Rubric used to mark:
Rubrics used to mark
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Knowledge and Understanding
ü Exceptional comprehension of the implications of the question and critical understanding of the theoretical and methodological issues for this level
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and exceptionally sophisticated usage.
ü A critical, analytical and sophisticated argument that is logically structured and well-supported
ü Evidence of independent thought and ability to ‘see beyond the question’
ü Evidence of reading widely beyond the prescribed reading list and creative use of evidence to enhance the overall argument; demonstrates the ability to synthesise appropriate principles by reference, where appropriate, to primary sources and knowledge at the forefront of the discipline
ü Extremely well presented: no grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style; exemplary referencing and bibliographic formatting.
72, 75, 78%
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Knowledge and Understanding
ü Excellent knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage
ü A coherent argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence
ü Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically
ü Use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list
ü High quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style.
62, 65, 68%
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Knowledge and Understanding
ü very good knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of theoretical & methodological issues
ü Very good technical vocabulary, where appropriate: accurate and sophisticated usage
ü Very good argument that is logically structured and supported by evidence
ü Demonstrates a capacity for intellectual initiative/ independent thought and an ability to engage with the material critically
ü Very good use of appropriate material from a range of sources extending beyond the reading list
ü Very good quality organisation and style of presentation (including referencing); minimal grammatical or spelling errors; written in a fluent and engaging style.
52, 55, 58%
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Knowledge and Understanding
ü Good comprehension of the subject, though there may be some errors and/or gaps, and some awareness of underlying theoretical/methodological issues with little understanding of how they relate to the question
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: limited, perhaps attempted, but not always successful usage
ü Capacity for argument is limited with a tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence; structure may not be evident
ü Tendency to be descriptive rather than critical, but some attempt at analysis
ü Some attempt to go beyond or criticise the ‘essential reading’ for the unit; displaying limited capacity to discern between relevant and non-relevant material
ü Adequately presented: writing style conveys meaning but is sometimes awkward; some significant grammatical and spelling errors; inconsistent referencing but generally accurate bibliography.
42, 45, 48%
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Knowledge and Understanding
ü Limited and/or basic knowledge and understanding with significant errors and omissions and generally ignorant or confused awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: little and/or inaccurate usage
ü Largely misses the point of the question, asserts rather than argues a case; underdeveloped or chaotic structure; evidence mentioned but used inappropriately or incorrectly
ü Very little attempt at analysis or synthesis, tending towards excessive description.
ü Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a narrow range of sources
ü Satisfactorily presented: but not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors; limited attempt at providing references (e.g. only referencing direct quotations) and containing bibliographic omissions.
32, 35, 38%
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This grade is subject to moderation
Knowledge and Understanding
ü Shows very limited understanding and knowledge of the subject and/or misses the point of the question
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or misunderstood
ü Incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly.
ü Unsatisfactory analytical skills
ü Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources.
ü Unsatisfactory presentation e.g. not always easy to follow; frequent grammatical and spelling errors and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.
0, 10, 20, 25%
Thank you for submitting this assignment please read the feedback to improve your work in future
This grade is subject to moderation
Knowledge and Understanding
ü Shows little or no knowledge and understanding of the subject, no awareness of key theoretical/ methodological issues and/or fails to address the question
ü Technical vocabulary, where appropriate: no usage, or fundamentally misunderstood
ü Unsuccessful or no attempt to construct an argument and an incoherent or illogical structure; evidence used inappropriately or incorrectly
ü Very poor analytical skills
ü Limited, uncritical and generally confused account of a very narrow range of sources
ü o Very poor quality of presentation and limited or no attempt at providing references and containing bibliographic omissions.