little understanding of how they relate to the question

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: limited, perhaps attempted, but not always successful usage



ü  Capacity for argument is limited with a tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence; structure may not be evident

ü  Tendency to be descriptive rather than critical, but some attempt at analysis

ü  Some attempt to go beyond or criticise the ‘essential reading’ for the unit; displaying limited capacity to discern between relevant and non-relevant material




ü  Adequately presented: writing style conveys meaning but is sometimes awkward; some significant grammatical and spelling errors; inconsistent referencing but generally accurate bibliography.

42, 45, 48%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation



Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Limited and/or basic knowledge and understanding with significant errors and omissions and generally ignorant or confused awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: little and/or inaccurate usage



ü  Largely misses the point of the question, asserts rather than argues a case; underdeveloped or chaotic structure; evidence mentioned but used inappropriately or incorrectly

ü  Very little attempt at analysis or synthesis, tending towards excessive description.

ü  Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a narrow range of sources



ü  Satisfactorily presented: but not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors; limited attempt at providing references (e.g. only referencing direct quotations) and containing bibliographic omissions.


32, 35, 38%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation



Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Shows very limited understanding and knowledge of the subject and/or misses the point of the question

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or misunderstood



ü  Incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly.

ü  Unsatisfactory analytical skills

ü  Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources.



ü  Unsatisfactory presentation e.g. not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.

0, 10, 20, 25%


Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future


This grade is subject to moderation



Knowledge and Understanding

ü  Shows little or no knowledge and understanding of the subject, no awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues and/or fails to address the question

ü  Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or fundamentally misunderstood



ü  Unsuccessful or no attempt to construct an argument and an incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly

ü  Very poor analytical skills

ü  Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources



ü  o Very poor quality of presentation and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.




Video link that explains the task:



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Higher Nationals – Assignment Brief Unit 16:Managing the Cust...

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Why is the British media regularly singl

Reasons British Media Regularly Singled Out as Islamophobic! The British media ...

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Write an academic essay that discusses h

For: ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Health and Social Care ATHE Level 4 Extended Di...